Made To Love You (STARCO)

By x1Starco1x

16.5K 239 73

Marco has finally finished high school and is moving into his new university to study with his friends- Fergu... More



665 13 0
By x1Starco1x

"Star, make it quick, I don't have time for this," Moon huffed and Star heard her moving papers around.

"I-I think I want to marry a human..." Star said nervously.

"What?!" Moon raised her voice and Star jumped.

"Y-Yeah..." Star sniffed.

"But, why? What does he have that the prince's from Mewni don't have, I mean they have magic, and they know how to rule, this little human won't know what hit him!"

"He... He has my heart, mother, I don't know how to say this..." Star whimpered, "but please, if he agrees, can we make it official? I really don't want to leave him..."

"Star, I-" Moon sighed in defeat, "very well, but at the end of the year, when you come back to Mewni, I would like to meet this, person, what is his name?"

"Marco, Diaz," Star was delighted that her mother had decided to consider it.

"And you're sure that this is a good idea," Moon groaned.


"Alright, well I'll call you soon, I must go and talk to everyone over this, but don't get excited, I have to meet him first," Moon hung up.

Star put her phone on the bedside table and smiled happily, at that moment, Marco burst through the door, breathless.

"Star!" He yelled, "what are you doing?! We have class!" Marco sounded furious.

"M-Marco, I had to talk to my mother, it's important."

"What? Couldn't you have waited to talk to her! We're late!"

"It's about, me becoming queen..." Star stuttered.

"Oh," Marco sat next to her, "what about becoming queen?"

"I-I" Star sighed and felt her eyes become a little watery, Marco noticed this and wiped them, "Marco, I think she may let me marry a human!"

"What!?" Marco moved away from her and threw her a shocked look.

"That's right and she wants to meet you, look, I know we are young, but I'd rather rule with you thank with a random person."

"Me, king? Really?" he frowned.

Star nodded, she expected Marco to be slightly happier.

"I don't know about that, I don't have magic, I'm not like you..." Marco sighed sadly.

"But... That doesn't matter, the blood moon!"

Marco shrugged.

"You don't have to, but just know, I'll wait," Star smiled slightly.

Marco gulped, "screw, class, I'm going to bed."


Star tried to take a nap, but she couldn't stop thinking about Marco becoming her king.

Star got up and headed over to where Marco was, his eyes were open and he was staring and the white wall.

"Marco?" Star said sweetly.

Marco turned to face her and then moved over slightly so she could climb into bed with him.

She lay down and faced him.

"Marco, you don't have to rule with me you know? It was just an offer I guess, I'll be out of your life forever soon, and you won't have to worry anymore."

Marco stayed quiet.

Star sighed, she was positive he would say yes, she had this happy little thought in her head about their wedding... Their children...

The thought made her slightly teary, and she closed her eyes.

"What about my parents?" Marco said quietly.

"They will have to let you go sometime, Marco, but I will meet them, and you will meet mine, and they can decide."

Marco nodded, "I'm not sure about marrying this young, but I want to meet your parents, and I want you to meet mine..." Marco swallowed, "but I need to be done with university and everything first..."

Star nodded, "Yeah, you can meet them when university is over, only when you are ready Marco, if not, I will marry someone else, a-a prince, its okay..."

Marco nodded, "I'm okay with that, let's wait a while, and let our parents decide," Marco grabbed Stars hand and kissed it gently but affectionately.


A letter came through the door, Marco read it and he went pale, like a ghost.

"What is it, Marco?" Star was busy drying her hair, for she had just taken a shower.

Marco read the note to her.

Dear Marco Diaz and Star Butterfly,

As you know, I, Mr. Gladwell and all your teachers take your education very seriously, and we all want you to do well in life. Why you both decided to skip class is beyond me. You better have a decent excuse, and I would like to see you in my office as soon as possible, I'll be waiting for you both, if your excuse is not decent, I will decide your punishment when you get here.

See you soon.

Mr. Gladwell.

"Oh," Star said quietly, "I didn't even think they'd notice, oh well, if there's anyone good at making excuses, it's me!" Star laughed fakely.

"Okay, this was a bad idea," Marco pulled his hair back.

"That because it was your idea," Star winked.

"Oh shut up, Princess," he said mockingly.

Star giggled and went to get changed, while Marco called his parents.

"Marco! How come you didn't call earlier, we were worried!"

Hearing his mothers voice down the phone comforted him, and made him want to run home to see his parents again.

"Sorry, I've been really busy," Marco said awkwardly, he felt a flood of guilt wash over him.

Angie Diaz laughed, "Don't worry, Marco, hows Jackie?"

"Oh, I swore I would never talk to her again, and I know I won't."

"Oh, how come?"

"She's terrible, mum, I guess I'll tell you more another time,"

Marco heard his parents whispering down the line.

"Marco!?" Star cooed as she walked into the room and sat next to him, "who are you talking to?"

"My parents..."

"Who's that?" Angie sounded pretty worried.

"Who's who?" Marco tried to play it off.

"Don't play dumb, we heard a girl in the background."

"That's Star, my roommate, and my girlfriend." Marco felt his cheeks heating up.

Star blushed and Marco smiled cooly at her.

"That's strange, they never pair boys and girls in the same room."

"I know, there were no other free rooms, so she's here now."

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz!" Star yelled happily.

"I'll have to call you later, I have to go and speak to someone."

"Okay, Marco, bye!" Angie hung up.


Star and Marco sat in the principal's office as he stared them down, he was a lot scarier when he wanted to be.

"So, students, tell me why?"

Star sighed loudly.

"Don't sigh! And sit up Butterfly!" Mr. Gladwell shouted, making them both jump.

"Sir, We are sorry, we didn't come to the lesson because-" Marco was cut off by Star.

She pulled out her wand, pointed at Mr. Gladwell and whispered something, a glittery substance emerged and surrounded him.

She quickly put it away and looked at Mr. Gladwells confused face.

"What are you doing in here? When did you even get here?" He frowned.

Star giggled, "we came to see how you were doing, Sir."

"Oh, that's nice of you, I'm great, but I swear I was supposed to be doing something else right now, nevermind, get to the cafeteria guys, you don't want to miss lunch."


"That was so cool! What did you do?" Marco was revving by the time they got to the cafeteria.

"Forgetful spell, works every time," Star grinned.

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