4.The Serpent's Caster (ManxB...

De Lonesome_Fire

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{OLD VERSION} [~ BOOK 4:Caster's Council series ~] After witnessing loved ones die at the hands of vampires t... Mais



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De Lonesome_Fire


The room was filled with chatter as Fraden was brought in. The man looked broken inside, his head was hung low and if you could see his eyes, they were blank and empty, devoid of any emotion. Inside, he was crying for help, for Linus. He didn't know what was real or what was fake. He just knew he was there, awaiting judgement.

Among the Supreme Council, Theodore sat in the centre, the space that would usually be occupied by Elijah's mirages. He was uncomfortable and filled with dread. He gazes at the broken man and frowned to himself. He looked harmless despite his track record which Theodore had been informed of only that morning.

"Order!" Benjamin spoke with a smirk. "Today we gather to judge Mr. Cabrera here, who managed to escape imprisonment and go unchecked." He said loudly into the room filled with Fraden's family members and a few strangers. "We shall evaluate his case, taking into account any recent developments of his cause and passed engagements."

"How is that fair!? You already judged him for that why not look at recent development only!?" James yelled angrily from his place in the crowd, this fueled many to agree with him. Benjamin raised his hand to silence them and they all grumbled lowly.

"We cannot chose to forget the past simply because it has passed, we should be fair and look at the whole picture." He reasoned which to everyone there sounded like complete bullshit.

"I agree with the man," Theodore said softly gaining the attention of the council. "If this is too be fair, why not just consider what he did recently? Unless you've all actually decided that he needs to be imprisoned?" He asked with a brow and they all looked to one another with worry.

"Do not be ridiculous, Theodore." Benjamin said with a slight roll of his eye.

"Accounting for 575 years ago," a man began holding up a folder. He began to count down everything Fraden had done all those years ago that had lead him to his imprisonment and then he began to count for recent escapades.

"Mr. Cabrera had been spotted by humans in his snake form around Minnesota as well as New Jersey." An out cry came from the people as this man spoke. "It is believed that his murderous ways had yet to be satisfied. Several humans have been found dead, corpses have been left in his wake, council and he must be stopped."

"That's not true!" James cried out.

"Why so you say that,sir?" Lerato asked with a sigh as she rubbed her eyes. The woman was tired of the ruckus, she wanted to do nothing more than to home to her dogs. She was clearly done with this line of work and she would give anything for peaceful retirement. After years of life, she was confident that she was done with the life of a Supreme Council member.

"Frade- I mean, Mr. Cabrera has been on his best behaviour since his release, he has stayed home and spent most of his time catching up with civilization. He had no time or reason to be out there killing."

"Could it be possible that you are mistaken?" Another man said. "He hadn't been released as you claimed he escaped and further more, how can you be sure he didn't do all of this while you went out and lives your daily life, Mr. Cabrera?" The man smirked. "You life with this man, correct?"


"You are the product of his sisters blood line, right?"

"Yes." James hesitated.

"So it is accurate to believe that you would be biased about this, correct?"


Then Linus stood, the boy had been at the back, listening and waiting hoping that these people knew how to properly argue and make valid points. It was obvious to him that his mate was being framed and he wouldn't sit down much longer and glower on his own.

"Ladies and gentleman..." He began as he stepped forward. "You are all wasting your time." He began as he looked at his mate who hadn't moved an inch, his heart broke. "While you argue about nonsense and claim the guilt of this innocent man, you ignore the real threat, which is lurking out there in the shadows, attacking at random and growing in power."

"What are you on about?" Benjamin asked curiously as he gazed at the young man.

"Elijah roams around steeling magic and growing stronger, plotting the destruction of all living things everyone is going to die by his hand and you sit here worrying about a harmless serpent!" He yelled angrily fighting back his tears. "I though you would do better," his eyes met Theodore who seemed shaken."I hopes you would draw closer to the more  desired answer, but no, you all seem to have it in for a man who only wants to live a normal life with the boy he loves."

