Under the Microscope

By dvdhlzr614

396 46 7

To enter high school is hard enough; what with sports, girls/boys and of course homework. Couple you're regul... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

24 3 0
By dvdhlzr614

Kimberly POV

beep beep beep Were the first sounds Kimberly Adams heard as she rose from sleep. Kimberly raised an arm from deep beneath her covers and slammed the snooze button on her 'Hello Kitty®' alarm clock. Kimberly attempted to fall back to sleep until her eight year old brother, Timmy, dashed into her room holding the house phone.

"'Kay! 'Kay! It's Kevin!" Timmy sang out, "He says it's real important!"

With an overtired groan, Kimberly got out from under her covers and reached out her hand to receive the telephone.

"Give it here, buddy." Kimberly said. She was struggling to get her wits about her.

"Hello?" Kimberly said to Kevin on the other line.

"Hey, Kim," Kevin said, "sorry if I woke you up, but your cell was going straight to voice-mail." Kimberly glanced up at the clock. It was only 10 am; it's too early for this she thought to herself.

"What's up?" asked Kimberly.

"'What's up?'?" Kevin repeated, "Don't you remember? Today's your last day of freedom before you get shipped off to the Meadowlark School for Gifted Children in Canada. We were supposed to meet with the guys at Starbucks for breakfast, I have an awesome day planned out for you and it will end with a very special evening."

Kimberly let out a sigh of frustration, "I didn't get home until real late, Kev."

Kimberly had intentionally left her cell phone off. She knew perfectly well what Kevin meant when he said 'special evening'. It meant 'going all the way' with him, something Kevin's been bugging her about for weeks. As much as she wanted to, Kimberly was too tired to protest at that moment. Kimberly knew that she's way too young for it; being only fourteen, but she also knew why Kevin was so desperate to do it so soon. To Kevin, this is his last chance to be with her before she goes away. To Kimberly, Kevin believes that her going away means the end of their relationship.

"I bet you did get home late." Kevin said, "That was a crazy party last night, huh?"

"If you say do." Kimberly replied.

"Don't be like that, Kim." Kevin said, "Watching Roger and Finch getting wasted and barfing all over the carpet at Tyler's house was hilarious. Man, was Mr. Kennedy pissed."

"Yes, Kev, you're right. It was absolutely hysterical" Kimberly said with sarcastic enthusiasm.

"So get dressed, babe." Kevin said, "We're coming by in about an hour and then we're going to the diamond, alright?"

"Yeah, sure, wouldn't miss it." Kimberly answered dully and they both hung up.

Kimberly felt annoyed. It was this kind of self-absorbed attitude that Kevin's been displaying, that made Kimberly want to avoid spending another day with him. Kimberly knew that Kevin's 'perfect day' was watching him play baseball and laugh at the antics of some of his obnoxious friends.

"Hey, Timmy? Where's Mom?" Kimberly asked her brother, who was leafing through an issue of Sports Illustrated that Kevin had once given Kimberly for to read.

"She's at her school to meet some new kids for next year." Timmy answered.

Kimberly and Timmy's parents, Scott and Margaret Adams, had been divorced since Timmy was a baby. However, they are still significantly cordial to each other, especially since they have both worked together at Ronald Reagan High School long before they were married. Scott was the principal, while Margaret, the guidance counselor. Scott lived on the other side of Fleming with his remarried wife, Wanda, whom Kimberly believed was a gold-digging bitch. On the other hand, Margaret lives by herself, in the same neighborhood as the Thornton's'.

Kimberly would have thought that since her parents basically run the local high school that she too, would attend there instead of Meadowlark. However, that assumption would only be skin-deep. The real reason is that her father doesn't believe in the very public school system he works for and since he's the one paying the bills, she has little room to object.

"Okay, kiddo," Kimberly said, "I need to get showered, dressed and clean before Kevin and his entourage get here. So, out!" She said pointing her finger with authority at the doorway.

While Kimberly was showering, shaving, combing her hair, brushing her teeth and dressing, she reflected on the progression of her life these past fourteen years. Is this really my last day of freedom? She asked herself. For Kimberly, it was school in Newfoundland, particularly away from home, where her freedom would truly begin. Kimberly always compared herself to Pinocchio because she felt like she was living on the terms of others, having them pull her strings. Like Pinocchio, all she's ever wished for was to become a real person, her own person, and not the person people think she was. But unlike Pinocchio, her nose doesn't grow when she lies because unfortunately, her life is no lie.

Whenever Kimberly was around Kevin or her friends, she felt like she was acting, not actually begin who she really was. Around them, she acted with a totally carefree and the life-of-the-party type of personality. But inside, when she's alone, Kimberly felt empty, like there's a huge piece missing from the puzzle that was her life. For most of Kimberly's junior high career at Clay, she dated Kevin, who she felt could have been that missing piece. In truth, it was only recently that Kevin started behaving like a jerk. Kevin Thornton was the most loyal, sweet, kind and understanding boyfriend a girl like Kimberly could ever ask for.

Kevin was also the captain of every organized sport Clay had to offer, while Kimberly was the daughter of two highly regarded member of the school community at large. With those accolades, it took quite a short time for Kevin and Kimberly to become the 'power couple' of their entire school. It was not a title Kimberly never asked for nor wanted, she allowed their 'power couple' reputation to maintain its significance, only for Kevin's sake. It wasn't like she really had a say, in any case.

Kimberly's attendance at school abroad has put a damper on their relationship, however. Kevin had already begun, albeit unintentionally, to take Kimberly for granted for several weeks. Kevin seemed too involved with his friends and with his determination to make the junior varsity football team at Reagan, to really pay any real attention to his girlfriend. Kimberly had made it clear to Kevin, her intention to maintain a long-distance relationship with him, so she didn't understand what all the fuss is about. It's not like she chose to go to school in Canada.

