Coffee Crushes - Prinxiety...

By death-of-a-phangirl

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Welcome to Patton & Prince's Coffee Shop! They serve all types of freshly made coffees and sweet beverages! T... More

Chapter I: Caffinated Dreams
Chapter II: Customer Crushes
Chapter III: Boasting Besties
Chapter IV: Stormy Skating
Chapter V: Coincidental Not-Double-Date
Chapter VI: Smooth & Smiles
Chapter VII: Dinner & Dancing
Chapter IX: Movie Date & Careful Kisses
Chapter X: Particle Physics & Pancakes
Chapter XI: Undoubtedly A Double Date
Chapter XII: Finding the Words
Chapter XIII: Saying the Unspoken
Chapter XIV: Couples' Night & Cute Cuddles
Chapter XV: Promising Proposals
Visual of Patton and Roman

Chapter VIII: Romance in the Rain

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By death-of-a-phangirl

They left the club around 11:30, heading toward Virgil's house. Their date was almost over, and it made Roman sad to think they'd be parting soon. The darkly dressed man next to him spoke up, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey, you wanna walk through the park?" he asked, smiling a little. The princely man looked at him questioningly. "There's an entrance to the park that's right by my house, I usually walk through the park if I'm on my way home. It's longer, but it's nice and calming. I thought maybe you'd like to."

"I'd love to," he replied, grinning as they turned into the park.

The path was aglow with foot lamps that lined the cement lines that carved through the luscious green life. The stars were sparkling against the black-blue sky above them. Cool air gently blew against their faces, making Virgil's bangs flutter. It was quiet between them until they spotted a large willow tree a few yards away from the path. The darkly dressed man next to him gasped, turning to him with shimmering eyes.

"You wanna see something cool?" he asked, clearly giddy over something. Roman didn't have time to respond before he headed toward the tree. "Come on, this is one of my favorite things to do whenever I come through here at night."

He disappeared behind the curtain of hanging willow leaves, vanishing completely from sight. The princely man eyed it cautiously, confused until hand stuck out from behind the curtain. "It's okay," his voice said softly. As he placed his hand in his, he was pulled through the hanging leaves. Suddenly he was standing under a the massive willow tree, it's leaves surrounding them on all sides like a dome. He gasped quietly as he looked around in awe until the darkly dressed man got his attention again with a whisper. "Hey... watch this."

Virgil took a step back and knelt down. He waved his palm over the grass in front of him, causing a small cluster of glowing fireflies to rise out of the blades. "Whoa..." Roman breathed, kneeling down look at them more closely. The little bugs floated through the air, making a soft, yellow light shine on them. He mimicked what he'd seen the darkly dressed man do, waving a hand over the grass. More of them rose out of hiding. He grinned, giggling giddily at the spectacle. "That's amazing!"

He felt two hands find his and pull him to stand. "This is the best thing," Virgil said breathlessly, continuing to pull him into a run as they circled the tree. With each step, tons of fireflies flew up from the grass, making him gasp as his date giggled. They came to a stop, smiling at the gorgeous glowing bugs floating around them.  "And they stay inside the leaves, so it's like that scene from Guardians of the Galaxy or The Good Dinosaur..."

"It's beautiful..." he replied quietly, smiling at him affectionately.

The darkly dressed man smiled in response before kneeling down to lay on his back in the grass, beckoning him to join him. He did so, laying down next to him with happy sigh. They just laid in peaceful quiet as they watched the fireflies flutter above them. Thunder suddenly sounded above them, making them jump a little.

"Hey, we should get you home before it rains," he told him, earning a slight nod from Virgil.

They stood up together, taking one last look around the at the fireflies before parting the willow leaves and rejoining the path. The stars had been covered by black clouds that were illuminated by strokes of lightning that were followed by loud rumbles of thunder. With the change in the weather came a shift in the air that caused Roman to shiver. When the darkly dressed man noticed this, he shrugged off his leather jacket and draped it over his date's shoulders.

"What are you- won't you be cold?" he worried.

He shook his head with a reassuring smile. "I actually like the cold, so I don't mind," Virgil said as they continued walking. "We've only got another ten minutes or so of walking. There's a little gazebo by the entrance."

"If you like the cold, how come you're always wearing a hoodie or a jacket?" Roman asked curiously, pulling the leather one tighter around himself.

He looked surprised that he was even asking, looking down as he thought about his answer. "I like the cold and cold weather, but I like feeling warm and covered," he tried to explain awkwardly. "Having on a jacket, especially a hoodie, feels like a warm hug, and considering I've been single for several years now, I don't experience many of those. That's not to complain though, I don't actually like hugs that much... It has to be the right time and the right person..."

The darkly dressed man looked up, expecting to find his date bored and not listening. However, he was listening intently, smiling and nodding. "Yeah, I understand," he said reassuringly. "Patton loves hugging anyone and everyone, but I personally don't always want a hug."

Virgil smiled, feeling a different kind of warm from feeling understood and listened to. It was then that a drop of water hit his cheek forcefully. He flinched noticeably, making the princely man stop and look at him with concern. "What-"

He was cut off as more drops of water started landing on them and a loud rumble of thunder sounded above them. The two shared a look and began to hurry their steps with slight smiles on their faces. Then the rain was suddenly pouring down on them, making them start laughing as they continued to hurry down the path. Roman grinned as he saw a genuine and wide smile on his date's face; it was unlike any other he'd ever seen from him, making his heart skip.

"I love rain!" Virgil yelled for no one in particular to hear as he twirled under the water and tilted his face toward the sky with a joyful laugh.

The princely man just smiled at him, feeling his chest expand at the sight. With a sudden crack of very close lightning however, he grew concerned; he took his hand and pulled him along until they found the gazebo he'd mentioned earlier. His date was still giggling even as they stood, soaking wet under the roof of the gazebo, a grin on his face that seemed to refuse to leave.

"That was so fun," he murmured as they sat down, opting to wait for the rain to let up. Seeing as they were both dripping with water, Virgil leaned onto Roman's shoulder with a happy sigh. "This is one of the best dates I've ever been on in my life..."

He looked at him with a happy smile as he cautiously put an arm around him. They sat, leaning into one another as they watched the rain pour down around the gazebo. Neither of them felt the need to speak; the sounds of the rain around them was enough. The darkly dressed man leaning on Roman let out a kitten-like yawn as he leaned into him even more. Roman smiled at the action, looking up to notice that the rain had let up. He eased his date to stand, returning the leather jacket that hung from his shoulders to its owner's before guiding him to continue on their path.

Once they had reached the door of Virgil's house, he was more awake, turning to him with a bright and happy smile. "Thank you, for probably the best date I'll ever go on in my life," he said, blushing as he looked down bashfully. "I- I had a lot of fun, and I want to do it again. Go on a date I mean- you probably knew that- sorry, I ramble and don't m-make a lot of sense when I'm nervous-"

"Shh..." Roman whispered, stepping close to him and slipping a hand under his cheek. He smiled at him as he leaned closer. "You worry too much..."

With once final look in his eyes to be sure, he connected their lips softly in the most gentle kiss either of them had ever experienced. The gentleness didn't last that long, as both of them pulled the other close to get more of it. It wasn't sexual, but it was intense and filled with passion; they were left panting as they broke apart. Their eyes fluttered open and met as they smiled.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long," Roman murmured, earning a hum from the other man.

"I've been wanting to do that for longer," Virgil replied, grinning as he connected their lips again.

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