Old patches heal

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(2 days later.)

Mel "Do you have to go?"

Chiron "Yes, we have things to do back home."

Athena "Bye."

(Everyone said their byes.)

(Caleb came up to Mel.)

Caleb "Hey, Can I talk to you for a sec?

Mel "Sure."

(Caleb and Mel walked a few steps away from everyone.)

Caleb "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with my tonight?"

Mel "Like a date?"

Caleb "Yeah."

Mel "Yes, I would love to."

Caleb "Great, I will pick you up at 7."

Mel "Ok."

(Caleb walked away and Mel went to her cousins.)

(Everyone was smiling.)

Mel "What?"

Athena "Did you say yes?"

Mel "How did you know that?"

Helen "Yes! she said yes."

Triton "Have fun tonight."

Mel "Wait, How did you guys know?"

Peresphone "Ok, I got to tell you something Mel.

Mel "What?"

Peresphone "In private."

(Mel and pheresphone went to a different location.)

Mel "Ok so what is it?"

peresphone "I knew your mother."

Mel "Knew?"

(peresphone turned herself into a adult.)

Mel "What did you do?"

peresphone "I was not a teen. I am... Your mother."

Mel "What?"

Peresphone "I know I sold have told you sooner, your father kidnapped me a long time ago when I was 14."

Mel "So, your my mother?"

Peresphone "Yes."

Mel "I have so many questions."

Pheresphone "I planned on it."

Mel "Well maybe we can talk after school."

Peresphone "ok."

(After school.)

(Peresphone And Mel talked for hours.)

Mel "Oh, Look at the time, I need to go get ready."

Peresphone "Ok."

Mel "You do know you have to tell them."

peresphone "I know, I just don't know how."

Mel "Just say it, Because I will ask them when I get back."

Peresphone "I will."

(6 :30pm.)

Caleb "I should go get her soon."

Triton "Have fun, but I want my cousin to come back happy."

Caleb "I know."

Zane "Go get her man."

Caleb "Bye."

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