All the Kevin drama aside, Kimberly was very much looking forward to getting a fresh start in her new environment. Kimberly promised herself that once she arrived in Newfoundland that she was going to do everything in her power to not be the center of attention. No longer did Kimberly want to sit as social chair of every damn club the school had. Kimberly would make sure that the only pressure she would receive would be from her and not parents, teachers or peers. Most importantly, Kimberly would no longer have to put up with her arrogant, ball-busting, condescending, conniving, vindictive, underhanded, manipulative, dominatrix, drama queen of a step-mother, Wanda.

The only area in Kimberly's life where she felt accomplished, proud and one with herself was in gymnastics competition her talent for which made her peerless. When Kimberly was involved in gymnastics, all thoughts of her dramatic life were paused, and it was just she and the beam, bars or floor.

However, within the weeks that Kimberly's gone with Kevin to watch his baseball games, she has developed an immediate and much more potent problem. Kimberly went along to the games because she really had nothing else to do. Her two best friends, Cassie Smith and Angie Brown, were away at summer camp. As the days progressed, Kimberly actually began to enjoy watching the games because it was a forum where she could vent her frustrations toward Kevin, through trash-talking. Kevin actually had two friends that Kimberly enjoyed spending time with during the games, Tyler Kennedy and Derek Brown, each also being the boyfriend of Cassie and first-cousin to Angie, respectively. Whom Kimberly found most repulsive were Kevin's other two friends, Stephen Finch and Roger McMillan.

But, what Kimberly enjoyed most about the games was not in ragging on her boyfriend or in hanging with the boys', but in watching another boy play. A boy that Kimberly did not know one bit, in fact, she didn't even know his name. He and two others were the only people Kimberly did not know. Everyone else was a mutual friend of Kevin and his friends. The boy in question, Kimberly swore she knew from somewhere, stands out the most from the rest. From what Kimberly had gathered, he and the other two are very close friends.

There's the boy that plays on Kevin's team; skinny, black mushroom-cut haired, darkened complexion; who was always bantering with the dirty-blond curly haired, freckled boy on the other team, whom to Kimberly, seems too put together to be playing a dirty game like baseball. Kimberly's fascination, with the third boy, the opposing team's catcher, began when he started staring at her. Initially, Kimberly was as uncomfortable as she would with any boy gawking at her, especially one she doesn't even know. But with this boy, things were very different.

Kimberly had noticed the way this boy was looking at her was in such a manner that made her feel like she was the only and most important person there. Not even on Kevin's best day had he ever given Kimberly that kind of attention. Once Kimberly had realized this, this mystery boy, which was what she called him to herself, became her main motivation for going to the diamond. From then on in, Kimberly would stare back at Mystery Boy as much intently as he did her.

Kimberly saw that Mystery Boy did not talk as much as his two buddies, but when he did; everyone listened because it was worth listening to. Mystery Boy was the one who broke up disputes concerning calls on certain plays and everyone followed his compromise.

Mystery boy was as competitive as much as the next guy, but when it was necessary, he would be considerate, thoughtful and selfless. When another boy on either side of the diamond had a good play, Mystery Boy was the first to give that person props. On the other hand, Mystery Boy was also the first to console anyone on the field that had a bad play, most of the time it was top his loud friend, but he even helped Kevin at times. Mystery Boy's conduct contrasted greatly from Kevin and his friends, with whom they seem to get along fine.

Kimberly thought Mystery Boy was cute in a shy, boy-next-door, kind of way, with short, brown hair and a pair of piercing green eyes. Mystery Boy was even more attractive when he would sweat. Even though Kimberly's been observing Mystery Boy for several weeks, it took her a long while to realize that she had become totally infatuated with him.

This realization made Kimberly uneasy for she had a great boyfriend whom she loved and loved her, despite his recent actions to the contrary. Additionally, as much as she wanted to, Kimberly felt it pointless to try to actually get to know Mystery Boy since she was leaving bright and early the next day. Mystery Boy and Kevin seem to know each other from elsewhere but due to her shame, Kimberly never inquired to Kevin more about Mystery Boy.

Presently, Kimberly made the decision that, today, on her last day, she would strike up a conversation with him, since Mystery boy was either too shy or too mindful of Kevin to approach her. Mystery Boy's staring obviously meant that he felt the same might about her as she did for him.

Kimberly spent several minutes deciding what she should where that day.

"Timmy" Kimberly yelled across the house.

"What?" answered Timmy, as he peered back into Kimberly's room.

"If Mom's not home before Kevin gets here, you're coming with me. Okay, kiddo?" Kimberly said.

"Cool! I love hanging out with Kevin!" Timmy said with innocent enthusiasm.

This brought a smile to Kimberly's face. Even through his recent bull-headed attitude, Kevin still managed to be a great role model to Timmy. That was one of the things she loved most about him.

It was close to 11 when the doorbell rang.

"Go get the door, Timmy." commanded Kimberly, as she tied her long, black hair into a pony-tail. Timmy stomped his way to the door.

Kimberly heard Kevin greet Timmy as he walked in the door accompanied by footsteps belonging to Kevin's friends.

"Hey, Kev!" Timmy screamed as he tackled Kevin's stomach with a hug.

"Hey there, little buddy." Kevin let out a small gasp from the impact from Timmy's embrace, "How was summer camp?"

"Camp? It was alright" Timmy answered, "But guess what, Kev, I'm coming with you guys today!"

