
By e_Glyde

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A bunch of hooligans are trapped on a distant planet and now they are are trying to return home; will they? I... More

Day 1:Marsal:Another Day Another Experiment
Day 1:Elizabeth:Fun times ahead
Day 2:Elizabeth_I've had worse
Daniel Journal:Day 1

Day 2:Marsal:Lets go shopping!!!

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By e_Glyde

It's like 01:23(24 hour style. just in case of forgetfulness) during the time of writing this/recording this.As you may read this in the little voice in your head. That tiny voice in your head that was, has and will always be there, mimicking your voice, maybe your friends, your family?

What about Morgan Freeman? Yes, you shall now read this in Morgan Freeman's voice. I better hope Elizabeth used that book I gave her to write down her story, and not just personal feelings.That will piss me off honestly.

Anyway, I awoke to a quite; I would say, 'large' sound. It sounded similar to that of a shoe in a tumble-dryer, but it wasn't from the outside world; where battles involving the deafening sounds of cannons and explosions take place.

But it came from......my own lab.

You may not know but Mars isn't like Earth.We make Australia look like Candy land by contrast.

Getting up I started to think more about the sound. I was walking down the hallway, looking at ways to get down."Ladder,No. Stairs, take too long.

Elevator, perfect." Judging the frequency, loudness and the amount of echo, I got more worried, picking up the pace at each thought processing through my head. The sound went on and on but as soon as I got the secret elevator it stopped. The sound stopped. I still kept processing and thinking, why it would stop.

I uttered these words under my breath,"Elizabeth." I repeatedly mashed the open button, thinking all what can happen to Elizabeth.

'Ding,' the door open. Swiftly, I jumped in the elevator and said, "Floor; Elizabeth." The automated voice said,"Yes, Marsal." The elevator quickly teleported me to the lab.I paused, looking around I said, "Its to quite silent. Too silent." I started to walk around doing my best to recognize the environment. The broken lights, cages torn apart, and the protective glass absolutely shattered didn't surprise me; it was a breakout. I started to see a blood trail with footprints leading to...to.....................

my face grew pale as my guts dropped.

It was to Elizabeth's room.

I rushed to the door fast enough to metaphorically break the sound barrier.

I tried to open the door, "Dammit!! Locked." I typed in the code to the door, "Nothing. Has to be jammed." I stood back, then held my palm to the door, I flipped a switch on my gloves,the AI said"Overclock initiated." I blasted the door open, leaving a loud echo throughout the area. "That's a lot of dust." I said. "What's that?" a spider like creature jumped at me(aprox. the size of a average man's chest).Without hesitation I jabbed my arm through where I think the chest is. The devastation of a creature, dropped on the floor like a drunk friend. I crouch down to examine the creature for any sign(more like leftovers) of Elizabeth. By examine I mean checking the stomach. "Empty." I walked into Elizabeth's room, all over.All over her bed on the carpet, on the book shelf, everywhere. However, I saw something unscathed. Elizabeth's diary. I kneel down to get a closer look, it read,'I just heard a loud s......'a pen mark dragging on the page.I was still like a rock,"She writes? In her journal.I just have my AI do it for me during the day.Well now I know she is old fashion."Grabbing the book I flipped through the pages,"This can't be.It doesn't have the day when I gave her the journal, or anything besides this and some poems."Despite the pain in my gut, I scavenge her room, looking at every detail for a recording devise.


The pain in my stomach increased, as my body weakened. I painstakingly stood up, looking down and walked out the room. I started to walk past the bathroom moaning over the lost of a l....."Elizabeth?" She turned around,"Marsal? Ummmmm." She was covered in blood. My previous thoughts left my head, and the pain plus the weakness vanished and I only focused on what was in front of my pupils and other parts of my eye.


"Yeah." She said standing in a shy manner.Really it was more likely she has done something she shouldn't have.No, it was similar to a child who broke something they shouldn't have.I needed to know what she did.

"I heard a loud sound. Like..like a shoe in a tumble dryer."

"....."She crossed her arms.

"I...I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Uh-huh"She looked at me with a puzzled , and inpatients face.

"But I can see that you were just having, that *cough*...time of the month."

With one quick motion she smacked me with her bloody hand(literally). I screamed like a little girl. I turned on the water and washed my face and hands off. I heard Elizabeth was snickering in the background.

I snapped my head at Elizabeth"What's so funny?"

"Just how your scared of blood coming out of a woman's vagina but, not of a zombie's intestines."

I stuttered,"I, umm, its different."

