Jojo's Bizzare Adventure X re...

By eemapso

4.5K 126 36

Things are about to get bizarre~ As of writing this, IT'S COMING! Next month begins the newest season for the... More

(Yandere! Phantom Blood Dio x Ex-Prostitute! Reader) I've waited so long (1/?)
(Yandere! Phantom Blood Dio x Ex-Prostitute! Reader) I've waited so long (2/?)
(Yandere! Phantom Blood Dio x Ex-Prostitute! Reader) I've waited so long (3/?)

Happy White Day! (Josuke Higashikata x Classmate! Reader) Part 1/2

2K 40 12
By eemapso

Since entering high school, you've had your eye on one of your fellow classmates. His name is Josuke. Josuke Higashikata. Everyone in the school knew who he was. He was super popular with the girls and seemed to be disliked by only a few. It wasn't hard to see why though.  He was handsome like the models you saw in fashion magazines. Matter of fact, he was usually posing like a model in a magazine now that you thought of it.  He was tall and strong with many talents. Including being able to punch and rearrange people's faces without even touching them. You still didn't know how he did that, but regardless it was still pretty cool. But beyond his looks he was just always so nice. Usually, he was seen joking around with his friends Koichi and Okuyasu, other classmates of yours. He was always friendly with people who approached and talked to him. Even people who'd approach him wanting to fight, he'd still be super polite to them . At least until one of them bad mouthed his hair. He cared for his hair as though it were a separate entity.  Everyone at school knew to never ever cross that boundary.Or else you'd leave with your face completely rearranged.  He could go mental sometimes when it came down to things that he really truly cared about. Yes he'd lose it over his hair, but it wasn't just that. He cared very much for his friends and his family. Heck, he even cared for strangers and helped whenever he could. He loved his community, bizarre happenings and all and he always did whatever he could to help it out and the people inside. You always found this admirable. He was just always a great guy. So you weren't surprised when eventually you realized, you had a crush on him.

When you both sat in class, you would occasionally catch yourself staring over at him while he was in his seat. Sometimes he would be whispering over to his friends. Which would earn him a quick sharp reprimand from the teacher. His sheepish guilty 'sorry sir' never ceased to make you giggle. At lunch, when you made your way to get your food, you'd always pass by where Josuke and his friends were usually hanging out.  They were always laughing and seemed to have made a game of snatching each other's food when the other wasn't looking. It looked like loads of fun. And when it was time to go home, he would, of course, walk with his friends. Occasionally they'd be joined by some girls who'd want to talk with Josuke. Except for one who'd always be close to Koichi. It looked like they were together. You really wanted to have the chance to talk to Josuke. You weren't exactly sure what there would be to talk about, but you still wanted to try. At least a little bit, to be his friend. It would be fine if you two didn't get together. In fact, being friends would make you super happy. There was just one little problem. Recently, a club had sprung up in the school. It was club full of girls who had declared themselves the Josuke Higashikata Lovers Committee. Each girl had a rabid crush on Josuke, but the difference with them was they always took it too far. They wouldn't let any girl come within 5 feet of Josuke with out them stepping in to interrogate the girl. This would always annoy Josuke but he'd gently tell the Committee to let the girls talk to him. They would always be so sweet in front of him. Speaking in overly high voices and using such polite and gentle language. But whenever they were sure that he wasn't in ear or eye shot, they'd turn into completely different people.

You recalled once that they had cornered a girl who'd committed the 'sin' of simply laughing when Josuke did something funny. Like he'd always done. But this was unforgivable in the eyes of the committee. Who proceeded to read off her address and threaten to murder her dog. They warned that if she ever told anyone, including Josuke, they'd ruin her reputation. To rub salt into the wounds, they each took turns punching her in the stomach  so that she would remember that pain next time she ever even thought about coming near him ever again. When they were gone you quickly made your way over to her to assist her to the nurse's office. But this was only a tame instance.  These girls were ruthless. They'd threaten anyone who'd make the mistake of getting too close to Josuke. They always looked like a pack of wolves surrounding a kill whenever they threatened someone. Everyone was scared of them. But slowly you were getting more and more fed up with their bullying. It was only a matter of time before they went too far. You noticed it whenever you helped one of their victims to the nurse.  Their attacks were getting worse and worse. Their threats becoming more and more deranged. Something had to be done soon. 

