A Strange New Place- A Newt X...

By chaosmxgic

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Book 1: (Y/n) arrives in the maze with no memory of who she was or what she is doing here. She is trapped in... More

Chapter 1- What is this place?
Chapter 2-My New Home
Chapter 3- A Celebration To Remember
Chapter 4- A New Day Dawns
Chapter 5- The Fight Of Our Lives
Chapter 6- The Deadly Creatures Of The Night.
Chapter 7- Fear Controls All
Chapter 8- A Brand New Arrival
Chapter 9- Unexpected Fate
Chapter 10- Toxic
Chapter 11- Angels Can Be Demons To
Chapter 13- A Shining Hope On The Horizon
Chapter 14- Inescapable Fear
Chapter 15- The Terror That Comes From Within
Chapter 16- The Night Of Horror
Chapter 17- No Rest For The WCKD
Chapter 18 - The Daring Escape
Chapter 19- A Strange New Place
Chapter 20- Epilogue
EXTRA: Wired Autocomplete Interview AU

Chapter 12- What does the Future Hold?.

413 10 4
By chaosmxgic

Once the walls had slammed shut sealing the three boy's fate the whole Glade seemed to descend into utter shock as some boy's around me dropped their jaws in amazement not believing what they just witness was true.

"FOR SHUCK SAKE!" Newt screamed finally reaching the crowd, his forehead was slick with sweat as his chest rose up and down with each rapid breath he took. Finally Newt reached the entrance pounding his fists on the stone cold wall as he let another frustrated shout out sending birds that were once perched happily on the trees surrounding the Glade into flight as their shrieks echoed into the distance.

Pressing my lips tightly together I glanced over at Chuck, who's eyes had remained riveted to the wall as though he expected Thomas to come bursting out there, a wide dazzling smile plastered on his face with Minho and Alby running eagerly behind him... Alby free of any lethal cuts or bruises on his body. However that dream may never cease to exist. They weren't gonna come back.

"Newt they're gone" A voice explained directly to my right, snapping my head around I witnessed Gally pushing himself up off the ground before he turned to face the whole crowd, a look of sorrow was slowly making it's way up his face.

"That's it they're  gone forever" Gally announced staring at the group with a simple blank expression, no sign of emotion was present.

"We have to move on" Gally continued placing his hands on his hips as a couple of concerned murmurs rippled gently around the area. Gladers left and right turned to each other questioning themselves about what they had just witnessed.

"Are you kidding!" Teresa exclaimed throwing her hands up into the air as though she was admitting defeat before she walked forward, her face enraged with a such anger that made me step back in fear, not wanting to mess with her.

"We have to go back out there!" Teresa shouted biting her lower lip, "Come on Gally. We have to save them!".

"No" Gally simply replied staring Teresa square in the face for a few seconds before continuing, "You saw what happened Greenie?. The doors closed!, It's over!".

"Maybe they can survive the night!" I butted in stepping beside Teresa as I flashed her a sly grin before turning to consult Gally.

"Me and Newt survived the night so maybe they can do the same!" I continued gesturing to Newt who had remained silent during this horrible time. 

Chewing his lower lip while he thought of a comeback for my statement Gally glanced at Winston, who was running a hand down his acne covered face darting his eyes to the Gladers surrounding us.

"Oh that's really strange (Y/n)!" Gally exclaimed advancing towards me, his jaw clenched in utter fury, "You survived a shuckin' night in that buggin' Maze so If the Greenie survives that means something is goin' on between you two!" He cried .

Mouth dropping in shock I added, "Nothing is goin' on with me and Thomas!" before turning my back on Gally, widening my eyes at Mae to hint to her she should take control and end this conversation once and for all.

Thankfully seeming to catch the hint from the raging sea of emotion, Mae strided towards the Leader of the Builders.

"Look Gally" She began, her voice surprisingly calm, no sign of anger of rage was present, "I'm sure Thomas, Alby and Minho will survive the night, I have faith in them and so should you".

"I'm sorry Greenie but that's it their gone" Gally replied curtly pressing his lips tightly together as he took a last glance at the gigantic Maze walls before he turned sharply on his heels, walking off towards the Homestead. A few other Gladers: possibly Builders immediately ran off to follow Gally as though they were mindless sheep following their shepherd.

"He's  shuckin' mental" Mae sighed shaking her head from side to side.

