4.The Serpent's Caster (ManxB...

By Lonesome_Fire

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{OLD VERSION} [~ BOOK 4:Caster's Council series ~] After witnessing loved ones die at the hands of vampires t... More



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By Lonesome_Fire


It had been a real life nightmare being stuck in that prison and I didn't want to go back there and I pitied anyone who was forced to go there. It had been over a month since Linus  took my home and I was still having nightmares. Linus helped though because we had started sleeping in the same bed.

"I can't stomach not being near you," he has told me entering my room right after I had showered. "Being without you made me feel empty and I still feel like I could wake up and you would be gone...so, I'm not leaving your side...ever." He had his pillow and he threw them on my bed with a pout and his arms over his chest as though I was about to argue.

I remember taking him into my arms and just holding him. I felt that we both needed it, the reassurance that we were within reach and very much real. From that night, it was bliss going to bed. I would lay there just staring at my angel as he slept soundly.

Like now, I gazed down at him with a small smile. It was already morning and he looked determined not to wake up, but I knew he was because he had this thing he did with his nose whenever he was awake, it would wiggle for a long period and then his left eye would twitch. It was honestly very adorable.

"You guys better get out of there!" James' voice sang out to us and I groaned as Linus let out a huff.

"Why I never..." He mumbled trailing off and I had to hold back a laugh.

"Guess you can't pretend to be asleep." He yawned.

"Who said I was pretending? People can stay asleep for longer than you think, hotshot." I chuckled and rolled onto my back only to have him follow me and hug my bare chest.

"Linus, I'd we don't get a move on, James will come in." I told him reminding him of the time he thought we could get away with being asleep for the whole day only for James to come in with a huge bucket or water.

"But I wanna cuddle!" I kissed his head of hair which was now a shiny silver.

"We can always do that where he can see us." Linus lifted his head and scowled.

"I'm 8 000 years old!" He declared and I shook my head cause it was still hard to believe that he was so old, much older than myself. "I can do whatever I want." I raised a brow.

"In the body of a 16 year old." He sat up and pouted. "Especially when you do that."

"Fraden!" He whined. "You such! And besides 17 a few weeks from now."

"Ah yeah!" I snapped my fingers getting out of bed. "What do you want for you birthday?"

"To not be a virgin." I stumbled on my way to the bathroom and froze.

"Uh, how about something more... Useful?" I chuckled nervously and headed into the bathroom.

"It is useful! It'll get rid of blue balls." Lately I realized that Linus had become more sexual, especially going to bed together. He would have a random boner and he wasn't even shy about poking me with it either. It made me feel like such a virgin when he spoke so freely about sex too. "Come on, you know you want to." He kisses my arm and I looked down at him with a tooth brush in my mouth and scoffed.

"You can always masturbate!" I told him as he began his morning routine.

"I knew I wasn't sexually appealing to you," he sighed and I frowned.

"Don't be silly." I kissed his cheek. "You are plenty appealing."

"Then why won't you have sex with me." As I turned to look into his eyes I saw that this wasn't a joke, he was genuinely confused about my not making any sexual advances. I felt touched and like an absolute ass for making him feel unwanted.

"It's not that I won't, but can't." He frowned at me. "I don't want to make a mistake here," I pushes his hair out or his face. "I want it to happen whenever it happens, preferable when you are legally 18."

"That's not fair," he blanched. "I'm way too old for you, you can't use age as an excuse." I couldn't help but chuckle as I turned on the shower.

"Oh, Linus... You just have to accept that I'm w gentleman."

"Why couldn't you be a regular caveman." I felt my smile drop at his joke referring to my improvement in a cave for 575 years, he laughed at me and I shook my head.

"Not funny, not even a little bit." I scowled at him and he just rolled his eyes.

I left him to take a shower before heading into the kitchen where James watched me with a knowing look.

"What is it now?" I said with a sigh.

"Nothing," he smirked at me. "Oh! Uncle Edgar is coming for dinner tonight."