"That's awesome, Timmy, we could use a bat boy." Kevin said meeting Timmy's excitement, "So where's your sis? Gotta couple of surprises for her today."

"'Surprises'?" Kimberly said as she joined the rest, "What are these surprises you speak of, Kev?"

"You know how you're always saying you could hit better than me?" Kevin said referencing Kimberly's jibes at him, "well today's your chance to prove it. I know you're just as good as they boys, so we decided, being that it's your last day and all, that you'd play on my team today."

Kimberly couldn't believe what she heard, "Oh my God, really!?" Kevin seemed to have pulled a complete 180 within the twenty-four hours. "I've wanted all week to play all week with you guys!" Kimberly half-bluffed, she actually had wanted to play only to be close with Mystery Boy, but Kevin was being such a sweetheart, she couldn't say no. "Thank you so much, Kev!" she went up to him and kissed him on the mouth.

"Well, actually, one of the other guys canceled out so we needed a last minute replacement." Tyler piped up.

"whose spot am I taking?" Kimberly asked

"Corey. One of Zach's friends" Kevin replied.

This was the moment Kimberly had been waiting for, Mystery Boy's name would be revealed to her.

"Which one's Zach and which one's Corey?" Kimberly inquired eagerly

Kevin properly identified for Kimberly who's who and turned out that Mystery Boy's name was Zach Monroe.

"Don't get too excited, Kim" Kevin said, "we've got one more surprise for you today. Just go outside." Kevin pointed to the door.

Kimberly walked out her front door and was met with the excited faces of Angie and Cassie. As soon as Kimberly saw them, they all screamed in exhilaration. Kimberly ran and embraced them both.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Kimberly said, extremely elated.

"You didn't think we'd miss a chance to surprise our girl?" Angie said

"Yeah, we couldn't let your last memory of your Fleming crew to be with these meat heads" added Cassie

Kimberly looked her two friends up and down.

"You guys look beautiful!" Kimberly said.

"Thank you" Angie and Cassie responded together

"And I see the scorching sun hasn't damaged your fine self." Angie said

"Thanks so much, you guys!" Kimberly said, "You have no idea how much this means to me."

Kimberly then ran to Kevin, who had piled out the house with everyone else, jumped on his tall frame, wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and kissed him passionately. Kevin's mouth responded with the same gentleness as the Kevin she went out with.

"Thank you so much, Kev!" Kimberly didn't know where this came from all of a sudden, but she loved Kevin all the same for it. It made her feel even guiltier about her new crush on the boy whose name she just learned was Zach. "I love you. This is beginning to look like an amazing day" Kimberly said privately to Kevin.

Kimberly dropped down from Kevin's strong clutches and rested her head on his chest as he put an arm around her waist.

"Okay, the ho-union's over now." Roger said snidely, "We gonna go, Kev, or what? We're killing daylight here."

"Indeed," added the more eloquent but equally obnoxious Finch, "if this behavior is to resume any further, the three of you better start disrobing and beg-"

Kevin quickly cut him off "Okay, you guys, we get the pint. Let's start walking."

"Wait for me!" Timmy came running from behind wearing a Yankees cap.

"Timmy!" Angie and Cassie yelled unanimously. The two girls knelt down and Timmy hugged each of their necks at the same time. Angie kissed Timmy's left cheek, while Cassie, the right.

"C'mon, you guys can schmooze later, we've got baseball to play!" Roger said.

They all began to walk toward the baseball diamond. Angie grabbed Timmy's hand and they ran ahead together. Kimberly and Kevin, and Cassie and Tyler walked body-in-arms, Derrick walked alone carrying the baseball equipment, while Roger and Finch brought up the rear.

"We're going to wipe the grass you asses!" Kimberly shouted

"Now, there's the Kimberley we all know and love" Cassie said.

Kimberly looked back warningly at Roger and Finch, "If either of you touch me, I'll stick my boyfriend on you." Kevin played along with growling noises and flexing his biceps jokingly.

It was nearly noon by the time they arrived at the diamond. Upon seeing Zach taking practice swings, Kimberly just stopped and stared. Angie and Cassie must have both noticed what she was doing for they both went up to her.

"What are you looking at?" Cassie asked.

"Um, it's nothing." Kimberly caught herself, turning beet red

"Him?" Angie said pointing questioningly at Zach.

"What? I'm not looking at anyone!" Kimberly said defensively, her face a crimson mask of shame.

"Kim, we've both known you since childbirth," Cassie said, "and we both know that look. You're as transparent as glass. You've got a thing for this guy."

Kimberly was about to say something but then she realized that she's been bottling this up inside and she felt it would be good to tell someone. Like Kevin, neither Angie nor Cassie really knew what was going on inside Kimberly's head because she's only ever showed a certain side to herself. But, of everyone she knew, Kimberly trusted their opinions above all others Besides, Kimberly was doing a terrible job lying.

Kimberly went into detail the thoughts and feelings she's had over the course of her coming to the games. Kimberly explained how she never felt like this before, how ashamed she was about not knowing Zach and because Kevin was such a great boyfriend.

"I'll give you this," Angie said when Kimberly was finished, "He is kinda cute."

"Have you lost your mind!?" Cassie said. "Like you said, you don't want to mess things up with Kevin for a guy that you're not going to ever see again after today."

"You're right, Cass, but I haven't been able to get him out of my mind." Kimberly said.

"I think the perfect way to forget him is to talk to him." Angie said supporting. "if you have one conversation with this boy than you'll see that it's all in your head and you'll be able to move on."

"I like that idea, Angie." Kimberly replied, "What do you think, Cass?" seeking her approval.

