Her love

By Nottodaysatanz

256K 6.9K 2.6K

"Yes Papi!" I tease... "Damn Kat, if you keep talking like that I'm gonna have a hard time leaving!" He laugh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

18.6K 565 403
By Nottodaysatanz

-Santi POV

I sit down on her bed and watch her quickly fall asleep.

"I've always cared, cariño, always. It was just hard to let you to know..."

I continue to admire her and her cute-ass snoring, that if I wasn't so close to her I wouldn't have heard.

She is so fucking beautiful. "Tu eres mi corazón.(You are my heart.)" I whisper softly, kissing her check.


-Kat POV

I wake ready to go today! I had so much energy. I shower and get dressed, only stopping to consider my outfit.

Usually I just throw on jeans and a t-shirt or leggings, but today I had time and I wanted to try something else.

I fix my hair and put on some light foundation.

"Ok, leggo!" I throw my bag over one shoulder and run downstairs.

Kat's Outfit.

Ayo! I text her, I'm downstairs.

I'm actually about 7 min from her house but better safe than sorry.

Liar, but I'm ready. I laugh at her message. When I get to her house she takes an extra 10 min to come out.

"You liar! I am never trusting you again you took so long!"

"I'm sorry. I'll do better next time."

She stops talking and looks me up and down, "Girrl, who you fittin to impress, because you look finnne!"

"No one, lol I just wanted to dress up today." I defend.

We make it to school with 5 min to spare and before we enter the building, I put both straps of my bag on to hide my shoulders.

I may or may not be breaking the dress code...

"Y'all are early!" Julie walks into homeroom surprised.

"Blame Kat, she woke up with flowers shooting out of her butt, she is so damn happy."

I smile, "Would you rather I be sad, damn guys." I tease.

Julie cracks a smiles, "Did you get tetanus from that beaker or something? You look different."

She says looking me up and down.

"Right! She probably hit her head on the ground too hard when she went down." Laughs Ayo.

"Cute. Funny." I look at both off them trying to hide my amusement.

"Oh! The bell, Bye!" I say getting up.

"We have first period together," Ayo yells over her laughter.

"Locker," I tell her, "I'll meet you there."
I head to my locker going opposite of the hallway traffic.

"Move!" I yell to a group of freshmen talking in the middle of the halfway.

They disperse and I get to my locker at the end of the hall. Annoying humans.

"What are you wearing?!?" I turn around and see Santi in the almost empty hallway.

"Clothes..." I say pulling the edge of my skirt down and suddenly feeling self-conscience.

"Where's the rest of your skirt, Kat?" He says softly and impatiently, somehow managing to make feel like a child being scolded.

He moves closer, backing me against my locker, reaching out he puts a hand on my hip, "Umm.... It's...umm."

Great Kat, just continue stuttering.

"I should bend you over my lap and teach you not to show off what's mine, huh princesa?"

He leans down to my ear and whispers smiling.

My entire body goes aflame, starting from where his grip is.

"Um, yours?"

I have to remind myself to breathe and swallow. I bite my lip, nervous but anticipating his next move.

"Mine, mi gatita(my kitten), you playing a dangerous game." He says pulling my bottom lip from teeth, and running his thumb over it.

I see the heat in his light brown eyes and God only knows what came over me.

An evil bold part of me decides to stick my tounge out to lick the tip of his thumb.

I reach up to grip his hand and keep it within my reach before nibbling on edge of his thumb. His grip on me tightens, "Merda!(shit) Kat..." He says almost as if in pain.

   *Bing* The sound of my phone, brings us back to reality.

I drop Santi's hand, I turn towards my locker and out of his grip. My face burns with embarrassment. That was supposed to tease him not me.

Suddenly I feel warmth come over me, "Keep this on, Kat. I don't want others to look at what's mine."

I hesitantly put my arms through the jean jacket, resting on my shoulders and suddenly I feel like a kid wearing their mom's clothes.

I look up at Santi, "Thanks," I whisper.

He leans in and for a second I think he'll kiss me, but then he turns and walks away.

I watch him head down the hall before I remember I have a class to get to.

Fudge! I'm 15 minutes late to class! I think looking at my phone.

-Santi POV

Damn, Santi, breathe.

I need to control myself, I take a deep breathe and sigh.

But damn, mami looked fine!

She was fucking glowing and shit, showing off her smooth dark skin that glistened even inside.

She looked gorgeous. I wanted to strangle every guy who looked her way or breathed in her direction.

I walk into Calc and take a seat, "Your late, Gonzalez."

The teacher says in my direction, "Sorry, teach." I respond with a smile, he just glares at me and turns away.

Math has always been my thing, i love it and Mr. Gotstrek knew it.

I never missed his class, Gotstrek teaches all the honors sophomore, junior, and senior classes so I've been with him for a while.

After class I get up and make my way to the door. "Gonzalez!" His voice makes me stop and turn.

"Mr. G."

"Where are you applying for school?"
I look at the window and don't reply, he's one of the few people who knew about my dad's death and how it affected me.

He was someone I looked up to, having been an engineer before retiring and becoming a teacher.

In fact I wanted to go to engineering school before Papá passed and I'd told him about it.

"Look son, you don't have to go far. There are colleges nearby. Just think about it, your smart."

He heads to his desk and I turn and walk out of the classroom.


-Santi POV

"Nice jacket." Ayo comments.

I had managed to avoid her and Julie's questioning all day until last period, which today was study hall.

"Thank you, it has a nice vintage look right?" I smile innocently.

"Yeah kinda smells like clone tho," Ayo pushes.

"Probably someone I bumped into in the hall or something."

"Girl spill, I know your closet like the back of my hand."

Julie jumps in.

"It's Santi's..." I say softly. "I want my 5 dollars," Julie turns to Ayo holding her hand out.

Ayo looks at me, "Darn it! Kat, I bet on Johnny!"

"Johnny doesn't have a thing for me."

"Ok, back to Santi. What's going on with you two?" Julie presses.

"I don't know, I was cold and he gave me his jacket."

"I call BS," Ayo yells laughing.

"Language ladies!" The study hall teacher yells.

We laugh, "To be honest, I don't know either."

      The bell rings and I leave last period. Five minutes later, Santi comes up behind me as I close my locker.

"C'mon," he says grabbing my hand.

"Where are you taking me?" I say getting dragged along.

"We need to go pick up, Tinny." He says.


-Santi POV

"Marrtttiiinn!" I yell with my best Fluffy impression and the little mans runs to me and hugs me.

"Hijo, te exraño!(I missed you)" I stand and ruffle his loose curly hair.

  "Kat I'm not a kid anymore! ¿Qué estás haciendo with this trash? ( What are you doing...?)"

Years of learning Spanish and living in my city meant I understood the gist of what Tinny said and Santi's response.

"¡Cuidado, niño! (Watch it, kid!)" Santi responds glaring like a child.

I laugh at their interaction. They are so freaking cute!

Within a few minutes were at Santi's house, I pause outside as Tinny runs in.


"Vamanos, my mom just left to go to work so did Steph. C'mon."

He says pulling me with him. "I'll drop you off on my way to work."


I did not like idea of her walking home by herself, I already almost killed two kids in her class who were checking her out.

I wanted to make it clear she was off limits.

Tinny missed her and so had I, I figured I could surprise him and bring her along.

Little did I know, niñito was trying to steal my girl.

I almost felt jealous that he made her laugh and got to hug her.

Please like, comment, love.
Lol ok bye 👋😘

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