"Well what happens now?" Chuck piped up, the young boy looked on the verge of tears as though one sentence would trigger a colossal sea of tears as he grieves over Thomas's  untimely death.

"Well perhaps we could camp out here until the doors open?" I suggested nodding towards the doors, "And then when the doors open the next morning we can question the boys on what they saw and they can get help right away from the Medjacks".

Contemplating my decision, the group nodded in response before Teresa stepped forward shifting all her weight onto her left leg as she rolled her eyes mockingly.

"What if they don't come back (Y/n)!"  She snapped bearing her teeth at me like she was a rabid pack animal ready to kill it's prey.

"What if they're more than 300 metres away from the doors!, what If-!" She began before she was rudely cut of by Chuck.

"Look Teresa. (Y/n) she's trying to suggest something that may help so maybe listen to her?, I'm going to and I think everyone else should to" He explained waddling over to me as he took his place beside me.

A movement to my right made me flick my head around to see Mae striding over to the two of us, as she stood beside Chuck, flashing the younger boy a sneaky grin before transforming it into a serious expression.

"Teresa. Listen to (Y/n). This may help us tremendously so please" Mae begged placing her right hand on my shoulder as she gave it a gently squeeze of encouragement.

Sighing Teresa's hand ran itself through her hair before she opened her mouth to speak, "Fine whatever. Come on Chuck" She gestured to the boy, "Let's go grab some sheets" she exclaimed turning away from the crowd, gently jogging over to the towering Homstead.

Taking one last glance at the Maze doors I furrowed my brows together in concern, does this mean I was in charge?, the other Gladers seemed to be following my orders so does that possibly mean if was now the temporary leader of the Glade?.

"Before you even bloody ask Newt's second in command" A voice explained from my right, snapping my head around I saw Zart making his way up to me, ignoring the worried stares from surrounding Gladers.

"What?" I replied taking a step towards the Keeper of the Gardens.

"I can see by the sudden glint in your eyes. You've got the urge to be leader" Zart began shifting his weight onto his left leg, "Sorry to burst your bubble (Y/n) but Newt is second in command. If Alby happens to get himself in some sort of trouble Newt's the one to call" He explained placing his elbow on the rake he was probably using before he made his way over to us.

"Wait. How did you even figure that out that I was-" I began holding a hand up in front of Zart's face before the boy stopped me.

"Maybe I'm magic you'll never know" Zart replied, "But I've got a message from Gally to Newt" He continued reaching his hand up into the air attempting to catch Newt's attention.

Eventually after numerous attempts to get Newt's attention, the blonde headed boy flicked his head around, removing his right hand from his chin.

Yeah Zart?" the boy shouted steadily limping over to Zart ignoring me and the others as though we didn't exist at all in this universe.... great Newt was still mad at me.

"Gally wants you for a meeting" Zart explained darting his eyes from me to Mae before returning them to Newt, "It's about this whole shuck thing" He continued, his left hand reaching out to clasp itself over the blonde boys arm pulling him along slightly as though Zart was a small child begging for his mother to buy him a toy.

Rolling his eyes in response Newt pushed Zart's hand of his arm before he limped in front of the boy, leading him off to the Homestead.

Watching them disappear into the distance I inhaled before exhaling through parted lips... Newt was never going to forgive me. He would continue to ignore me forevermore and that would be it, our friendship will disintegrate in a heartbeat leaving us to transform into helpless strangers. A figure of our past lives cascading into flames as we simply start to forget one an another.

I was not gonna let that happen I was going to make Newt forgive me, I was going to make things right again with the two of us.

"What you thinkin' in that head of yours?" Mae questioned in front of my vision as she placed a single hand on my upper back sending a wave of discomfort up my spine.

"Nothing" I replied quickly taking a step forward as Mae removed her hand from my back, a sigh seeming to escape her lips.

"Seriously?" She asked making her way around my body as she once again stepped in front my vision, fixing me with a concerned glance.

Nodding rapidly an idea suddenly weaved it's way through my mind, maybe I should go over to the Homestead and find out what is happening with this whole problem.

"Be back in a sec" i exclaimed to Mae before taking off towards the Homestead ignoring Mae's shouts for me to return to her. The stinging wind whipped through my hair as my feet carried me faster over to the looming Homestead. Slowing to a stop I pressed my back against the wall trying to blend into the shadows.

