✔ | At Least We Have Forever

By dreamcoloredgift

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【Yu Yu Hakusho fanfiction; mainly Kurama/OC, Hiei/OC】 "I was born to fight a different battle; one that chang... More

Chapter 1 - Beneath The Silent Snow
Chapter 2 - A Fated Meeting
Chapter 3 - To Know Her More
Chapter 4 - Cold Heart's Warning
Chapter 5 - The Search For Answers
Chapter 6 - Being With You
Chapter 7 - I'll Never Leave You
Chapter 8 - A Meeting Amidst The Battle
Chapter 9 - His Battle And The Fifth Weapon
Chapter 10 - Getting Closer And Her Resolve
Chapter 11 - One Chance To Last A Lifetime
Chapter 12 - Surprising Connection And Unsaid Worries
Chapter 13 - A Promise Beneath The Moonlight
Chapter 14 - Hearts' Findings
Chapter 15 - The One To Protect
Chapter 16 - A Spark Of Hope And Love
Chapter 17 - The Enchanting Rose Ball
Chapter 18 - Fateful Night
Chapter 19 - Blazing Hearts
Chapter 20 - Part Of The Truth
Chapter 21 - Her Tragic Fate
Chapter 22 - Leaving
Chapter 23 - It All Begins Here
Chapter 24 - Revelations And The First Trial
Chapter 25 - No Matter What Happens
Chapter 26 - Here's Love
Chapter 27 - The Day Of Succession
Chapter 29 - Stepping Up To The Truth
Chapter 30 - Even If It's The End
Chapter 31 - Tears Of The Silver Moon
Chapter 32 - Escaping The Hands Of Death
Chapter 33 - An Irrevocable Choice
Chapter 34 - A Weakened Heart
Chapter 35 - Bearing The Loneliness
Chapter 36 - Smile, Once Again
Chapter 37 - His Heart's Resolve
Chapter 38 - Remnants Of Her True Memories
Chapter 39 - Just The Two Of Us
Chapter 40 - Keeping Hope
Chapter 41 - His Song, Her Song
Chapter 42 - Two Hearts' Duet
Chapter 43 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 44 - Waltz Of Blue & Silver
Chapter 45 - The Final Trial
Chapter 46 - For Duty & Love's Sake (Part 1)
Chapter 47 - For Duty & Love's Sake (Part 2)
Chapter 48 - For Duty & Love's Sake (Part 3)
Chapter 49 - Revival
Chapter 50 - Leader Position
Chapter 51 - We're In This Together
Chapter 52 - Ultimate Battle
Chapter 53 - A Way To Save Her
Chapter 54 - A Kiss Of Life & Promise
Chapter 55 - After The Battle
Chapter 56 - Family Conference
Chapter 57 - Conclusion
Chapter 58 - Christmas Eve
Final Chapter - As Long As I Have You

Chapter 28 - The Courage To Choose

122 7 0
By dreamcoloredgift

Riya and Keiko reached the mall's rooftop just after the team and the wielders' battle. The two girls heaved sighs of relief upon seeing their beloved and their friends alive and alright. Filled with worries and happiness, Riya ran towards Kurama and jumped into his arms.

"I'm glad you're alright," Riya said as she tightly hugged Kurama, her body trembling slightly.

Kurama eyed his girlfriend with soft eyes before hugging her in return. "I'm alright so don't worry," he gently said to her ear.

When Riya released herself from his embrace, she looked at Kurama and touched the cut on his right cheek. "Don't move," she gently commanded before her hand that was touching his cheek emitted a silver glow. She closed her eyes after that.

To everyone's surprise, it wasn't just Kurama who was being healed when they felt a gentle soothing breeze blow forth, healing everyone's injuries in the process.

"You'll be alright after this?" Kurama asked with concern after Riya healed every one.

Riya nodded and smiled. "Healing spells won't affect me that much, unlike offensive and defensive spells." And then she faced the others. "Are you alright?"

"We're fine now, thanks to you!" Yusuke said happily after looking at Botan warning her not to let Riya and Keiko see the book. Botan complied with that.

"But how did you manage to escape the demon shinobis that cornered you and Keiko-chan?" Kuwabara asked curiously.

But Riya just smiled before glancing at Keiko who was just standing beside Yusuke now. "Let's just say something unexpected happened. Right, Keiko-chan?" Riya said as she winked at the said girl.

Keiko just answered it with a smile that puzzled everyone upon looking at it. They knew that something happened that Riya and Keiko were hiding. Keiko talked to Kazemi before they reached the rooftop about helping her seal her spirit energy to prevent detection from Yusuke and the others, especially the other wielders. The said Crystal Spirit obliged to that.