"I think it will only make things worse for you, but, you know it might be worth it."

"What do you mean?" Kimberly was slightly surprised at this.

"If after you talk to him, you find out your feelings are real than I think he might be worth pursuing." Cassie advised.

Angela Brown was a stunning black princess. Angie had a playful, flirtatious and fun loving vibe that made people want to be around her. She loved kids and animals, she always considers herself the 'fun auntie' to Timmy. Angie was the one who would encourage Kimberly at whatever she'd be doing, whether it was good or bad for Kimberly. Cassandra Smith, a gorgeous Irish-Italian light-blond bombshell, was also playful. When it came to relationships, Cassie was the more passionate and opinionated of the trio, particularly with regard to Kimberly.

Angie and Cassie joined Timmy on the bleachers where Kimberly usually sat. As Kimberly went to pick up a baseball glove, she glanced once more at Zach, who was gazing at her in the same manner as always. Kimberly felt like she would melt where she stood from his stare. One more days, she thought to herself.

For the next couple hours, Kimberly enjoyed and excellent game. To most of the boys' surprise, Kimberly stayed toe-to-toe with the rest and did not miss a step.

It was a quarter to two when Kimberly made her second at-bat attempt. Her first time, Kimberly struck out, mostly due to Zach crouched less than a foot behind her, which brought a shiver up her spine. This time around, Kimberly was determined not to let she be distracted but above all, the teams were tied seven even, with one out. Since it was close to their two o'clock playing limit, a run for Kimberly would mean a win for her team and it would be great for her last day to end off with the deciding run.

"Knock 'em dead, 'Kay!" Timmy shouted from the sidelines, as he and the girls were cheering Kimberly on.

"Will do, kiddo! This one's for you!" Kimberly yelled back. She then turned to Derrick, the opposing team's pitcher.

"Are you sure you want to dedicate another strike out to your kid brother?" Derrick said to her. This got some laughter.

"The only thing I'm going to strike is your crotch, if you don't pitch me the ball, D!" Kimberly gibed back. This was received by a resounding "oooooh", egging on her taunts, to whoever heard, including Zach.

"Come on, you guys! Just shut up and play!" Kimberly heard Zach say from behind her. In addition to being catcher for his team, Zach also acted as the non-partisan umpire.

With that, Derrick wound up and threw the ball. Kimberly swung and missed.

"Strike one!" yelled Zach

The second time, Kimberly also swung and missed, "Strike two!"

On the third swing, however, with the game on the line, the sun scorching upon her, she went into gymnastics mode and there was nothing but her and the ball. Kimberly hit the ball strong and hard, it went deep into left field. Kimberly was quick and fast enough to make it to second base. So I'm not the last at-bat after all thought Kimberly.

The next person to bat was Craig, a friend of Roger. Craig was a big, strong guy and the best hitter on Kimberly's team. Derrick pitched Craig the ball who smashed the ball hard. Kimberly began to run and saw that Tyler caught the ball. Kimberly rounded third and she slid into home plate just before Zach got the ball. "Safe!" Kimberly heard Zach yell, but the impact on her slide made a huge cloud of dust and she was unable to get up.

Out of the dust, Kimberly saw a helpful hand reach down to offer her up. Kimberly couldn't see the face, but assumed it was Kevin. When she grabbed the strong, firm hand that lifted her up, Kimberly was caught off guard when the person on the other end of that hand was none other than Zach Monroe. At the initial shock at looking into the eyes of her crush from so close, they just stood there for a moment regarding each other in silent tenderness.

"Are you alright?" Zach asked when they both found themselves. Wow, what a way to break the ice Kimberly thought.

"Yeah...I'm all right" Kimberly shyly managed to say with her tongue stuck in her throat and her heart pounding. This shyness had profoundly startled Kimberly. No other boy had ever made her shy like this and on the outside Kevin was definitely better looking than Zach, so what was it about this boy that drove her crazy?

All of a sudden, Kimberly felt cold, icy water being poured all over her. It was Kevin and his buddies, pouring the contents of the water. This brought Kimberly right back to reality, as well as immensely peeved.

"You morons! Just because I play like boys doesn't mean I celebrate like one, I'm soaked." Kimberly yelled at the group, "Not only that, that was the last of our water." This made Kimberly's question her earlier assessment of Kevin and was starting to resume to its recent status.

"Don't worry, you guys," Zach said, the water hit who was still standing next to Kimberly and he also, and "Jonathan and I brought an ice cooler full of water bottles There should be enough for everyone."

"Thanks a lot, Zach" Kevin said. "I'm sorry, Kim. We got caught up in the moment there, especially since it was you who won us the game."

"It's alright, I guess." Kimberly lied. She was utterly pissed at Kevin, but as usual, she held back from expressing herself as such.

"We're gonna chill at my house" Kevin said.

"Great" Kimberly replied in a tongue-in-cheek fashion. The truth was, Kevin went out of his way to help bring Angie and Cassie back to see her and if it wasn't for Kevin, she wouldn't have been able to play, if it wasn't for that, she wouldn't have the pretext to talk to him. So she couldn't be that mad at Kevin, he certainly meant well.

"You did it, 'Kay!" Timmy screamed as he charged Kimberly with an eight year old size hug. "That was awesome!"

"Thanks a bunch, kiddo" Kimberly said.

Kimberly saw Timmy ran ahead to where Zach and the person she guessed was Jonathan were handing out water bottles.

"Now's your perfect chance, Kim." Angie whispered as she and Cassie came from behind her.

"Yeah, go talk to him and let's get this over with." Cassie added.

