Kakashi's Adopted Daughter

By lizzyuchiha

329K 11.4K 3.4K

Anyone want to know what the life of Kakashi adopted daughter would be like? Well her name is Rika and she go... More

Kakashi's Adopted Daughter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Last Authors Note!
New story, Rika's Love Interest?

Chapter 20

7.2K 336 64
By lizzyuchiha

I laughed at mostly everyones' shocked expression.

"So...Rika...and Leader-sama...are daddy and daughter?" Tobi asked innocently and I nodded happily.

"So are you staying here now because you will have to go on missions." Hidan said.

"Missions? What does he mean?" I asked looking up at dad.

"What you don't know who we are?" Konan asked shocked and I shrugged, "I know all of your names..?" I looked confused.

"We are the Akatsuki." Kakuzu said bluntly and I got wide eyed, "T-the Akatsuki...as in...the group that...k-kills people." I asked.

"Yeah who else would we be?" Hidan smirked as dad glared at him.

"I...I didnt.." I stared when Deidara interupted, "How did you not recognize us un?"

"W-well my...other dad never really talked about it...not wanting me to worry...and none of you are wearing the cloaks so...I didn't think.." 

"But Itachi is here? And I know you know his little brother. He would have had to talk about him right un?"

"N-no he never likes talking about it...he never mentions it to be honest." I whispered feeling light headed.

"Are you okay?" Deidara asked.

"I think the bitch is going to faint." Hidan muttered as dad ran up punching him into the wall for calling my that as I stumbled back before fainting.

                                                           *Time skip a couple hours later*

I woke up hearing noises and opened my eyes seeing Sasori by the counter messing with medical stuff.

"Good. You are awake." He said.

"W-what happened...after I fainted?" I asked.

"Leader took you to our infirmary and I have been here with you for a couple of hours waiting for you to wake up. I checked and it was just shock that caused it." He said looking at me.

"Thank you." I smiled kindly at you.

"No problem." He answered handing me an apple to eat and I sat up eating it.

The door opened and dad walked in, "Sasori leave. Let me talk to Rika alone." 

Sasori nodded and left and I looked at him, "Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Now that you know.. are you going to leave?"

I frowned and looked down not thinking of that, "W-well I mean I was sent here on a mission. If I don't return dad...other dad.. will send ANBUs here to check for me." I whispered.

He nodded and said, "That is what I thought as well."

"I mean...I would love to stay but everyone in Konaha would worry...but I just found you dad and I don't want to leave just yet." I sniffled hugging him tightly and he rubbed my back.

"I will not keep you from all your friends you know that right?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'll write to you if you go okay?"

I nodded again, "I think I should go...other dad will get worried." I said chuckling softly as I said other dad which caused dad to chuckle.

"You should go tell the others then." He smirked going down with me.

After I told them I was quite surprised with how they acted since I thought they would not really care but most of them said they would miss me which I found touching because, in my opinion, I have gotten closer to everyone since I have stayed here.

(And lets say she has been there for about a week. I know I did not say a week or type a lot to feel like a week but I feel like a week, instead of like 3 days, is a longer time to build a friendship. Yiou know what I mean?)

Also lets say an hour later I was by the door with my bag and Chaos by my side. 

"I will miss you all." I said smiling hugging everyone, yes EVERYONE, one last time and hugged dad the longest and kissed his cheek pulling back and smiled when he kissed my forehead when no one was watching.

"Good luck and watch for a letter when you get back." He said and I nodded.

Chaos gave a small bark signaling that we need to leave, "Thank you again guys and girl." I smiled at Konan, "For everything. I really appreciate it and your secret is safe with me. I will not tell that I met you all or ran into you. I promise." I smiled as they nodded in gratitude.

"Well goodbye and I hope we see each other again soon." I smiled waving as I ran out with Chaos by my side.

"I'm glad we met them Chaos. I do not care what people say they are nice and I love them." I smiled.

After a couple hours of traveling we ended up walking and I smiled.

-What are you thinking about?- Chaos asked.

"The gifts they gave." I smiled.


"Yeah gifts." I smiled, "Dad gave me and industrial piercing see." I grinned showing him, "Konan made this paper rose." I said showing him the rose that was behind my ear, "Itachi gave me a kunai of his with a small Uchiha symbol engraved. Kisame gave me a little mini Samehada charm type thing. Hidan gave me a jashin necklace. Kakuzu gave me some money which was surprising since he never gives anyone money. Sasori gave me a mini puppet that he used when he started learning puppetry. Deidara gave me some clay and said it would not explode since I cannot use it anyway. It is jsut for remembering him. Zetsu gave me a black and white rose. And Tobi gave me his favorite candy." I grinned but then Chaos ran up and bit the bottom of my shirt tugging a bit.

I looked down confused but then blushed a lot, "I didn't give back Itachi his shirt! Crap!" 

I looked at Chaos and I swear it looked like he was smirking! "Whatever." I laughed, "I just forgot to give it back. That doesn't mean anything Chaos." I shook my head but my blush was still there as we continued walking.

I smiled softly seeing the Konoha gates, "I am glad I am back Chaos I really am I just... I am going to miss them. Yes dad lives in Konoha but...Dad...uhmm" I made a face at the different times I said dad and noticed Chaos look confused.

I chuckled saying, "I know Kakashi lives in Konoha and Pein in Amegakure but I both think of them as my dad and I love them both. But I will miss them. Every single member. I got close to all of them... it was like one giant disfunctional family.."

-Maybe you will see them again. Do not give up hope. It does not do good to dwell on things like that. Keep thinking positive. You never know what might happen.- Chaos thought and I smiled patting his head.

"I won't. Thank you Chaos. I care about them I do. And I hope the day we meet up again...maybe there won't be bad ties between them and different villages that way we all can get along together you know?" I smiled as he nodded his head.

"But for now I'm happy knowing my biological father is out there and wants me and did not just give me away and that I have an adopted father who loves me and taught me all I know." I smiled as we walked in the gates and I could not wait to see dad.

Kakashi...not Pein...that would be awkward if he was there.. wouldn't it?

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