It's Whateva

By KennyB85

149K 6.6K 5.1K

Bella Brooks, a woman who came from the projects in now doing good as a assistant manager at M&T Bank. Once s... More

Welcome Back
Date Night
Family Outing/Gotcha!
Sweet Warning Signs
Nothing Changed
Reality Check
Family Fun/Revenge
New/Old Flame
Hit&Dip/Talk That Shit
The Dinner/Boss Moves
Straight Bullsh!t
Coming Clean Part1
Coming Clean Part2/Let's Play Part1
Let's Play Part2
No Longer In The Dark
Test One
Merry Christmas
Bottom Line
Michael's POV
Table Turner
Hurdles Part 1
Hurdles Part2
Work In Progress
Sneak Peek
Different Point Of Views
Attitudes/Mr. Dodson
Mi Familia
Remember When....
ALERT!!! (Not A Chapter)
All Eyes On Us
Mother Know's Best
Sneak Peek
YES/At The Harbor
Strategy Part 1
Strategy Part 2
The Angel in the Devil
My Beautiful B
Growing A Pair
Emotional Roller Coaster
The Shake Up
New Fanpage Alert!!!


3K 114 227
By KennyB85

"Do you want anything drink?" Lex asked me while sitting in my living room. I shook my head no while laying on my love seat and Lex was stretched out on my couch.

"Want to go fuck his apartment up?" She asked with a creepy smile slowly forming on her lips. I smacked my lips and shook my head again at the idea.

"Well damn B, what are we doing? I knew something was up when he asked me to drop Mya off here...but shit I didn't think he would do some dumb shit like that-" I just finished telling Lex everything and her mood went from shock to, some Waiting to Exhale type of thinking. Everything I was not willing to do.

"The really fucked up thing is all the shit he fed me...I told you. I was really thinking about being with him and to find out he was with that bitch-" I stopped talking when I heard Mya's little feet coming my way.

"Look mommy, so pretty." Mya held up a picture she just drew that was different colors of scribble and I smiled while taking it.

"It sure is baby, now draw auntie Lex one too." Mya looked at Lex and giggled before dashing into the dinning room where I had a little art center set up for her.

"Bella I know you, you are going to let this shit brew and soon explode...but I know him too. Bella he does love you and he's loving you hard. I really think if he loses you again he's going to lose it. " I sighed and sat up while rubbing my hands together.

"I don't want to blow up. I want to get revenge...but I don't want to hurt him...those shits are things...I want to hurt him to the core." Lex looked a bit worried now because I completely ignored her voicing her concerns about him. Fuck him and his feelings right now...that was my target!I thought about something and while I bit down on my lip and smirked before picking up my phone.

"Do you want me to go with you so you won't be alone-" I smacked my lips and looked through the numbers until I found the one I was looking for. I quickly texted him everything that was going on and to see if he would want to come.

"Oh I won't be alone...I just thought of someone who can accompany me." I smiled again when they sent me the answer I was looking for.

"Who is that...Bruce or that other dude..umm-" I dropped the phone back on the coffee table and smirked to myself.

"I got this lil me." I winked at her and sat back now feeling a little better about the situation...for now.

"Yo this right here is nice as yall have any openings at the bank?" I looked over at him and shook my head while smiling to myself.

"As a matter of fact we do...well once someone gets promoted we will." I told him while we walked over to where the coats were being checked in.

This New Years party was taking place very close to home The Marriott by the Baltimore Harbor. 

Since this has been a great year, the company booked the ballroom so would would be able to open up the double doors and look out to have a great view of the fireworks. Right now the doors were closed, but the curtains were pulled back so we still had the view of downtown Baltimore Harbor.

"Well tell me when it's time for me to submit my resume...even though I have a few businesses, I can still enjoy some free shit from time to time." I laughed at him being silly and took my coat off with his help and he whistled.

"I see you Miss Bella in the white." I shook my head at him and looked down at myself. I had on a long white dress with a split up to my thigh and my back was out. My braids were out and I had my hair in big curls that fell down my back.

"Thank you-" I smiled while smoothing down the front of my dress. I was cut off by a voice behind me.

"Bella...damn you look great...sup with you man. What are you doing here?" We both turned around to see a smiling Michael...he had on a black stripped suit and I saw Jessica was stuck to his side like glue already.

This is the first time I have seen Michael since Christmas and even though he was smiling, his eyes were smoldering. He looked from me to my date again before pulling him into a brotherly hug.

