By SiobhanJK

55.1K 3.4K 290

Theo is determined to get back the shares his father left to his whore Eleanor simply because they belong to... More

TWENTY/ Epilogue


2.1K 153 15
By SiobhanJK

         Eleanor was ready to drop dead. The preparations for Marjorie's party turned to be more tedious than she thought. Who knew a six year old needed so much stuff? At least she didn't have to worry about food because Theo had hired a catering company. Everyone had been complaining left and right due to the last minute planning. But the one person she really wanted to strangle was Bridget. She wondered where Theo had found the infuriating woman.

Marjorie was a six year old but Bridget wanted to throw a ball for her. With fancy gowns and caviar as if it was her birthday. Eleanor had wanted to punch the woman at least a hundred times for the past two hours. She wouldn't stop yapping about how the party was childish. What did she expect? Marjorie was six years old for Fucks sake. Bridget had even gone to Theo to complain about how Eleanor was making decisions for Marjorie's party when it wasn't her place. Theo had called her into his office and threw his wife out telling her to go find herself someone to keep her busy. Now the woman was sitting in a corner glaring daggers at her. Eleanor stuck her tongue out at her then went back to finishing up the decorations.

She'd decided on a Hello Kitty theme to which Marjorie had jumped up and down in excitement. They invited all her classmates who were given Hello Kitty headbands and bow ties at the door. The whole place was filled with white and pink balloons and flowers. Even the cake had the same colors. The Party guests had arrived and they were waiting for the birthday girl to come down so they could start the celebration. Feeling confident that everything was in place downstairs, she went up to check Marjorie. "Marj? What's taking so long?" Eleanor asked walking in to her room. She was seating on her bed fiddling with her hands. "Marjorie why are you sitting there like that? Your friends are waiting for you downstairs"

"No. Mom said she was going to tell everyone to leave so I could eat my cake alone" she murmured. Eleanor clenched her fists in anger. If today happened to end without Bridget earning herself a broken nose, it would be a miracle. The damn bitch didn't know when to stop.

"Oh come on Marj. Who planned the party?"


"Who bought you that beautiful dress you're wearing?"

"You" she said wondering where this conversation was heading.

"And who invited all your friends?"


Eleanor threw her hands up "Then why would your friends leave because your mother said so when she didn't invite them?"

Marjorie stared at her like she was crazy "Because she's my mom. Our teacher said we should listen to our parents"

"In this case I  suggest you don't listen to what your mother says. Like ever"


"No buts Marj" Eleanor said pulling off the bed. "Today am the one making the rules. And you will listen to me when I order you to go downstairs and have fun. Okay?"

She giggled nodding "Yes."

"There we go. I want to see that smile plastered on your face all day long. You hear me? Now let's go." Together they went downstairs where the party had already started. Kids were running everywhere with Artie on their heels barking as they went. He also had his own Hello Kitty collar. The next two hours were filled with loud shrills and laughter. Food was thrown everywhere and when the sugar rush calmed down, everyone sat in the living room, looking on as Marjorie opened her gifts. They oohed and aahed at the American girl doll that looked like her, from her father, a girl themed Lego's set from Jason, the music box Eleanor bought her. There was a glow in the dark stars wallpaper for her room, a pink watch, Magna tiles, the list was endless. Eleanor could see the kids getting bored so she pulled out her last surprise.

Gift bags that contained a watch, barbie dolls for girls and toy cars for boys. She handed Marjorie the bags which they distributed to everyone. After that they cut the cake, which the kids ate without starting a food fight, then everyone was allowed to leave whenever they wanted. Eleanor was sure that come Monday, Marjorie would be popular with all the kids fighting to be her friends. But all that mattered was that she was happy and so excited she couldn't settle down long enough to sleep. Eleanor left that task to Theo and plopped herself on the sofa in the living room. If she could just rest for a few minutes...

"Wake up beautiful" A voice murmured in her ear. Opening her eyes slowly, she was met with Theo's face. "Hey"

"Hey. Did I sleep for long?"

"No. Half an hour give or take. Are you tired? I have a surprise waiting for you in your room"

"Really? Am not tired at all." she lied even though she was sure she couldn't make it up the stairs. But she didn't have to worry about that because Theo scooped her into his arms and carried her all the way to her room. Eleanor couldn't bring herself to raise even one objection. He pushed the door open with his foot and the scene awaiting her brought tears to her eyes. "You did all this? For me?" she asked swallowing painfully. The lump in her throat threatened to choke her.

"Yes and please don't cry. Tell me what you don't like and I'll correct it"

She buried her face in the crook of his neck. "No one has ever done anything like this for me" there were candles and rose petals everywhere. The lights were off making the room look romantic. Who knew Theo was that romantic?

He stepped in then kicked the door shut, heading to the bathroom. The tub was filled with water and rose petals. Placing her on her feet, he undressed her slowly, taking each piece of clothing off with the utmost care. Then when she was naked, he guided her to the bathtub. The water was warm, making Eleanor sigh in contentment. She felt her muscles relax and leaning back she rested her head on the tiny pillow Theo had left there. She let him wash off her weariness while she purred softly like a cat. Later she'd ask what she had done to deserve all this special treatment. Right then if she could close her eyes.....