I searched my brain for the person he was referring to and the image of a man with a scar on his face and tattoos and a cane entered my brain. I recalled meeting him and being very uncomfortable. He was rude and hostile. He had made it clear to me that he hated my kind and that I needed to be out down. I found myself scowling at James. He didn't know how awful his uncle had been to me and I had hoped he didn't have to know but now it dawned on me that his kind nature would drive me insane if it meant he would invite anyone over here.

"No," he frowned almost instantly.

"Why not?"

"The man hates me, I don't need to see him so unnecessarily." I told him simply. "I refuse to break bread with him."

"You and Linus spend too much time together." I looked at him wondering why he would say that when we were talking about his uncle. "He said the same thing after meeting him." James sighed and I nodded.

"Well, he knows what he is talking about. Man cannot be trusted." Jennifer came into the room wearing gym cloths. She had been getting a lot better about Linus and I being here, in fact, she had begun smiling a little bit at us and joint conversation.

"Who can't be trusted?" She asked as she grabbed her water bottle from the fridge.

"Uncle Edgar," James told her. "Fraden doesn't want us to have dinner with him." I scowled and looked at Jennifer who had gone stock still.

"Dinner?" She asked in a small voice. "Here?"

"Yeah, he said he would be here tonight an-" Jennifer bolted then for the stairs and I looked at James in alarm. He looked as confused as I did.

"Is she okay?" I asked him and he continued looking in the direction of Jennifer.

"I don't know," he said softly a bit distressed. "Do you think she just forgot something." I sighed, James could be so blind.

"I think she isn't a fan if Edgar." He frowned. I left him to go take a shower since I knew Linus will have to be don't by now. I found him on his phone with his friends from school.

Once I showered he was still on the bed. I told him about our dinner guessed and he lost it.

"Is James okay? Like, seriously? Why would he do this?" He asked standing up as I got dresses. "How does he not remember how I strictly told him I will not break bread with the man." I chuckled at how we used the same words to describe the experience.

"I don't think he expected it either. Seems more like Edgar sprung it on him last minute." I said as Linus wrapped his arms around my waist. I held his cheeks in my hand.

"That's not fair, Edgar is just...revolting."

"That's a nice word," I told him leaning down to place a kiss on his forehead.

"Right? Its my new favourite." He smiled gleefully and I kissed his cheek then his nose.

"I fan tell by the way you stressed it." I laughed as I kissed his lips tenderly. He sighed and relaxed against me. I was so over the topic of Edgar and I was in the mood to just smother Linus. I couldn't help it, he was just so...adorable.

He tightened his arms around my waist and we were pulled tighter against one another. As I moved my lips against his, he began to pull me, I was to distracted by his tongue to realise that he turned us around so that I feel back onto the bed. I moaned as his member brushed up against my growing one. I was panting as we kissed, his hands were running over my head and down my chest. He snuck his hand beneath my shirt and pinched my nipple. I groaned and grabbed onto his ass as we made out.

Things were getting heated as he trailed his lips up and down my neck. I swallowed before I rolled us over. I let my weight rest on him, which allowed me to feel him, he was hard and I couldn't help but smirk.

"You are such a tease." He told me with hooded eyes.

"Oh?" I questioned as I ran my tongue over his earlobe before blowing on it. He shivered and gripped my shoulder tightly.

"You always do this," he moaned as I slowly ground my lower abdomen into his hard member.

"Do what?" I asked innocently knowing full well what he meant. I always told him I wouldn't have sex with him until he was 18 and yet when ever I kissed him, I allowed things to go very far only to stop when it was obvious he really wanted it. I was a major tease.

I sighed as I looked st his flushed face. It was so beautiful and red, I showered him with kisses all over before I did something he definitely wasn't expecting.

I ran my hand down the length of his body and easily slipped it into his pants and boxers. I watched as his eyes widened once my hand wrapped around his warm pulsing member. He gasped a I gave it a slow hard tug.

