By Dreamerse

36.9M 1.2M 439K

"Close your eyes." he croaked, I did as I was told without any disobedience. "Have you any idea how badly I w... More

In the eye of Nick Abel


1.1M 43K 20.6K
By Dreamerse

Colour me red (#2)
Aaron (#3

Chapter 8.

I made my way back to the apartment buildings snuggled in a shirt ten times too big and smelling of Xavier.

However, I couldn't deny the fact that I was warming up, and it was extremely comfortable. Is it weird that I felt so safe and protected? It was like I was physically wrapped up in Xavier's arms, and I knew, nobody could get to me when Xavier was near, even if he didn't like me, I knew he'd atleast do something to protect me, right?

As soon as I entered the building and my feet stepped foot on to the plush dark carpet, Katie came out of nowhere to pounce on me as soon as my body was inside.

"You're coming to the party tonight," she demanded without even a hint of a greeting.

"There's school tomorrow, no I'm not," I replied. I couldn't keep missing days, I was going to fail otherwise.

"I'm telling you now, you have to!" She groaned loudly. "It's exclusive, come on this is very important to me," she whined. I huffed.

"I can't miss another day of school,"

"Then don't, just don't drink too much tonight and I promise we'll be out of there by 1 am, your classes don't start until 10 tomorrow," she persuaded. I sighed again in defeat.

"Fine," I let out. "I'm going to get changed," I said as I began to walk away.

"Wait!" She shouted as she held up her hand. I turned around to look at her.

"What?" I replied, puzzled.

"Who's shirt is that?" I looked down to Xavier's shirt and flickered my eyes back up to Katie's.

"I'll tell you later," she shrugged without another word and proceeded to make her way back to her room.

I then proceeded to walk back to mine. I paused when I came across Xavier's door opposite and looked to the wooden oak separating us.

I wanted to speak to him, to ask him why he did the things he did. Why he gave me his shirt when it wasn't in his blood to do so, or was that just extremely judgemental of me?

I turned around and opened my door. As soon as I was inside my room, I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Did I want to go out tonight? I did, but then I wanted to stay indoors and watch a few movies on my own.

But I knew I couldn't, I had to go now, Katie wouldn't let me even think about changing my mind.

As soon as I was done in the shower, I put on a knee length black dress. I wore black dresses most of the time because the colour flattered my figure in ways that other colours could not.

I did my hair in less than 5 minutes, and soon I was finished. I couldn't really be arsed for anything tonight, so I didn't take much time to get ready.

I slumped down on to the sofa with a huff and a groan, and as soon as I did so, the door shook slightly with a knock. I got up from the sofa with another groan.

"What?" I said as I opened the door. Xavier was standing there in all his glory but I didn't really want to speak to him tonight. "What are you doing here?" I asked again as Xavier opened his mouth to speak.

"I...uh...came here to say-"

"Can we make this quick? I'm going out soon, Xavier, and Katie will kill me if I'm late," Xavier gave a brisk nod and his eyes clouded over.

"I just wanted my shirt back, give me my shirt," he demanded. I rolled my eyes and grabbed it from the arm of the sofa.

"Here," I snapped. I was just moody tonight. I was about to shut the door, but Xavier's arm came out to stop it from meeting it's frame.

"Where are you going?"

"Excuse me?" I replied.

"Where are you going?" He asked again. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't actually know, some club somewhere or other,"

"Aren't you a little too young for that?"

"Maybe, but we can still get in," I replied. Xavier shifted on the spot. "And anyway, you're not that old yourself,"

"I know,"

"Good," I began to close the door again, but Xavier stopped me. I huffed in annoyance. "Xavier," I groaned.

"Don't you think you're a little too young to go dancing with men who are actually legal in that place?"

"Does it matter, dad?" I replied back with sarcasm dripping from my every word. Xavier's eyes angered slightly and I stepped back.

"You're jail bait, love," he whispered. "But if you're going to be like that, then fine, go ahead, but don't come rushing to me when things get turned upside down for you, because I can tell you now, little girl, they do," and he turned around and left, slamming his door behind him as the walls rattled.

I stood there staring at the door he just shut for a while, before finally turning around myself and making my way into my own room.