"Sup man, I know you told me the last party was nice, but this shit right here is NICE nice." He said and they both shared a laugh, but Michael's didn't feel genuine.

"Yeah I know, Bella told me they step it up around the holidays...speaking of which, Bella can I speak to your for a moment?" I fought to not roll my eyes and settled on a small smile.

"Maybe later, it would be rude for us to just leave our dates two have fun." I pointed between him and Jessica and turned my back to them.

"Come on Sterling...let me introduce you two a few of my coworkers." I smiled while he linked my arm with his.

"Make sure you save me a dance B!" I heard Michael yell out to me. I simply threw my hand up and wiggled my fingers at him.

Once we were a safe distance away Sterling turned us around so we were facing each other.

"You do know that nigga is going to try to kill me right?" I was worried at first because after I texted Sterling a few days ago, he did tell me that he and Michael were into some businesses together. I opened my mouth to voice my apologies, but he laughed at his own joke before I had time to talk.

After I texted Sterling, he called me not too long after Lex left and I told him everything. I don't know why seeing as though he is Michael's best friend...but once I started I just couldn't stop and Sterling confirmed a few things Lex told me, about how bad Michael was looking and keeping to himself...could have fooled me because the nigga looked great tonight!

"Why did you agree to come than?" I asked while we settled at the bar; a few feet away from a few of my coworkers were talking and laughing.

Sterling ordered a drink and once the bartender nodded and started on his drink he answered.

"Well for know I like you. However, I kinda knew something wasn't adding up with you two and this whole just best friends shit...when you two weren't talking, he snapped on everybody like he just went through a bad breakup and I've seen my boy after women...he don't give a flying fuck about them. So when he started acting out...I had a feeling. Than you two got back good and he was all teeth and dimples and shit...I knew yall two were smashing." I rolled my eyes and laughed at him while he picked up his drink and started sipping it through a straw and looking through the crowd.

"'re doing this because-" Sterling eyes suddenly stopped and he smirked before turning his back to everyone.

"Well because I think he needs a wake up call. He does love you and I mean hard...he's just dumb sometimes. He will do anything for you and destroy anybody who messes with you." I raised a brow at what he just told me and thought about it for a moment before shaking my head and dismissing it.

"Well he's not showing that Christmas gift was basically a slap to the damn after this I'll talk to him about a few things and that's it. I don't even want to be his friend, just cordial." Sterling waved the bartender and pointed to his drink for a refill.

"I doubt that will fly with him...whatever you did to him has him wanting more. Butthe whole talking about a few things...what is that?" He asked while looking down at me. I sighed and shook my head at him.

"I rather keep that between he and I for now." Sterling looked at me a bit worried before shrugging.

We continued to talk and joke around until I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.

"Well hello Miss Thang! Happy New Years Eve!" I turned around quickly and smiled at Rachel and was glad to see her in a gold party dress.

"Hey girl, I want to introduce you to-" Rachel held her hand out for him to shake and smiled brightly at him.

"Sterling Brim...nice to meet you in the flesh." I was a bit taken back by the fact she knew his name and laughed lightly to try to hide my shock.

"How do you know him?" Rachel looked at me like I was crazy before laughing herself.

"Girl, he has his hands in everything all over the DMV. Dump truck businesses, opening up Rec centers, working with our mayor to fix some of those damn neighborhoods that has a row of houses abandoned. Fixing them for families who are in need." My mouth dropped at this new information and I looked at Sterling to see him sipping his drink and he just shrugged.

"So you're like a local hero/celebrity huh?" Rachel scuffed and waved her hand at me.

"Nothing about this man is local-" I rolled my eyes and smacked her shoulder while smiling.

"Okay damn, what are you working on his campaign or something?" We all shared a laugh and I noticed Robert wasn't by her side.

"Where's Robert?" I asked while looking around, but stopped and rolled my eyes when I saw Morgan talking to Michael and Robert not too far from us.

"Yeah you see where he is...but more importantly...why is YOUR friend here with Jessica?" Rachel asked me while glaring at Jessica hanging on Michael's arm. I saw Morgan laugh and turn slightly to us and mouth a "What the fuck?" before turning back around and continuing to laugh at the two men.

"Yo that was fake as fuck."Sterling laughed out while watching everything unfold.

"I rather not talk about it...oh fuck." I mumbled while the four walked over to the bar.

"Bella I see your friend is back...but I see we have a new friend...hello to you." Sterling paused and looked at us before smiling at Morgan and shaking her outreached hand.

"Hello, I'm Sterling." Morgan smiled and touched her dreads that were in an up-do.