The council glanced at one another and then all their eyes fixed on Benjamin who looked beyond excited. Theodore only kept his eyes on Linus, he looked almost betrayed.

"So, you are saying that Elijah, the previous leader of this council and current leader of the Caster's Council is plotting the demise of life as we know it?"

"It is a lie." Theodore spoke as he kept his gaze fixed on Linus' determined one. "Elijah would never do that." He defended. "He has helped every single one of us whenever we asked, he has saved the world countless times." Theodore stood now, anger radiating from him.

"I'm sorry, but, how can you expect us to believe you?" Benjamin asked smugly. "When you are not only his best Friend, but also if I recall, someone like a son to him?"

"How can you believe a mere child who has yet to understand the gravity of his accusation?" Benjamin chuckled.

"It seems to me that, the fact that you are so quick to stand defense can only mean you are helping him."

Linus walked over to where Fraden sat as the Council engaged in an argument over who to believe.

"If the boy is correct, we cannot waste any time." Another woman spoke calmly. "As tired as I am of life, that does not apply to the whole world. He must be stopped."

"How can you be tires of living when life keeps getting so interesting?" A man asked somehow losing focus on the serious matter.

"Watson, would you please shut up."

"Hey," Linus said as he  touched Fraden's cheek. The man's eyes were unfocused and his brows came together. Linus tried to stop from smiling as Fraden recognized him. "Fraden," Linus sniffed. "It's me."

"Linus?" Fraden frowned and tilted his head to the side as Linus cried and nodded. "You...are you real?" He asked in a whisper.

"Yes baby, I am... I'm going to get you out of here, okay?"

"If you think I will allow this to happen...you are mistaken." Linus stood then as he watched the scene unfold.

"You have an obligation to a bigger community, you are to serve and protect."

"At what expense?" Theodore seethed and seeing the man so angry sent the whole room into a flurry of silent panic. "You risk ridding the world of a hero, a father and a lover."

"Are we all not hero's, father's or lovers to someone?" Benjamin said and chuckled. "I knew it was a mistake to ask for your assistance when you wouldn't see reason about Elijah."

Then the entire room began to shake.

"He told me something was wrong here and noe I see it." Theodore spoke clearly. "You will only bring pain and suffering to the world if you go unchecked any longer."

Linus held Fraden and helped him to his feet.

"This entire council needs to be reevaluated if it is to proceed in a more beneficial fashion." Theodore said then which made everyone stare at him. "You are a power hungry asshat that is a huge disgrace to the entire siren population. You are dismissed, Benjamin and if I hear anything about you from anyone I will find you myself and kill you with my bare hands."

Linus couldn't help feeling shocked at this and Benjamin was outraged.

"As for Elijah's matter, I can assure you," Theodore looked at Linus. "It's not him." Then in a flash he was gone and Benjamin was dragged out of the court. Five of the remaining members looked at one another confused as to how they should proceed.

"That was hectic." Lerato began and banged the gavel. "It seems to me we can all go home." She locked eyes with Linus and gave him a nod.

Linus couldn't believe it. He had had his doubts about his plan but he was having trouble believing that it worked and, sure he didn't account for a lot of things but this was a plus for him.

He had planned to avert the attention away from Fraden and only someone else, someone he knew would be of interest to Benjamin because he recalled how he had curiously stared at him the first time they met after Linus had attacked Elijah in front of them. Linus didn't think it would work so beautifully hut he figured that if he gave them a different threat then it would lead to either Fraden's lawful freedom or he would be able to sneak him out.

Linus held Fraden up and James came to help.

"That was so risky!" James scolded him as they left the building and went to the car.

"But so worth it." He countered as he sat with Fraden who was still stuck in his own head. Linus sighed feeling happier now that he had Fraden. He could tell Fraden may be s bit traumatized but he was sure they would work it out...together.

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