UnOrdinary Hearts - [DISCONTI...

By renofheavens

31.2K 467 344

John is struggling with the guilt of keeping a big secret from Seraphina while protecting her from the shado... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

8.4K 96 84
By renofheavens

John's POV.

In the infirmary, John was sitting on a chair facing Seraphina, who unusually for them was the one on the stretcher instead of him. He didn't dare to look up at her bruised face, his fists still trembling from the mix of anger and shame that he felt overwhelming him. The large bandage on her cheek reminded him that just minutes ago as they were walking down the hallway he had let Zeke push him aside and hit the only person in the school dear to him as he powerlessly stood by and watched.

His trance was interrupted by the sound of the magenta-haired girl's tears falling on the ground. He had only seen her crying once before, and at that moment he realized the extent of the pain she was in. Not physical pain, since even without her power Seraphina remained resilient and would not blink twice at an injury, but the pain of the realization that the foundation of her entire world had crumbled. That which had been a part of her identity ever since she was little had been ripped away, and with it the image of the former school Queen who everybody respected and feared.

"I really am powerless now...aren't I?" Seraphina said, clenching her hand.

John didn't know what the right thing to say to comfort her was. He hated seeing her suffer like this and just wanted to make everything alright, to bring things back to how they were when they would spend their care-free days together laughing all the time, with him in the role of the school cripple and her in the role of his all-mighty friend, not when they were both targets and he could not protect her properly.

"No, don't listen to Arlo. He doesn't know what he is talking about." John said, not really believing his own words.

"You think so?" Sera uttered, fighting the tears.

"Sera...," John stood up, making a step towards her, intending to put his hand on her shoulders but coming to a halt. He wanted nothing more than to hug her, to hold her tight and promise her that everything would be all right. But he knew it would be just another one in the long set of lies.

"Hey, no...please don't cry. It will come back soon, I am sure. It just needs some more time."

"But it's been weeks and nobody knows what's wrong. Not Doc. Not the hospital. Not the authorities. No one..."

"But that doesn't prove anything, right? Just because they didn't find a solution yet, doesn't mean there is none? This can't be happening. Let's wait a bit..."

"HOW LONG THEN!" Sera interrupted him. "How long am I supposed to wait?! Months, years? You know, every night I go to sleep thinking about having my ability back...and every morning I wake up with my hopes crushed...over and over again! I am sick of being disappointed. I don't want to just sit around and lie to myself anymore."

John stood silent as Sera leaned forward, placing her head on his chest.

"What am I supposed to do? Now that I am like this? Powerless, with nothing left..."

John wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey...don't forget you are not alone. I am powerless too – remember? We'll just be powerless together. This won't stop us! We can still play games, chill on the roof...Grab drinks, go shopping...or whatever! Just do what we always do." He mustered a smile. "It's going to be okay, we will get you through this."

Sera tried to smile back.

"You are always so brave John, no matter what. When we first met I just thought you were a crazy fool always rushing into danger without thinking...but then I slowly started to really admire you, you know? Forget I said that, my head must be acting funny because of the pain meds," she tried to pass it as a joke.

John's expression completely changed at hearing her words. That which under different circumstances would have meant the world for him now was now like a dagger twisting further into his heart, increasing the hatred he felt for himself. If only she knew that all her admiration for him for his supposed bravery was built on a lie... But how he could reveal his powers to her at this point, now that she was so vulnerable? Wouldn't that destroy her even more and leave her completely alone?

They held the embrace for a few minutes, with neither of them wanting to pull away. With every second that passed John's desire to tell Sera the truth grew stronger, and so did the fear of her potential reaction. Would she start seeing him as a monster, after learning what he did at New Bostin? Would she still be able to trust him, knowing that he had the ability to protect her but did nothing while she got beaten?

"You should get some rest now," John said. "I will stay here with you."

Sera lie down on the stretcher and quickly fell asleep. John dimmed the light and put the blanket on top of her shoulders. He sat down on the nearby chair again and started considering his options. He had to help her get her powers back, that was a given. But until that happened, he had to protect her at school and keep his real strength hidden. Damn it, if only I had told her before as Dad had said...He promised himself that he would tell her the truth as soon as she recovered her abilities – this way even if she came to hate him, at least she would not be so vulnerable anymore.

"Seraphiiiiina," he heard a guy's voice calling from outside the door. "Come play with us baby," another guy cat-called. "We will show you a real good time...but you may end up a real cripple afterwards..." Both erupted into laughter.