"Fraden!" He held onto my shoulder and I Kissed him. I began with slow purposeful tugs, occasionally running my finger over his cock head.

"You are so wet," I groaned into his neck before sucking on the skin which made him arch and dig his fingers into my back. The sight was beautiful and I didn't want to ever see it end. He was breathing heavily and his hips began to thrust into my hand. "You like that?" I asked him teasingly. My pace began to pick up and he whimpered and whined. I  tugged faster and harder and he was a shivering mess.

I kissed his lips, letting my tongue play around in his gapping mouth and then he began to spasm.

"Ah~!" He moaned beautiful as I continued to stroke him, letting him ride out his orgasm, he whimpered and I let to of his softening cock. I kept my eyes on him as I brought my hand up to my mouth and licked his cum off. His chest rose and fell, his eyes darkening. "Let's do that again." He said and I chuckled and cleaned my hand. He tasted so good, I couldn't wait to take things further, to hell with waiting till he was 18, after getting a taste of him and seeing him like that, I don't think I would be able to wait any longer.

"Sadly, we have things to do." He whined and held onto me.

"But that was more fun," he smacked his lips onto mine and I couldn't help fall into the kiss deepening it and before I knew it, I had given him another two hand jobs. I could tell he was very insatiable.

We had fallen asleep at some point and were awaken by James telling us to get ready.

"Can we tie him up and keep him in his room?" Linus asked as he pulled me down on him. I chuckled and buried my face in his neck with a happy sigh.

"I wish," I told him and he sighed before kissing my ear which was very ticklish. I laughed and he did it again and again and I struggled to get out of his grip. He kept a good hold and I laughed loudly before, "Stop! Shi-" we fell to the ground with a groan and I still laughed as my body shivered. "See what happens when you try to be  cute!?" I laughed as I told him this. Linus sat up and hit my chest.

"Ugh!" He gave me his hand to help me up and I just continued laughing, trying to get it to die down. "Shut up." He told me before going to the bathroom. I was reduced to chuckles and we got ready for a torturous night.

Edgar had arrived with a smile until he laid eyes on Linus and I. We went to the dining hall and I realized that Jennifer was gone.

"I see Jennifer found out about my visit." Edgar said looking at James who smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, uh, I don't know what has gotten into her." Edgar shook his head and eaved his hand before cutting into his steak.

"No matter, I shall see her one of these days." I ate slowly not having much of an appetite since his arrival. Linus had his hand on my thigh and by the looks he was giving me, he was ready to leave the dining hall and go upstairs. It was adorable and funny. "So, Fraden..." I looked over at the man and raised a brow.

"Surprised you got my name right." I said hostility in my voice.

"Oh, so am I." He countered. "I was hoping thank you... Friend of there for the stunt he pulled at your hearing." I wouldn't really call it a stunt because he only managed to get attention off if me and onto someone more dangerous. "A bit disappointing considering my efforts to ensuring your capture."

"What?!" Linus and I said at once.

"Oh? Didn't they tell you?" He said smugly. "No matter, I told them where to find you." He said it straight and I couldn't help but hiss. "Their caster was being stubborn about your whereabouts and I, the concerned human being, felt they should know exactly where to find you."

"Uncle Edgar." James said in complete shock. "How could you!" Edgar looked at him as he chewed obnoxiously.

"How could you not?" He shot back. "You housed an abomination at your own free will. Disgusting. You should be ashamed."

"Uncle Edgar!" James said slapping the table. Edgar waved his hand and I glared suddenly feeling tense and on edge.

"You know, I've never had much of a taste for you...abominable things," the disgust in his gaze would have shaken any weak minded individual, I however, found myself wanting to swallow him whole. "Which is why it shocked me when I got a phone call the other day."

I glanced at Linus as he squeezed my thigh. The worry in his eyes was tangible.

"Guess who will be the newest member of the Supreme Council?" He chuckled menacingly.

"No, that can't be."

"Oh, but it is."

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