By bratzcartel

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By bratzcartel

"I'm sooo mad" Dion said walking to class with Milian

"Why?" Milian asked

"Because I only have classes Monday through Wednesday" Dion said

"So less school for you" Milian shrugged

"What am I going to do on Thursday and Fridays?"

"Uhh go hang out with ya boyfriend or something" Milian said.

"I don't even know where my boyfriend is he's been MIA for a couple of days so I obviously can't rely on him" she said rolling her eyes

"What's a couple of days?" Milian asked

"3 today will be the fourth" she said

"Maybe he's jus-"

"No you don't get to make an excuse for him this time Milian he's ignoring me and for what? I don't know" Dion said

"I don't know Dion I just don't know but he's not playing you" Milian said

"How do you know?"

"Because he likes you, a lot he never treated no girl the way you get treated"

"He never ignored his other girls, how great"

"I'm sure he has an explanation" she said shrugging

Once they got home she laid in her bed calling Nasir once again

"Hello" He said

"You just woke up?" She asked

"Yea, finna go hit the bando though" he said

"Ugh ok" she sighed

She didn't like not seeing him and missed him

"What's yo frustration Dee" he said noticing her slight attitude

"It's just that I haven't seen you in a week but it's fine I don't want to sound clingy" Dion said

"You not clingy Dion stop sayin that , and it ain't fine if it's botherin you I'll be thea in 15"

He hated how unsure Dion was about everything and would tell him how she let and say it was ok

Dion smiled to herself she had Nasir wrapped around her finger whether he knew it or not

"Ok bye" she said hanging up
Before going to Dion's house he got her her favorite candies, chips, and a soda to apologize for not coming to see her or calling her

He texted her and told her to open the door and she didn't respond so he went to the door and it was unlocked Dion stood in the kitchen with a short pink furry robe on washing her hands

"Dion what I tell you about leavin this door unlocked" he said startling her

"I just came from outside" she said walking up to him wrapping her arms around his neck as he did her waist

"Ion care Shoulda locked it when you came in" he fussed

"Okay Okay okay" she said kissing him

"I missed you" he admitted making her roll her eyes

"If you missed me you would've called me or came over" she replied back smartly letting go of him to go clean the kitchen

"I been busy"


"What? you'on believe me"

"Didn't say that" she said looking down

" go get dressed I'a take you ta get sum to eat"

"Hmm I dunno"

"Ok Dion act like that if you want to"

"I will. You just been ignoring me for 3 days and you think that taking me to eat is just going to make everything ok and it's not" she said crossing her arms

"What I gotta do Dion?"

"I don't feel like going out so you have to watch a scary movie with me"

"Anything Otha than that" he asked

"Nope and it's gonna be supernatural and I need help on my essay too"

"What essay?"

"I started classes Monday but I forgot you've been ignoring me since then so you wouldn't know"

"I wasn't ignorin you I was busy and I figured since you had school and shit you wouldn't notice"

"Well I did" she said

"I know and I apologize fa that"

"I know but we're still watching a scary movie"

"You gone give me sum aftawards?"

"If you keep your eyes open the whole time" she said

Smacking his teeth he laid down on her bed

"What movie is it"

"Insidious: the last key" she said in a spooky voice

"Oh hell nah"

"Yesss I've never watched it"

"You lyin" he said yawning


"Nasiruhh wake up" Dion said laying her head on his shoulder

"I'm not sleep" he mumbled

"Open your eyes" she whined

"I'm tired Dee" he said

"I bet if you were out being busy you wouldn't be tired" she said rolling her eyes

"Cut it out" he said patting her butt

"Ughhh go to sleep the movie hasn't even been on for an hour yet" she complained

"It's borin to me" he said keeping his eyes closed


"Dion chill out a nigga had a long morning"

"I did too but have a nice nap" she said sarcastically

Within 5 minutes he was snoring so she decided to start on an assignment for school.

"What time is it?" Nasir asked waking up

"You've been asleep for 4 hours, it's 8" She said giving him a look

"Oh shit, I gotta meet with Ricardo and nem" he said hopping up

"Nasir" She whined

"I'a be back lata and I'a spend the night"

"So you can go to sleep on me again? No thanks"

"I'm not gone go ta sleep Dee"

"Yes you are, you might as well just go home and see me whenever you feel like it" she said sighing

"You makin me feel like shit ma"

"As you should, Bye" she said

"Lemme see if I ca get out of it" he said calling Ricardo

"I should've went out to eat with Milian but I decided to stay here with someone who wants to sleep all fuckin day" Dion ranted

"Nah I ain't feelin it taday Unc I did alotta shit already" he said into the phone

"Like what sleep?"  Dion said to herself

After squinting his eyes at Dion he hung up.

