
By Comin_Frm_Da_Getto

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about family a love story about trust about getting hurt with love about falling in love about starting a f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 15

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By Comin_Frm_Da_Getto

(Calling mom) Mom Espen is in jail? He and his wife got into a big fight and he killed her. What was her name? Chenoa Wang Shu Moen and her son's name is  Espen Moen Jr. Espen Moen Jr. So what happened? Chenoa was going to have another baby and it wasn't his. They said he saw her as a possession and that he was a very jealous man. He saw her as his world his had power over her he wanted to control her and I guess that she didn't want that. I think by having another man's baby he had lost power over her. They said that her body was beyond recognition. They said that the baby was not developed she was only a month into her pregnancy. Where was his son he was at a school game late night football?  Espen will be going to prison for life because she had a child in her by another man. Who called the police? Someone in the neighborhood heard a lot of screaming. And someone called the police and when they got there they found him cutting up her dead body. I am so glad that his son wasn't there no telling what he would have done to his son. What are they going to do with their son? Her family didn't live in the United States and they never approved of her relationship. So they don't want to have anything to do with her son because he is bi-racial. How do you know this? Espen told me one day. So have you ever met his son? Yes, we were bringing the children together during visits. So how did they get along? On the first few visits, they didn't even speak to each other they just sit and looked at each other and then one day Napa asked him what grade is he in. He told her he was in the seventh grade. Do they go to the same school? No. So have you thought about taking him he is the girl's brother? Mom, I don't know what to do. His mother is dead and his father will be in prison for a very long time maybe for life. Are you going to go and visit Espen? Yes. Did you tell the girls or are you going to tell the girls about what happened? Yes, I am going to tell them tonight. But enough of that mom. Ok. So how is Kiwi? She is fine they are going to release her she had to take some test. They thought she might have hyperemesis gravidarum and they did more test on her and she is doing just great. So where is Waldell? He and the baby are up at the hospital picking up Kiwi. Well, I am going to go home and talk to the girls. Ok, I will see you soon. Bye, mom. (Zoe at home) Hey, girls, I am home and I need to talk to you all.  Hey mom where have you been? Something bad happened. What happened?  You just got up without waking us up and left. Tell us what happened. It's your father. What? Espen is in jail? What are you talking about mom? He and his wife got into a big fight and he killed her.  So what happened? He found out that Chenoa was going to have another baby and it wasn't his.  I think by her having another man's baby he might have thought that he lost her love and he was very jealous. They said that her body was beyond recognition. They said that the baby was not developed she was only a month into her pregnancy. Where was his son he was at a school game late night football? Hollister will be going to prison for life because she had a child in her by another man. Who called the police? Someone in the neighborhood heard a lot of screaming. And someone called the police and when they got there they found him cutting up her dead body. (The girls are crying). What is going to happen to Espen Jr? I don't know. Where are his grandparents? They don't live in the states. Do they know that their daughter is dead? Yes, the hospital called them. A social worker called them and told them and asked them if they were going to come and get her son? They told the hospital that they didn't want to have anything to do with him. They said they don't want to have anything to do with him. So what is going to happen to him? Honey, I don't know. So are you going to go and see dad? Yes. When? Why? Because we want to go. Why do you want to go? We just want to go. Can we go? Yes. I am going to wait and go on Friday when school is out. (Going to see Espen) Hi dad. How are you doing? I am ok. Dad, why did you do that? I don't know I snapped I don't' remember what I did. Dad, you killed Chenoa she and the baby you killed them. (Espen is crying) I am so sorry yall. Zoe, I need to ask you if you would raise my son? What? Please, he has nowhere to go  I will sign all of my everything to you I don't want him to be placed in a group home or foster home, please. This is something I need to think about very strongly. Sure take your time but not too long. My condo is not big enough for three people let alone a boy. I will give you the money to buy a bigger one.  Why don't you check and see if they have a four-bedroom condo and I will give you the money to buy it and to buy whatever he might need? I am going to sell the house it is worth about thirty million and you can have all of it.  