Alpha's Mate

De crunchie17

14.6K 442 103

Aurora Martinez has never been defined as normal. She was a rebellious eighteen year old girl with a love of... Mais

Alpha's Mate | Prologue
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.

Chapter One.

1.8K 41 16
De crunchie17

Chapter One | Moving In

"Aurora!" Her bright green eyes snapped open suddenly upon hearing her father shout her name from the front seat of the car.

"What?" She mumbled looking slightly annoyed at being woken up especially after a nine hour car journey.

"I thought you'd like to know that we've arrived." Her father said as he drove through the town that was going to be their home for the next few years before she went to college.

"It doesn't look too bad. Actually it is a great improvement to the last town we lived in," Elliott said from beside Aurora.

Aurora nodded in agreement as she gazed out of the car window looking at the surroundings. The town was fairly large and looked fairly busy as they drove down the main streets.

Elliot shuffled closer to Aurora so he could look out of the window too. Aurora laughed at him slightly, he must have been sleeping too because his normally perfectly styled hair was a disheveled mess of dirty blonde that hung over his blue eyes. Aurora knew that Elliott was incredibly handsome with his lightly tanned skin, light stubble on his defined jaw which wasn't the only part of him that was defined. In every town they had lived in all the girls fawned over him because he looked like a Greek God and were so disappointed when he told them he wasn't interested. But Aurora loved his striking blue eyes the most but she wasn't his type... 'why?' I hear you ask, well there's a good explanation, Elliott is gay. Besides they were basically brother and sister anyway, they loved each other but as siblings and nothing more.

"And here we are," Caine said as he pulled into a large driveway that led up to the trio's new three bedroom house. It looked great but was still nothing special, it was just like any other house in this town. As Aurora looked around she realised that they were in a much quieter part of the town.

"Your stuff is already in your rooms so you just need to unpack," Caine said as he took the key out of the ignition.

"What about my baby?" Aurora asked as she leant forward in the car.

"Your 'baby' is in the garage where it always ends up," Caine said chuckling as he climbed out of the car.

Aurora grinned happily. She loved her 'baby', Elliott had bought it for her on her sixteenth birthday and she went everywhere on it. You should probably know that her 'baby' is in fact her motorbike. To be exact it was her beautiful, black MV Agusta F4CC. She would kill anyone that touched it, she loved the bike too much.

Aurora climbed out of her father's black Chevrolet Camaro and raced Elliott into the house whilst her father laughed as he walked into the house after them.

The house was very homely in Aurora's opinion. The kitchen was spacious and the kitchen sides were made of white marble. There was a large marble island in the center of the kitchen with tall bar stools surrounding it. The fridge and cupboards were already packed full with food.

The living room had two large black leather sofas, a plasma TV, coffee table and the shelves were filled with books and movies of every genre.

There was another room downstairs that Aurora guessed was her father's office. Upstairs was three bedrooms all of which had their own on suite bathrooms.

"Move Rory!" Elliott yelled grinning as he raced Aurora up the twisting staircase towards the bedrooms.

"Nope," she laughed as she sprinted down the corridor, reaching the largest bedroom first. "Haha, yes! Suck on that!" Aurora yelled triumphantly, pumping her fist in the air.

"That's not fair. I want the biggest room!" Elliott argued.

"Tough, I got here first," Aurora said with a smirk.

"Actually, I think you'll find that's my room," Caine said walking down the corridor with a grin.

"But dad -" Aurora started but Caine cut her off.

"My house my rules, Aurora. Your stuff is already in your rooms," Caine said.

Elliott and Aurora huffed slightly and stomped to the rooms that Caine pointed to.

Aurora opened her bedroom door and looked at her new room. The carpet was cream with a fluffy black rug in the center of the room. The walls were all cream as well apart from the far wall that was covered in a black patterned wallpaper. The king-sized bed was against the black papered wall with a bedside table on either side of it. The wall opposite the bed had a plasma TV mounted on the wall below which was a shelf unit where her DVD and book collection would go. Her Xbox console was already set up along with her various games. The door on the left of the room led to her walk in wardrobe whilst the one on the right led to her private bathroom.

Aurora smiled at her room, feeling quite pleased at how it looked. She immediately threw her leather jacket on to her bed before she opened up her first suitcase and began the agonizing task of unpacking everything.

