EMISON: Memento Vivere (disco...

By strangebrew

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Emily's in her Junior year in University of Massachusetts Boston. Alison resurfaces in Emily's life just exac... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV

Chapter X

1K 43 3
By strangebrew

In a manner of speaking I just want to say

That I could never forget the way

You told me everything

By saying nothing

In a manner of speaking I don't understand

How love in silence becomes reprimand

But the way that I feel about you

Is beyond words

(In a manner of speaking - Nouvelle Vague)


Emily and Alison we're sitting beside each other during Literature class, both girls stealing glances at each other. Emily consciously made an effort to wipe her huge smile off of her face. Alison was listless out of boredom, but she was grinning like an idiot because of Emily nonetheless. Alison inwardly groaned, her fingers tapped impatiently on her desk. She couldn't wait for the class to just be over.

Spencer, being her usual self, was already ahead of the discussion. Hannah secretly put nail polish on her nails under her desk. While Aria, equally bored to death, had a dreamy look plastered on her face, you can already see the letters E-z-r-a popping off of her forehead. Their teacher, Ms. Ramsey, was no better than a snooze-fest, Alison would rather watch a hamster dreaming on youtube than listen to her. Or better yet, spend time with her girlfriend Emily.

"...Alison, I'd like you to be the lead, you can pick 6 of your classmates for your group.Class, we're having a presentation tomorrow."

All the other girls heard except Emily and Alison who were rather too busy stealing glances at each other for the nth time and purposefully grazing against each other's skin whenever they can. Spencer, seeing Emily and Alison too busy flirting with each other, made a mental note to remind the two about their talent show for tomorrow's Literature class later during lunch break.

When the bell rang signaling Literature class is over, all five girls stood with Alison leading the group while hand in hand with Emily. Curious eyes immediately followed the blonde and the brunette.

As the girls walk along the school corridors, Emily and Alison's intertwined hands earned more whispers and stares they could burn a hole onto the girls' backs. But Alison is Alison. She was used to stares, whispers and gossips. She liked the attention. She liked it even more knowing she's walking with her best friend, scratch that, girlfriend. A smug smile was clearly formed on Alison's lips the moment her hand found Emily's.

Emily on the other hand was not used to the kind of attention they were getting. She couldn't wrap around the fact that Alison's so comfortable with their relationship status considering she's always dated boys, add to that the fact that it's Alison's first time to be with a girl. Emily could tell Alison enjoyed not only the attention but also the fact that they're "out" even if only Hanna, Aria and Spencer knew about their relationship.

She thought Alison would keep their relationship in the wraps. Clearly, Alison is doing the opposite. Emily wasn't ashamed of her new relationship status with Alison. For the lack of a better term, she just didn't know how to respond to Alison's gestures. She's always had low key relationships before. And while it was never a dream of hers to date a Queen of Rosewood High, she had somehow prepared herself to the fact that she and Alison will be the talk of the town in school. She just didn't expect it would be like in the movies where you walk on the corridors with practically everyone gawking at you.

Majority of the students were whispering, some you could hear mutter a curse as they walk the school corridors, someone even gasped an "Oh my god!" so loud when Alison left a kiss on Emily's cheek while walking out of the blue. The gesture elicited a sweet smile onto Emily's lips. Emily tried her best to ignore the eager eyes following them. Alison was never the affectionate type so the kiss on the cheek surprised even Hanna, Aria and Spence. But the girls kept the surprise to themselves and walked casually behind Alison and Emily.

When the girls finally found their usual place at the cafeteria, Alison and Emily were immediately out of sight, leaving the girls entirely clueless.

Emily was almost walking twice faster than her usual pace which is a feat because she's a fast walker. For a moment she wondered how Alison had suddenly the pace of an athlete. Alison had always been the kind of girl who took the time to strut herself, walk slowly making sure she's noticed. But the Alison she's with right now is more carefree and impulsive--two traits she thought Alison didn't have in her.

Alison curiously looked at the classrooms, somewhat relieved that other students are no longer making a feast out of her "statement"--her walking with Emily with hands intertwined. Seeing finally an empty classroom at the end corner of the hallway, Alison slightly gripped Emily's hand tighter to gesture her to enter the classroom. A clueless Emily followed Alison, trusting whatever her intentions are.

"What are we doing here? Did you forget something?" Emily asked curiously.