John's breathing intensified as he felt himself losing control again. Those assholes...they will never stop unless they are taught a real lesson, he thought, remembering his own experience for the past year at Wellston High, with every day remaining a battle for survival for him despite all his attempts at fighting back the bullying. They will never leave Sera alone; in fact it will probably be even worse for her than for me since they think I am just a cripple...

A chill went through his spine as he remembered the bloody scene of when Arlo lured him out for Ventus and Meili to have their way with him. Flashes of Ventus' begging him to stop, the image of Meili's crash leaving her plastered on the ground, the feeling of his boot pushing down on Arlo's face...This is what they need! he thought. A real unforgettable example so they don't dare touch us ever again.

The raven-haired boy stood up, his golden eyes glowing menacingly. He swung the door open, ready to deliver a crushing blow without warning to whoever was standing there. The pair of boys who were shouting were already gone at the end of the hallway, oblivious to the danger they just avoided and that allowed John to regain his composure. If he went after them now, the entire school could learn of his secret, even if he threatened their lives to keep their mouth shut. What he needed was a foolproof disguise that would allow him to use his abilities at school without fear of being revealed.

John saw the sun starting to set throughout the window, it was getting late and most students were leaving after the club activities. He thought about the best way to get a disguise, maybe go buy something at the mall? It would not work out though if Sera decided to tag along, as she was thoroughly convinced of his disdain for shopping.

His glance stopped at a bulletin board nearby – near a newly-hanged poster about the Fall of the Queen of Wellston High (he lost count of how many of these posters he tore down over the past few days but they just kept appearing) he saw an ad for the Theater club. He had never paid any attention to the extracurricular activities at this school, preferring to leave after classes at the earliest opportunity unless he had to go to the library. Didn't know they had one here, he thought. This could be what I need. He headed down the stairs to the auditorium where the club was meeting and to his relief it seemed they were already gone for the day. After knocking on the door and not hearing any noise, with some hesitation he entered inside. It was a backup auditorium, much smaller than the main one where the students received the yearly address from the Dean. In front of some seating rows was an improvised stage with a billboard in the background depicting a frigate and some pirate props lying around.

John made his way over to the stage and looked around to see what he could use. He picked up an eye-patch, a beard that would make Blackbeard envious and a red bandana and put them on. Finding a mirror, even in his sour mood he couldn't help but crack a smile – he looked ridiculous. This style definitely isn't going to work. He decided to head backstage, thinking they may have other costumes stored there. For a moment he thought about dressing like a superhero, remembering how he felt after first reading Unordinary.

As he passed through the stage curtains, he felt uneasy – it appeared he was no longer alone. His aura-sensing told him that whoever was nearby was approaching behind him, from the auditorium he just came from. Strange, I didn't sense anybody earlier...Could it be one of those idiots again after me? No, I made sure I wasn't being followed. Then maybe...the people who attacked us at my house?

He immediately went full-alert. Although this could be very dangerous, it could also bring him information about the organization targeting Seraphina and a clue about how to restore her powers. He was still sensing just one person nearby, even after focusing all of his aura-sensing power for other threats.

John decided on a surprise attack – whoever it was that was after him, he would ask questions later. Storming out from behind the curtains onto the stage he was about to dropkick down towards his pursuer, except he stopped cold after not seeing anybody in the direction of the aura he was sensing. What the... could I be reading it wrong? There was absolutely no other movement or sound in the area, but the presence he felt earlier remained there. Puzzled and unsure of what was happening anymore, John made his way down across to the left aisle to where the presence was stronger. Even once it was just some feet away, he was still not able to see anybody there. As the distance grew even closer, he heard a sudden jerk and an itching powder appeared out of thin air and hit him in the eyes.

"Ahhh," John groaned in pain, rubbing his eyes instinctively. At the same time, he heard fast steps of somebody running away and then saw the auditorium door opening and closing violently, as if operated by a ghost. He now knew it wasn't a ghost however – remains of the powder that he was attacked with had also fallen back on the assailant, and did not disappear, so he could partially trace the stranger's movements as he was trying to recover his vision.

Invisibility. Could it be...the same guy who attacked me and Sera on the way back from the mall? If so, how did he dare to follow him all the way to the school and sneak through the security. It didn't make sense, unless maybe he was also a fellow student, the realization dawning upon John.

"Damn it," the raven-haired boy cursed at his stalker getting away and at the itch he still felt. Not all was lost however – not only did he learn that he was also being monitored and maybe even targeted, he was able to learn about the ability of the pursuer and could use that to investigate – invisibility was a rare skill. Most importantly, for some amount of time now he might be able to use this ability himself.