Not long after, Riya heard repeating beeps from her watch. She opened its lid and it materialized as a virtual screen the size of a small TV monitor. She then saw Koenma on the screen with a strained look on his face. That alone made her figure out the toddler prince's business with them.

"Don't tell me..."

"Riya, the fateful battle is about to happen," Koenma said gravely. "My closest estimate would be 7 days from now..."

"When the two blue moons from different times align..." Riya murmured that part of the prophecy before looking up to the sky. "The battle will not happen seven days from now, Koenma—" she paused. "—instead, it will happen during the full moon... which will be three days from now."

"THREE DAYS FROM NOW? Are you insane?!" Yusuke yelled but Riya didn't even flinch. When he saw that, he then figured out that Riya was serious about it. All he could do was sigh. "How did you figure that one out?"

"I can't tell you the full details now, Yusuke. There's no way I could," Riya answered, her hand began to quiver because of so many thoughts and emotions engulfing her.

Yumi sighed and approached Riya before looking at the screen. "We'll do everything we can to end this as soon as we could, Koenma-sama."

Koenma nodded. "Just don't die." And with that, the virtual screen vanished and Riya slowly put her hand down to her side.

'Just don't die... That's impossible now, Koenma. Between me and Kurama... One of us is destined to die in this battle...' Riya sadly thought as she looked at the clear blue sky. She overheard the conversation about the full passage of the prophecy and somehow, she understood the reason why Kazemi decided to skip a part of it.

Kurama didn't speak the whole time when Koenma called. Not because he simply didn't, it was also because he couldn't. learning about that devastating passage in the prophecy, was more than enough for him to feel protective of Riya more than ever. He couldn't afford to let her be killed by the enemies like that.

Not on his watch. Not while he was still alive.

'I don't know what's going to happen from now on, Riya. But I'll protect you no matter what... even if it cost me my life to do so...' Kurama thought, determined as he looked at the sad face of his girlfriend.

Unable to bear that look on her face, Kurama approached Riya and wrapped his arms around her from behind. Riya held the arms that wrapped her in return.

For now, that was the only comfort he could offer to her.

Later that day, all of them decided to head to Master Genkai's place and spend the next two days training themselves in preparation for the upcoming battle. Using Ayako's Moonlight Teleportation spell, they immediately ended up in the old lady's land. Upon mentioning the whole story to Genkai, she approved of the plan.

For the past two days, all of them trained. Ayako trained with Ren and Kurama, Yumi trained with Hiei, Yusuke with Yukari, Kuwabara with Soujiro and Sei, and Keiko secretly trained with Riya and Genkai. Keiko told the old lady the truth about her possessing the Wind of the Yellow Dragon Gem and Kazemi explained the full details. They made a deal not to tell Yusuke and the others about this for now, not until Keiko's hold on her newfound power would be strong enough to go to a dangerous battle such as the one they were currently facing.

And since Keiko's spirit energy was of a different scale than Yusuke's because she was a Legendary Weapon Wielder, Keiko underwent a different training regimen though Genkai taught her some basics about using and manipulating spirit energy. It wasn't a surprise for Genkai to see Keiko learning fast since the girl had Riya and Kazemi guiding her. And for the past few days of non-stop training with Riya and Genkai, Keiko could somehow feel that she was ready though she knew she won't still be a match for Riya. She did spar with Riya and she managed to put a hit on her even though she didn't win because the mistress' skills were far more advanced than Keiko's.

Riya also thought Keiko some basic techniques on how to use the Arrow of Wind and draw energies from the wind spirits, including some tips on how to learn to use just a bit of the Spirit Summoning Arts dealing with the wind spirits in a short amount of time.

All of them trained non-stop for the past few days and they were all exhausted. Riya, Keiko, and Yukina cooked the meals necessary to restore everyone's lost strength after each day's training. And as expected, Yusuke and Kuwabara ate a lot more than usual. It was a good thing the three girls cooked food that would be enough for 30 people, or else it would be a disaster in a way. Even though they were tensed and nervous about the upcoming battle, they managed to spend their time together like they weren't facing any problems at all. No matter what happens, it would be one memory for them to remember.

After that, Yumi suggested that they should all write something and hang it on some branches of a maple tree near Genkai's house. It was a sort of a wish tree, only the thoughts written on the paper weren't a wish. Just simple thoughts, fear, and hopeful wishings of any kind, all of which had something to do with the battle that they were about to face.

Yumi called it "Thoughts On Paper Under The Moon" since the silver was glowing brighter than usual even though it hadn't achieved its full shape yet.

No one was exempted from the suggestion. She managed to convince Hiei and Genkai to write one. Even Koenma, who visited everyone that night, wasn't exempted, as well. When they started, each of the papers placed on the maple tree has eight minutes intervals upon writing.