Instead of replying, Alison paused for a smile and pulled Emily closer to her, blue orbs staring lovingly at Emily, closing their gap with a kiss. The two kissed hungrily, careful not to make even the lightest moan, both not wanting to get caught.

"Okay?" Emily uttered in a soft voice, following a sweet smile curved on her lips, her brows lightly furrowed over Alison's audacity.

"What, Ems. I've been wanting to kiss you since I woke up this morning and of course I can't do it at your porch or else your mom would start asking questions," Alison said sheepishly, her eyes were soft and reflected of happiness.

"Not... Complaining... Because... Your Emily... Likes... Kissing you... Too," Emily said in between her kisses, cupping Alison's beautiful face, her thumbs gently making circles onto Alison's cheeks, her gesture earned her a wide smile from Alison.

Alison, feeling washed over by emotions hearing Emily say "your Emily", attempted to kiss Emily again but Emily slightly moved her head so Alison's kiss landed on her cheek instead.

"You should know Ems I wasn't aiming for that," Alison whined, a smirk rather evident on her lips.

"I know, love. But... They might be looking for us already. Much as I enjoy kissing you we have to get back to them. Plus I'm starving."

"Go back? Says who?" Alison replied stubbornly.

"Says your Emily. On a brighter note, you're coming with me after school, " both Emily's hand held Ali's.

"Do the girls really have to go with us? Aria can babysit Spencer and Hanna. I'd rather you babysit me doing a whole lot of inappropriate things to you," Alison said flirtatiously with a wink, making Emily instantly blush.

"Sorry, love. You're stuck with me and the girls after class."

20 mins later...

"Where the hell have you guys been? We already finished eating." Spencer asked, her eyes set towards the book she's reading. Aria remained quiet but she had a teasing look in her eyes. Hanna stopped flipping over her Cosmopolitan mag and threw both Emily and Alison a long puzzled look.

Hanna folded her arms and threw a knowing look to both Emily and Alison before finally speaking, "I'm no expert in Calculus, but I sure hell know the Physics of a smudged lipstick. You missed a spot, Ali. Here's a tissue." This time it was Alison's turn to blush.

"Ali, did you hear Ms. Ramsey earlier in class?" Spencer asked, changing the topic.

"Of course not. Should I have paid attention? Why?"

"She said you're singing in front of the class tomorrow."

Stunned, "remind me when did that happen?"

"Exactly 33 mins ago," Spencer replied in a matter-of-fact-tone.

"You were timing us the whole time?" Hanna asked, amused.

"No, I just happen to have my stopwatch on and wait for it to magically tell me it's past 33 mins. Of course, I did. We only have an hour before next class," Spencer replied.

"Smart-mouth much, Spence?" Alison remarked.

"Yes, but my brain's smarter," Spencer retorted.

"But Khloe Kardashian's boobs are bigger than your brains," Hanna barged in.

Both Aria and Emily face-palmed, Alison grinned over Hanna's silly remark, Spencer however just threw Hanna a blank look not following the joke.

"Do you think I should do it? Sing at Ramsey-snoozefest's class? Because we can just ditch her class, Ems. I know a whole lot of other things we can do instead," Alison smirking, voicing her intentions to Emily.

"I'm trying to read a 'decent' and 'wholesome' book, Ali. I can clearly hear you," Spencer said sternly, hands busy holding her book upright. Alison involuntarily shrugged in response to Spencer's.

Emily's eyes sparkled and mouthed the word "stooopp" giving Alison the notion that the girls and the people at the other table near them could hear her.

"Hmm, if I ask you to do it for me, would you?" Emily had to ask, of course, letting herself get lost time and again onto Alison deep blue eyes.

"Of course," Alison replied without batting an eyelash.

Hannah coughed the word "whipped" several times. And if looks could kill, Alison would have killed her. Both Aria and Spence burst into laughter hearing Hanna grill Alison.

The day after during Literature class...

When Alison's name was called by Ms. Ramsey, Ali walked to their class' make-do stage and placed the guitar on her lap. Alison looked prepared even on short notice, looking pretty as always wearing a floral tube dress, her long golden locks covering her bare shoulders on a slightly messy do.

Emily has heard Alison sing while playing the piano but that was only by accident before when she returned the Great Expectations to Alison. Naturally, Emily was nervous for Alison because in all the years she's been in Rosewood High, it will be her first time to perform in front of an audience.

