By 12ann10

476K 15K 11.5K

This mbti book is the ultimate guide for understanding people on a whole new level. Contains mbti humour, fac... More

You would have never known...
Reactions to rain
Top 6 loyal types :)
Their super-secret side
Types at the Dinner table
How the types show that they care.
Question for you readers...
How crazy is each type
Types when they meet new person
When the types say "I love you".
Love squads
Conversation squads
What you should NEVER say to each type
Self care tips for each types
Types as emojis
NTs on an other level...
Soulmate (Part 2)
What the types are looking for.
When you'll get married ; )
What makes you charming
How you sabotage your own happiness
Most to least easily to fall in love
Who you should marry
Strengths and weaknesses
Question for you readers (2)
What the types were made to do
What dating is like for each type
What each type does in college
What kind of connection you crave
What you do when angry & what you should do
How well you handle being wrong
How the types handle dark humor
Cheating... :O
The types as songs
Note to readers
Why each type is misunderstood
Unexpected traits...
Hidden sides ☻
What mesmerizes each type. :)
Types as teachers
Nice/Mean & Smart/Dumb
Expectations vs reality
How each type is hard on themselves
What kind of traveler are you
What experts will never tell you about your mbti type
What stresses out each type
How to help each type when stressed
The creepiest thing about you
Why would anyone be crushing on you?
Greatest strength and worst weakness
Why each type uses social media
Your biggest fear in a relationship
What career you'll dominate
The role you play in any group
Basic identity
Famous people
Each type's definition of love in one word
Types that are most likely to be ambiverts?🤔
Short description
Animal personalities
Cognitive functions
What the types are doing instead of studying for finals( fall semester)
Built-in privilege for each type
Your metal age
Your blind spot
Introverted types' new year resolutions
Harry Potter Hogwarts House
Why they pulled away when you were starting to get close
Types as bad pickup lines
What you do when no one's looking
How others see you
Tag ;)
Rule/save/destroy/escape the world
How far ahead you've planned your life
What do you see first? pt1
What did you see cont'd
Personality vs character
Why no one wants to date you
Why you struggle with self-love
Weird words that describe each type
Your Kryptonite
Ranking the types on who love the hardest and leave the easiest
One thing your partner needs to feel loved
What each type does when sick
Mbti common mistypes
Mbti types as dinosaurs
Where you'll meet the love of your life
Having a conversation with each type
Each type's prayer
Just a reminder
Why you should know your mbti type
How you ruin your life
Why they probably dumped you
4 steps to get a date with any mbti type
Brain expanding meme
Valentine's day edition
ISFJ (Me :D)
Mbti types in 4 minutes
What's your mbti type?
There will always be 2 types of people
Mbti types as plants
Mbti types in anime
What the types are doing
The types as musical instruments
The most...
Types as high-key and low-key
Things the types LIE about
Dreams, memes, schemes, regimes, teams
The types' eyes
Drinking squads
Mbti squads with insects
Facial expressions
Can I copy your homework?
What makes someone fall for you
Person who corrupts, Protector and the Innocent
How each type acquire, memorize & recollect info
The hardest truth for you to accept
How each type's learning is improved
How each type's learning is hindered
The mbti types in MY life
Mbti flowchart
What embarrasses you
How the mbti types make music
Mbti type of 10 MCU characters
NT memes
Who you were in high school
What's going on with the types?
Friends with benefits
What you're looking for
4 types most likely to cheat :(
How each type gives advice
What each type does on a first date
Mbti: Even the...
How to be a good friend to each type
Responding to awkward silence
I need your opinions...one last time
Thank you :)
What not to do on a date with each type
MBTI Compatibility 😉
MBTI Compatibility pt 2
MBTI Compatibility pt.3
Pet peeves of each mbti
What makes each Introverted type 'dangerous '
When stuff happens
Ranking how hard it is for each type to commit
The most...
What makes you attractive 😏
The types deconstructed
Your silly side😜
Reacting to compliments 😊😶😳🙈
The poem you absolutely need
How you feel about poetry
Unhealthy version of each type
How to effectively communicate with any type
What each type uses social media for
If you had to guess your type
What we underestimate most in each type
What makes each type intimidating
What your ex still misses about you
Heartbreak 💔
What each type does when they like someone
How you handle quarantine and social distancing
What you need to let go of in order to grow
how each mbti type look when in love😍
Who drives you crazy🤯
Unusual feelings every mbti type experiences
The feelings attached to baring your soul
What scares each mbti type?
Lovable quirks
Dealing with depression
How the mbti types are coping with Corona virus lockdown
Something each personality type hates to do