The papers were placed around the tree in a certain order that was as follows: Yumi, Hiei, Yukari, Botan, Ayako, Ren, Kuwabara, Yukina, Soujiro, Sei, Yusuke, Keiko, Koenma, Genkai, Kurama, and Riya. After writing, they all went to sleep big time.

Well... almost all of them.

Riya was just done placing her paper on the branch of the maple tree and right now, she was looking at it as it swayed along the gentle night breeze that blew forth with the other papers. Upon remembering the thoughts she had put onto that paper, her tears freely streaked down her cheeks.

"You're still here?" Kurama said that startled her and made her immediately wipe the tears on her cheeks. She must have been in deep thoughts, that was why she didn't sense Kurama coming near.

Riya turned around and faced Kurama with a smile. "I just need to breathe some fresh air. What about you? You can't sleep?"

Kurama nodded which worried her. "I've been doing a lot of thinking after I heard that part of the prophecy. I just couldn't believe that the ancients predicted your death."


"I've been doing my best to defy every obstacle that lies ahead so I could be with you eternally. I want to do everything I can to defend that with my life because I couldn't think of living without you anymore. I want you to be a permanent part of my life," Kurama said sadly but determinedly. "I just couldn't watch you die like that, Riya. There's no way I could," he continued as he slightly shook his head.

Riya bit her lip as she watched Kurama saying those words to her. Almost four months ago, never in her life would she have thought this kind of life to come. Ever since she met, befriended, and eventually fell in love with Kurama, she knew that this wonderful feeling she had felt for him wasn't just a mere dream. A lot of things happened but she and Kurama managed to survive all that. All that she could ever wish right now was for this to last eternally.

But all of that wishful thinking shattered because of what fate had thrown at them. They were about to face a dangerous battle wherein one life would be sacrificed. The only choice: Kurama's life or hers.

It was the truth she could never accept no matter what. It was enough that she already lost her father and her brother a long time ago. It would be too unbearable for her if Kurama would die because of the battle that he was not supposed to be involved in. But certain circumstances led him to her as a partner to face one of the greatest enemies of all: Death. And the other one: Destiny.

"I don't want to lose you this way, Riya. I couldn't afford to lose you this way..." Kurama murmured painfully which made her tears fall once more.

Riya could only close her eyes against the pained tone in his voice. What he wanted from her, for the first time, made her feel fear because she might not be able to give it to him.

But no matter what, she had to choose which life to sacrifice to ensure a victory during the battle. And no matter how many times she would think about it, she was coming up with only one answer.

She would choose her own life as a sacrifice since she knew that she would have a chance to watch over everyone once the battle was over.

"I know it's hard to lose someone you care about, Kurama. I've felt that before. The pain that it could give you was too much. But if I would die because of this, please promise me one thing," Riya said before facing the tree once more.

Kurama frowned before approaching her. "Promise you what, Riya?"

"Promise me that you'll never forget me, but you'll move on to find happiness no matter what happens."

Arms found their way around her waist, bringing her back against a warm chest. Kurama placed his head on top of hers and nuzzled her hair. Silence overpowered them for a few more moments as both tried to cope with the reality they were facing now.

"You can't leave me behind, Riya. I don't want to let you go to anyone, even to the hands of Death. I don't want to lose you, love," Kurama said softly but desperately.

Placing her hand on top of his, she sighed.

"I don't want to let you go either. But I've made my decision now, Kurama. It's the truth we'll both have to face no matter how hard... This is what I chose to do..."

Once again, the silence blanketed the two of them as they stood, embracing, staring into the night. After a few minutes, Riya turned around in his arms to stare into his emerald eyes.

"Thank you..." she whispered as she lifted her hand to touch his face. "Thank you for saving me from the loneliness I've felt for so long. Thank you that someone like you came into my life for me to love more than my life. No matter what happens, I'll never forget you... ever... Okay? I love you so much. I always will."

Kurama could only stare into the amethyst orbs of his lover as her words settled in his mind. What did him in was the love he knew was meant for him that was shining in her eyes.

It was proof that she was telling the truth and nothing else.

"I love you, too..." Kurama whispered as an acceptance to her thanks for he wanted to say the same words to her and so much more.

Placing her head on his chest, Riya allowed herself to hear the rhythm of his heartbeat as it became music to her ears. Wrapping her arms around his waist more securely, she closed her eyes but it didn't prevent her tears to fall for the third time.

In the silence of the night, the two lovers stood in the hold of each other, gathering what little strength they had left to face the harsh reality as both were praying for tomorrow never to arrive. All they wanted at the moment was to be with each other as they relished each other's comforting warmth...

...for this might be the last time they would have this moment together...

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