Alison focused her attention to Emily sitting at the back left-side with the girls. The class suddenly went quiet when Alison started strumming her guitar...

"So, we're okay, we're fine

Baby I'm here to stop your crying

Chase all the ghosts from your head

I'm stronger than the monster beneath your bed

Smarter than the tricks played on your heart

We'll look at them together then we'll take them apart

Adding up the total of a love that's true

Multiply life by the power of two

You know the things that I'm afraid of

I'm not afraid to tell

And if we ever leave a legacy it's that we

Loved each other well..."

Alison gracefully sang Indigo Girl's Power of two, her eyes locked to Emily's the whole time she was singing. It was like Alison was singing just in front of Emily, no nosy classmates, no Ms. Ramsey snoring at the back corner of the room. It was just them. The world belonged to them. Alison's melodic singing was full of soul, her voice beautifully echoed inside the classroom. Time inevitably froze for the two girls. Emily was completely in awe and mesmerized by Alison, and so was Ali.

When Alison finished singing, the whole class gave her a thunderous applaud. Alison in turn just smiled timidly and left the stage, her ocean eyes still lock towards the most beautiful and important person in her life--Emily. Em was definitely damn proud of her girlfriend.

(After class, at Emily's bedroom)

"I've never seen so much eye sex in one song, I swear," Hanna said while she threw her back to Emily's bed, eyes with a glint of lust.

Spencer caught Hanna's lazy eyes, "God, Han, am I thinking what you're thinking?"

Hanna: depends how sexy it plays in your head

"What's sexy?" Aria said, both hands holding a tray of grilled sandwiches and juice for all the girls.

"Nothing," Hanna said dreamily.

Aria: okay? Spence, what drugs is she on today?

Spence: apparently on viagra

Hanna: say what? I don't have man parts

Spence: are you sure?

Hanna: yeah, duh. I can prove it to you. Dare?

Spence: eew, you can keep your "lady" parts to yourself. Thanks, but no thanks.

Hanna shrugged, "fine, your loss."

Aria: guys did you see Emily and Alison? They snuck out somewhere again.

Hanna: they're probably making out inside the car or some place else

Aria: how can you be so sure?

Hanna: oh please, as if you don't know Emily. She can get into any girl's pants faster than any guy

Spencer: I second that, which means Ems and Ali probably made out already exactly where you're lying

Spencer's remarks immediately pulled Hanna out of her daydreaming. Hanna instantly rose and sat on the side of the bed instead.

Hanna: nooo... You don't think...

Spencer quickly nods her head with a devilish grin, "uh huh!"

Hanna: oh, god, oh god, they made out here (immediately sat and fanned herself with her hands)

Hanna: too graphic, that totally killed my buzz. Damn you, Spence. Your brain is giving me a headache.

Aria: you're overreacting, Han. And besides you're not a lesbian anyway.

Hanna: heck, no, but les-bi-honest what if I am next lifetime (shrugs)

Spence: you wish (sarcastic tone)

Hanna: c'mon, don't you think it'd be fun to kiss girls instead? They smell pretty. I bet the lips are softer. Plus girls look good and they're not eeky sweaty. The chest area's softer too! (Han casually groped her chest, and instantly earned a "what-on-earth-are-you-doing" look from Aria and Spencer.)

Spence: you watch too much tv, Han

Hanna: do you guys ever think who our type would be if ever we were into girls like Ems? How about you, Aria, if you can pick from all of us, who would you date? Guesstimatingly of course.

Spencer: you mean "theoretically"

"Whatttt now?" Hanna barked. "Same difference. C'mon this is gonna be fun. At the count of three, we'd all say who we'd pick if "theoretically" we were into girls. One... Two... Three...

Hanna and Spencer: Emily!

Aria: Spencer!

Hanna amused, neither one picked her, "I'm not gay-ttractive? Geez. I feel insulted."

Aria: Spence is smart, that's a 10 out of 11 already

Spence: dont't look at me like that [Han]. Ems is hot. (shrugs)

"Damn, no fair! I have nice boobs and I dress pretty, that's not enough?" Hanna asked naively.

Aria: And you're saying I don't?

Hanna (grinning): Have boobs? I never said that, Aria. Spence knows that department better than you. (Spencer inevitably just rolled her eyes.)

Alison and Emily walked in to Em's room and found the three girls laughing uncontrollably.

Emily: Han, why are you groping your boobs?

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