children of the gods

By moonlightbueaty2255

381 6 2

Zeus,Hera,Poseidon,Demeter,Ares,Athena,Apollo,Artemis,Hephaestus,Aphrodite,Hermes,Dionysus, Hypnos,Nike,Janus... More

Introduction of characters.
The past come back
Keep trying
The end or start of something new
Old patches heal
War starts here and now!
We will stand tall and face it together
The secret is out.
familiar face come back.
Mad world
A new chapter of our lives

New family

19 0 0
By moonlightbueaty2255

Athena "Wait, so Mel has another sister."

Hera "Yeah."

Hermes "Does she know?"

Hera "No."

Hermes "Mom, why didn't you say something sooner?"

Hera "I had no idea she was still alive, I heard she died a long time ago."

Caleb "Why have I been dating Piper?"

Hera "She has the powers to make whoever she wants to fall in love with her."

Brooklyn "Her victim was Caleb."

Athena "Was?"

Caleb "I need to go see Mel."

Hermes "Are you sure? She is going to be pissed."

Caleb "I don't care."

Tanya "We didn't just come to get Mel and Caleb together."

Athena "Why have you come then?"

Jackson "Our prom is tonight."

Athena "What is prom?"

Katie "A dance basically."

Hera "You should go guys."

Helen "Yes, we should."

Hera "Hey Helen."

Helen "Hi."

Helen "So when are we going?"

Athena "After Mel and Caleb are together again."

(In  the underworld.)

(Mel was around ghost that she has created.)

Caleb "Mel?"

Mel "Caleb? What are you doing here?"

Caleb "Mel, I am so sorry, Their was only you."

Mel "I missed you."

Caleb "Me too."

(Mel and Caleb kissed.)

Athena "Great, Now can we go to the dance?"

Dionysus "Yeah, so I can get my grove on."

(Mel smiled and laughed.) 

Mel "Let's go."

(Everyone went to the human world.)

(Hermes noticed Abby all alone so he walked up to her.)

Hermes "Hey Abby."

Abby "Hey Ethan."

Hermes "My real name is Hermes."

Abby "What are you doing here?"

Hermes "Came to party."

Hermes "I did go here to."

Abby "I am sorry.. For everything I did to you all."

Hermes "I heard you were dating Noah?"

Abby "He left the school to go to the military."

Hermes "Sorry."

Abby "H picked something else over me so we broke up."

Hermes "What to dance?"

Abby "Sure."

(Hermes and Abby danced to villian by Jennifer lopez . So did Mel and Caleb and Athena and Zane.)

Piper "Caleb, their you are."

(Piper sees Mel with him.)

Piper "What is she doing here?"

Mel "Oh, come on sis, Play nice."

Piper You know?"

Mel "Caleb told me."

Piper "How did you find out caleb?'

Caleb "Hera."

Piper "Auntie Hera? Of course she would."

Caleb "Bye Piper."

(Caleb and Mel went back to dancing.)

(Piper got so mad.)

(Piper walked to the principle.)

Piper "Principle "Mel and her family are here? Are they allowed here?"

Principle "Piper, I know who you are, and I have an idea that you know who I am?

Piper "Ok, Fine."

(The principle puled out a knife and was about to stab Piper until Mel saw it and ran over to Piper and stopped the knife from hurting her.)

Piper "Mel? Why did you do that?"

Mel "Your the only sister I have left, Even though I can't forgive you for what you did to Caleb."

Principle "Get out of her Mel."

Mel "No."

(Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and watch the principle.)

Triton "Leave us all alone."

Principle "No."

Hephaestus "What do we do now?"

Eirene "Guys I have the knife that killed her before."

Principle "What?!"

(Eirene, Athena, Mel, Hephaestus, Plutus,Triton, Hermes, Dionysus, Helen held the knife in the air and it glowed bright and they stabbed their grandma in the heart and she screamed but she didn't die fast enough, She fought back sometimes and they fought back harder. The principle fought back harder and the kids were getting weak until piper joined them and then their grandma got more weaker and died, Then the glow slowly went across  the room and everyone was on the ground.)

(Plutus and Eirene didn't wake up.)

Caleb "Mel!"

(Caleb helped Mel get up.)

(everyone else  got up.)

(Helen went to go check on Eirene.)

Helen "Guys, she is not breathing."

Athena "Same with Plutus."

Brooklyn "Are you guys ok?"

Triton "I don't know how we are going to tell Demeter and Poseidon."

Abby "wait Megan, you can do something."

Megan "I can't."

Abby "Why not?"

Megan "I lost my powers because she is dead."

Mel "What do you mean?"

Megan "She gave me powers."