Dad said, Napa,  why did you do this you messed up the family now I have no dad I don't want to ever come here and see you again. Napa don't talk like that. No dad I am done with you. You keep on doing things now this. (Espen) Do you fill like this Valley? I don't know said, dad. Well, dad, I don't know I will visit you until I can't take it anymore.  Ok, baby, I love you thank you. Well, Espen, they said our time is up so we are going to leave. Are you coming back so that we can talk some more about the boy? Yes, next weekend. ( Zoe calling her mother Rou) Mom can the girls and I stop over I need to talk to you and Dexdon? Sure I just finished cooking you and the girls can eat. Is there enough? Yes, more than enough.  Espen called me collect and said that you and the girls might be stopping over so I cooked extra. (Doorbell ringing) Hi mom how are you doing? I am fine. Mom Espen ask you if I would raise his son? What? He said please, he has nowhere to go he said that he will sign all of my everything over to me and that he doesn't want him to be placed in a group home or foster home. I told him this is something I need to think about very strongly.  He said sure to take your time but not too long. I told him that my condo is not big enough for four people and a boy at that. He said he will give me the money to buy a bigger one. Then he asked me to check and see if they have a four-bedroom condo out there because I told him that I like the area that I am in. Then he said he will give me the money to buy it and to buy whatever he might need? And he said that he is going to sell the house and it is worth about thirty million and you can have all of it if I would take and raise his son.  So what are you going to do?  Mom I will have to check into some things. Like what? I don't know. How much time do you have before you will know? Hollister wants me to do it ASAP so that the boy is not left wondering and before he is placed in a group home or foster home. He wants him with his sisters. Ask the girls what they think. You should ask them now.  Girls, can you please come in here right now, please.  Hey, Grand, we love you. Hi babies. Where are my hugs and kisses? (Zoe is talking) So I want to know what do you think about Espen Jr. moving in with us? (Valley is talking) Well, mom, I think you should do this but not for dad but for Espen Jr. Dad did say that he will buy a bigger condo for us.  And Espen seems like a good person. He goes to school and has never got into trouble at school and he is an A student. How do you know all of this? Remember mom we went to that school and I still have friends that go there and if he was a troublemaker my friends would have told me. I showed them him and told them that he was my half-brother and to keep an eye on him and nothing had better never happened to him. So what are you saying Valley? I think that he should come and live with us.  And Napa what do you think? I agree with Valley. Why? Because Valley knows best ha. I just think that is the right thing to do the human thing to do. He should not be left out there in this big world all alone. His grandparents don't want him. Just think how he would fill if we don't want him. Dexdon what do you think? I also think that is the right thing to do. Hey, Valley does he has any friends at school? No. Why because he likes to read and study and use the computer lab. Ok. So mom is their any four-bedroom condo's out here? I like this area so I want to stay around here. Why don't you ask Sally? Is she in her office now? Yes. I am going to call her right now. (Calling Sally) Hi, Sally, this is Zoe how have you been doing? Hi Zoe how can I help you?  Well, Sally, I need to sell my condo and move into a bigger one. Can that happen? Yes, we can buy it back from you and you can look at a four bedroom one. In fact, there is a four bedroom one about two blocks over. And it will be ready within three months. Can I come and look at it on Sunday? Yes but it's not quite ready. That's fine with me Sally. (Dexdon is talking) So when are you going to let Espen know about this? This Saturday. I will call my lawyer friend and have him to draw up some papers for Espen to sign. What kind of papers do I need Dexdon? You want this all done legally. Are you going to adopt him? You know I haven't thought about that. Should I? Yes, you should said Rou he needs a family to belong so that he can succeed in life. He is already going through some stuff his father is in jail and his mother is dead and his grandparents don't want him he has nowhere to go except to you. Mom, I do understand what you are saying. I will adopt him. Girls, what do you think? We think that is great.  (Zoe is talking) Dexdon can you please call your lawyer friend? Yes, I will call  Attorney Günter Von. Can you please call him now so that we can talk so that I will know what I have to do so that I can get it done. (Calling  Günter Von) Hi  Günter Von can we talk right now? Yes, we can. How can I help you Dexdon? Well, you know about the story that was in the news about a man killing his wife? Yes. Well, that was my wife's daughter ex-husband. Ok.  