Kimberly watched from a distance, Timmy was talking to Zach, being quite talkative as usual. Then, she saw Kevin and his friends walk up to Zach and the group shook his hands. The two of them were saying something that from Kimberly's vantage point, she could not make out. Kevin then looked over at Kimberly at waved for her to come close. Naturally, Kimberly was hesitant.

She turned to Angie and Cassie, "Alright, you guys, I'm going in, but I could use the two of you for moral support."

The two girls eyed each other with a look of well, that's definitely a first for her.

As Kimberly and her friends joined Kevin and the rest Kevin said, "I don't know if you two know each other. Kim, this is Zach Monroe, the star of the Bernadine Cougars that creamed us in the championship game last year." turning to Zach, Kevin said, "and this is my adorable girlfriend, Kimberly Adam's" Even though she got all she could take from their moment before, Kimberly shook Zach's hand, it was surprisingly soft, but as firm as when he hoisted her up from the ground.

So it was at the basketball game where Kimberly knew Zach's face from, she had realized. Kimberly recalled that game well. Soon Jonathan, Derrick, Tyler, Roger and Finch joined them. Kimberly cradled Timmy's head in her arms, as he rested his head against her stomach.

"Well, you should remember him, Kim." Finch said, "This was the bloke guarding your man so tightly, Kevin could never get a shot off when Zach was on the court."

Oh yeah Kimberly remembered Zach now from the basketball championship. She had noticed how Zach guarded Kevin like he was his shadow. Kimberly also recalled Cassie and Angie telling her that they thought he was cute. It was actually funny because Tyler overheard and got all jealous.

"Well, to be fair, Kevin was going easy on me." Zach said shyly

"Ooh! What a guy!" Kevin said pulling an arm over Zach, giving him a noogie, "You know, Kim, this guy is the most selfless player I've ever played against."

"Well, I was assigned to guard you every time for a reason," Zach said, "Because you're one heck of a player as well."

"That's true" Kevin said, "the other guys on the team actually made a point of not passing me the ball whenever you were on the court. I bet you didn't know that our coach assigned special plays for other people to score besides me when we knew we were going to play you."

"I did figure that out after a while actually" Zach said.

Kimberly was really enjoying this exchange between her current boyfriend and her current crush. Kimberly's joy disappeared when Kevin said something totally unexpected, "You know, Kim, if I could see you dating anyone but me, it'd be this guy right here." Kevin said, pointing to Zach.

Then Roger and Finch began laughing uncontrollably at Kevin's statement and everyone followed suit.

Kimberly angrily grabbed Kevin's arm and dragged him to the side.

"What's the matter with you?!" Kimberly asked enraged.

"What?" Kevin replied defensively "I hope you realize it was a joke, Kim."

"You embarrassed Zach and you embarrassed me" Kimberly said "Where is this attitude coming from?"

"What attitude?" Kevin responded "I was just having a little fun. Zach knows that." Kevin paused and then looked at Kimberly wearily, "What is it about this kid that's got you all sensitive anyways?"

"It was very rude no matter who you said it to." Kimberly said judgmentally. "Go away with your friends before you cause any more trouble."

"We need to have a talk later, Kim." Kevin warned

"You're damn right, we do." Kimberly said.

Kevin's buddies joined him as thy continued to crack up as they congregated into their separate group.

He must know about my crush Kimberly though. Kevin had never been the jealous type before so what was all this about?

As Kimberly returned to the group, she and Zach glared at each other, embarrassed by the unspoken revelation of their feelings for one another.

"I'm so sorry about that" Kimberly apologize adamantly, "He's been acting like that a lot lately."

"It's no big deal." Zach replied, "Kevin's a great guy. I've known him for quite a while. You're lucky to have him as a boyfriend."

"Thank you very much for that." Kimberly responded, gleefully.

"I'd offer you a water bottle," Zach commented on Kimberly's soaked body, "but I see Kevin had you covered..." he paused, "in water." This made Kimberly laugh, it also put her at ease with talking to Zach. Wow, he's funny too.

"You're not so dry yourself." Kimberly said with a grin. Zach handed Kimberly a bottle of water. "Thanks. I actually already knew your name, and I remembered you from the game."

Cassie and Angie let out stifled laughter at this involuntary rhyme.

"Well, I knew your name, too." Zach said. "As well as some other nuggets of information."

"Do you, now?" asked Kimberly. "Like what?" She's actually been wondering if through all his staring, how much he knew about her.

"Like that you're dad's the principal and you're mom's the guidance counselor at Reagan" Zach said.

"Yeah, well, I'm not actually going there." Kimberly said, "I'm actually going to school in-"

"the Meadowlark School for Gifted Children in the island of Newfoundland, Canada." Zach finished Kimberly's sentence.

Kimberly was astonished, "How did you know that?"

"I told you, I know things." Zach replied.

"This is my friend, Jonathan Tinsley." said Zach, pointing to Jonathan who was stood beside him. Kimberly and Jonathan kindly greeted each other.

"My twin sister, Gail, will be attending said school as well." Jonathan informed Kimberly. "Don't forget to mention, Zachary that dear Gail is your recent ex."

Zach blushed at Jonathan's comment. Kimberly was not surprised in the least that Zach had an ex. He may even have several exes Kimberly thought.

"Yeah, I know Miss Gail." Timmy spoke up.

They all looked down at the younger Adams., including Timmy's own sister.

"How do you know Gail, Timmy?" Kimberly asked curiously.

"You know her too, 'Kay," Timmy insisted, "Remember? She used to babysit me when I was younger. She was real pretty and nice and she would bring me toys."

After jogging her memory, even though it had been several years ago, Kimberly did remember Gail quite vividly. Timmy's right, she was pretty. Kimberly thought. Zach dated her? Wow! Kimberly was impressed that Zach dated someone like Gail.