After an agonizing two hours of unpacking, Aurora had finally completed the tedious task. It was already one o'clock in the afternoon and Aurora headed downstairs to relax and watch a movie whilst her father and Elliott remained in their respective rooms.

As she walked into the living room there was a quiet knock at the front door which made her come to an abrupt halt as she rolled her eyes frustratedly.

Aurora turned on her heels and headed towards the front door, pulling it open to reveal a red headed girl who looked the same age as Aurora. Her hair was bright, curly and reached just below her shoulder blades, her skin was pale and her eyes were blue. She was definitely pretty.

"Can I help you?" Aurora asked with a kind smile.

"Hi there. I'm Chloe Harrison, I'm your next door neighbor," she said grinning.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Aurora Martinez," Aurora replied extending her hand for the redhead to shake but instead of shaking her offered hand Chloe surprised Aurora by hugging her.

"Oh you're a hugger," Aurora laughed, awkwardly hugging the girl back.

"My mother sent me over to welcome you and your family to town," she said pulling away from Aurora grinning.

"Well my dad is upstairs with my friend Elliott, he's basically family as he lives with us. Do you want to come inside? I was planning to watch a movie so you could join me if you'd like?" Aurora asked politely. Chloe seemed nice and at least she will already have one friend in this town.

"I'd love to!" Chloe said walking into the house. Aurora chuckled when she saw the writing on the shirt Chloe was wearing.

"So you love skittles?" Aurora asked gesturing to the shirt that said 'I love skittles' written on it.

"Hell yes! I'm addicted to them," Chloe said as Aurora led her into the living room and gestured for her to sit on one of the sofas.

"Well they are great," Aurora said in agreement as she started flicking through the DVDs on the shelf.

"You like horror movies?" Aurora asked holding up an old horror movie.

Chloe nodded eagerly as Aurora turned the movie on before sitting beside Chloe on the sofa.

The movie continued to play for a while but the two girls weren't paying attention and instead were chatting.

"So you're starting school tomorrow?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah Elliott and I both are. I'm glad I'll know you at least," Aurora said smiling.

"Yeah, you and Elliott can hang out with me at lunch, if you'd like to," Chloe said with a smile.

"Thanks and I speak for both Elliott and I when I say we'd love to," Aurora replied.

"Great!" Chloe said before her phone started vibrating. She looked at the screen and sighed. "Its my mom. I should probably be going home now. I'll see you tomorrow at school," Chloe said and Aurora nodded smiling.

"See you tomorrow, Chloe. Bye," Aurora said as Chloe hugged her again before jumping up and leaving the house.

"That girl sure is...unique," Aurora muttered to herself with a smile.

"Who left?" Elliott asked as he entered the living room.

"Our new neighbor Chloe," Aurora replied before telling Elliott about what had happened.

"Well we have one friend so I'd say we're off to a brilliant start," Elliott said grinning as he sat on the sofa as Aurora leaned against him.

"Ooh horror movies! You know me so well," Elliott replied slinging his muscled arm over her shoulder whilst his gaze was fixed on the TV as the movie continued to play.

"You weirdo," she mumbled against his shoulder but he ignored her.

After a while Aurora grew tired of watching the movie and saw it was only three o'clock. She stood up leaving Elliott to watch the movie as she walked up the stairs to her room, planning to go for a wander down to the local corner shop. She was suddenly craving skittles after seeing Chloe's shirt and decided to go and buy some.

She grabbed her black and green neon-wheeled skateboard and after changing into a baggy black jumper and high-waisted denim shorts with her worn white converses she left her room and snuck out of the house, tucking the money into the back pocket of her shorts.

Once she was down her driveway, she looked down the rows of houses and caught sight of a group of boys, very good looking boys, sat in the front garden of one of the houses across the street. She rolled her eyes upon seeing them all shirtless but couldn't stop her gaze lingering on their perfect chests.

She shook those thoughts from her head and placed her skateboard on the ground loudly, catching the groups attention before she pushed herself along on her skateboard and began speeding down the road.

She glanced at the boys upon hearing their loud wolf-whistles that were directed towards her before she sped along the winding road away from them.

After a few minutes she reached the shop and picked up her skateboard from the floor before entering the small shop.

Aurora immediately walked over to the shelves of sweets and chocolate and began looking for the skittles. After grabbing a large packet of them she walked over to the counter and paid. She didn't even notice the figure that walked up behind her until she could feel his arm brush hers.

"Hi there," the person said causing Aurora to look up at the stranger.