"I'm does Bella have some fine friends." Sterling laughed lightly at her...actually we all did except for Michael who was eyeing me from head to toe.

"Jessica...I see a few of your cashier friends over there...have you said hi to them yet?" Morgan asked while looking over Jessica's shoulder and nodding towards a table. Jessica looked over her shoulder at them and smirked at Morgan before holding on tighter to Michael's arm and smiling at me.

"I spoke to them and introduced them to Bakari-" Everybody looked at her like she was crazy before I interrupted her.

"As you should, excuse me-" I tried to move around the "couple", but Michael caught my hand.

"Bella I REALLY need to talk to you before we leave-" I smiled at a few people walking pass and spoke through tight lips.

"I'm busy-" Michael moved me away from the group and looked down at me.

"Too busy for me-" I squint my eyes at him and pulled my hand out of his grasp.

"Yes, too busy for ruined my damn Christmas and I will be damned if you ruin my New Year." Michael stood up straight and took a deep breath while looking around.

"Jessica is waiting for you-" I pointed out and Michael face twisted up and I saw he was losing his cool.

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN..." Michael stopped himself and looked around to see a few people looking our way and he lowered his voice.

"I don't give a damn who is waiting for me, we need to talk. I haven't seen you since Christmas-" I smacked my lips and went to walk away from him, but stopped and broke into a smile. Michael looked confused, but once he looked in the direction I was he mumbled a few choice words.

"Bella, you look breathtaking and glowing...I love this dress on you." I smiled and let him hug me and patted his back.

"Thank you Bruce, you always did clean up nicely." Bruce smoothed down his tie and smirked on me.

"And I always said white looks great on you." I snapped my neck to him and saw him wink at me. Michael squint his eyes at him because we all caught that little shot he just threw.

"Michael right? Great to see you again-" Michael looked at his out stretched hand before shaking it.

"I'm sure it's not, but whatever." He said a bit coldly and I glared at him. Bruce smirked and looked at his suit while nodding his head.

"That is a sharp ass suit, who's it by?" Michael looked down at his suit and shrugged.

"It's Vergil Abloh." My eyes grew wide because that man was just appointed the new artistic director for the menswear for Louis Vuitton.

"How the hell did you get that?" I asked before Bruce could. Michael looked down at me and winked.

"I know a few people here and there." I looked at his sleeve and read the tag and shook my was real and it looked to be a one of a kind.

"That's...that's pretty impressive, looks great." Bruce comment and Michael smiled and nodded his head.

"Thanks." He said in a bit of a high pitch voice and I rolled my eyes.

"So you two came together-"Michael opened his mouth, but I answered quickly.

"No we didn't...he's here with Jessica." I said and Bruce looked a bit confused.

"Jessica...the one in loans on the fourth floor?" I shook my head because he was talking about Jessica who was damn near six feet and very skinny.

"No, cashier-" Bruce mouth dropped and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"The one who's been fucking...oh...I mean...oh that Jessica..." He said trying to cover up what he just said.

"Yeah her..." Bruce still looked bit stunned but chuckled it off and nodded his head.

"How lovely...well we have less than an hour before the ball drops...make sure you save me a dance will you?" I smiled and nodded.

"Of course." Bruce picked my hand up and kissed it before going back to mingle with other coworkers.

"He gets an of course and I get dismissed?" Michael mumbled and I took a deep breath and looked around to see everyone still at the bar before looking back at Michael.

"Get away from me." I finally said and tried to walk away from him, but he quickly hooked my arm and turned us around and we started walking in the other direction towards the exit.

"Michael-" I tried to get out of his hold, but he pulled me closer.

"Michael nothing...we are going to talk and we are going to talk now!" He told me in a harsh whisper while nodding at a few people.

We made it out of the ballroom and over to a lounge area no one was at.

"What do you want-"Michael looked around before glaring down at me.

"Why are you here with him, of all people HIM!?" I looked at him and rolled my eyes while placing my hands on my hips.

"Who was I suppose to come with huh? Or was I suppose to come by myself?" Michael looked a bit stuck, but he was still very pissed off.

"No but...shit Bella! This is your way in getting back at me? By coming here with my best friend-" I looked him over and started poking his chest,

"No, this is to show you that I will not wait around for you to finish whoring and decide you are ready to be with me! I am showing you that I don't wait for any damn body...including you." I said in a bit of disgust and I could see my words hurt him a bit, but he refused to back down.

"This is bullshit-" I shook my head and sat down while he sat on the table in front of me.