Kimberly suddenly felt a nudge from her side. It was Cassie.

"Introduce us!." Cassie whispered.

"Oh, where are my manners." Kimberly said and she quickly made the introductions Angie and Cassie, and Zach and Jonathan.

"In case you were wondering," Jonathan said, "Our rather flamboyant comrade, whose shoes you've more than filled today, is Corey Miller. The poor sap had to go to school for orientation, most likely to meet your mum."

"Does he always talk like that?" Cassie asked Zach, referring to Jonathan's out of place silver-tongue.

"Only when he has someone to impress." Zach responded with an engaging smile at Kimberly.

Zach and Kimberly just stood there for a moment, gazing at each other with such intense emotion, Kimberly thought she would faint.

"So being that you guys come to play baseball here every day must mean you live close." Cassie said.

"As a matter of fact," Jonathan pointed to left of him "Zachary resides just at the end of this block."

"Yeah, and Jonathan's house is just as close in the opposite direction." Zach said.

"Are you related to the Deputy Sheriff of the FPD, Michael Monroe?" Angie asked Zach.

Angie's question must have hit some nerve, for Zach and Jonathan looked nervously at each other.

"And a fine one at that." Jonathan said."

Kimberly remembered that Officer Monroe and her dad worked closely together in Reagan, since Officer Monroe arranged the tight school security. He was even at Scott's house a number of times, but Kimberly never cared to ask if he had any kids.

"Wow, I bet you didn't know your boy was the son of a local celebrity." Angie teased softly.

Just then, they heard someone yelling Zach's name repeatedly from a distance. They all turned to the direction of the noise, it was Zach's other friend, Corey. When Corey stopped running to where Zach was standing, he let out several heaves for air, clearly out of breath.

"Slow down" Zach said, "What's the matter?"

It took a few minutes for Corey to catch his breath, "Zach..." Corey said, panting, "You're house..."

"What about his house, you blithering fool!" Jonathan said impatiently

"Zach" Corey looked finally was able to muster enough energy to say in a very serious tone, "You're house is on fire! And you're parents are trapped inside!"

They all froze for a minute, trying to absorb what they just heard, except Zach himself. Kimberly saw that Zach ran full speed in the direction of his house immediately upon hearing the news. Jonathan and Corey were only steps behind him.

Kevin and the other boys came up to Kimberly in a panic, noticing Zach leaving in the manner he did.

"Kim, what's going on?" Kevin said

Kimberly shrugged.

Kimberly was concerned for Zach and so she grabbed Timmy's hand and they ran behind the trail of Corey and Jonathan. The rest soon followed suit, all asking frantically what was happening. What Kimberly witnessed next, made her stop abruptly, jaw widening.

Zach's house was a blazing inferno, however, there were only two cops there bellowing into their radios. As Kimberly got closer, Zach, Corey and Jonathan were gathered around one of the officers, talking in frenzy. While the other one continued to shout for emergency backup and the fire department.

Kimberly's heart skipped about five beats when she saw Zach, against the cop's and his friends' desperate demands, walked right into the burning house. As soon as he did, the flames intensified tenfold. How could he do that? She thought.

People were coming out of their houses, passerby were getting out of their vehicles and bear witness to these unsightly events take place, as the two officers cordoned the surrounding area of the house with caution tape.

Pretty soon, the entire area was swarming with city and state police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, news and media vehicles, and even police and media helicopters. The blare of all the sirens were deafening, Kimberly couldn't hear anything. Tears began to trickle down Kimberly's face. I just met this boy and now I may never get the chance to know him. With Timmy clutched protectively at her side, Kimberly felt the comforting and loving arm of Kevin over her shoulders, she felt safe knowing that he was there despite all of their recent differences. As she rested her head against Kevin's muscular chest, Kimberly continued to watch as the roof of the house was caving in.

To make matters worse, Kimberly felt drizzling droplets of rain, as storm clouds were beginning to form. It had been raining quite often in Fleming that time of year.

What happened next was crystal clear. Everyone heard the sharp, high-pitched shriek of a gunshot. Instinctively, Kimberly and other females in the vicinity let out a chorus of startled scream. The whole crowd was in pandemonium.

"We've got to get you and your brother out of here now!" Kevin cried to Kimberly and Timmy over the noise.

Kevin grabbed Kimberly's hand, which was holding Timmy's, and they ran as fast as they could away from Zach's house, as did everyone else. Kimberly held on to Timmy's hand, which she feared could get trampled if she'd let go.

"Hold on real tight, okay Timmy?" Kimberly shouted.

"Alright, 'Kay!" Timmy yelled back.

When they got near the baseball diamond, Kimberly instantly spotted Margaret's car. Margaret was yelling worryingly into her cell phone, holding an umbrella. Once she noticed them coming, Margaret's let out sigh of relief and embraced them both, placing the shelter of the umbrella above them. Once they were safe with their mother, Kevin ran away, presumably to his own house.

Kimberly began to explain what happened but Margaret cut her off.

"Yes, I know, I know. It's all over the news." Margaret looked pointedly at Kimberly, "I've been calling and calling you all night. Why haven't you been picking up your cell?"

Just as Kimberly was about to explain herself, the rain began to magnify a great deal, accompanied by loud thunder claps and violent bolts of lightning, smothering the late afternoon sky. They quickly took shelter in Margaret's car.

"I'm sorry, Mom." Kimberly said once they were settled in their seats, "I left my phone off at home because I was actually playing today and I didn't want it to get lost or stolen."