Elizabeth snapped back,"No it isn't." Since I was feeling sleepy I didn't want to argue with her."Yea, yea whatever.Have fun with that bloody room of yours." I started to walk to the stairs. Relieving what I was doing I made a U-turn to the 'elevator'.Passing Elizabeth I said,"Wrong way."After, what felt like forever I was finally in my bed.Really its more like a dusty, slightly uncomfortable, kinda caved in piece of mattress, but it is my dusty, slightly uncomfortable, kinda caved in, piece of mattress.

7 hours have passed since the endeavor trying to find that loud sound.

I awoke with cold sweat and breathing heavily. "Just thinking about last night.Or was it morning.....whatever.I..just thinking of,'What if?' Surprisingly it was a quiet and quite peaceful morning. There were some gun shots in the background but that's regular, since our pests are huge and you know 'it ain't the end of the world until bullets shots are the norm'."Wait!!I really need to stop thinking out loud.But besides that,how could all that blood have been from a menstruation?"I thought out loud.I pulled my legs to the side of the bed. "Yes woman's menstruation can be heavy but not that 'heavy'." I sat there thinking of all the possibilities and which makes the most sense.

"WAIT!! Was she yanking my metaphorical chain, or maybe that means she could have...."I sat there realizing what could have happened. I heard footsteps from the stairs across the hallway.

Non-other than Elizabeth,"Hey, Marsal!!!". I snapped out of my stunned state, and started to get dress, ignoring Elizabeth.She started to walk closer and closer, more and more noticeable to my peripheral vision. I was finished putting on my survival gear and turned around seeing a confusing Elizabeth. We started at each other in almost silence, and at this moment I noticed how short she is, or was it how tall I am. Also I noticed some small details as well; that each of her eyes were a slightly different hue, a small birth mark on her neck and a long cut along her chest. Stunned I snapped back, "Wait; what!?"

Elizabeth replied with a worry on her face,"What!?WHAT!?"

"That..that cut."I said examining the measurement, style of cut and the damage seeing what animal did it.With a less worried and calmer voice I said,"How did you get it?"

Elizabeth pointed at her cut,"This.This cut was from those little demon creatures, and you didn't even lock them up properly."

I was about to reply but I remembered I didn't actually locked them in."I thought you were going to do it."She snapped at me with a face as angry as a bull. I thought,'I swear I could have seen smoke coming out her nose'. I backed away very slowly, so the 'angry bull' wouldn't charge at me.

"Hey, don't need to be angry,"still backing away."Anyway,"dragging on." You should stay here.I need to get some more supplies."

The bull in the room questioned,"Marsal, we are stocked up we don't need any supplies anytime soon."

"I would prefer to eat real food Elizabeth."

"You're lying.We have enough ingredients to make 'real' food. Marsal we have enough ingredients to start a restaurant."

"Ummmm,"feeling guilty.

"Marsal, what are you really doing."

Making finger quotes,"Research."

Elizabeth mocking my finger quotes,"What do you mean, 'research'?"

I turned to Elizabeth,"That is classified information Elizabeth,its best only I know. Capisce?"

She had a furious look on her face.Grinding her teeth she managed to say,"Si."

I left, knowing that I could die from what 'research' I'm doing. I got into my HOV(Hovering. Vehicle(finally found a name)) and off to my own hometown 'Beijing'; sometimes its full of smog and others clear as day."I need to find out more about those creatures, and that weird smog."I sat in my vehicle not moving or turning it on. Just realizing it I said,"God dammit!I really need to stop thinking aloud."I started my HOV and started my boring journey to the center of town.I was driving to the center of town; it felt slower than usual but I'm going the same speed if not faster.I sat there thinking,"Elizabeth." Sighing, I said,"That woman can past the time." 

Might as well explain to you simpletons more about Mars and how it is self sustained now.It has water,'nuff said.



Mars begins you know it now; the red planet non-capable for human life,but as you know(cause you're reading this) we fixed that. First we settled on Mars after U.S.A had the money and resources to get to Mars, live in space for 6 months and build a base/greenhouse.America had to engineer their plants for Mars gravity and heat(or to its best ability). Yes, they did fail over and over and over again,but during the failure they did make a base and greenhouse.This helped in having a research area and to see the effects of the plants. Well after the U.S.A couldn't afford it and China didn't wanted to lend anymore money, Experis wanted to take over the project. We did built a water extracting plant for water, but it wasn't enough.Then Earth began to flood, after a lot of research, we were able to get water from the Earth to Mars increasing the survival rate and the time. During the years we planned on increasing the area but Mars was to powerful for our plants. They couldn't take the pressure and dust storms of the red planet.

