Viva La Vida (Harry Styles Fa...

By wingsmarina

1.4K 13 7

Melrose Martin had an odd life. She grew up on the road with her fathers band, Coldplay and never regretted a... More

Nice To Meet You...Not.
Fresh Start
Jack and Rose
Messing Around
Fixing & Breaking
Home Is Where My Broken Heart Is
Irish Charm

Cupcakes and You

158 1 0
By wingsmarina

Melrose POV

After I ran out of the back room, I raced to the front of the tour bus. No way was I about to stay here. I could literally feel the blush creeping up on my face.

Why did I get so flustered back there with Harry? What is this? He probably hates me now. Wait, what do I care what he thinks of me? Oh god, Melrose..NOT AGAIN.

You see, this isn't the first time I've fallen in love with a band member... and it went horribly wrong.

Back in December, my Dad was recording some new music that could potentially be on a new album. I always tag along to things like this, because I myself like to mess around with the editing. I also write songs as well. Dad things I'm multitalented. I just say I'm very gifted. 

Anyways, in comes The Wanted, with hot guy Nathan Sykes. Now, I am a huge fan, so naturally, I was foaming at the mouth.

We got on real well and basically, he asked me out. Dad was unsure about our relationship, but since he knew Nathan, he was alright with it.

I wish he hadn't been.

Me and Nathan got on so well, people automatically assumed we were a couple, when actually we hadn't really made anything official yet. 

After a couple of weeks of texting and hanging out, I decided I would give him a suprise visit. Never give anybody suprise visits.

I walked in on him snogging some other girl. I probably looked stupid standing there. I actually apologized to him as I ran out the door. Dumbass. He should have apologized to ME!

Blah, blah, blah, I was pissed. I got over it and now fast forward to today where, Oh look, Melrose is falling for another fucking boyband member. 

I was right. Today is a shitty day.

I snapped out of my little flashback and looked up to see Josh staring at me. I looked at my lap and I had a cupcake tin sitting in my lap. There were supposed to be 6 cupcakes in there, but there was only one left and I had it in my hands...with a bite taken out of it.

I looked up at him with watery eyes. "Did I just eat all of these by myself?"

He nodded and just stared at me. "Yeah man, you literally have been sitting there, staring at the wall, mutter something about boys being fucktards, and you ate the whole cupcake tin." He paused before his face grew a wide smile. "That was awesome! You down food like a man!"

Yeah it was awesome alright. Here I was thinking that this tour was going to be emotion free. No drama. Just simple, easy, and laid back. But no. My feelings had to give a damn.

"You doing it again, Melrose. Melrose? Are you alright?" Josh was clapping his hands trying to snap me out of my daze again.

"Wha, What? Oh yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I looked at him. He was looking at something on my cheek. I reached up to my face and felt  wetness. Are you kidding me? I was crying already? I have to get out of here. I really do.

Harry POV

I just laid there on the floor for a little bit. In the darkness. There was a lot I didn't know about Melrose, but I intended on finding it out. 

I don't know what it is that drew me to her. Maybe it was the fact that she didn't really like me at first. Maybe it was her smile. Maybe it was her laugh. Maybe it was just, her.

Whatever it was, I needed to get closer to her to find out. This will either be a good tour or a sucky tour and me and Melroses' relationship depended on that.

I heard laughter coming from the front of the bus. I guess I better go be social.

Louis and Niall were watching 21 Jump Street. Of course, they were the comedy guys. Me, I liked romance movies. But don't let anyone else know that.

I sat on the couch next to Zayn. We were in traffic and hadn't moved so much as an inch.

Niall laughed as he tapped away on his phone. "Man, I feel bad for Josh." I gave him a confused look as he spoke.

"He just said he sat and watched Melrose eat the whole tin of cupcakes. He also said she was just staring into space muttering incoherent things." Niall made a coo coo motion next to his head.

I got a little nervous, was Melrose acting funny because of me? I needed to make it clear to her that we are friends. Well, until I find out what I feel for her. 

Maybe she just felt our friendship was moving to fast? I'm assuming so much. 

I'm never this girly...what's wrong with me.

I decided I'd go over to her bus and talk to her. Maybe she'd be in a better mood?

I left the bus and knocked on the other one to be greeted by Josh. "Hey man, come on in!" I stepped in and saw the empty cupcake tin on the floor with tissues around it. I quirked my eyebrows at him. "Oh, ha. Melrose had a crying session. She went on for about 15 minutes and I still couldn't get her to tell me why."

"Where is she?" I asked him nonchalantly. He pointed to the very back room. The room we had just been in moments ago in my bus.

I nodded and softly knocked on the door.

"Whhaaaaaattt?!?" I hear a loud whimper come from behind the doors.

Melrose POV

I heard a knock at the door. I hoped it was Josh with my tea. I asked for it about an hour ago, but he told me to stop being a baby and make it myself. It took all I had not to punch the shit out of him.

Our back room was a little different than the boys. Ours had a bed and a TV. It also had the stars on the top, which was a plus. I liked them. This would be my new room!

After I completely stuffed my face with cupcakes, I grabbed the popcorn and 2 Liter of Coke and went back to the room. I popped in Titanic. I was an emotional eater and when I felt depressed I watched movies that made me cry and just stuffed my face.

I was half hanging off the bed when I replied to whoever was at the door. "Whhatttt?!"

I saw the door open. It let a lot of light flood in. I had all the blinds closed and all the lights off so I couldn't see who it was until he spoke.

"May I join you?"



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