"You should never leave your home without it," Margaret said as she turned on the ignition, the heat and the windshield wipers, "I told you that, especially when you have your brother with you."

"I'm okay, Mommy!" Timmy said, who was sitting in the back seat with Margaret and Kimberly in the driver and passenger seat, respectively, "'Kay and Kevin were with me the whole time. I'm just scared about Zach and his mommy and daddy." Timmy looked over at both of them, "We saw Zach go right into the fire!"

Kimberly was so proud of Timmy's courage and calmness through the whole ordeal. Whereas Kimberly's heart was racing like she just biked the Tour de' France.

"Where are we going?" Kimberly asked as Margaret carefully pulled out into the traffic.

"We're going to meet your father at the hospital where the Monroe boy is being taken." Margaret said, "I'm thinking of postponing your flight to later tomorrow afternoon."

"Why?" Kimberly asked

"Because your father, Wanda and I will probably be up all night with this thing."

"Do you know if Zach's alive or not?" Kimberly asked anxiously.

"I don't know, dear." Margaret said, facing Kimberly with motherly concern. "I'm worried as well, honey. As you know, Officer Monroe worked very closely with the school staff. Zach was supposed to meet me for orientation next week."

Outside the car, everyone was running and screaming every which way. Sirens blaring, someone was shouting instructions into a megaphone from a far distance. Still raining cats and dogs and smoke from the fire had engulfed the entire area.

"How well do you know Zach?" Margaret inquired curiously

Kimberly then described that last several weeks that she's been coming to Kevin's baseball games and how she's noticed Zach play and how she was the last person he spoke to before he heard the news of his house. Kimberly informed her mother of her horror in watching Zach's house burn to the ground, and the far more terrifying sight of Zach running right into it.

However, instead of mentioning anything, she simply stated, "Alright."

Margaret switched on the car radio, which was, of course, talking of the day's events,

"-I repeat, by order of FDP Sheriff Callahan, all vehicles on Whirling Rd should take the bypass," the local radio newscaster, Robyn McKenzie reported, "this is a highly volatile area. Once again, well respected Fleming Police Department Deputy Sheriff Michael Monroe and his wife, Tiffany were murdered in their homes late this afternoon."

These words stung Kimberly worse than a thousand bee stings.

"Additionally", McKenzie continued, "their son Zachary Monroe was severely wounded and taken to St. Peter Hospital." Margaret shut the radio off at that point.

"I think we've heard all we need to know." Margaret said, somber in her voice.

Kimberly realized how emotional she was becoming. Teardrops were streaming down Kimberly's face like Niagara. Know I may never get the chance to him Kimberly thought. Margaret gave a knowing look at Kimberly, as if she knew what Kimberly was thinking about. Then, Kimberly felt the small, soft hand of Timmy on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, 'Kay." Timmy said, "Zach seems like a tough guy. I think he'll make it."

"Thanks a lot, kiddo." Kimberly felt reassured by Timmy's innocent gesture.

"Mommy," Timmy addressed his mother, "just like 'Kay, I just met Zach today but he's a real nice guy. Now I know why Miss Gail liked him."

"'Miss Gail'?" Margaret repeated, surprised, "I haven't seen Gail or Eleanor Tinsley since Miss Gail stopped watching you, Timothy."

Both Kimberly and Timmy expounded on the details of the conversation Kimberly and her friends had with Zach and his. Including the part where Gail was also going to the Meadowlark School for Gifted Children.

"Well, that's certainly good to know." Margaret said.

"It's real sad to about Zach's mommy and daddy." Timmy said, "but I hope daddy gets to take care of him."

Stopped at a red light, this statement by Timmy caused both females to turn their heads at him.

There were a few seconds of awkward silence "What are you talking about, Timothy?" Margaret questioned.

"I hear them every night next to my walls" Timmy said, "always fighting and yelling about wanting to have their own kids."

Kimberly obviously knew Timmy was referring to Wanda and Scott. She'd heard them too. They recently decided on either adopting or fostering a child.

"What I don't get is," Kimberly said, "why did Dad keep that from us? We're his kids too, we've got the right to know."

"You're father and Wanda wanted to wait until they were both ready for it themselves before they told the two of you." Margaret answered, "They've wanted to have kids for years."

"You knew about this, Mom?" Kimberly asked.

"Of course I knew, Kimberly." Margaret said, "Just because we're no longer married doesn't mean your father still doesn't tell me everything." Kimberly laughed softly at this. It was true. It was like Scott was married to two women. Kimberly was positive that her parents were the most stable divorced couple in the country, "It wasn't my place to tell you either." she added.

"Do you think they'll do it, Mom" said Kimberly, "foster or adopt Zach?"

"I do know that as the two leading authority figures of Reagan, it is your father's and my obligation to make sure Zach is taken care of." said Margaret.

At another red light, Margaret turned to Kimberly, "Please don't discourage, sweetheart. I realize that you care more for Zach than you're trying letting on, but we must be positive during times like these."

Kimberly figured that her affection for Zach was as transparent as Cassie had said it was earlier. Kimberly was also aware that her mother knew her better than she knew herself.

"I think you should share in Timothy's optimism and pray that everything will work out for the best." assured Margaret as she was nearing the hospital

Kimberly looked up at the sky, God? I know this sound selfish, but please make sure Zach Monroe will be all right Kimberly paused ...so that I could one day be a part of his life. Kimberly looked in the side mirror. Timmy was sound asleep.

Approaching the front door of the hospital, Kimberly was surprised to see Kevin waiting for her, leaning against his parked bicycle, one foot over the other. The rain had subsided a bit, and he was standing under the overhang of the hospital entrance.

