The Way of The Fist (female s...

By Lynxtheguy2

39.5K 457 299

A high schooler is granted powers, but will he use them for evil or for good? This story is the beginning of... More

White Knuckle
Power Fist
The Reluctant Hero
The Bird of Prey
Catch the Moment

The Agony of Regret

10.1K 91 71
By Lynxtheguy2

"Hero City, a once great and glorious city, now a smoldering hot bed of crime and corruption. With gangs and mobs running the streets, and crime lords pulling the strings and controlling the cities politicians as well as it police force. Heroes live in this city, but thanks to the over whelming amount of criminals, villains, and corrupt police officers, most heroes either went into hiding or just refuse to use there powers. The crime in Hero City got so bad even a few of the once great heroes resorted to a life of crime. Hero Cities current problems started when the once great hero The Shepherd of Fire went insane and incinerated the mayor."

"Wow great story kid." Lilith rolled her eyes.

"Hey! You didn't have to stay and listen to it. I was talking to Cassiel anyways, she's the one that wanted to know Hero Cities past." I grab my backpack off the door handle.

"Umm so whatever happened to that Shepherd of Fire guy?"

"No one is for sure he disappeared four years ago after he started the villain up rise."

"Don't you fear he'll return to the city?"

"I'm not scared he'll return, I'm not even sure he's still alive."


"I got to go, Janet's here, and I'd rather not make her late for class." I wave to Cassiel and Lilith as I close the door.

Cassiel's pov

"Why are you playing dumb about The Shepherd?" I feel Lilith glare at me with he snake like eyes. "I thought Angels weren't supposed to lie."

"And I thought Demons weren't supposed to be totally bitches, wait no they are." I glare at Lilith back. "I can lie, because thanks to you I'm not a full angel anymore."

Lilith's eyes grow big. "How is it my fault?"

"Because you decided to try to kill, an innocent person, I had to fall from grace to save him."

"Are you talking about (y/n), because I feel like you're talking about (y/n)."

"Yes I'm talking about (y/n)!"

"Then how is it my fault you kissed him?"

"You stabbed him in the chest with a demonic spear."

"You didn't have to kiss him."

"In order to save him I did. And you didn't have to stab him."

"Yeah you're right." Lilith laughs. "But It was funny watching your powers drift away." Lilith looks around. "Hey have you seen the remote?"

"I have." I walk towards the kitchen.

"Then where is it?"

"The same place our powers went."

"Which is?"

"I don't know." I grab a juice pouch out of the fridge, and I walk back into the front room. My eyes grow wide when I see Lilith standing on top of the T.V. Stand.

"Now if you were a smart Angel you'd tell me where the remote is." Lilith grabs the edge of the T.V., and starts to tip it over. "Now you wouldn't want to wake up Rose now would you? You know she isn't the happiest person when she wakes up." Lilith grows a evil grin. "And Checkmate."

I let out a sigh. "The remote's on (y/n)'s Comic book Shelf."

"Where at on the shelf?"

"Behind the Red Hood and the Suicide Squad comic." Lilith thankful gets down, and grabs the remote.

Lilith grabs me, and pulls me down next to her on the couch. "Now lets binge watch all of Jersey Shore."

"Oh God, you're not just a demon, your the devil."

(Y/n)'s pov

"So (y/n), how did you do on Mrs. Jones quiz?"

"I got a 64, how about you Janet?"

"I got a 100." No shock there. "How did you only get a 64, didn't you study the notes I gave you?"

"I did, a little, but hey as I see it a 64 is a D, and D's get degrees."

"You should really take school more seriously."

"There is a lot of things I'll take more seriously in the future, and school isn't one of them."

"And why won't you?"

"Because we are halfway through our senior year, and I'm doing just fine."

"That's why your the only senior, in a sophomore math class, right?"

"No need to be so rude." I jokingly slam my locker shut.

"I'm just trying to make sure you don't end up like Bruce."

"What's wrong with Bruce? He seems like a nice guy."

"He's twenty one, and still in High School. Do you really want to be like him?"

"Hey it sounds to me like he's living the dream. Gets to live with his parents rent free, gets to hit on high school chicks, doesn't have to worry about annoying friends nagging him about his grades." I look at Janet and smile. Janet scoffs, and stomps on my foot. "Damn it! Ouch!" I grab my foot, and hop for a second. "What was that for?"

"Because you're an asshole." Janet closes her locker. "Can you do me a favor?"