John looked down at this arms, and tried to replicate in his mind the sensations from the scene he just witnessed. Whenever somebody used their power near him, besides sensing their aura John could also sense their inner activation mechanism, and as long as the sensation remained fresh enough in his mind he could use the ability himself.

He grinned as he saw his hands and arms start to fade away. The disguise problem was solved. He thought about how funny it would be to prank Seraphina using this form. It would be a sweet revenge for the time they were watching a horror movie together and she used her time reversal ability to snap a picture of his terrified expression during the scariest part of the film. If only I could actually do it...

Returning to his normal state, he hurried back to check on Sera. He hoped that she was still asleep, as he would hate for her to wake up alone in the room specifically after he told her he would remain there with her.

He made it back without incidents, with the time of the day playing in his favor. As he entered the infirmary, he saw Sera was already in an upright position on the stretcher.

"You liar," she said with a demonstratively accusatory tone looking at him coldly.

"I...," he wanted to come up with an excuse but didn't know what to say.

She then threw a pillow at him and started laughing. "I am kidding. Somehow, I know that whatever you were doing, it must have been important."

John relaxed at hearing that and approached her.

"Although you looked so worried there for a moment...almost like me in front of that Inspector Keanu guy. Are you sure you are not hiding something from me?"

They both laughed, with John shrugging his shoulders disarmingly. He remembered how they played poker and he was able to trick her like a baby before, and now that he was so on the edge all the time that their roles had been reversed.

"If you are feeling better, let's walk you back to the dorm," he suggested.

"Are you sure? I can still walk back by myself too, you know. You were injured too, and you didn't rest yet".

John's determined expression told her however that this was not up for discussion.

"Okay then," she said with the hint of a smile.

As they made their way outside, John contemplated on whether to tell Seraphina about his encounter earlier with the mysterious invisible stranger, of course after omitting some incriminatory details. He didn't want to worry her further, but it could help to keep her alert, as he feared that with her ingrained confidence she could continue being careless, even in her current state.

"Hey, do you know perhaps if any students at our school have the invisibility ability?"

"Huh, invisibility? Why do you ask? You never showed interest in powers before."

"Ah, no big deal...I just saw something strange earlier in the hallway, a door opened by itself but nobody was standing there. I guess it could have just been the wind," he tried to casually dismiss the topic.

"The wind? Inside our hallways?" the magenta-haired girl looked doubtful. The school had instituted a policy of locked windows after several incidents of students falling down outside during fights. Of course, it didn't help much as some rogue students like John would still not hesitate to break the window down with this purpose.

"Anyways, imagine how cool it would be to have this power? I could even sneak into the girls' locker room this way!"

"You?" Seraphina burst into laughter, almost tripping down and falling on her face.

As she continued laughing to the point of tears, John looked at her inquisitively.

"What, you don't think I am manly enough to do it?"

"No, is just that...I imagined you, dressed up as usual to the tiniest detail of perfection with your spotless uniform, tie, and your ton of hair gel sneaking on your fours through a window to watch girls getting dressed, and the scene, well, it was just too much for me to handle."

John punched her playfully to the shoulder, not pressing the matter further.

They continued walking around campus in the direction of the girls' dorm, their hands brushing against each other occasionally. Whenever there was a sudden noise, John noticeably shivered, and once at the sound of an incoming motorcycle roaring the engine he grabbed her hand and with the other one got into a battle pose. It was a false alarm however as the motorcycle blasted past them to continue on its way.

"John," Seraphina said with concern, not letting go of his hand. "Are you really okay? You are acting all strange again. "

"Yes, I am fine." 

"You don't have to be always on the lookout to defend me, you know."

John stared at her in silence. Yes, I do.

"I can handle getting hurt too. Even if I get beat up every day for the next month, that will still be just a tenth of what you had to go through!" she joked.

But I don't want you to go through any of it. I don't want you to get hurt ever again.

At that moment, the image of Seraphina lying lifeless in a pool of blood at his apartment crawled back to his mind.

"Argh," John put his hands up covering his face. Seraphina could have sworn that momentarily she saw a golden flash emanating from his eyes, but quickly dismissed the idea.

"John," she got in front of him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "What is going on? You can tell me anything, you know."

"I am really sorry...," he said weakly.

"Sorry for what?" she was puzzled.

"Will you always be my friend?" he asked, ignoring her question, his tone was as if he was inquiring about the most important thing in the world.

"Where did that come from? Of course I will always be your friend...unless you want us to be something e...ahem." Seraphina got quiet and turned away, with John missing the blush on her face in the dark.

"Then I will always protect you." For real this time.

Chapter END.

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