By Aeeeshatuh

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#2| Dunya| 28-08-18 Maryam's life tends to always take a turn for the worst. Loosing her mother at the tend... More



1.7K 269 2
By Aeeeshatuh

Latter the same day,11:32pm.


The frigid wind that blew into the room hit Maryam's fair skin harshly. She blew out a shaky breath and walked sluggishly to the window, releasing the curtains which did a fair job in reducing the freezing wind.

It is unusually cold tonight. She thought to her self as she walked back to her bed rather sluggishly again. She laid back quietly, listening to her harsh heartbeats .

She'd spent all the day planning on how to escape. It wasn't much of a plan though, and it's about to be put in action.

Her stomach tangled in knots as she thought it's time she stands up for her rights. It's time she fights for it. It's time she-hopefully wins it.

'I'll miss you Inna '. She whispered wiping the tears that escaped her eyes. She'd always told her to have courage, and she's sure she'll be proud of her for this... she'll be.

She placed her hand on the handle and pushed it down. She opened the door making sure it doesn't make any sound, which hopefully didn't. She didn't bother closing it back completely, then tiptoed outside as quietly as she could.

She didn't fail to notice that the moon wasn't so bright too, making it hard for her to see few metres ahead.

She halted at the doorstep, looking wide-eyed at the two figures coming her direction. She couldn't see their faces but she could make out one is wearing a red shirt whilst the other wore white.

'Where you dey go?'. The red t-shirt'd guy asked when they stopped right in front of her. It was Yaya Sule.

'Um-I-I w-was just checking if the moon is still up there '. She stated nervously.

' Oh are you?, so what do you think?'. She other person beside Yaya sule asked, amusement was evident in his voice. She also didn't miss how his English came out fluent and polished.

' It's um yeah, bright and still up there '. She replied foolishly hoping the ground would just open up and swallow her.

The two of them shared a look and went into fits of laughter. The fact that they were laughing at her like she's dancing without tune made her twice as embarrassed.

Not anyone would think straight when he collides with two someones in the middle of the night and that too especially when you are trying to carry out a rather life changing plan. Meeting them is already a slap on it, a very huge one.

Anger rose within her. How dare he laughs at her. After all he did to her, he still got to go on with his perfect life leaving her drowning in darkness. She felt angry for letting them all treat her like this all these years. She felt angry for not fighting back.

'You !'. She poked him on the shoulders with both hands ,he stumbled backwards at the impact taken offguard.

Have!'. hit!

'No!'. hit!

'Absolutely !'. hit!

'No!' hit!

' Right!'. hit!

'To !'. hit!

'Laugh!'. hit!

'At! '. hit!

'Me! ' hit!

'After!'. hit!

'What!'. hit!

'You!'. hit!

'Did!'. hit!

With that, she raced back into the house. Leaving them both tongue-tied .

'Dude, what did you do to her?'. The other guy;saleem asked Yaya Sule after moments of silence.

'Wetin be 'dude' again?. I no de do anything ooo. This girl dey craze fah'. Yaya Sule replied as he made his way into the house with Saleem right in tour.

Maryam slumped back in her bed feeling somewhat relieved. There is this feeling, like load is lifted off her shoulders. It felt good to finally let it out of her.

Taking a sharp breath, she let her mind swirl into the buried memories within her.

She vividly remembered when she was always zealous to be back home. She'd always shout out her salam which her mother would hear from the kitchen where she'd probably finished cooking and cleaning the kitchen. She'd then run to their room and dismiss her hijab and bag to their right places .

Inna Salma would always great her daughter back with a plate of food, then they'd immediately pray Magrib after eating.

Malam Kabiru would come back minutes later and Maryam would run to hug him as always. He'll always lift her up and twirl her, that was something she'd always smile at whenever she recalled.

When she was 12, she couldn't even imagine how her father was in love with her mother, they were together almost every time he's home. The way they look at each other, it was obvious that they're so in love. But everything stopped, in just a day, everything became different.

She knew that Inna Saude is her father's cousin and their marriage was never out of love, it was just tied by the families to strengthen their bond. Her father fell in love with her mom 4 years after his marriage with Inna Saude, and he married her a year after.

Her mother had always been obedient to Inna saude as the younger one. She'd always done all the cooking and chores of the house, never complained about it. But it was never okay for Inna Saude, she'd always wanted her out of the house. She'd used to threaten her mother, Maryam once saw it for herself too.