I shook my head in exasperation, but I had to smile really. He was the most confusing boy I ever knew, but that was just Xavier.

I grabbed my bag and decided to go to Katie's room instead, being alone here, waiting, was boring.

I knocked on her door as soon as I was there. Katie opened the door, grabbed my arm and flung me into the room quickly. I squeaked in shock.

"What the fu-"

"I don't know what to wear!" She flustered about in her room. Dresses were piled everywhere and the floor was a mess.

"Bloody hell, no need to rip my arm off," I scowled at her. She rolled her eyes before pulling me to her wardrobe.

"Pick something for me, please," it looked as if she was near to having a panic attack. She was such a drama queen, but it was funny. "Why are you laughing? choose something!" Her arms flung in the air and I laughed a little bit more.

"Take a breath, you have plenty of clothes," I stated as I walked up to her wardrobe. Just then, Mali came out of the bathroom and flung herself on to her bed.

"You try and console the girl, I'm not even getting involved," Mali held up her hands and I laughed. "Most people have real problems,"

"We could always kill her,"

"It'd be easier, that's for sure,"

"You know I can hear you," Katie replies as she lays her hands on to her hips. "Don't even answer with a witty comment, Mali, or I swear to God I will fly kick you in the face,"

"Okay, while you're bitch slapping, I'm going to try and find you an outfit before you keel over," Katie nodded in approval as she stood there sending glares over to Mali.

I went through the remaining clothes hung up in the wardrobe and tried to come up with an outfit suitable. It really didn't matter what she wore, so I picked up a dress and took it to her.

"Here," she looked at it and then looked back to me.

"I can't wear this!"

"Why not?" I asked.

"I wore this to my father's business employee's funeral!" I looked to her with my head cocked to the side. Mali jumped up from the bed and bounded over to us.

"Don't be stupid, Kate, you can still wear it," Mali stated. I nodded my head.

"But I'm going out clubbing and drinking and dancing in a dress I wore to Greg's bloody death party!" She shrieked. Mali and I winced.

"I'm sure Greg won't mind," I stated. The dress was black like mine, and it was perfectly suitable for a night out clubbing.

"But it's disrespectful,"

"What's disrespectful is slapping the priest and insulting the person laying in the coffin," I looked to Mali and narrowed my eyes into slits.


"Worst funeral ever,"

"What?" I asked again. "Infact, I don't even want to know," I shook my head. "Just put the dress on and let's go, before I change my mind and refuse to go after all," I replied to Katie. She sighed before walking into the bathroom and getting changed.

When she finally came out, Mali and I nodded in approval.

"Perfect, now let's go," Katie grabbed her things and we managed to drag her out before she found something else to moan about.

We phoned a cab as we waited in the lounge of the building.

"They'll be here in five," Mali stated as she sat down next to me on one of the leather sofas.

As soon as the words left her mouth, Xavier stormed into the room. I could feel the way the room silenced as he entered, and I watched him as he breezed in and sat down infront of us.

The girls looked at him as if he was from another planet and I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"Xavier," I said. His eyes moved up until they nearly flickered to mine, but they didn't quite reach them and I was a little disappointed at the fact.

"Emily," his name sent shivers down my spine. Katie nudged me before whistling through her teeth.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I shifted in my seat further away from Katie.

"Sitting down, what does it look like?" He replied, and his voice held a bored undertone which made my heart sink just a little bit. Was he mad? What for?

"It looks like you're sitting down," I shrugged as I replied quietly.

"Well then," he shrugged back. We stayed in silence after that, I was looking at him, and he was looking at me, not directly, but he was.

"So, um, the cab is here, we best get going," Katie stated as she grabbed hold of my elbow and pulled me out into the corridor.

"What the bloody hell was that?" She whispered in to my ear. "That boy has the hots for you, or something, I could feel the sexual tension or whatever tension it was a mile away," she waved her hands.

"Shut up and let's go," I replied as I then began to pull her outside an into the fresh air. Mali followed behind us and chose not to say a word.

We piled into the cab and he sped down the roads.

"Before you say anything, I don't even want to talk about it," and I really didn't.

The girls didn't say a word about Xavier the whole drive, and I was thankful about that.

When we were finally there, we piled out and joined the growing queue.