One day, you were at your desk during a study hall. You were working on a assignment that you had forgotten to do the night before.  The class was coming up in the next hour so you decided to get it done as quickly as possible. In your flurry of quick writing you had snapped the lead on your mechanical pencil. You went to push out more but found that it was out of lead. You hadn't packed a spare always saying that you would do it next time. You couldn't help the annoyed sigh that escaped you as you looked about the classroom for someone to borrow a pencil from.  You glanced next to you to see Koichi. You decided that he was a safe bet. 

"Hey Koichi?" You asked leaning over to him slightly. He faced you and seemed a little surprised. This was probably the first time you'd ever spoken directly to him as you usually sat quietly in your seat during class. "Huh? Oh,  (y-Y/N) right? Whats up?" He said with a smile. He seemed super nice. You pointed to your mechanical pencil. "I just snapped the last of the lead in my mechanical pencil, I don't have any spare lead on me right now. Would you happen to have some with you?" Koichi thought for a moment before reaching into his bag. "Lemme see..."  He muttered as he fumbled through it. He pulled back his hand staring at it in horror. "Ah! I don't have a pencil either! That's weird.. I always pack one.. I'm sorry about that (y/n)-" You waved your hand passively to tell him it was alright. Koichi tapped Okuyasu to ask if he had a pencil that you could borrow. But he replied that he only wrote in pen so that he could live on the edge of danger. As brave as this was, you knew you couldn't use pens on this assignment. You began to stand so you could ask some one else when you heard someone approach behind you. You turned to see Josuke making his way back from the bathroom. The urge to say 'hi' to him bubbled up, but was suppressed again. You hated that you couldn't just talk to him normally. It came so easily to the other girls who talked to him. Why didn't it come easier to you?

Okuyasu's face lit up as he pointed to Josuke. "Oh hey! (Y/N)! Josuke has gotta have a spare pencil or two cuz he barely uses them in class to begin with!" Josuke's eyebrows furrowed. "Hey! Whats that supposed to mean?!" He asked in disbelief. Koichi laughed and motioned to you.  "Josuke, (Y/n) needs a pencil. Do you have one you can let them borrow?" He glanced down at you. You felt your heart skip. When it beat normally again it pounded in your ears. He really was easy on the eyes. Especially when they were so blue. "A pencil? Yeah sure. I think i got one you can use." He made his way over to his desk and reached into his bag briefly before pulling out a purple mechanical pencil. He handed it to you with that cool smile of his. "Here yah go." You looked down to the pencil and you felt yourself growing warmer. It was just a pencil. He was just lending you his pencil for you to borrow for class. That's all it was. Even though that's all it was, you couldn't control the butterflies in your stomach. It flipped and flopped as though some sort of beautiful joyful disaster was coming. Your temperature was rising at a steady pace and your sense of where you were began to fade away. This was bad, you were seriously starting to stare Josuke down. What were you going to do next? Drool at the mouth? You had to stop, Josuke was looking at you concerned. You were freaking him out. 

You shook your head quickly and grabbed the pencil from him. Great you got it! Now, you had to thank him. Spit it out! You couldn't  just rudely take it without thanking him for it! You were about to finally say something to him when you heard the door to the classroom slide open. The next period's teacher stepped in and made his way to his desk. "Alright, quiet down everyone. This is a silent study hall." This teacher was definitely not one who joked around when it came to complete silence in the classroom. He had something like the eye of a hawk. No matter where they were, or how softly they spoke, if someone were talking when they shouldn't have been, he'd know. And they would be in for it then. There was no way you'd be able to whisper a quick thanks to him right now. Defeated, you slouched in your seat. You'd just have to thank him after class. At least this interruption gave you a chance to think of how you'd go about it.  What was the best way to thank him for this pencil?  While you were deep in thought, your eyes wandered to the other side of the classroom. Where you found a girl staring right back at you. Her eyes were dead locked on you. Under her sight you squirmed as you felt a chill crawl up your back. You'd never seen such hatred on anyone before. She looked really familiar too. You'd seen her around the school of course, but where else? Had you done something to her?  You found yourself staring right back at her without even really thinking about it. She narrowed her eyes and turned back to face the front of the class. Something told you this was not good.