Athena "So, your not a real witch?"

Megan "No, Sorry guys."

(Megan left the Toby.)

Hera "Guys."

Hermes "Mom."

(Hera sees Plutus and Eriene dead.)

Hera "Oh no."

Athena "Yeah."

Student "Yay! NO MORE SCHOOL!"

(Everyone cheers.)

Mel "You all are probably going to get a new principle."

Piper "Yeah."

 Student "BOOOO!"

Piper "Whatever."

Zeus "Hera, you were not allowed to leave."

Hera "I don't care."

Zeus "So, Your not the kind of person to just leave without saying anything."

Hermes "If your done fighting we have 2 people dead."

Zeus "What?"

(Zeus looks and sees them dead.)

Helen "Dad, you need to tell them."

Zeus  "Why me?"

Mel "Your their brother."

Hera "Mel is right."

Tanya "I think you guys should go."

Zeus "I need to think first."

Athena "Dad, we will go back."

Helen "Yeah."

Hera "No."

Dionysus "What?"

Zeus "Your mother is right, you should stay and have fun while we figure this out."

(Zeus and Hera took their bodies and left.)

Jackson "So what are we waiting for?"

(Everyone went back to dancing and had a great time.)

Mr, Lockwood "Alright, time to announce prom king and queen."

Mr. Lockwood "Prom queen is... Alison Parker."

Ali "Yay! I knew it was me."

(Ali went to the stage and the teacher put her crown on.)

Mr. Lockwood "Prom king is... Alex."

Ali "What?"

Dionysus "What?"

Helen "Go get your crown."

(Dionysus went to the stage and the teacher put his crown on him.)

Ali "That is wrong, He can't be prom king."

Mr. Lockwood "It's not mistake Alison."

(Music went on.)

Mr. Lockwood "You both need to do the dance."

Ali "I am not doing it."

Mr. Lockwood "You have too."

(Ali and Dionysus went to the dance floor and danced together.)

Ali "I really hoped it would have been someone else."

Dionysus "No kidding."

Dionysus "Your no walk in the park either."

Ali "Whatever."

(That night was fun, Everyone had a blast.)

(Mel stayed with Caleb and Piper while the others went home.)

(In olympus.)

Demeter "Hey have you guys seen Plutus?"

Poseidon "Or Eriene?"

Zeus "No."

Hestia "Zeus! Tell them."

Poseidon "Tell us what?"

Amphitrite walked in.)

Amphitrite "have you seen Eriene? I have been trying to find her."

Zeus "Ok, I need to tell you 3 something."

Demeter "Tell us."

Zeus ".... Eriene and plutus are dead."

Demeter "What?How!"

Hera "Our mother."

Amphitrite "What happened?"

Hestia "Our mother was going to kill the kids, then Helen found the knife that killed our mother and they used it on her. Not all of them made it."

(The day went by sad, Their parents have planned the funeral and the funeral was sad all day. Everyone was their even our friends from the human world.)

Hestia "We should let them go back to the school in the human world."

Hera "Why?"

Hestia "Look how well they get along with humans."

Demeter "Hestia, I love you sis but shut up."

Hestia "Och."

Demeter "All my kids are dead."

Zeus "We should let them go back."

Hera "No."

Zeus "Its just for another 2 weeks, they will be graduated in 2 weeks."

Hera "I said no."

Chrion "Let them go Hera."

Hera "Ugh, fine."

(In the human world everyone was happy that they were back."

Mel "I am happy."

Helen "It's just for 2 weeks though."

Mel "Who cares?"

Athena "Yeah, Helen." 

(For the past 2 weeks they have been having fun. Caleb got into a close by school so that Mel and him can live together. Tanya has still been dating Toby and they plan to movie in together. Athena and Zane are going home after school and going to build a home for them to live in. Helen has been dating Jackson and they couldn't be more happy. Dionysus left school early to go move in with Aphrodite and raise their kids together and Ariadne had only 1 kid to take care of while Dionysus took the other 2 to raise with Aphrodite. Brooklyn has been dating James and they plan to move in together and start their own family because Brooklyn is having a baby. Abby and Brook became friends again and Abby has been Dating Zachary since Noah left her. Ali still being hated by her ex friends and the others, She has been dating Aiden because he was in the depression stage about losing Eriene. Katie has been single but she has been getting close to Noah because he visit her sometimes.)

(For the gods, Zeus has been teaching his son Hermes to be the new leader because he is next to take over. Hera is taking time away from Zeus so she has been traveling with her sister Hestia. Poseidon got over his depression over his kids and is teaching Triton to be the leader of the sea after him.Demter has been shutting his siblings out for the longest time and keeping quite. Metis has been spending time with Athena now that she moved away for a bite. Leda has been getting closer to her daughter Helen.)