"You guys go ahead inside, I'll go find a place to park the car." said Margaret

"Hey, Kev!" Timmy said

"Hey, buddy" Kevin met Timmy's enthusiasm, fist-palming each other, "your dad's right inside. Can you give me and your sis minute?"

"I see him" Timmy said. Kimberly spotted Scott as well through the clear windows.

As Timmy ran inside, Kevin turned to Kimberly, "How you doing, Kim?" asked Kevin "I'm glad to see that you and Timmy both made it out of there in one piece."

"Thanks for that, Kev." said Kimberly, "And thanks a lot for being there for us during the whole thing. If it wasn't for you, Timmy could have gotten trampled on."

"Ah, it's no biggie, Kim" said Kevin, "You know that Timmy's always been a little brother to me."

"I know that, Kev, it's one of the many things I love about you." said Kimberly sincerely

They grinned at each other lovingly for a long moment.

"I assume you want to talk about what we talked about earlier." said Kimberly

"I do." confirmed Kevin, "I figured, since you're leaving tomorrow and with all of this stuff happening now, this is as good a time as any." He paused for a moment, "You like him don't you."

Kimberly turned red. At that point, Kimberly didn't care how Kevin knew.

"Is it that obvious?" Kimberly asked rhetorically, "How long have you figured that out."

"Since the beginning, baby." Kevin said, he noticed Kimberly looking ashamed, "It's alright, Kim, I'm not too mad. Sure, as your boyfriend I'm going to get a little jealous when I see my girl looking at another guy. Not to mention, the way you were looking at him you've never looked at me."

Oh no, who else noticed? Kimberly pondered. She was also a bit annoyed at Kevin's statement.

"Is that why you've been acting like a self-absorbed jerk?" Kimberly asked

"You've every right to call me that." Kevin replied calmly. He softly caressed Kimberly's cheek, "There's no excuse for it. I know this may be some little crush you have on Zach, but it got me thinking, if it's not him, then some other guy in Canada. I got scared of losing you, Kimberly, you've been the apple of my eye for so long. It was easier to make you hate me, than to work at keeping you. I also thought if I could somehow convince you to 'go all the way' with me, it would make sure that I'd never lose you. And for that and everything else, I truly am sorry, Kim. I hope you could find it in your amazing, beautiful heart to forgive me."

Kimberly, looked at Kevin and impulsively grabbed the base of his neck and kissed him deeply. When their lips parted, Kimberly wrapped her arms around Kevin's neck and peered deeply into his eyes. Kevin responded in kind, locking his arms around her back while sitting sideways on his bike seat holding Kimberly between his legs with her standing up.

She was suddenly very happy and relieved that Kevin told her that, it warmed her heart. Kimberly felt the tension between her and Kevin just disappeared.

"I could never hate you, Kev." Kimberly said quietly, "Of course I forgive you, handsome. I'm so glad to hear you say that."

"I did kind of mean what I said before." Kevin said, "About Zach being the only guy that I would actually not have a problem you going out with, other than myself. He's a really great guy, I've gotten to know him quite well over the summer. It makes perfect sense to me why you or any other girl would spend their time staring at him."

"He said some pretty good things about you too, Kev." said Kimberly

"Yeah? Like what?" said Kevin

"Like how I'm lucky to have you as a boyfriend." said Kimberly

"That sounds like him." said Kevin, "It's very nice of him to say that, but the truth is I'm the lucky one. You're the most beautiful, honest and sweet girl I know. And I'm not just saying that because you're my girl. It's because it's true, Kim. You were always out of my league."

"Oh, I don't know about all that, Kev" said Kimberly, "You were the big man on campus during junior high."

"I'm pretty sure," said Kevin, "that if not for the grace of God for letting me be with you, I would be exactly where I want and should be. Like everyone else."

"What? What do you mean, Kev?" said Kimberly

"Before I rode over here," began Kevin, "me and the guys were talking about what just happened and how we want our freshman year at Reagan to be."

"And what did you guys decide?" Kimberly asked not sure if she liked where this was going.

"I want to be Zach's friend and be there for him during this coping with this thing." Kevin said, "I know he's already got Miller and Tinsley but I think he could use all the friends he could get. I don't want o turn into one of those high school jock jerks." Kevin paused, "at least not right away." He said with a grin. This made Kimberly smile as well.

"That's really sweet of you, Kevin" Kimberly said, "all of you." Kimberly did not know how to respond to this. On the one hand, Kimberly was very proud of Kevin for growing up and wanting to be by Zach's side, but on the flip side, there was something else that she had to ask, "Are you sure, Kev? I mean, all you've talked about during junior high was playing for the Reagan Eagles. Why are you really doing this?"

"Because I can tell that's what you'd want, Kim." Kevin replied, "I know you don't know Zach well, but I can see it in your eyes, you want to know him." There's no denying that Kimberly admitted to herself. "But I also really care about how the death of his parents will prevent him from playing sports and it's only fair that if he can't play, neither can I."

"I don't think I can love you anymore than I ever have, Kevin." Kimberly said with great honesty.

"I love you, too, Kim," Kevin said, "and I always will. But, I think you'll agree that you and I were never meant to be together forever. So I guess what I'm trying to sa-" Kimberly cut him off with another long kiss in appreciation for Kevin being the one to end it.

"I hope your going to be okay with this, Kevin." said Kimberly regretfully

"This is for the best, for the both of us." Kevin kissed her back.

"Keep in touch, Kev." Kimberly said, after pecking him softly on the cheek.

"You know I will, baby." Kevin said.

They both said their good-byes and they parted. Kevin went on his bike and rode away, leaving Kimberly to watch him as he disappeared into the darkness.

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