"That depends, are you going to stomp on my foot again and call me a asshole?"

"No. Will please attempt to at least graduate this year?"

"I'll graduate, I promise."

"Thank you, (y/n), now have fun with Mrs. Billers, Geometry class." I roll my eyes, and Janet laughs.

"Yeah, I'll try my best to have fun with learning the angle measurements of a pyramid." I glare at Janet as I walk down the hallway.

"Have fun I'll see you after class." Janet turns around and walks off towards her class.

I spin around, and bump into a girl with light blue hair. "Oh hey I'm sorry." I help her up, and I pick up her books. "Sorry about that usually I watch where I'm g... are you new here? I haven't seen you around before."

"I'm Candice, Candice Pendragon." Does she mean like King Arthur Pendragon? I hand her, her books.

"(Y/n) (l/n), nice to meet you. Again I'm sorry I bumped into you."

"It's alright, I wasn't really looking where I was going either. I was trying to figure out this schedule, it's hard to understand."

"Yeah schedules here are pretty hard to understand, ever since they started that new policy so people couldn't track you down by your schedule."

"Why did they do that?"

"Some kid got kidnapped from class, because they read his class schedule."


"Yeah this isn't the safest schedule, but here let me help you."

"But I don't want you to be late for class."

"Trust me it's fine, I hate any form of Math."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah it's no problem." Candice hands me her schedule. "Okay so you have Mr. Rectors Biotechnology class." Damn this girl a honor student. "I can walk there, one of my friends is in that class." I walk Candice to her class. "The girl with the white hair, is my friend Janet. She's an air head, but she's top in our class. So if you have any questions you can ask her."

"Thank you so much, is there anyway I can pay you back?"

"Don't tell Janet I was late to my Math class."

"I think I can do that."

"Thank you. I guess I'll catch you later Candice." I run down the hall towards my class. I get to my class, and knock on the door. Please be a sub, please be a sub, please be a sub, please be a s...

"You're late again (l/n). That's the third time this week. What's your excuse this time?"

"I was helping that new girl, Candice find her class."

"Against my better judgement, I'll let you off with a warning this time. But you know if you're late one more time it's detention."

"I know, I'm sorry Mrs. Billers." I walk into the classroom, and sit next to my only friend in the class Jacob, even though he's two years younger then me.

"Dude I can't believe you're late again."

I punch him in his leg. "Shut up, you're the only person late to this class more then I am."

"(Y/n), Jacob would you both like to be quiet so I can officially begin class?" Jacob and I both look back up to the front of the class. After a grueling forty minutes of lectures about circles or something the Bell mercifully rings ending my torment.

"Yo, what are you doing for lunch?"

"I'm probably going to eat with Janet, and that new girl. What about you?"

"I'm probably going to do the same thing as normal. Oh hey do you think I could borrow a pencil?" I give Jacob the pencil I was doodling with in class. "Thanks dude, I'll give it back after my next class."

"No you won't, I'll never see that pencil again."

"Yeah you're right." Jacob laughs as he joins his other friends, and walks down the hall. I should probably go find Janet and Candice, before Janet convinces her I'm some kind of pervert.

"Hey loser." I turn around to Amber Parker, and her group of Jackass friends with her. "Can you do me a favor, and keep your Hoe ass friend away from my boyfriend."

"Last time I checked Amber, Todd wasn't your boyfriend, and he asked Janet for help since you don't have enough brain cell to work a calculator."

"Just keep the bitch away from him."

"Janet is strong independent woman, that won't listen to me anyways. So why don't you go say it her?"

"Why would I waste my time talking to skanks?"

"Now I see why you're make up always looks like a monkey drew it on." Amber stares at me while, a few of her friends laugh a little. "Did that one really go over your head? They way I said it made it seem like you don't look in mirrors. God, explaining jokes completely ruins them, kind of like your make up when you're on your knees." Even more of Ambers friends laugh, and Amber grows an angered look.

"Shut up, Loser."

"What don't have a come back?" Amber growls, and she along with her group walk off.

"Hey (y/n), why were you talking to Amber?"

"She was being a bitch like normal." I'm not gonna tell Janet I was taking up for her, she'll never shut up about it. "Oh show how did class go for you two?"

"Candice and I, got grouped together for the big project."

"I'm kind of glad, cause I really don't know anything about biotechnology." Candice scratches her head.