"I told ya Newt somethings up with (Y/n) and the Greenie" A voice exclaimed directly fro my right, holding my breath I peeked round the corner to see Gally and Newt making their way over to the entrance, they both seemed to be deep in conversation.

"Shut your bloody mouth Gally until we get into the Homestead. Then you can open up" Newt replied as the two of them walked into the building closing the door behind them. Once I was sure the coast was clear I crept out into the open looking left to right before stepping forward, reaching a hand out to gently push open the door.

Dropping down to my knees I crawled along the floor hiding behind a single row of seats before I settled myself down putting my face between two seats so I witness the action. All the remaining keepers were sat in a circle all of them facing one an other. Gally stood in the middle with his arms folded across his chest.

"So let this gathering begin" Gally exclaimed clapping his hand together to catch the other Keepers attention.

"So. As you shanks may have noticed we have a slight problem on our hands" Gally began sitting himself down on nearby chair next to Newt, "The Greenie had broken one of our rules and ran out into the Maze" He continued.

"We need to figure out what to do" He explained taking out a simple notepad and pen in his right hand before flipping the cover back over itself passing the pen into his left hand.

"Hold on Mr leader" Newt interrupted using his hands to push himself up of the chair as he snatched the pen from Gally's hand.

"If you haven't noticed. I'm buggin' second in command, so I'm running this gathering" Newt snapped fixing Gally with an icy cold stare.

The leader of the Builders rolled his eyes mockingly before sitting himself down next to Zart, leaning back in his wooden chair.

"Thank you" Newt sighed running a single hand through his messy blonde locks, "We need to figure out what the bloody hell we are supposed to do" He continued clicking the pen into place as he passed it over to his left hand.

"So we will go around and get the opinion of each Glader. Understood" The blonde boy explained as the Keepers swiftly nodded their heads in unison.

"Gally. you start" Newt began pointing the pen at the boy as Gally pushed himself off the chair, brushing dirt of his brown pants.

"We need to punish the Greenie if he survives the night" Gally proclaimed, raising his voice slightly as his lips formed over the word survives.

"It's the only way" He explained throwing his hands up in the air as a couple of Keepers agreed with the boy while others shook their heads in response.

"No!" Frypan chimed in, folding his arms across his chest as his bottom lip curled in frustration, "We need to get the shuck back in there!" He exclaimed, advancing towards Gally.

Rolling his eyes mockingly Gally raised his finger jabbing It hard into the Keeper of the Cooks chest. Fry took a step back in shock before he repeated what Gally just did, jabbing his thumb into Gally's stomach causing Gally to stumble backwards.

"Are you mental Fry!" Gally shouted, his voice cracking slightly, "The doors are closed, they're shut until the morning!".

"Maybe we could sleep outside tonight!" Fry replied sitting back down on his chair, "Put people on watch until they come out!".

Darting my eyes to Newt I caught him considering Fry's idea. Great maybe Me and Frypan could work together to make our plan even more better than it was.

"Newt?" Gally questioned, "What do you make of this?".

"I think Frypan's plan is.... decent" Newt explained pondering over the last word in his sentence, "We'll put Gladers who volunteer to help on watch in the morning. Just to make sure they return" He continued, scribbling down a quick note in the process before he flipped the cover of the notebook shut, placing it down on a nearby table.

"No Newt. You can't just end it on that!" Gally interjected snatching the pen and pad from the table as he flipped back it back open, steadying himself as he prepared to put the ink to paper.

However Newt reached out, retrieving the objects from Gally.

"I will and I just did" Newt replied calmly, "This gathering is dismissed" He exclaimed clapping his hands together as The Keepers pushed back on their chairs, standing up as the sound of wood moving against stone filled my ears.

Crawling farther away from the doors so I would be more hidden from the unsuspecting eye, sliding swiftly onto my stomach I pressed my body against the stone, waiting for all the boys to leave the building.

Eventually after I was positive all the boys had left I sat up on my knees, running a single hand through my messy hair.

"If I had known there was an intruder in here I wouldn't have this gathering" Newts voice suddenly exclaimed as a hand reached out and clasped itself over my right arm dragging me out from the seats and into the harsh light of the day. 

Writhing on the ground I shielded my hands over my face as Newt rolled his eyes a smirk making it's way up his face.

"Calm the shuck down (Y/n). I'm not gonna hurt ya" Newt explained as I pushed myself up of the ground, my heart seeming to quicken it's pace as I processed what he was doing. He was officially talking to me.