(Graduation day.)

Mel "This is it."

Athena "I know, I am excited."

Brooklyn "I'm not."

Helen "why?"

Brooklyn "I have been here my whole life, It's going to be hard to leave."

Abby "Same Brook, but it's time to go."

Brooklyn "I know."

(The ceremony started everyones parents were their.)

Mr. Parker "Dear parents we are so happy you can be with us today on this special day for our seniors. Wherever they go next will be another adventure."

Mr. Parker "Alison Parker come and get your diploma."

(Ali walked up to the stage and got her diploma.)

Mr. Parker "Good job sweetie."

Ali "Thanks dad."

(Ali left the stage.)

Mr. Parker "Brooklyn Forbs."

(Brooklyn walked to the stage.)

(Mr. Parker gave her diploma.)

(Brooklyn walked to her mom and gave her a hug.) 

Mis. Forbs "Good job."

Brooklyn "Thanks mom."

(Brooklyn left the stage."

Mr. Parker "Chloe."

(Chloe walked to the stage and he gave her diploma.)

(A few people later.)

Mr. Parker "Last but not all this diploma goes to the smartest hard scientist worker here... Mel."

(Mel was so happy to hear her name being called.)

(Mel walked to the stage and got her diploma.)

Mr. Parker "Thanks parents for coming out and have a good day."

Zeus "Good job my children."

Athena "Thanks dad."

Metis "I am so proud."

(Metis and Athena hugged.)

(leda and Helen hugged.)

(Poseidon and Amphitrite hugged Triton.)

(Hera hugged Hermes with Zeus, and Zeus hugged his girls too.)

(Hestia and Chiron hugged Mel and Piper.)

Hestia "Mel, Piper. We want you to stay with us."

Mel "Really?"

Chiron "Yeah."

Piper "I will."

Mel "I would, but me and Caleb are moving in together."

Hestia "That's ok, their is a home for you when you need it Mel."

Mel "Thanks."

Katie "What now?"

Caleb "I say we go to the club to celebrate."

Mel "I'm up for it."

Athena "Great idea."

Abby "See you tonight."

(Later that night.)"

(Music was loud everyone was dancing and having fun.)

(Mel and caleb did it, and so did Athena and Zane.)

(They had a blast, but the night didn't last forever.)

(2 years later.)

(A lot has happened. Mel had kids with Caleb. 2 girls named Olivia and Paige. Piper meet this guys named Jack, they have been dating for the past 2 years. Athena found out that she can't have kids, so she and Zane are devastated so they adopted a girl named Hope. Helen and Jackson also have 2 kids one boy named Tom and a girl named Alice. Dionysus has been living with his kids and wife Aphrodite and ignoring is old wife Ariadne. Brooklyn and James have 3 kids, 2 boys named Liam and Henry and one girl named Emily. Abby and Zachary have one kid, a boy named Matthew. Ali found out she can't have a kid with Aiden, but Abby and Brooklyn have forgave her and now became friends again. Katie has been dating Noah for a year now. Piper and Jake have 4 kids twins boy and girl and 2 other girls. The twins names are Cater and the girls's name is Mia. The other 2 girls names are Emma and Sophia.)

(As for the gods a lot has happened to them. Hera came home to find out that Zeus died of a heart attack, so now she is ruling alone but beside her siblings. Demeter died over being alone, so she can be with her kids again. Chiron and Hestia got married and living a good life together. Metis is upset that her ex husband is dead but she has been living a good life but she slowly died of old age, but she is in peace now watching over Athena. Leda has been visiting Helen and her grandkids. Poseidon has been around to help his sister with ruling the place. but the gods are slowly dying one by one of old age or of anything else.) 

(Mel and caleb invited everyone for dinner.)

(Everyone sits and the dinner table.)

Mel "Thanks for coming everyone."

Tanya "I love what you did with your house."

Caleb "My idea."

Mel "Your best one since 2 years ago."

(Everyone laughs.)

Ali "Anything else you guys are changing?"

Mel "No."

Helen "That's good. I guess."

Mel "What does that mean?"

(Piper and Jake walked in.)

Piper "Hey, sorry were later the traffic was terrible."

Mel "That's ok Piper."

Piper "Hi everyone."

Brooklyn "Welcome to the party."

Zane "So now it's a party?"

Athena "Everything is a party these days."

(Everyone did a lot of talking and after dinner they all went to the beach outside because caleb and Mel live right beside the beach. The kids played around and the adults started into the sunset.) 

The end

Thanks for reading children of the gods.

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