Dance on Main Street

Por Izzy_For_Tonight

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Bellerose wasn't your average girl. Sure she would never pass up a mall trip or a coffee but she ran around d... Mais

The Bellerose
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 15
Day 17
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 25
Day 26
tattoo #1
tattoo #2
Day 27
Day 31
day 34
Day 35
Day 49
Day 50
Day 53
Day 54
Day 55
Day 57
Day 57-58
Day 61
Day 62
Day 63
Day 91
Day 341
Sorry...i hate me too

Day 16

119 4 0
Por Izzy_For_Tonight


Last night I'm not really sure why I was mad at Belle. I mean she didn't even flinch when I was about to kiss her! If fucking Ashton didn't come in and ruin it, all would be swell. When she rolled over onto the other side of the bed I felt really bad so I tried to cuddle up and she rejected me. Eh, I deserved it. But when she thought I was asleep she whispered that she loved me. Loved me like a brother? Loved me like a friend? Or was in love with me? Please be the last one!

Something warm and wet was on my face and tickling me.

Haha warm and wet! You are so immature.

I open my eyes and find little Conan licking all over my face. I kiss his little mouth and cuddle him in the bed. Belle giggles and I hear her take a picture.

"Morning." She says crawling next to me and Conan. I pull her down with us. "Nope, we have a meeting." She says squishing my cheeks like my grandmum does.

"We?" I ask petting Conan. "Yep, Paul needs to talk to me about all the backstage stuff. So get your lazy ass up and hand me the dog." She says putting out her arms. I put him in her arms and she stands up. She is wearing that pink bra thingy and some of my boxers.

"Where you going Bee?" I ask smirking. "To let the dog out!" She says turning to look at me. "Like that?" I ask. She looks down at her outfit and shrugs.

"I think I look hot. Judge me if you want." She says cradling the dog like a baby. I laugh and stand up.

"I'm not judging you, I completely agree with you. But it would be weird if fans or someone saw you." I say walking over to her. She groans and hands me the dog.

"Alright fine." She says grabbing some jeans and one of my T-shirts. After sliding off my boxers she puts them on and reaches for the dog. I hand her the dog and follow her to the kitchen.

"I'll be back everyone, don't miss me to much!" She yells walking out the door. I shake my head and grab Belle's iced coffee from in the fridge. On my way back to my room Michael looks at me horrified.

"Is-is that Belle's?" He asks nervously. I slowly nod and he smacks his forehead. "Dude she is gonna kill you! When she came in with it this morning she said, touch this and I'll cut off your balls. So I hope you don't plan on having kids with her." He says shaking his head and walking away. Oh shit! She is gonna be so mad. I run and place it back in the fridge before running and getting in the shower. Can't kill me in the shower!

"Hey Mikey!" I hear Belle. Oh damn! "Who the hell touched my coffee!" She yells. I'm busted! I jump out and grab a red flannel and my black skinnys. I pull them on quickly and run to the kitchen. Belle is sitting on a barstool sipping from her coffee staring at me.

"I know it was you." She says getting up. I put my hands in front of me.

"Lets be rational here Belle. I didn't know about this no coffee rule." I try to reason backing out of the room.

"I'll give you three seconds to run. One! Two!" I dart to Calum's room and hide under his bed.

"Luke what are you," I shush him quickly. I hear the door swing open and Calum greet Belle.

"Where is Pony boy?" She asks. "Pony boy? Oh, Luke! No idea! Thought he was with you." Cal says jumping on his bed. There isn't a lot of space between me and the mattress and his extra weight isn't helping.

"Alright thanks. But if your lying and I find out I'll cut off your balls too!" Belle warns. Calum don't!

"He's under my bed!" He yells scared. Belle looks under at me. "Typical." She says reaching for my hand.

"I won't kill you because you didn't hear me lay down the rule." She says walking back out. "Don't ever lie to me Calum!" She yells already in the living room.

"Yah Cal!" I say running out.


We were in a taxi going to wherever this meeting is. Belle has Conan in her lap. All this dog does is snuggle and sleep! My kind of dog!

Belle looks fucking hot. She's in a black tank top that says 'Yes I'm a Boston girl, say something' on it in white. She is wearing white jeans and black converse. Whenever she isn't wearing pajamas, she wears this ring and a bunch of bracelets. I like it. Her hair is French braided into a tight bun. She only has a little makeup on and is rocking some white RayBans.