Theo brushed a lock of hair off Eleanor's face. Poor thing was so tired she couldn't help but fall asleep. He wanted to thank her properly for everything she'd done for Marjorie but maybe tonight wasn't the best time. All the pleasure he'd planned for her would have to wait for another day. Finishing off, he wrapped her in a towel then carried her to bed where he dried her, put on her tiny pajamas and tucked her in the way he did to his now six year old daughter. He dropped a kiss on her forehead, put out all the candles and left closing the door gently so as not to wake her. Even though he doubted anything could wake her up.

In his room, he went to the window staring out at the black empty sky. Eleanor made him and Marjorie happy so why was he fighting his feelings for her? God knows Bridget had never made him feel like that. He'd never done for his wife the things he was willing to do for Eleanor. She was turning him into a hopeless romantic and he liked it. He wanted to buy her teddy bears and flowers and take her anywhere she wanted to go. He wanted to do every cliché thing other couples did like sit in a photo booth and take photos of them kissing or looking into each other's eyes with faces full of love. He wanted to spoil her, put the world at her feet. So what was holding him back?


He was the one who'd gone to Jason and told him to seduce her. From the kiss they shared that one time, Theo knew his friend had feelings for Eleanor. Hopefully they weren't as serious as his or they would end up having problems. Even before he gave his friend permission to seduce her, he knew deep down Eleanor was his. That's why he always felt so possessive of her. He had liked her from the second she walked in that church during his father's funeral. Lashing out at her and calling her names was his way of refusing to accept his feelings. The thought of her and his father together was disturbing. He had to know if she'd slept with him before taking things to the next level. And he also had to talk with Jason to tell him that he didn't want those shares back. Having Eleanor was enough. It's not like he didn't have his own money. Having made up his mind, he slipped in bed and fell asleep thinking about his woman.


Bridget tiptoed to Eleanor's door. She was curious to see what Theo's surprise was. She wasn't stupid. She'd seen how he looked at that stupid bitch like he wanted to rip her clothes off and bend her over the nearest surface. Even when they were on their honeymoon phase, he'd never looked at her like that. What did that woman have that she didn't? Did he like her big fake breasts or ass? If so then he should have told her. She wouldn't have minded a boob job. But oh no. He just decided to fuck that fucking slut instead. Opening the door she peeked inside.

All day she had sat in a corner and watched them, saw how they smiled secretly at each other. At one point they disappeared and she was sure they had snuck out of the stupid party to screw each other. She had also seen how Jason had seethed watching the two. If she played her cards right, she might come out on top. Bridget let her eyes adjust to the dark then stifled a gasp. Candles and flowers? She didn't know Theo could think like that. He was always so stiff, never wanting to try out new things. Or maybe he just didn't want to try them out with her. That's why she sought out other men who made her feel beautiful. After Marjorie was born, Theo had clammed up, not even paying her any attention. She had felt ugly with all the stretch marks on her body. He made her feel unwanted.

So was it any wonder she went in search of other men? At least they appreciated her. She couldn't remember if he'd done anything remotely close to what he'd done for Eleanor. God she wanted to kill that bitch with her own bare hands. Now Marjorie's sentences started with "Ella said this or Ella fucking said that". And the greedy witch had set her eyes on her husband. Well over her dead body. She wasn't going to let another woman take her family. She was the one who had given birth to Marjorie. She was the one who had married Theo. He was her husband. Even with all his faults, he was still her husband. And believe it or not she still loved him.

Closing the door, she went back to her room and started plotting. Eleanor Fucking husband stealer had to go. Soon.


Marjorie couldn't sleep. She'd pretended to be asleep so her father would leave her alone. Never in her life had she had such a nice party. Almost everyone had wanted to be her friend today. And all the gifts she got were just awesome. But she especially like Ella's gift. The music box now seating on her nightstand was her favorite thing in the world. She reached over and opened it. The soft music started playing while the ballerina went round and round. The stars on her wall gave off enough light that she could see clearly even though it was dark. She sighed into the pillow, wishing for the hundredth time that Eleanor was her mother.

Her own mom was mean, always telling her to sit straight at dinner or to eat less food. She hated vegetables and at least Eleanor let her eat ice cream after finishing her veggies. She loved Artie too who ate the food she snuck to him. One time Ella had caught her sneaking food to the dog and instead of yelling at her, she winked then bent under the table to give Artie her food too. She so loved her new friend. Maybe tomorrow she would ask her father if he could marry Ella. Her mother wouldn't be sad because she had her boyfriends and friends. And she would also go wherever she wanted without worrying about her because Ella would be there to take care of her. Having found a solution to everything, she drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow she would talk to her father and tell him what she thought. She was sure her father would agree because he loved her just as much as she loved him. Besides she always listens to him so now it would be his turn to listen to her.


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Next update is tomorrow.

Let the drama begin.

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