"Luckily I know the bouncers here, we'll get in," Katie stated as she stood on her tip toes to see above the tall heads. Katie knew everybody.

"Okay, good," I replied.

After about ten minutes, we were finally at the front of the queue. Katie chatted to the bouncers and then realised she was holding up the rest of the queue. They let us in easily, and we slinked into the multiple coloured club without even having to show any ID.

There were many coloured lights flashing across the place, and the dance floor was already packed.

The bar was long and had bottles of different alcoholic drinks lined up across the counter and on shelves behind them.

"And the night begins," Mali stated as we all made our way to the bar.

And the night truly did begin. It was yet another beginning of drinking, dancing and what seemed to be loving under the influence of alcohol.

When I was drunk I pretty much loved everybody I set eyes on. I had the best beer goggles known to woman and man.

Nearing to the end of the night, I was no where near sober, but I wasn't quite drunk either. Just enough to make me a little wobbly on my feet, but my head was screwed on enough.

"I love you," I said to Katie as I embraced her into a hug on the dance floor. She returned my hug and my usual affection.

"I love you more," she replied. Mali was dancing with some males a few yards away from us.

I felt the room spin a little, and I desperately needed some air outside.

"I'm just going to get some air," I stated to Katie and she nodded in reply. I weaved through the masses of sweaty bodies and suddenly bumped in to a hard chest on the way.

"I'm sorry," I said as I looked up.

"It's alright, gorgeous," he was drunk and I knew it. I could smell the strong stench of bear from his breath.

I pushed past him until I was standing outside of the club. I heaved a sigh of relief. I didn't need him ruining my night.

I leaned against the entrance of the building and all too soon, the man was infront of me.

"Where are you going?"

"Here," I pointed to the floor.

"Why don't you come with me?"

"I don't think so," I looked at him in disgust.

"Why not? I want you,"

"Yeah well I don't want you, so move a long," I waved my hands to indicate for him to move; he didn't.

"Now come on," he leaned forward until his lips were about to touch mine, it happened so fast, and as soon as I was about to push him away, somebody else did that for me.

"Leave her alone, prick," a deep, husky voice I knew all so well came out.

Without even seeing the impact of his punch, it was like I could feel it. He really was too strong, and I didn't think he realised that.

The man tried to fight back, but Xavier wasn't having any of it, and soon, the man was out cold. I was relieved really.

I coward in the corner as Xavier made his way up to me.

"Xavier," I breathed. I didn't know what to do.

"Fuck," was his reply. "I knew it would turn upside down, I fucking told you, didn't I tell you?" He lodged his hands into his hair in anger. I could feel it radiating through his body.

"I thought you said I shouldn't come rushing to you when it does," I whispered. He breathed out a sigh and scratched the nape of his neck.

"Seems like you didn't need to, I came rushing to you," he stated as he looked to the floor.

"Thanks," I let out, it's all I could say.

"Don't thank me, just don't, I don't want it," he almost snapped, but it was if he was controlling himself.

"Okay," he let out another sigh.

"Come on, I'm taking you home, you're a little drunk,"

"No I'm not,"

"You are, now come on," he pulled me away from the wall and held on to my arm as he led me to his car. I giggled slightly at his touch, and I realised I was indeed just a little drunk.

"I guess I am a little," I continued to giggle. Xavier shook his head but his face stated emotionless I knew.

"I know,"

"Xavier?" I caught his attention, he looked to me and I smiled innocently.

"Sometimes you can be really nice, and I love you when you are,"

"Don't say things like that," he gritted through his pearly white teeth.

"Why not?" I pouted his way and his jaw twitched.

"Just shut up and get in the car, Emily, now," he demanded, and he seemed mad again. I didn't answer, and I did what I was told.

"How did you get here so fast?" I asked when he sat down next to me.

"Because I did," he said bluntly. I shook my head.

"The truth, Xavier,"


"Because I want the truth, okay?" I turned to him and I looked at him with an intensity I didn't even know I could pull off. He sighed and I saw the flash of anger through his eyes, like a lightening streak.

"I waited outside of the club for you, okay? Now that's enough,"


"Enough," and I turned around like a petulant little child and sulked.


I hope you enjoyed!!!

Love you guys.

Vote away until your thumbs bleed x

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