We pull up to a big building and Belle puts on Conan's harness before we get out. I grab her hand as we walk up to where Paul is leaning on a stair rail. He smiles when he sees us, or should I say Belle.

"My favorite child!" He says hugging her. She laughs and hugs him back. Excuse me Paul, get your hands off my girl.

"Come on, this is gonna be a long day." Paul tells us leading us into the building. We walk up a flight of stairs and end up in a huge studio. Conan immediately runs to the couch and curls up.

"My kind of dog." Paul says laughing at Co. That's what I said! Belle sits down next to him and gently pets his head.

"Is this gonna be another song writing session?" Calum asks plopping down on a stool. Paul nods and walks to his notebook.

"We are using as of right now, 'Only Reason', 'What I like about you', 'Heartache on the Big Screen', 'Disconnected', and 'She looks so perfect'. The last on is going to be the EP title. Every single one of those Luke wrote except 'Disconnected' so whatever you're doing keep it up." He says pointing at me. Belle grins and gives me a thumbs up and a cheeky smile.

"It's not fair though! He has someone to write about." Calum pouts. I stick my tongue out and so does Calum. We make faces until Belle warns us. If you mess with Belle, it all goes downhill. You know maybe literally.

"The other writers will be here in a moment so get started! Belle come on over." Paul says dismissing us.


"Alright, on Saturday we have the biggest show. This show there are gonna be meet and greets. You have to be in charge of yelling at the crowd. Keep them happy but organized." I think that through and nod. "Also I need you to help sell shirts during that. Can you do both those things?" He asks.

"Psshh. Piece of pie!" I say. He laughs and pats my back.

We talk for twenty more minutes when a tall guy I for some reason recognize walks in. I can't see his whole face but just the side. When he turns around I run. I have no idea where I'm going but I just run.

Belle! Where are you going? What happened?

Luke texts me. I can't keep running so I stop in some kind of park.

Luke that's Tyler

Tyler's mom sent him to college a year early so I escaped him in a convenient way. He was always good at poems and beats. Makes perfect sense that he writes songs professionally now. I lay down in the grass and stare up at the cloudy sky. I swear if it rains this might be the worst day on tour yet. Considering I have no idea where I am and I'm in a tank top, this would be miserable.

Bee, he just left! Where are you?

Luke texts me. I have to go back there. I feel like out here Tyler could easily find me. I run out of the park and look up and down the street trying to figure out if I recognize where I am. Of fucking course not! Well time to ask.

"Excuse me? Do you know where 183 office park is?" I ask a little old lady. She points left. I thank her and start to run. I reach an intersection and mentally punch myself.

"Excuse me? Which way is 183 office park?" I ask a girl that looks around my age. She looks up through her nerdy glasses. Not like weird nerdy, like cute nerdy. She has wavy blonde hair that stops just above her butt. She is wearing a Mickey Mouse grey and black striped sweater with jeans and grey Vans.

"Actually I'm heading there now. I could take you if you want?" She asks. "I'm walking though." She says shrugging.

"Oh my gosh thank you!" I say following her.

"What's your name?" She asks while walking backwards.

"Bellerose but you can call me Belle. Whats yours?" I ask smiling at her. I just feel like I'm gonna be friends with this girl. She bumps into someone and they spill their coffee.

"Oh sorry!" She yells walking a little faster. Once we get a little bit away we both start to crack up. "And it's Sawyer!" She says walking right next to me.

"Wow that's a really pretty name!" I say. I'm stuck with boring old Belle.

"Uh it's totally a guys name!" Sawyer says laughing.

"It can be either!" I say giggling. "Where are you from?" She asks me. "Uhh..." I awkwardly point to my shirt. Sawyer starts to die laughing and we have to stop walking for a second we are laughing so hard.

"I. Can't. Believe. I. missed that!" She manages to get between laughs. I hang an arm over her shoulder and we walk through the streets of Manchester.

"Come on Boston, I'm in some deep shit." I tell her. She grins and happily strolls along with me.