The end of class eventually came. Great. After thinking of dozens of scenarios you finally settled on the one that most likely wouldn't make you have a cardiac arrest as you went through with it. 'Thank you for letting me use your pencil.' It was full proof. After you steadied yourself with a few quick calming breaths you turned to face him. "Hey. Josuke-." You blurted out a little bit louder than you had originally intended. He looked to you with the same surprised face that koichi had earlier. You did it. You called his name. And he responded to you. You had felt so accomplished maybe now would be when you guys could begin to communicate on friendlier terms.  "Ah yeah? (y/n)?" Josuke turned his body fully to face you. But as you began to thank him a high shrill overly cheery voice could be heard from the doorway. "(Y/n~!)"  You turned to see the girl who was staring you down earlier in the lesson. She was all smiles now as she skipped over and grabbed your arm. "Hey could you come help me out in the hallway~? Its super urgent~!"

"But i-" You began to protest when the girl leaned in very close to your ear. And in a very hushed voice just barely above a whisper warned you. "Get your ass out here right now. Or we will drag you out ourselves." You felt that chill from earlier come back. It was stronger this time though. Who was we? Josuke would just have to wait. This was important. You followed behind the girl as she briskly walked out of the classroom. Once you stood in the hallway and the door was closed you found yourself surround by a large group of girls. The committee. What did they want with you? The girl who brought you out into the hallway walked to stand next to who you knew to be the leader of the committee, Akemi Nakamura.  Akemi's eyes were locked on you with a certain intensity that you had come to know all too well. Many girls who made the 'mistake' of doing anything with Josuke fell victim under this look. She leaned over to the girl who brought you out and without breaking eye contact asked, "Is this the one?" The girl nodded and pointed right at your face. "This is the bitch who dared to receive a pencil from our beloved Josuke!" What? Is that what they were upset about? Seriously? All you did was take a pencil! This was ridiculous! You opened your mouth to give your two cents, when you felt a sudden intense pressure in your stomach. The wind was knocked out of you as your midsection recoiled in pain. You had just been punched in the stomach. You staggered trying to catch your footing and your breath when another punch soared in the air and cracked against your cheek. This blow succeeded in sending you to the floor. While you were down there you felt their kicks coming from all around. You desperately went to cover your head to protect it from damage. They were all kicking as though they had found  a colony of cockroaches that had to be stomped out. They didn't see you as a fellow human. They saw you as a disgusting insect who flew too close to their Josuke.  By the end of their attack your entire body was covered in different pains. You breathed heavily and occasionally spat up blood. Tears you could not control came out of your eyes. 

Akemi leaned down and pulled you up by your hair and forced you to look into her eyes. "Now that you have faced the divine punishment of the Josuke Higashikata Lovers Committee, how will you atone for your transgression?" She asked with a sneer. Who the hell did they think they were? Divine punishment? Your transgression? All those other people they'd hurt because they felt that they sinned against the committee? In a surge of adrenaline you decided that you would not back down anymore. You were on the ground and you were surrounded by these..demons. Not deities. You decided to let them know exactly how you'd atone for your 'transgression'.

"Fuck You." you spat out.

You had hated these girls for as long as you could remember. You'd hated this entire committee! Why were they even around? Crap like this only happens in movies and T.V. shows! They were pathetic if they believed that Josuke would appreciate their abuse. They were pathetic if they thought that they were doing the right thing. And were pa-the-tic  if they thought you'd just roll over and surrender to them. Clearly though, Akemi didn't like your answer as she grabbed the back of your head and slammed you into the ground face first. Briefly you felt the sensation of your tooth going through your lip and breaking on the floor before you passed out. 


You jolted awake. You lifted from the bed to look at your surroundings. Wait, the bed? This is the bed in the nurses office. So then..ah you were taken to the nurse. It would make sense, after the beating you received in the hallway. You grimaced as you thought of the pain that you were going to be in for the next few days. Maybe even the next few weeks. You thought about how your face would look after you recalled how Akemi slammed it onto the floor. At best you only chipped one tooth. At worst..well you'd have to start making some frequent visits to the dentist from here on out. You called out softly to see if the nurse was in the room. She was not. So you slowly and carefully got up from the bed as to not aggravate your sores. You flinched in anticipation of the ache, but found it did not come. You were surprised. Those girls had beat the absolute shit out of you. And you weren't even in pain. You returned to walking naturally and made your way to the mirror. You looked at your face. Inspected it all over. Cheeks. Teeth. Eyes. Lips. Not a mark on you. Not a chip tooth in your mouth. You looked perfectly fine. What the hell? You know you hadn't imagined that beating! The pain you felt earlier was too real! You checked the inside of your clothes to find there wasn't a bruise on you. Not even a scratch. 