"Hi," she said.

"The name's Lewis Lockwood," he said offering her his hand. Aurora politely shook his hand as she looked him up and down. He was a little taller than her, broad shoulders and she could see his muscles from beneath his t-shirt. He had brown eyes with grey flecks, tanned skin, brown hair and looked to be the same age as her.

"What's your name?" he asked with a smirk, obviously after catching Aurora staring at him. Neither of them realised that they were still holding hands.

"Aurora Martinez," she replied coming to her senses as she finally pulled her hand out of his tight grip.

"Martinez? Are you Latina by any chance?" he asked grinning.

"My mother was," she said taking her change from the shopkeeper and put it in the back pocket of her shorts before she grabbed her skittles and walked out of the shop with Lewis following her.

"Was?" he asked curiously once they were outside.

"She died a few years ago," Aurora said placing her skateboard on the ground and slowly rode it across the pavement so Lewis could walk beside her.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Lewis replied.

"The past is the past," Aurora replied as she offered him some skittles which he accepted with a chuckle.

"So you must be the newbie?" He said placing the skittles into his mouth.

"Yes. I've just moved in down the street." She said.

"Which house?" He asked.

"Number 26." Aurora said.

"You live opposite my friend, Jared." Lewis said as he attempted to take more of Aurora's skittles but she smacked his hand away with a glare.

"Do not touch my skittles, you've already had some." Aurora warned his causing him to laugh.

"Okay, I won't steal your skittles." He grinned, showing his dimples.

"So where do you live?" She asked.

"Just outside of town. My family own some land out there." He said.

"Do you live with your parents?" Aurora asked, finding it easy to talk to Lewis.

"Yeah along with my older brother, Ryder, my little sister Amy and my little brother." He said. "What about you?"

"I only live with my father and Elliott." She said. "And no, Elliott is not a relative of mine, he's my best friend who my father basically adopted because he's an orphan."

"Interesting... So are you going to be starting school tomorrow?" He asked.

"What's with all the questions? And yes, Elliott and I both am." Aurora said.

"Well I guess I'll see you then and I want to get to know my new friend." He said.

"So you consider us friends?" Aurora asked with a smile.

"No, I consider us best friends!" He grinned as he slung his arm around her.

Aurora looked up properly as they came to a stop and she just realised that she was standing outside her house. He had walked her home and she hadn't realised. She glanced across the street and saw the group of boys were still there and were watching her and Lewis curiously.

"I don't suppose your friend Jared lives over there does he?" Aurora smiled indicating to the group across the street.

"As a matter of fact he does, my friend." He grinned.

"Well tell him and his friends to not blatantly stare at me in future." She said grinning as well.

"There you are!" They both turned upon hearing a deep voice from behind them and saw Caine stalking towards them, glaring at Lewis who's arm was wrapped around Aurora's shoulder's.

"Rory, where did you go?" He asked protectively.

"To the shops." She said holding up the skittles.

"Why didn't you take Elliott?" He asked. After her mother's death her father never liked her going anywhere on her own, hence his angry expression.

"And who is this." Caine asked glaring at Lewis who cautiously removed his arm after noticing how her father was reacting.

"This is my friend, Lewis Lockwood." She said smiling at her father.

"Oh really?" He said with a straight face, looking Lewis up and down.

"Its nice to meet you sir." Lewis said extending his hand towards Caine who after a moment shook his hand firmly.

"Call me Caine." He said still looking at Lewis judgmentally.

"Sure, I should be going anyway. It was nice meeting you Caine. I'll see you at school Aurora." Lewis said with a grin before he turned to leave and made his way across the street to his friend's house.

"Inside now." Caine told Aurora sternly earning him an eye roll from her.

"I don't know why you have to act like that." She said as she followed him inside their house.

"You know perfectly well why." He replied.

"Not everyone is out to get me you know." She said.

"Okay so what made you trust him?" He asked.

"I don't know." She said with an audible sigh.

"Who's Lewis?" Elliott asked as he entered the kitchen looking between Caine and Aurora questioningly.

"Just a guy I met when I was at the shops and now dad is freaking out because he was being nice to me." Aurora said rolling her eyes again. "I'm going to my room so I'll see you in the morning." Aurora grabbed her skateboard and left the two of them in the kitchen but not after hearing her father tell Elliott to keep an eye on her at school.

She could already tell that tomorrow was going to be fun.

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