PJO/HoO Truth or Dare

By nicodiangleoo

26.4K 474 206

This is going to be a story about truth or dare with camp half blood and camp Jupiter. More

We have fun in the Hades cabin
Piper gets creamed
Clarisse turns beautiful
Percy rips his dress
Piper's big secret
Annabeth has a panic attack
Jason misses his besties
Connor does a somersault
Jasper or Jasper?

Nico is the darkness

2.4K 36 37
By nicodiangleoo

Disclaimer: me no own


Nico's POV

"-to wear nothing today except for black jeans, and a black cape with a hood, and whenever anybody asks you to put a shirt on, say 'I cannot, for I am the night'" Travis said.

Aww man.

"But it's -13 degrees out!!!! THE GODS ARE ANGRY!!!!!!!!" I protested. "Man up death breath,"Thalia said.

Oh my Gods!!!!! She talked to me. She's so cute, but I doubt she knows who I am.... (A/n: ew. Okay this is not part of the story anymore)

Ugh. I don't want to do this. I wish that I could have been dared to kiss Will instead, because if he didn't like it I could say it was a dare, and if he did like it, then BAM!!! Instant couple!!!

Anyway.... No way did I want to do that. But... A dare's a dare. *le sigh*

I took my shirt off, went into my closet, put on black skinny jeans, and got a cape with a hood. I put it around me, and shh, don't tell, I put a fuzzy black blanket around the inside of the cape, and it was an electric blanket, and one of the Athena kids rigged up a thing that used your body heat to power the blanket.

I went back out, and I was shivering. It was cold. I pulled the cape back over me, and put the hood up. Ahhhh.... Much better.

Hmm.... Leo. Muahahahahaha.

"Leo. Truth or dare?" I asked, creepily.

"TRUTH!!!" He yelled. "Do you smell bad?" I asked.

"Hmm... Let me check." He said. He smelled his armpit, made a face, and then......

HE LICKED HIS FREAKING ARMPIT!!!!!! Ewwwww....  Leo started screaming "EEW YUCK BYE I'M TAKING A SHOWER!!!!"

He ran into my bathroom, to take a shower I assume. 

We were all waiting, when all of a sudden, I heard a really loud...

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