The nurse returned and found you standing in front of the mirror. She smiled at you sweetly. "Welcome back, (y/n)~." The two of you had gotten to know each other relatively well within the past few months. As you would usually end up talking to her whenever you helped a girl to the nurse after they'd been beaten up just like you had earlier. She made her way over to her desk and began to file through something. "I gotta say, I wasn't expecting you to end up in my office as a patient. So when your friend carried you in here, I was pretty surprised. How is your head by the way? Are you dizzy?" She asked coming towards you holding a eye tool. You shook your head. "No. I'm..fine?" You said as though your were trying to convince yourself more than you were trying to convince her.  "Oh. That's good to hear." She went to return her supplies to the table. "Your friend said that he found you on the ground outside the classroom passed out. He seemed to be really concerned for you."  Your friend brought you here? What friend?  

After talking with the nurse for just a little while longer she let you go. It was after school hours after all.  Geez, just how long were you out? You really needed to get home before it got too dark. Before you stepped out into the hallway you realized you needed to be really cautious. The committee could still be angry about earlier and may want to ambush you. You took a steadying breath and peaked out into the hall. At first you didn't see anyone. It seemed that everyone had already gone home. Almost everyone. As you turned your head you saw someone sitting on the floor next the door. You jumped from the surprise. After taking a moment you pieced together that it was just Josuke...


He had noticed you open the door and turned his head to look up at you. His eyes seemed to light up when he realized who you were. "Oh You're up! That's great!" He said with that toothy smile of his. Out of sheer shock you slammed the door back and braced against it. You tried to catch your breath and steady your heart beat. What was he doing out there?! Was he waiting for the nurse? The nurse walked over to you with her arms crossed. "What is going on over here?" She demanded. What were you supposed to tell her? You saw Josuke, panicked, then slammed the door? ..Well that's exactly what just happened. But what would she think of you if that's what you told her?! Before you could find some excuse, you heard and felt Josuke knocking on the other side of the door. "(Y/N)? Are you alright? Whats wrong?" Josuke was asking about you. You felt flattered but also kind of guilty. You didn't mean to slam the door when you saw him. It was like reflex. 

The nurse gently pushed you out of the way and opened the door. She smiled. "Ah Josuke. Were you waiting out there this while time?" He rubbed the back of his head as he smiled again. "Yeah. It just wouldn't have felt right if I left without talking to (y/n)." He was waiting to talk to you? The nurse turned back to face you. "Alright you two, make sure you get home safely. I need to start closing up around here. Oh and (Y/N) be sure to thank Josuke for bringing you here."

Josuke had brought you to the nurse's office! You looked up to Josuke just in time to see him put  a arm around your shoulder.  He motioned to the hallway with his thumb. As he guided you out he called out to the nurse. "Don't worry, i'll make sure (y/n) gets home safely." The two of you began your walk home.  You wracked your brain trying to think of some small talk you could share with him. But it seemed that Josuke already had you covered. "That was quite a fall you took there. You were  pretty banged up when i found you in the hallway." He tried to say this in a joking manner but you could still detect a hint of concern in his voice. "You remember what happened to yah?" You thought of how to explain to him and decided to just be blunt. "I got jumped by that stupid committee." You stated bitterly. Josuke was taken aback. "Jumped?! They jumped you?!" You nodded. "Yup. They jumped me just like they jump everyone else who gets too close to you." Josuke's surprise turned to outrage.  "For real?! Do they seriously do that? How come i never see them do it? I knew that they could be a bit much at times, but I didn't think they would-." You shrugged. "They always make sure to do it whenever you aren't around. They wanna make sure that they look good in front of you." It surprised yourself that you were talking to Josuke so easily. You wished you could've done it under better circumstances. But hey what could you do? Josuke suddenly stopped. "Hey (y/n)?" You looked up to him again. He motioned to a restaurant you had never actually stopped in yet. It was called Trattoria Trussardi.  "Before I get you home, you mind if we stop here for a bit? I'll treat you. Cuz, there's more stuff I want to talk to you about." Now he was offering to take you out to dinner?! What was going on today?! First you snap a pencil, and now you're about to be treated to a nice Italian dinner by your crush! "Ah ok." 