I looked up and realized I was in the city(No more back-story;for now).I started to look around the area scouting for my one stop shop for supplies and non-science related equipment; Mars-Mart or the M-Mart.I need to be careful since there will be some scavengers, getting anything of worth and selling to people who don't have access or balls to come here. Though I need not worry at all since I can decapitate a human with my M.A.G(matter and gravity) gloves. It and many other gadgets are connected to my nervous system. Mostly body enhancing ones are connected to my nervous system, like my speed enhancers which are connected to the back of my feet. I may need to watch out for any one with a E.M.P device, or a pair of cables. I started to walk through the store, occasionally seeing some people, who look like they didn't want to talk to me or anyone. Since I haven't been here in a month I forgot this stores layout. This endeavor ended me in the candy aisle. I stood there stunned, froze, unable to move from this heaven because the amount of candy and that they're still stocked. I really wanted a On-Mars bar, those silky smooth, mouth watering, creamy chocolaty goodness. Just thinking about it makes me crave sweets."Mmmm On-Mars Bar."I started to reach for goodness but slapped my arm."No Marsal, get back on track."

I heard a sound from a room,"NO, HELP, SOMEONE!!"Two gunshots fired followed by agonizing screams."MY LEG!!"

I heard a mysterious voice from across the mall,"Okay boys, search this place for anything of high value." Peeking from the candy heaven I saw some type of gang."Yay, guinea pigs." I guiltily grabbed several On-Mars Bar and started to walk the same route as before. I needed to catch there attention, just like a writer.Leading you in with a false since of safety then BAM!!, plot twist. MWAHAHAHAA!!!!!!I started to chew on a On-Mars Bar, why did I say that. I feel a presence, a strong one.Wait, what was I thinking about? Oh, right those newbs at stealing.I thought, 'Like seriously, how dumb can you be.If you're robbing a place you need someone at each door, or to at least cover it.If not you'll get people like me, ruining your plans and criticizing your methods.'I whispered,"But, how am I going to approach this.Smart and quiet, dumb and loud or ninja and fear." I walked around avoiding anyone patrolling and I finally got my answer. I heard people chatting at the aisle on my left.I carefully spaced out enough products to see a stranger blocking my line of vision. I heard two so I needed to do this. Striking my hand through the aisle and man, I heard screaming of terror or pain maybe even confusion. I heard him calling a higher up, so I hid in the vents, I did close the entrance.

"Aagh, OH MY GOD!!JIMMY!!!"I heard a adequate number of men running to the position of the grieving. This is a perfect time to strike. Since, I was in the vent I positioned my gun between those little metal blinds or whatever they are called.Thinking about the calculation it took to hit my target. That's one..no two down. "I shouldn't have hit them in their aorta. Cause that is too much blood. Lucky I'm not the janitor or janitress. Cause this is one bloody mess(no pun intended)." I looked closely at the blood splattered. It was here, there, across the store, in the bathrooms, with you mom, your dad, your brothers, your sisters, and locking your doors and watching you too. I still have some more to take out, I said,"But its not to dinner." I crawled around the surprisingly clean and non-rusty vents, it even had this handsome devil following me.I kept staring at this handsome man, I leaned closer and closer.I said, "I don't usually do this but you're so alluring." I puckered my lips ready for the time of my life but, I realized it was just a reflection. I felt and heard something breaking, but felt re-assuring at the same time. I was re-assured that I need a new mirror and maybe some more shaving cream.I ignored that and kept crawling in this small vents, every knee hitting the metal making a 'clink, clank' sound. I thought,'I wonder how it sounds on the outside.'Moving on, I was over another outing, ready to pounce on my prey like an agile cat. I looked down to find....dead bodies."What!?....H-how?...Who?!" I started to crawl forward to the next air vent, but as always something started to creak."Ah, for Christ's sake."I started to shake around, listening to the echoing.My N.E.S.I.B (Nervous.System.Interconnected to.Body) system made a small map of the area(which if you were paying attention would know is a vent.).I painstakingly turned around so, my feet aimed towards the air vent.The pain was in my knees jabbing my chest."A little to the left,"as I moved 3 millimeters to the left. 'Some crashing sounds!!(two for emphasis(just imagine some sounds,I just want this done, really badly))', I slide down, many pieces of metal passing by, plus the ceiling. A large sharp piece of metal was right next to my face, "Lucky, I moved 3 millimeters to the left, or I would be saying hi to death;again."(Don't ask why I said the word again.Its obvious if you have a brain and reading this. [Wait. God damn pronoun game. By 'It' I mean the answer. Damn what was I thinking(nothing I'm guessing)]) I lift my foot moving any pieces of rubbish in my way, I was about to walk out but I heard a voice behind me. I turned aroun....'Smack!'


N.E.S.I.B logged time of shutdown-////time....of-f....shut.dowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.......n-n-n-n.

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