"The bullshit is you actually going out with her behind my back, making me believe we could be something while you are fucking her-" Michael sighed and held his hands out as if he was innocent.

"I am not fucking-" I leaned in and glared at him; taking all of my willpower not to slap the lying shit out of him.

"You want me to believe you two did nothing when in less than an hour your dick was in her mouth? Am I stupid to you now?" Michael clamped his mouth shut and looked off for a few minutes. I looked him up and down and twisted my face up at him.

"B-" He breathed out while still not looking at me.

"Fuck you Michael. You made your choice when you kept in contact with her and sealed the deal when you even open your mouth to be about don't want me, you want to do whatever you want, but I will NOT be sticking around for it...this I will not be there for you for...this time when I walk away it's because YOU caused me to-" I stood up to walk back into the ballroom, but he quickly stood up and blocked me.

"Bella we can fix this. I can not lose you-"He tried to reach out and touch me, but I smacked his hand down and looked out of the corner of my eye to see Rachel was now by the door looking at us.

"I'm not fixing shit because I didn't do shit! I just wish I knew about this before..."I cut myself off realizing I was about to say too much. Michael looked at me confused and waited for me to finish, but I didn't.

"Before what?" He asked while leaning in a bit. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath; battling myself to tell him or wait...

"Before instead of just loving you...I fell in love with you." I said honestly while opening my eyes and looking into his hurt ones. I looked him over again before walking away and this time he didn't stop me.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

Everyone cheered and hugged while still saying Happy New Year to everyone and throwing up confetti.

Sterling hugged me to him and kissed the top of my head while I laughed and next was Rachel and I rolled my eyes while hugging her and laughing.

"Girl I think ya boy left Jessica." Rachel whispered in my ear while nodding straight ahead.

I looked over and sure enough Jessica was looking around confused while holding her phone in her hand. I looked around as well and didn't see Michael at all. I shook my head at the poor girl and turned my back to her.

"Not my problem." I shrugged and that damn Celebration song came on and we all started dancing.


"Thank you again for coming out tonight." I told Sterling while we stood outside of my front door. He had his tie around his head and I laughed at his crazy ass.

"Shit! Let me know when the next one is, I'll clear that day again." I laughed and we hugged before pulling away and I watched him walk back to his car and once he was in I unlocked my door and waved at him while he honked twice and drove off.

I walked into my house still singing when I heard something move...remembering when that happened before I quickly turned on my living room light switch that was by the door and saw Michael sitting on my couch and a bottle of 151 sitting on my coffee table.

Michael's suit jacket was slung across the love seat along with his shirt and tie. His pants were undone and his shoes were kicked off not too far from where I was.

"Michael why are you here?"I sighed out while taking my coat off and hanging it up. Michael leaned his head back and laughed to himself before answering.

"Why wouldn't I be here?" He asked before looking at me and his eyes were so low I thought they were closed.

Without saying another word I walked into my kitchen and got two bottles of water out of the case I had on the floor and walked back into the living room while opening one and sat in in front of him.

"Drink these, sober up and get out." I told him flatly and turned to go upstairs, but he caught my arm and pulled me on him.

"This was suppose to be our year Bella...everything was suppose to go so right for us." He looked at me and he looked every bit of fucking pitiful. I pushed some of my hair that fell in my face away and sighed.

"Michael you are drunk and you need to let me go-" Michael pulled me closer to him and I rolled my eyes when he laid his head on my chest.

"Don't leave me B...I need you too much-" I pushed his head off of me and while trying to get him off of me I ended up falling on the floor.

"Stay your ass down here and sleep off this shit." I stood up and took the bottle and grabbed the top while going upstairs.

Once I got upstairs I saw that this fool drank more than half the bottle and it was a fifth and I had no idea how much he drank at the actual party.

I shook my head and put the top on it and put it on my chest. I was taking my dress off when I heard heavy footsteps coming up my steps and groaned because I knew he was coming my way.

"Bella!" I heard in the hallway and tried to quickly shut my door, but he pushed pass me and let out a drunken laugh.

"Bella what are you doing up here?" He asked while trying to grab at me, but I pushed his hands away.

"Michael go back downstairs and drink the water-" Michael sighed and rubbed his hands over his face before looking back at me and giving me a lazy smile.

"I am fucked up..." He laughed out while quickly pulling me to him and leaning his head on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and patted his head a few times while trying to guide him out of my room.

"I see, now go downstairs and-" Michael grabbed my face suddenly and just stared at me for awhile. I tried to move his hands, but he wouldn't budge.