Your love Dealbreaker

3.2K 108 44
By 12ann10

ENFP (feeling constricted): ENFPs always shoot for the stars and think BIG when it comes to situations in their daily lives. Therefore, they can't have someone who will put restrictions on their feelings. Furthermore, "the ENFP has no interest in a relationship that's going to hold them back. They need an open-minded partner who's happy to explore and adventure their way through life together." If you aren't the type who likes to explore and take chances, an ENFP isn't the right personality type for you.

INFP (mentally closed off): This personality loves to hear all sides of a story, and won't like someone who can't do the same. The INFP can thrive with "a deep, compelling partner who can keep up with their ever-shifting kaleidoscope of thoughts and emotions."

INFJ (untrustworthy): INFJs are always thinking in terms of long-term goals, therefore "they need someone they can trust to stick around for the long haul." If they cannot invest their time into you in the early stages of the relationship, they won't give you a second thought.

ENFJ (emotionally guarded): ENFJs love to feel needed in a relationship because they enjoy helping and providing for people. They will offer wisdom and emotional or physical support to their partners. So, if you cannot open up emotionally, "the ENFJ may feel as though they have no purpose within the partnership," making them want to find someone else to take care of.

INTJ (liars): The INTJ personality is always looking for the truth under any circumstance. INTJs will make decisions in relationships "from an informed perspective." If you aren't honest or straight forward with them — or worse, they have to find the truth from somewhere else — they'll leave you in a heartbeat.

ENTJ (disloyal): If ENTJs "show their love through acts of diligence and loyalty, they expect the same back from their partners." They expect you to show your love through actions, not just words. If you betray them once, they'll be quick to end the relationship. 

INTP (shallow thinkers): INTPs are always thinking critically. Additionally, "this type won't accept any thought, fact or opinion until they've examined it thoroughly, from every available angle." They don't expect you to be a genius, but "they need to be paired with someone who wants to learn, advance and grow alongside them."

ENTP (boring): ENTPs are always eager to learn about different things and people. Because "this type enjoys complicated, multi-dimensional partners who challenge them intellectually," if you're one dimensional, they'll most likely become bored of you and move on to the next project.

ESFJ (commitment-phobes): This type is extremely organized and constantly thinks about the future. These are the people who have mapped out their life since kindergarten. Since their life is pretty much set in stone, "if you can't see yourself in their future, you can see yourself out of their lives." They won't stand for promises of change and flexibility that don't come true.

ISFJ (jerks): ISFJs want someone they can be comfortable around, "and being a sensitive type by nature, that means they need a partner who cares deeply about both their feelings and the feelings of others." Arrogant assh*les don't fit well with this reserved type.

ESFP (isolation): Jealous and controlling partners aren't the right match for the free-spirited ESFP types. ESFPs need "to feel connected to a community." If you're going to cut them off from society, they'll cut you out of their lives.

ISFP (prevented from self-expression): ISFP types are highly creative people, so anyone who kills their vibe isn't going to be a part of their life. Also, "more than anything else, this type wants a partner who takes the time to get to know them on a deep level and accept them exactly as they are." Sensuality is important to this type, so you need to be able to emotionally connect to them and respect who they are in order to maintain the relationship.

ESTJ (constant changes): ESTJs are very practical and sometime rigid when it comes to making decisions. If you surprise them too much, they can lose trust in you over time. If you're so inconsistent in your actions, they'll deem you "unsuitable for long-term partnership."

ISTJ (moral corruption): This personality type is very principled and bases their choices off a set of personal values. They need someone on the same moral level as them "or else they'll have trouble finding common ground."

ESTP (homebodies): ESTPs are all about action and live a fast-paced lifestyle. You need to be able to physically keep up with the ESTP type if you want to have a strong relationship with them. They can't stand someone who will stay home and think about different options; they want to see you try out each one together.

ISTP (being super-needy): ISTPs can come off as cold because they are very independent and can take care of themselves. Therefore, "they need to be paired with someone who understands this." While they enjoy taking care of their partners, they certainly won't baby you. They can't handle partners who are insecure and constantly need a pep talk.

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