"I see you've finally decided to talk to me" I replied pulling a wooden chair in front of me as I sat down, resting my arms on the back of it.

Nodding his head  Newt blinked slightly before taking a step towards me.

"Yeah I guess I've finally decided to stop being a slinthead and talk to you" He muttered. For some peculiar reason his eyes darted to my lips as he stared at them for a few seconds before he managed to regain himself.

"Can you maybe explain why you were mad at me?" I questioned placing my right hand on his shoulder as the blonde-headed boy rubbed his eyes letting out a groan of frustration.

"Look (Y/n)" Newt began sitting himself down on a nearby chair, "I wasn't mad at you. I just lost control of myself for a few moments and i just didn't know how to explain what I write in that little book".

"Newt. I get that you don't want to showcase your emotions to a utter stranger, I didn't know who you were let alone who I was merely a week ago" I explained running a hand down the left hand side of my face, "But I want to help you open up about It".

"You don't know the full story of me (Y/n)" Newt butted in, "I'm a grenade waiting to shuckin' explode!" He shouted his voice cracking slightly, "I don't want to harm you and others by opening up about it."

"But I can help stop that grenade from going off!" I exclaimed, pressing my lips tightly together, "If you'd just talk to me please, I know somethings going on with you!".  I continued referring to the numerous times he had averted his eyes to my lips, a movement that seemed to make my heart flutter each time.

Furrowing his brows at my sentence Newt scoffed before he said, "What do you mean you know whats going on?" He demanded. Oh no I thought my bottom lip curling.He knows.

"Why should I tell you" I said curtly folding my arms across my chest in attempt to look strong in this moment in time. 

"Because I'm the bloody leader of this Glade!" Newt shouted, his body shaking with each word his lips formed, "Nothings going on with me!".

Squeezing my eyes shut I drew in a long hard breath before gently exhaling through parted lips, "Doesn't  matter. Forget I ever asked" I replied beginning to walk towards the door before Newt suddenly caught my hand, forcing me to face him fully.

Those hazelnut eyes darted across my face as he examined each of my facial features, before I could even think to utter one single word Newt pulled me forward as our faces were merely inches away from each other until finally Newt leaned in slamming his lips against mine.

Eyes widening in shock I step back as Newt's right hands places itself on my lower back pulling me back to the boy. I could feel my heart leaping out of my chest as Newt moved his hands from my cheeks to my waist. Eventually I relaxed into the kiss closing my eyes.

At the simple touch of Newts soft lips on mine I could feel my stresses simply evaporating into the air as our lips move together in perfect sync, the worries of getting the boys out that Maze fading to just a mere memory as Newt's right hand cups my cheek, his warms touch making my hair stand up on end.

From outside birds chirped cheerfully as the radiant sun casts light onto the room, making the two of us glimmer in the afternoon blaze. It felt as though  we were in a scene from a movie, everything seemed unusually perfect in this moment in time. I wanted to freeze this scene and replay it in a continuous loop so I could relive it forevermore.

After a few moments Newt pulled backwards, a soft smile making its way up his face.

"I've been waiting to do that for so long" Newt explained letting out a small chuckle, "You see (Y/n) I wrote about you in that book, I wrote about how I was drawn in the second you arrived in that box, there was something about you that I just couldn't put my finger on".

Feeling my cheeks burning with excitement I clasped my hands behind my back leaning all the weight onto my left leg.

"Because I love you (Y/n) so shuckin' much and I worked up the courage to express that feeling through words" Newt continued taking a battered looking piece of paper out of his pocket before extending it out towards me.

Reluctantly I took the paper from him, unfolding the sheet before I began to read.

Dear (Y/n), 

I'm so sorry for what's been going on in the last couple of days. Life for me has been pretty shuckin' confusing lately and I wanna apologise for lashing out at you yesterday, you see I write my feelings in that little notebook whenever I'm sad or mad or feeling another way that I can't explain.

(Y/n) I am totally and unconditionally in love with you, from the moment the doors opened and you were revealed I noticed something about you that was so peculiar, so inexplicable  that I swore to myself that I would make It my own to talk to you, make you feel welcome in this new place. (Y/n) your're amazing, incredibly talented and you fight for what you believe, when we were trapped  in the Maze that horrific night You put aside your emotions and fought to survive. You're a badass (I saw what you did with that slinthead Elliot) but your are caring and thoughtful and these are some of the many reasons I love you.