"Michael...let me go." I tried to stay calm and said slowly.

Michael didn't say a word, he just kept staring into my eyes. I started to get uneasy and actually had to peel his fingers off of my face and push his hands away with force.

"Michael GO!" I pointed to the door and he stood there and watched me to the point I got uncomfortable under his stare.

It looked as if he was going to take a step towards me, but stopped. He sighed and left while slamming the door behind him and I quickly locked it while sighing in relief.

I opened my eyes slowly and groaned while moving around a bit and felt myself being held. I ignored it and got more comfortable in the embrace until I felt something on my bare shoulder and I became fully alert. I froze when I felt it again and realized it was Michael in bed with me.

I quickly turned around and moved away until I got to the edge of the bed and quickly turned on my lamp and he quickly covered his eyes with his arm.

"Shit turn the light out." He groaned out and I looked down at him and...I quickly picked up my phone to see it was ten in the morning...why was he still drunk!?

I looked around and instantly saw the bottle I put on my chest was now on the nightstand beside him and damn near gone.

"Michael get up-" I said while getting out of bed and pulling my night shirt down.

Michael groaned in response and I rolled my eyes. I walked over to his side of the bed and pulled my quilt off of him and wish I hadn't.

Michael was completely naked and hard as a rock. Even though I shouldn't be shocked because that's how he slept, I still wasn't expecting him to be now and in my bed.

"Michael...get up and get dressed. You have to go." I told him sternly and he moved his arm to look at me with one eye before getting comfortable again and I smacked my lips.

"Fuck it, you can't drive anyway, I'm calling your brother to come get you." I said while going for my phone. Michael sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes while groaning.

"We need to talk first...we need to make up-" I grabbed my phone and unlocked it while sitting on the bed with my back to him.

"No the hell we don't. You're pissy drunk and need to get out...I don't need this shit right now-" I found Liddy's number, but just as I was about to hit it I was pulled back and into Michael hard chest.

"Not before we talk B." He slurred out and grabbed my phone out of my hand. I tried to pull away, but his hold got tighter on my shirt.

"Michael let me the fuck go-" I tried to pull away again, but this time his other hand came around and grabbed my neck making me freeze.

"I want to TALK first!"My heart started to race and I had a bad feeling this was not going to end well.

From the position of his hand I knew he felt my pulse speed up under his thumb. I licked my suddenly dry lips and tried to take another approach.

"Michael baby-" I gasped when I felt him squeeze my neck a bit and his lips on my temple.

"Oh now it's baby? You were tough a few minutes ago...I guess this is how I have to check you from time to time huh?" He chuckled at his own piss poor joke, but I laughed lightly...anything to get out of this predicament.

"Please let me go-" I touched his hand, but quickly moved when he squeezed tighter.

"You acting like I'm hurting you know you love it when I grab your neck." The whole time he was whispering in my ear and touching my hair.

I could feel myself start to shake because I knew he was drunk and being drunk and hurt was a bad combination.

"Michael please-" I was suddenly pushed down and Michael was on top of me. I took one look into his eyes and once I saw the anger I closed my own because I knew something bad was about to happen.

"Michael please!? MICHAEL PLEASE!? PLEASE WHAT BELLA!? MICHAEL PLEASE WHAT BELLA!?" I jumped and squeezed my eyes shut tighter the louder he got. I could smell the rum coming out of him and kept thinking stupidly that if I just stayed still he would leave.

That didn't happen.

Michael hand went under my shirt and I started hitting his chest and kicking him to get off of me.

"Stop Bella!" He screamed while trying to block my blows, but I finally landed a kick to his stomach and next thing I knew I saw a flash or light!


My head whipped to the side and everything became blurry for awhile. It was like things were moving in slow motion and I heard a faint ringing in my ear.

Putting up a fight seemed so hard to do, my hands were now over my head and my shirt was up to my neck. I could hear myself still trying to beg him to stop, but my voice sounded so far away. My head started to pound and tears just slid down my face.

The metallic taste of my own blood made me cry harder as the man I love...the man who promised to protect me and always be there for me my best friend...was having his way with me and he was so fucking drunk out of his mind. I doubt he wouldn't even remember what the fuck he's doing to be.

I laid numb to his word, his touches, his lips, his strokes and prayed...I prayed when this was all said and done...he didn't do too much damage to me and for the sake of our little day I will be able to forgive him...but I for damn sure never forget.

Yup! So I'm logging off after this post...yall not going to gang up on me! 


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