"Guess imma stay witcho ass tonight" he said

"You wanna finish my essay for me?"

"Why would I do that?" He asked laying on her bed

"Because you owe me for not watching the movie" she said

"Nah you write good enough you got it"

"But you write better Nasir pleaseeee" she said pouting

"Ion feel like it"

She sighed while typing hard because she was mad the assignment was due in an hour.

"You look a luh upset" he said

Getting up she rolled her eyes as she tried to walk past him but he grabbed her waist.

"What do you want" She said standing between his legs

"Stop playin Dee" He said

"We could buttt my essay is due in an hour and your quickies aren't quick and even if we do finish in 30 minutes I'm probably gonna go to sleep" she said shrugging

"Go finish then"

"I'm pretty tired so I can't do both" she said shrugging once again

"You not slick, hand me the laptop" he said as she smiled
The next day Nasir came over at 3 to start teaching her Spanish and his attitude was already off.

"Dion I'm not playin witcho dumb ass sit up"

"Stop calling me a dumbass" she said sitting up

"Stop actin like one, you asked me to help you learn Spanish and you doin dumb shit"

"I don't know why you're attitude is so fucked up today but it's really ruining my mood"

"I don't have a fuckin attitude maybe if you would stop wastin my time I'd be happy"

"You have somewhere to be? Go  I don't wanna waste your time."

"Shut up"

"You shut up, you know what I'll ask Milian to teach me Spanish , since you're such an ass"

"How am I a ass Dion please tell me, I been doin shit fa people all day and I'm tired of it"

"You do not have to be here go the fuck home I don't wanna be around anyone with a fucked up attitude" Dion said rolling her eyes

"Stop cussin at me chill out"

"No because you're making me mad I hate when you're upset with everyone but me, But I get the backlash" she said pouting

"If I was mad I wouldn't have bring my ass ova hea now shut up"

All she could do was look at him because her feelings were hurt.

"I'll ask Milian to help me with Spanish" she said

"Coo, I'm finna head out come lock the door" he said

"Milian is out there she can lock it"


"Have you seen your boyfriends insta stories?" Milian asked

"No and I don't care he's an asshole" she said shrugging

"Well He is wildin and I know he my cousin and all but I'm not finna let you get played, talk to him or break up with him"

"I'm not calling him he was in the wrong I could post one thing and he'll come over here and cause a scene." She said watching his story

He was in the strip club with Milo and Deshon mostly and on Deshon's story Nasir was getting a lap dance.

She had to admit it made her upset so she decided to be petty and post a photo of her saying fuck-boy free and posted Single on her story.

Feeling accomplished with what she did she decided to take a nap.

A couple of hours later she was woken up by Milian.

"Girl Nasir is finna kill your lil fuck ass" she said laughing

"Huh?" Dion said obviously confused

"Look at your Instagram sis" she said laughing

"He's on his way here" Dion said laughing she said reading her dms

"Yeah have fun with that " Milian said leaving as Nasir knocked on the door

"This what we doin Dion?" He asked coming in her room

"Hm?" She said typing on her phone

"Stop fuckin playin wimme" He said smacking her phone out her hand

"I'm not playing" she said trying to get her phone but Nasir's tall figure stood in her way

"You single right?" He asked making her roll her eyes and cross her arms.

"No but- No you don't get to interrogate me when you're in the wrong you sat there and had an attitude with me for something I didn't do and then go enjoy yourself at a strip club without telling me"

"Last time I checked ion gotta check in with you ta go do somethin and I didn't have a attitude with you"

"But I have to check in with you right? you've been contradicting yourself so much since- you know what never mind do you like you've been doing"

"Since what? Stop changin yo mind in the middle of sentences"

"Ever since we had sex you've been treating me like ughhh not the same "

"You trippin forreal"

"You don't even make time for me, we don't go anywhere any more and-" she took a deep breath to prevent herself from crying

"You overthinkin Dee" He said as she looked down

"Look at me" he said as she sat on her bed with her head in her hands

Bending down he felt bad he had her crying and wasn't about to let her continue.

"Next time I go somewhea I'a Tell you, you wanna go on more dates I gotchu, just stop cryin aight" he said

"I hate you, you know that?" She said wiping her eyes while laughing

"Yeah now get up crybaby" he said as she stood up

"I have a headache now" she said

"Let's go"


"Take yo ass onna date" he said

"I look a mess, you know what would really look good on me?"

"What Dee?"

"A grill" she said smiling

"You just wanna be like me so bad, No"

"Yess look how pretty my teeth are, are you saying gold won't make them look better?"

"They won't" he said

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