The whole walk there we talk about everything and nothing. She is 18 and works as a song writer. Her mom is kicking her out in August because she's 'to old to be living with mom'. Her favorite color is green and her favorite animals are kangaroos. She has brown eyes and is 5'7. Her favorite food is chicken alfredo and she has lived here her entire life. I kinda love her accent.

I feel like I've known her my entire life and its only been about 9 minutes! When we get to the office I slowly walk in. I feel like this isn't gonna go well.

"Well I gotta go help a band write songs, I'll see you later, yah?" Sawyer asks.

"Definitely, Bo!" I say running up the stairs. I decided to call her Bo for Boston. When I got up the stairs she was walking out of the elevator. "Hey stranger!" I say walking next to her.

"Uh sorry, my mom warned me about stranger danger." She says making an 'x' with her fingers. I laugh and she pulls me into a loose head lock thing.

We both stop at the same door. I look at her confused and she looks at me the same. I point at the door and she nods. When we both go to push it, turns out its a pull door. We walk in dying of laughter but stop as soon as 5 pairs of eyes look at us.

"Hey guys." I mumble looking at my shoes. Luke runs over to me and doesn't hesitate to pick me up in a hug. "Sorry." I say muffled in Luke's shirt. He sets me down and glances at Sawyer confused.

"Belle, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you knew him. He isn't coming back anytime soon!" Paul promises opening up his arms for a hug. I walk over and hug him. Paul kinda is like tour dad. I enjoy him here. The boys crush us in a group hug and I feel like I might suffocate from cologne inhalation. After everyone lets go Luke keeps on arm over my shoulder.

"Guys this is Bo- Sawyer. This is Sawyer." I say ushering towards Sawyer. She starts to quietly giggle but once I laugh out loud she can't help it. I lean on her as we both die laughing.

"You almost called me Boston!" She says catching her breath. "I know!" I say laughing.

"Holy, macaroni." Ashton says staring at Sawyer with googly eyes. I walk over and go on my tiptoes.

"She's single." I whisper and wink after. He blushes and I poke at his pink cheeks.

"Sawyer, you know the boys?" I ask turning back towards her. She shakes her head no and I stand them in a line. I grab her hand and drag her to the beginning.

"This penguin boy is Luke." She goes to shake his hand but he hugs her instead. Her eyes widen but she awkwardly pats his back with one hand. I giggle but move on.

"This cheeky little bæ is Ashton." I say moving so she can hug him or whatever. She goes for a handshake and he goes for hug so they switch and it gets awkward, quick. I open Ashton's arms and then Sawyers. Before they do anything I push the two together. "There it is." I say rolling my eyes. Michael laughs and Ash blushes.

"This crayon here is Michael." I say pointing to his hair. "It might be a different color tomorrow." I tell her before winking at Mikey. He rolls his eyes but hugs Sawyer. I end on Calum and don't know what to say.

"This is, well, Calum." I try to explain. His jaw drops and he pushes my shoulder.

"Thanks a lot best friend." He says pouting. "Okay fine. This is fish like, funny, goofy, loud, cuddly, happy, friendly, and overall great guy Calum Hood." I say. He smiles and hugs Sawyer. She laughs and looks at me shaking her head. Conan is sitting, tongue happily hanging out of his little mouth, at the end of the line.

"Haha, and this is the most important member of the band, Conan!" I say picking him up. She pets his head and he licks her face everywhere.

"Before you guys ask, I met Belle on the way here. She was lost and became one of my closest friends in like 11 minutes. New record!" Sawyer says high fiving me. I laugh but nod.


Sawyer and I help the boys write songs and get instrumentals in for another 2 hours. Luke just writes song after song these days. When it was finally time to go home though everyone couldn't be happier.

"Bee baby, will you carry me?" Luke asks moping around.

"No, I'm carrying the dog." I say picking up the little sleeping puppy. He groans but slowly walks to the elevator. Luke and I were the first ones in so we waited for the rest of the boys.

Sawyer and Ashton came in last. They were talking and laughing like old friends. I definitely ship Sashton! On the first floor we all filed out of the elevator and waited for a taxi.

"Well guys I have to go home now!" Sawyer says hugging each of us.

"Bye Boston, I'll text you later." I say hugging her tight. When her and Ashton hug he whispers something in her ear and she blushes and nods.


