I'd wait forever (CAMREN)


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Why do I have to love her? Why can't she see? Why does she choose her? Why can't she see she deserves more? W... Еще

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 2

92 4 0

What the hell am I even doing? Why am I here comforting her? 

This isn't the first time I've been woken up at 3 am to comfort a very distraught Lauren and here we are again. I don't even know why I still bother telling her everything is gonna be ok and that she didn't mean it, when I know in a week or two we'll be right back here. 

But I can't do this anymore.

"Get out Lauren" I said harshly

"wh-what wh-wh-why?" she said through her sobs 

Stay cool Camila, stay cool

"Because this is so fucking pointless and I am so tired of this stupid game!"


"I am so sick of this fucking shit, you are so fucking stupid! She doesn't even love you! She always cheats on you, and then I have to pick up the fucking pieces and I'm done! You deserve someone who is actually gonna love you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated and she doesn't fucking do that! SO until you realize that, don't fucking come crying to me again!" I said

Holy shit ok that was not suppose to happen

Lauren looked at me with wide eyes before she slapped me then ran out of my room crying more than she was when she first walked in here

When I finally realized what happened I started crying. 

Why does it feel like I've just ruined everything

The next day

I didn't get any sleep because I was crying all night

Today was not going to be a good day, or any day for that matter after what happened last night. I still can't believe what I said. I was just so pissed that Lauren lets Lucy walk all over her and use her, yet she forgives her in a heartbeat. I'm just so pissed because I don't know why she doesn't break up with her? Why doesn't she see that she deserves someone who truly loves her? Why cant she see that I love her? 

"Wait, what!?" I thought to myself

Did I really just think that. What the hell. I am so confused, did I really just think that? What the actual hell, shes my step sister there's no way that I am in love with her.

I mean sure I get mad every time I see Lucy, and I get super jealous when I see her and Lucy together, or that every time I look at her I get these butterflies in stomach or whenever she touches me I  feel electricity surge through my entire body and whenever she looks at me I feel like I'm flying or whenever she- shit I'm in love with Lauren

This is so fucking weird. She's my sister, not by blood, but we grew up together. Well I guess that explains that gut wrenching feeling in my stomach  every time I see her with Lucy and omg I've ruined everything. 

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I screamed and completely trashed my room.

I kicked my door. I slammed my bookshelf, which caused books to fly everywhere. But I didn't care.

My anger suddenly turned into sadness. So I ran

I ran down stairs and straight out the front door and just kept running. I didn't have a destination. I guess it was just wishful thinking that maybe, just maybe I could run away from these feelings but I quickly realized I couldn't when I saw the very girl that made my skin crawl.

My sadness was quickly replaced by anger

turn away Camila, turn away


too late now

"um excuse me" she said madly 

You fucking heard me you you stupid piece of shit" I barked harshly 

"you better shut the fu-" was all she got out because I punched her in the face

she quickly got up and tackled me to the ground and started punching my face. I quickly flipped us over and now it was her turn 

"you" punch

"are" punch

"a" punch 

"piece" punch

"of" punch 

"shit" punch 

she grabbed my wrist and threw me off of her. I quickly got up and started throwing punches.

As she threw one last punch I passed out and when I woke up I was still on the ground. I looked at my phone and saw hundreds of texts and missed calls from my mom

I quickly ran back home hoping that she would have fallen asleep

I was wrong 

"KARLA CAMILA CABELLO ESTRABAO WHERE HAVE-OH MY GOD MI HIJA WHAT HAPPENED! WHY ARE YOU BLEEDING? she yelled and I really wished she hadn't one because my head fucking hurts and two because now here comes Lauren, who might I add looked as if she was gonna kill someone 

"I got into a fight" I said quietly

"with who" she asked 

But before I could answer Lauren quickly interjected

"LUCY" she screamed and ran toward me, she pushed my to the ground and started hitting me, but before she could do too much damage my mom pulled her off of me and told us to go to our rooms, well more like yelled really loudly but oh well

as we were walking upstairs to our room Lauren grabbed my wrist, looked me in the eyes and said

" I HATE you Camila and I wish I never knew you. DON'T ever talk to me or Lucy again.

oh so this it what a broken heart feels like 

I immediately ran to my room and started crying. I didn't even bother to wash the blood off of my face because I was so tired so I went to bed and slept through the rest of the weekend

Before I realized, it was Monday and I was still wearing the same clothes as I did on Saturday when I beat up Lucy

I quickly ran to the bathroom realizing that I still have blood all over my face

I jumped in the shower, washed, and finally looked at my face

" Omg I look like shit" I said 

I had cuts all over my face, a big black eye, my left cheek is really bruised, and I also had a huge gash on my lip which looked really gross. 

God if I look like this I can't even begin to imagine what Lucy looks like.

I didn't even bother with makeup because no amount of make up could cover this up 

I ran downstairs to grab my backpack and eat breakfast but I quickly lost my appetite when I heard Lauren on the phone with Lucy.

Well since Lauren hates me I won't have to drive her and watch her as she kisses Lucy no more. I mean I guess thats a perk

Silver lining?

oh god I'm going to have to explain this to my friends. Not that I'll have to really say who did this because when I got to school Lucy looked worse than me. I saw her glaring at me and flicked her off as I was walking to meet up with DJ and Mani

" holy shit Mila what the hell happened?" they asked simultaneously

All I had to do was point behind me and they got the picture but of course they asked me a bunch of questions, but I made sure to leave out the part where I'm in love with Lauren. Although it didn't matter

" ok Mila we need to ask you something, well more like tell you and please don't freak and get mad because it's kinda obvious and this " Mani said pointing to me and then to Lucy

"Confirmed it"

"um...ok" I said

"We know you love her" Dinah said quietly

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