Clasping a hand to my mouth I let out an excited squeal before throwing my arms around Newt's neck burying my face in the crook of his neck.

"Newt I don't know what to say" I exclaimed hopping from one foot to the other, "This letter!. How did you manage to write this in all the chaos !" I questioned folding the paper neatly before putting it in my pocket.

"I wrote It before the Greenie had the shuck idea to run into the Maze" Newt explained itching the back of his head, "But hey I gotta get back to being the temporary leader of the Glade so maybe we could talk at dinner about this Greenie problem?".

Nodding I raised a hand to Newt's back patting it in response, "Yeah course" I replied my lips still tingling from the kiss, "See you around" I called as Newt turned on his heels limping steadily out of the room leaving me with just the silence to befriend. Once I was certain he was gone, my right hand reached out to my back pocket, fishing the letter out as I unfolded It once more smiling to myself as I cast my eyes over the sentences.


"Care to tell me why you're smiling (Y/n)?" Mae questioned from behind me, It was mid afternoon as the two of us sat down on one of the benches, our big bowls of hot, steaming soup sending warmth through our veins.

"Hmm?" I replied my mind still racing from the kiss. Sighing Mae repeated her question.

"Tell me why you smiling like you've won a million dollars or something!" Mae exclaimed plunging her wooden spoon into the mixture as the soup cascaded from the spoon back into the bowl.

Running a single hand through my hair I merely shrugged, "Um well you see" I stuttered glancing around the Glade, searching for something that would make this lie seem more believable. Thankfully my eyes landed on Chuck as an idea popped into my mind.

"Chuck!" I called raising my right hand in the air as I waved it back and forth to catch  his attention. Luckily the younger boy noticed my eccentric movements, saying goodbye to his companion Chuck jogged over to us, a huge dazzling smile plastered on his face.

"Hey Chuck remember that joke you told me earlier?" I lied fixing the boy with a look so he would hopefully catch the hint. Frowning Chuck sat down next to Mae, clasping his hands together.

"Um joke?. What joke?" He questioned raising a single eyebrow in concern as though he thought I had went insane.

"You know the joke you told me this morning!" I continued attempting to restrain myself from bursting out and revealing the truth, "Remember It was hilarious!". Chuck scooted away from Mae slightly a look of confusion blossoming on his face.

"I'm a bit confused (Y/n) I didn't talk to you after the Greenie incident" Chuck explained licking his lips as he eyed the soup in front of him as though he was going to snatch the soup of the table and eat it in a flash.

Mouthing the words "I'm lying" to him I let a somewhat realistic laugh escape me as I flickered my eyes from Chuck to Mae.

"Oh Chuck you're a funny shank!" I exclaimed placing a hand on my forehead nervously attempting to look genuine. Somehow Chuck seemed to catch the hint as his chocolate brown eyes widened as he realised the truth.

"Oh yeah that was a such a good joke. I'm obviously the funniest shank in the Glade" Chuck boasted banging his fist against his chest as though he thought he was the best person in the whole entire world.

"Don't get cocky" Mae warned immediately wiping the smirk off the younger boy's face, "Well let's hear this amazing joke" She continued as her right hand ran itself through her hair, Chuck glanced at me as though he was looking for orders on what to do next.

Biting my tongue I closed my eyes attempting to think off a reason to avoid this situation, saving not only myself but Chuck also.

"Chuck I think we have to go. I hear Alby calling us"  I exclaimed swinging my right leg around the bench and back onto the ground as I gestured for Chuck to do the same.

Unfortunately for Chuck Mae caught his hand pulling him back down to face her, a look of pure anger blooming on the girls face.

"Alby can wait" She smirked finally releasing Chuck from her grip, the boy rubbed his wrist where Mae's hand had clasped over It, a red mark seemed to show on Chuck's skin.

"Let's hear this joke Chuck!" Mae urged nodding for Chuck to go on telling this joke. The younger boy opened his mouth as I bit my lower lip in concern.

Just as Chuck began to tell the first half of the joke a voice suddenly cut him sharply off. Snapping my head around to look for the source of the voice I caught Daniel standing by the closed doors of the Maze, his right hand waving frantically in the air.

"Both of you shanks get over here!" Daniel yelled gesturing for the two of us to make our way over to him. Glancing at Chuck I use my hands to push myself up off the bench which I had been leaning on before waving a quick goodbye to Mae, who's face was a mixture of shock and concern.