'Banace ki karba takardar saki ba?!'. Inna Saude had gripped her mother's arm. she could see how her nails dig into her mom's fair and smooth skin. Inna Salma winced helplessly trying to free herself from the grip, but Inna Saude was big, much more bigger and stronger than her mom . That was when she wished she was big too,and strong, she wished she could protect her mother. But she couldn't because it will only make things worst. Besides, her mom had always warned her not to disrespect elders, especially her own family. And so, she watched helplessly and quietly from the corner.

Later that night, her mother fell sick. A sickness they knew not nor the cure. It was heartbreaking how it got worst day by day. How she got paler daily ,how she could feel her getting distanced everyday. Then Inna Saude took over, she would happily cook and serve them food, do all the chores and surprisingly without a grumble. Her father was beside Inna Salma 22/7, he never leaves her side, she could see how heart broken he is, but he proved strong, he never broke down, he had faith that she'd be alright.

It went on like that for months ,until that day,the day everything changed. Maryam was sitted in the compound,flipping through her English note when her father came in, she ran to hug him as always, but he didn't hug her back, he didn't twirl her around, heck, he didn't even spared a glance at her. And instead of heading straight to check on her mother as he always does, he went straight to Inna Saude's room.

How she wish he could just say a word to her, or just look at her, even once. She'd always tried to make him talk to her whenever they're alone but he barely spare a glance her way.

It all makes sense now, it was all Inna Saude. The witch was behind it all!. Her unnerving thoughts ignite the desperation of running away twice as much.

She wiped away her tears once more and peeked through the window. Perfect!. No one is out. She noiselessly picked her bag, which her hijab did a good job in hiding and open the door.

'Going somewhere?'. A voice said when she's fully out of her room. She squirmed, placing a hand on her racing heart. Her gaze flicked to the possessor of the voice. It was Yaya Sule's friend or who ever he is from earlier. The same guy that was laughing at her.

'Who are you?'. She narrowed her eyes at him.

'Your body-guard '. He replied curtly.

'What?!'. She couldn't believe her ears. There's just probably too much dirt in her ears, making her hear some things wrong.

'You heard me'. He muttered bringing out a phone from his pocket, almost as big as Hajiya Bilki's.

'Wait! Who asked you to bodyguard me?. It just doesn't make any sense'. She asked again resisting the urge to choke him. One second; nothing. Two;nothing. Three;nothing. He was completely ignoring her. Something hot slid down her face and she wiped it. She inhaled, trying to stop more tears as they don't cease to stop cascading from her puffed,restless eyes.

'Are you crying?'. He asked, his voice low, like he's afraid to say something wrong, as if he hadn't already.

He ran his hand through his hair, he looked.... disturbed. Like, he hates seeing her in tears. Then, he sighs.

'Look! I'm so sorry. I can't help you. I really hope I could '. He uttered. Lie!

Feeling enraged, she picked the kettle he used earlier and marched to the bathroom to help herself. He was still standing there when she came out. She ignored him and went back to her room.


Maryam let out a stressed yawn and stretched to the other side of the bed. Blinking her eyes a few times, she ran a hand across her face, trying to rub off the sleep within.

At length fully awake, she laid back, tranquilly staring into space. The light was just beginning to illuminate which indicated it's about 6am. She went out to take a bath, luckily no one was awake yet which meant a few minutes of freedom.

She dried the droplets of water on her body then wore the new pair of clothes Alhaji Dawood had bought her the previous day. It's a pale blue gown with hints of white at the hem and neck regions. The dress suited perfectly, she smoothened it with her hands before settling back on her bed.

She realized that she hadn't really thought of where to go after freeing herself from Inna saude. Staying in their village is no option because it wouldn't let her feel any less obstructed . What would she do subsequently?.

Maybe she was rushing things afterall. Maybe she should stay a day more to think things through. Maybe it was a bad idea. Maybe she should be abit more patient. Maybe... Maybe... Just maybe destiny has other things in store for her.


Assalamu alaikum loves!
First things first, I'm truly sorry for the long wait. You guys can't imagine how writing after a long day is,I have to visibly crack my brain before I write a few lines.

But I hope you guys will love and support this book regardless. Do keep the votes and comments flowing in!. Let's not forget to also share!

ZeenahKabir got the previous chapter's question correctly. Congratulations!!. Do watch out for your name in the next few chapters. Thank you.XD


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