"Ashton has a girlfriend! Ashton has a girlfriend! Ashton and Sawyer sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" The boys and I yell jumping on Ashton's bed. He's covering his face and shaking his head.

"Stop! How come this never happens to Belle and Luke?" He yells pushing us all off the bed. I jump back on and lay down next to him.

"Because, I'm to cool for that kinda stuff." I say. He scoffs and pushes me off again. I stand up and brush off my clothes. "Well then. I'll be texting SAWYER!" I yell walking to the living room.

To Boston: Whats cookin good lookin?

From Boston: nm chilling in my room. What about u?

To Boston: I was talking to your boyfriend but he kicked me out.

From Boston: Who's my boyfriend?

To Boston: Oh come on! Obviously it's Ashton! You guys are the cutest!

From Boston: Please, he doesn't like me. And plus you and Luke are the cutest!

To Boston: sorry babe, me and Luke aren't together so.. (and he def likes you)

From Boston: you think so! And why aren't you two together?

To Boston: I know so, he's one of my best friends I can tell. Luke and I are complicated. I don't want to date him, break up, and then lose the most important person in my life.

From Boston: Would you hate me if I asked you to give Ashton my number? And I can tell you guys like love each other. There is no easy way to hide that. Just trust that you guys won't break up. Never know until you try, right?

To Boston: I am a match maker so it's part of my job to give Ash your number. And yah I guess. Thanks Bo, I'll text you tomorrow.

From Boston: haha thanks Belle! And ttyl :*

I get up off the couch and make my way towards Luke and I's room. I crack open the door to see if he's asleep but I find something else. He's sitting with Calum in front of him crying about something.

"Luke?" I ask walking over. He looks up and then puts his head in his hands.

"Did you hear any of that?" He mumbles. I sit next to him.

"Just your sniffling, why?" I ask softly. He just shakes his head and stands up. Calum walks out and Luke starts to follow. "Where are you going?" I ask my eyes following him towards the door.

"I, uh, I'm gonna sleep with Calum tonight. Night Belle." He says closing the door. I stare at the closed door waiting for Luke to be kidding but he doesn't walk back in. I walk over to the door and lean my forehead on it. I start to sniffle but I don't want to cry just because he left, thats dumb.


I rest my forehead on the door after walking out and hear Belle sniffle. I can't be in love with her. Everything was simpler when we were best friends. Yah that lasted what, 6 days? Maybe by separating us I would un-fall in love with her. I sigh and start to walk down to Calum's room. He thinks my plan is stupid but I don't care. Halfway down the hallway I hear Belle open her door. She comes out in spandex shorts and my sweatshirt. Her long hair is up in a messy bun and she is carrying her phone. She stops when she sees me watching her. I open my mouth to say something but stop myself. Her eyes sadden and she walks off to the living room.

Why is she laying on the couch?

I sigh and walk into Cal's room. He is sitting in the bed on his phone. I climb in next to him and slam my face into a pillow.

"You know this plan is just gonna make you guys awkward? Or worse, she'll be mad at you!" He says putting down his phone. I groan into the pillow and Calum picks my head up. "Have fun fixing this one." He says before dropping my head back down.

"Your supposed to be my best friend and support my decisions." I pout rolling over.

"No. I'm supposed to be your best friend and tell you how dumb or smart your decisions are. And that's what I'm doing! This decision, dumb!" He says. Uh, he's fucking right! I stare at him until he opens his arms. Before Belle, Calum was my main cuddling buddy.

After 3 hours of staring at the ceiling I can't sit here anymore. I get up and walk out to the living room. Belle is curled up on the couch cuddling Conan. I sigh and pick up the dog and put him on the love seat. I grab Belle and walk her down to Ashton's room. He groans when the light from the hallway hits his face.

"Luke what are you doing?" He moans rolling over. I carefully place Belle next to him.

"Just, sleep in here with her." I say kissing her forehead.

"What? Why? How come your not sleeping with her?" He asks rolling back to face me. I sigh and run my hand down my face.

"Because I was scared and dumb. So please just let her sleep here." I beg. He looks at me with sad eyes but nods. His long arms wrap around her waist and he pulls my baby to his chest. Yah great plan you had Luke.

Back in Calum's room I lay down and force myself to sleep. I really need to listen to Calum more.

QOTD: Your what you love, not who loves you.

Fall out boy

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