Smirking I begin to stride gently over to Daniel with Chuck bounding alongside me, the younger boy's face was lit up with happiness, he was probably thanking Daniel inside his head for saving him from getting the both of us caught .

"Hey Daniel" I exclaimed as I finally reached the boy, my heads slick with microscopic beads of sweat as Chuck finally caught up to me, his red cheeks puffing outwards as he fought to regain his breath again.

"Hey" Daniel replied running a hand down his face as he let out an exasperated sigh casting his eyes to the towering walls of the Maze. Noticing his change in tone I folded my arms across my chest following the boys gaze.

"Studying the Maze huh?" I questioned taking a step forward so I was standing beside him as Chuck did the same.

"I'm just thinking about what was running through that Greenie's mind when he decided to run into that Maze" Daniel explained, pressing his lips tightly together, "Nights coming quickly (Y/n) and the Grievers will find them" He continued nodding towards the Maze.

"Minho is strong" I replied clenching my jaw in an effort to remain calm, "He will know what to do. Trust me" I warned.

Sighing Daniel took one last glance at the Maze before he stepped in front of me blocking my view from the Maze.

"Minho's strong I know but he's never been in a situation like this" Daniel explained constantly running his hand through his hair, "He might freak out on the Greenie!" He exclaimed placing a single hand on his forehead.

"Guess Time will tell" I explained giving him a reassuring squeeze as Chuck, who I had almost forget was there placed his hands on his hips, his tongue flicking out of his mouth as It swiftly went over the younger boy's lower lip before retreating back into his mouth.

"Maybe Thomas might survive" Chuck suggested, "The boy seems pretty eager to be a Runner ya know" He explained telling us how much the Greenie wanted to be a Runner.

"So your telling me" I butted in beginning to register what Chuck was trying to say, "That Thomas wanted to be a Runner so bad that he tried to run into the Maze just to prove himself!" i echoed Chuck's words.

"No Chuck that't not right!"  Daniel exclaimed slamming his foot into the dirt resulting in Chuck jumping back in surprise, "Look I've don't think Thomas was tryin' to prove himself to the Glader I just merely think he was trying to save Alby and Minho before the doors closed that's all" Daniel finished.

"Chuck why would you think that!" I shouted throwing my arms up into the air before slapping them back down on my sides.

Chuck shrugged, his brown curls bouncing on top of his head before he took a step backwards raising his hands in front of his face as though he was admitting defeat.

"Sorry It was just a suggestion!" Chuck replied rolling his eyes before he turned his back on us advancing towards the Maze possibly to  get a better view of the colossal monument.

"Anyway I've basically been worrying my shuckin' butt off since the wake up" Daniel explained placing his right hand on his forehead as he darted his eyes from me to Chuck then to the Maze before he eventually returned them back to me.

Sighing I give Daniel's shoulder a slight squeeze, "Hey look Thomas and Minho will figure something out alright, dinners soon so let's go do something that doesn't mean we have to worry 24/7 about Thomas" I replied gesturing for Daniel to follow me over to the deadheads.

Reluctantly Daniel followed, only pausing to call Chuck back to us before he turned back round, easing into a gentle jog as he tried to catch up to me.

After a few minutes of light conversation the three of us made our way into the deadheads, where we sat ourselves down on a nearby log.

"So your saying that you and Chuck scared Gally while he was on the shuckin' toilet!" I exclaimed plopping myself down onto the leg as Daniel followed me.

"Yup" He replied smirking at Chuck, "It's kinda a tradition for Chuck and the Greenie to scare Gally in some sort of way without getting caught" Daniel explained as I listened closely, nodding every few seconds as he went along.

"Well unfortunately yesterday me and the Greenie got caught" Chuck admitted, a sheepish grin making it's way up his face. Frowning I lean forward, placing my elbows onto my legs.

"Care to explain?" I questioned.

Letting out a extremely long sigh Chuck began to explain, "Well me and the Greenie decided to prank one of the Gladers" The younger boy explained chewing his lower lip.

"What we didn't know was that we were messing with that shank Gally the whole time" Chuck continued, "So I took the Greenie to where the prank would take place, oblivious to the fact that Gally was inside".

Smirking I glanced at Daniel, who seemed to fighting not to laugh at loud at this story.

"So I tapped on the glass and then I jumped in front of the window scaring whoever was inside, I then called for the Greenie to run before Gally suddenly burst out" Chuck exclaimed running a hand down the right hand side of his face.