There was a boy left and his grandparents don't want him and Espen will be in jail for a good while and Zoe wants to adopt the boy. So can you draw up the paperwork we will need to make this happen? When do you need it? Thursday because I need a form for Espen to sign giving up his parental rights. And he will leave her everything he owns and he is going to sell the house and turn all of his bank accounts over to her. Ok, I will have my secretary get on it right now and I will see you on Thursday. How much is this going to cost me? Twenty thousand dollars. Ok, I will have a check ready for you when you bring me the papers to the condo. Ok. Thanks, man. (Dexdon hanging up the phone) Thank you so very much Dexdon for doing this for me.  Ok, we are going to go home now you guys it has been a very interesting day. And it is getting late and the girls have to go to school in the morning. Go and give your Grand a goodnight hug and kiss. Mother before we go how do I find out where Espen Jr. is? Oh, I forgot to tell you they called me since they see us as his family they said. What did they want? They want someone to pick him up. When? They said they checked him out and he is fine and they will take him to school in the morning but if one of us can pick him up. What did you say? I said yes. So, Zoe, you can pick him up from school when school is out. You need to talk to him anyway. Ok thanks, mom goodnight. (Zoe is at Espen's school) Hi, my name is Zoe Moen I am Espen's stepmother. I will buzz you in. Ok, thanks. Hi, I am Zoe Moen Espen's stepmother and I am here to pick him up. I will have him brought into the office.  Hi, Zoe, I miss you. Espen I am here to pick you up and take you home. Let's go ok. (Espen Jr. talking) Where is home, Zoe? You are going to live with me and your sisters. Really? Yes, I went and visited your father in jail and he asked me if I would help out by bringing you into my home. And I have no problem with that you will get to know your sisters. We will be moving into a big condo so that you will have your own bedroom. So what do you think of this Espen? Well, this is all so fast I wish my father had not have done what he did. I really do miss my mother. Is there going to be a memorial or something for her? Is that what you want? Please. Her body is not here in the states her parents sent for her. Can you please take me to visit my dad? What for? I just need to look at him and try to understand why he did this to our family. I thought everything was going just fine. Yes, I can take you. Thank you, Zoe. We are home now Espen I took the liberty of going by the house to pick up some clothing and other things that I thought you might want. Can you take me by the house to get some more of my things? Yes, I can but the police are not letting anyone in any more right now they are processing the scene.  So Zoe what is going to happen to the house? Your father is going to sell it. I am going to take some of the money and buy a four-bedroom condo and open up a trust fund for you to draw off of when you turn twenty-one years old. Thank you for doing all of this for me I am so grateful. Oh, that's ok all I want is for the four of us to get along and have a family. Napa and Valley are in the house let's go in. (Phone ringing) Hello, this is Zoe. Oh hi, Dexdon. Hey, Zoe, the lawyer has all of the papers ready for you and Dexdon to sign. Wow, thank you so very much I talked to Dexdon and we are going on Friday when the children get out of school so that they can see their dad whether they want to or not we are all going and he can sign the papers then. Ok, I will meet you there. Ok, Dexdon at four ok. ( On the way to the jail) Hey, Dexdon were are over her. Hey, Zoe, this is  Günter Von he has the papers for Espen to sign. You can't go in there and have him sign the papers without your attorney ok thank you. ( In a small room with a police officer) Hi Espen how are you doing? Oh, high Dexdon.  Espen this is Günter Von he is Zoe's attorney and he had to be here legally. This is the only way we are able to get these papers signed. That's fine I have no problem with that.  Once you sign these papers Zoe will be able to sell the house. It states that you want her to sell the house and to withdraw all of your funds and assets and everything else. And this other paper states that you are giving up your parental rights and that you agree that Zoe adopts Espen Jr. Thank you for doing this for me, Zoe. This the last time we will be coming up here Espen. I understand.  So I am going to let you visit with your children for the remaining of the visit. Thank you, Zoe. Valley, Espen, and Napa come in here and visit with your dad I will be back in thirty minutes. Thank you Dexdon man I don't know what to say. (Visiting with children) Hil you all I am so sorry about what happened here I just snapped. I saw myself doing it and I couldn't stop myself I was so mad. Dad do you know this is the only time we will ever see you again. What if I write to you all will you write me back.  Espen will you write me back? I don't know I just don't know. What about you Valley will you write me back? No, I will not I am finished man you messed up everything and I don't fill sorry for you. Napa what about you will you write me back? Maybe I am not sure I don't know. Zoe is at the door I guess it is time for you all to leave. I love you guys so much and I am going to miss you. Maybe one day you all or one of you might decide to come and visit.  May I please have a hug and a kiss from you guys. (Hugging and kissing) Ok is everyone ready to leave? Yes. Bye Espen. 

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