"Don't worry about you'll get it, if I got it anyone can learn it."

"Don't listen to Janet, she only understands this stuff, because her dad is a Biotech expert."

"(Y/n), shut up! I'm trying to be motivational."

"The only thing motivational about you is you're blood sugar levels, and how you're not sick yet." Janet punches me in my ribs.

"Don't mind him Candice he's an Asshole." Janet puts her books in her locker. "Are you two ready for lunch?"

Candice nods. "I'm starving."

"Well lets go then." Janet and Candice take off towards the lunch room, and I'm not to far behind.

I sit down, at a table, and I lay my head down. Within a couple minutes Janet sits down, and Candice isn't to far behind. Candice grabs her sandwich, and goes to take a bite. "I wouldn't eat that if I was you."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know about the school you came from, but the lunches here have been know to be kind of deadly."

"Would you stop exaggerating. But he's not lying the lunch here is pretty terrible." Candice puts down her sandwich. "Do you want a snowball."

"No thanks, I'm not a fan. It's not the taste It's the consistency."

"Not everyone wants to eat snack cakes all the time Janet."

"They should."

I shake my head. "Let me see if I have anything." If Cassiel packed my lunch I should have some kind of fruit. Here we go. I pull an apple out of my backpack, and throw it to Candice. "I don't know if you like apples or not, but if you do it's all yours."

"Thank you." Candice eats the apple fairly quickly.

"So tell us, why did your family move to Hero City?"

"My parents decided to open a store, and Hero City has a really low property value. So they thought it was the best financial decision."

"Only the noblest of reasons for moving to the shining gem of the Midwest."

"Shut up (y/n)."

"No it's fine, I think he's actually kind of funny."

"Please Don't encourage him."

"So I've been meaning to ask. Your last name, are you actually related to King Pendragon."

"My father says I am, but I really have no idea. I always thought it would be cool to be related to him." Candice looks over to the other side of the cafeteria, at the red headed girl. "What's up with her? Why's she just sitting by herself?"

"That's Valerie. She was the head cheerleader."

"Until she was witnessed one of Infernal's attacks. Since then she's quite the cheer squad, and kind of became a recluse."

"Do you think we should try to go talk to her?"

"Janet's tried, She wants nothing to do with anyone."

"I went over, and tried to talk to her, but all she did was continue to eat her lunch."

"But to be far it was Janet, so maybe if, I don't know, someone less annoying were to try maybe they'd get a response."

"Why don't you try it (y/n)." Janet snapped.

"Fine maybe I will." I get up, and walk over towards Valerie. "Hey is your name Wi-Fi cause I'm feeling a connection."

Valerie looks up from her food, and blinks a couple times. "Does that line really work?"

"No, but it never fails to get a conversation started."

"Is there some reason you're talking to me."

"I just wanted to prove to my friend over there she's annoying."

"You have some kind of weird way of showing your a friend."

"Yeah I get that a lot. Really I think it's just my personality." Valerie laughs a little. "But the real reason I came over here was to see if you wanted to join my group of friends?" I point to Janet and Candice.

"I would but I'm getting ready to go to the library. But thanks for the offer."

"It's cool, but Monday if you want you can join us."

"I'll think about it." Valerie smiles before she finishes off what's left of her food, and I return to my table.

"See I told you it was just you."

"You really are an asshole, (y/n)."

"Thank you." I smile. After Lunch Janet helps Candice find her last class, and I sleep through my final class of the day. After school lets out. Janet and Candice go to Candice's families store, and I head back home. I get home, and see Lilith asleep on the couch.

"Oh hey (y/n). How was school?"

"It was okay, we got a new student. So I helped her out today. Is Rose in her room?"

"I haven't seen her today, so I'm assuming, yes."

"Thanks Cassiel." I drop my bag on the floor, and run up the stairs. I knock on Rose's door, and it slowly opens.

"Shut the door." Rose announces as I enter her dark room. I turn the corner around her closet, and I'm met with the bright lights of her computers. I look at her bed, and see an Armored, yellow and green costume. "Are you ready?"


First off I just want to say thank you for over a year of love and support, and sorry I don't post as much as I used to. And as you'll please share any criticism with me. Don't forget to comment and vote, I always enjoy reading through comments. One more thing I will be bringing back my Yu-Gi-Oh GX story as well as my High School DXD story. And once again I hope you are enjoying the first chapter in m collective hero-vrse

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