 Once the two of you were seated and you had placed your order Josuke turned to face you. "So tell me more about the committee?" He asked leaning in on his arm. You took a sip of your water, which was more delicious than you thought it would be. You then scanned your mind and brought up every incident that you could remember involving the girls of the school.  Josuke listened intently, signs of disbelief anger and concern occasionally coming up on his face. By the time you finished the chef of the establishment had brought out your food. You picked up your fork and took a hearty bite out of your meal. Damn, this stuff was good! Josuke rubbed his temple with his thumb and finger and let out a annoyed sigh. "This is just great. No wonder I've barely been able to talk to any girls lately. " He then seemed to realize something as he glanced back up to you. "And what about you? Why did they attack you today?" 

You swallowed your chewed up food and gave a slight brief chuckle. "From what I heard, it's because I borrowed a pencil from you." 

Josuke rolled his eyes. "Are you serious? You got those injuries over a dumb pencil?" He was starting to sound really upset. His demeanor was getting angrier. You thought about something to lighten the mood for him. You were sure you had made your point well enough. Then you remembered. "Y'know," You said leaning in a little on your elbow. a small smirk on your face. "I said 'Fuck you' to the leader." Josuke's eyebrows raised. He leaned in more with a wide grin and  was snickering. "No way- Did you?!" You smiled wider and joined him in his laughing. "Yeah~ I totally did. And to tell you the truth its probably the most bad ass thing I've ever done." Josuke burst out laughing and you couldn't help but join him. He had a very contagious laugh after all. You both were so caught up in laughing over how pissed they actually looked that you hadn't realized how loud you had become. The chef from earlier approached and gave you both a curt look. This shut you two up as you apologized in seamless unison.  Once he was gone, you glanced at each other and just started snickering again. Of course a bit softer this time. 

When you were both done with your food, Josuke sure enough paid the bill. You thanked him profusely for the  great time that you had.  You checked your watch to see the time. "Crap! Is it really this late?! I gotta get home! Thanks again Josuke!" You turned to start hurrying home. 

"Oh! Wait a sec, (y/n)!"   called Josuke. He did a quick jog to catch up to you. "Lemme walk you home. I wouldn't feel right about letting you go home by yourself, y'know? 'Specially at this time." You glanced at the sky and noticed that it was pretty dark. The walk home by yourself would be kinda creepy. But you didn't want to impose. "Aw Josuke, I don't wanna make you-"  You began before he quickly cut in. "No no! I want to. Could I please walk you home?  I really want to make sure you get there safely, (y/n)." Josuke seemed sincere.  You felt your face heat up. Josuke noticed your face take on a tint, and his did as well. "Er, I mean..That's up to you! I don't need to if you really do want me to-" He was laughing nervously as he scratched the back of his head. Seeing Josuke behaving this way made you chuckle. It was times like this that you truly couldn't help but think. 'I really do like him.'

You decided to take him up on his offer. The two of you walked, wrapping up the conversation that you were having in the restaurant. Caught up in his company you all too quickly arrived at your front door. A twinge of disappointment pulled at you. "Well here we are~." You said masking it as best you could.  Josuke looked up to see your house. "Huh? ..Oh. Yeah.." It could've been your imagination, but he sounded a bit disheartened as well. There a silence between you two that lasted a moment before you turned to face Josuke again.  You gave  a polite bow and bid him good night. As you made your way to your door, you began to realize. That the next morning you probably wouldn't have nearly as much nerve to talk to him again. Not like you did today. And that made you feel, bad. Like really bad. You were right in thinking that you'd have fun talking to him. If you had known that this was your chance you would've wished for it to last, just a little while longer. You placed your hand on the door knob.

"Hey (y/n)! See yah tomorrow!"

You turned to see Josuke waving to you as he ran down the street, most likely to his house. Hearing him say that, made you happier than it probably should have. A smile came to your face that would not go away. Even as you got ready for the bed.

AN: WOOH! GEEZ! I did NOT expect for this to get so LENGTHY! Just this one part is about the length of two chapters that I usually write! I was going to put it all into this one shot but I realized that I probably should break it up. So I did. Part 2 of this should be out soon cuz Im excited and ready to get on to the other Jojo characters I have in mind ;) I hope you enjoyed! And please look forward to future installments! also, as for my yandere kinks ;3c I'll probably write some yandere jojo x readers too. I'll try not to make them as lengthy as this one, but if the inspiration strikes me then oh well-


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