"Basically the shank got a hold of the Greenie as I ran off to hide and um well I didn't really see the rest" Chuck finished shrugging his shoulders as though he didn't care about the situation.

Eventually I couldn't hold back the laughter any longer as I let out a extravagant laugh which seemed to echo off the towering emerald green trees sending a few birds into flight.

"Oh my god!" I shouted, "Good one Chuck!" I laughed clutching my heaving chest as Daniel finally burst out laughing, his once dry forehead was now slick with glistening beads of sweat.

"Yeah It's pretty shuckin' hilarious (Y/n)" A voice hissed from up above the three of us, allowing a shrill scream to escape my lips I used my hands to push myself up as I scanned the perimeter of the area searching for the source of the voice.

"Relax" The voice explained as Gally jumped down in front of me, his black combat boots hitting the soft mud resulting in a sharp squelch echoing into the air.

Relaxing eventually I sat back down on the log ignoring the smirks from Gally, "Look what did you want huh?".

"Heard you talking about me" Gally warned sitting himself down next to Chuck, "Care to tell what happened with you and that Greenie yesterday?" He asked wrapping his left hand around Chuck's shoulder before he gave it a light squeeze.

"Eh nothing happened Gally" Chuck replied, his cheeks growing rapidly red as Gally sighed possibly in frustration because Chuck was not gonna admit defeat.

"You sure about that shank?" Gally exclaimed removing his hand from the younger boy's back as he adjusted his shirt before he turned to face me, a smirk making it's way up his face.

"Look Gally nothing happened alright!" I added, "So why don't you just shuck off and leave the three of us alone!".

Folding his arms across his chest, Gally leaned all his weight onto his right leg, "That reminds me (Y/n) It's really weird how you managed to get into the Maze just by accident huh?" He began, spittle flying in ever direction as he did so.

Letting out an annoyed sigh I darted my eyes down to the ground before returning them back up to face the boy, "Cut it with all the accusations" I replied licking my lower lip, "Look I didn't go into the Maze by choice, you may have saw that I was thrown in with Ben at the Banishment".

Scoffing Gally crouched down to the ground, picking up a single leaf before he ran his fingers over the object almost like he was caressing it, "It's really strange how the Greenie seemed to run into the Maze just like you did!".

"For the last shuckin' time I didn't run into the Maze!" I screamed clenching my fists together in frustration, "Look Gally I'll gladly be friends with you but I won't if you continue to accuse me off stuff I did not do!" I exclaimed attempting to calm the raging storm that was brewing within me. At any second I could lash out at the boy like I was a rabid pack animal awaiting it's next meal.

"Hey (Y/n) It's getting dark let's go for dinner" Daniel interrupted stepping in front of the two of us before Gally could even utter a reply, "Gally we'll maybe see you later perhaps?" He explained before he placed two hands on my shoulders, guiding me away from Gally.

"That idiot I hate him so much!" I hissed as Daniel forcefully guided me away from Gally only waiting until the Keeper of the Builders was out of earshot before he replied to my statement.

"Just ignore him and keep walking".


Sighing I patted my lower belly as I made my way over to my hammock, pausing to say hello to some fellow Gladers that past me.

Dinner had been somewhat peaceful, Gally had decided to leave the three of us alone and remained with his gang of builders although the boy kept shooting me icy cold stares, stares that seemed to make my blood freeze within a second of contact. However I managed to remain calm and instead ignored Gally and carried on with my meal.

Suddenly I felt something slam against me, putting my arms out in front of me I feel myself falling backwards before a pair of strong, burly arms clasped themselves around my waist pulling me back up.

"Um hey" A familiar voice muttered, once my vision had cleared I realised that the voice was none other than Newt himself.

"Hey" I replied looking straight into the murky depths of the blonde boy's eyes, eventually realising what I was doing I coughed slightly stepping out of Newt's grasp so his hands were not on my waist any more.

"Want me to walk you to your hammock?" Newt questioned, clasping his hands together in front of his stomach. Opening my mouth to speak I decided to close it within the second I opened, should I reject his offer?, thoughts seemed to bombard my head.

"I'm good" I finally replied before quickly turning on my heels and running off into the distance not wanting to look back at Newt knowing that what I just did would scar him for all eternity.

As I finally reached my hammock a single though remained in my head.

Was kissing Newt a mistake?.

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