Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy)...

By Miekehogeboom

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This is book 2 of "Lost and found" series and don't let the amount of the chapters scare you off because this... More

Chapter 1. Premonition Part 1
Chapter 2. Premonition Part 2
Chapter 3. Life without Micah
Chapter 4. Love hurts !
Chapter 5. The truth part 1
Chapter 6. The truth part 2
Chapter 7 The truth part 3
Chapter 8 Desperation
Chapter 9. Distress
Chapter 10. Unexpected news
Chapter 11. The divorce announcement.
Chapter 12. The aftermath of the announcement.
Chapter 13. Doubts
Chapter 14. "An ally or an enemy"
Chapter 15. Failure to recognize the threat
Chapter 16. Noah's mission
Chapter 17. Unveiling Secrets Part 1
Chapter 18. Unveiling secrets Part 2
Chapter 19. Remorse
Chapter 20. Confrontation
Chapter 21. Pain
Chapter 22. Greed
Chapter 23. Rage
Chapter 24. My life in ruins
Chapter 25. Sacrifice
Chapter 26. Difficult decisions
Chapter 27 A glimmer of hope Part 1
Chapter 28 A glimmer of hope Part 2
Chapter 29. A glimmer of hope Part 3
Chapter 30. A glimmer of hope Part 4
Chapter 31. A romantic date
Chapter 32. The haunting of the twins Part 1
Chapter 33. The haunting of the twins part 2
Chapter 34. The origin of the twins
Chapter 35. Deepest desire Part 1
Chapter 36. Deepest desire Part 2
Chapter 37. Noah's fears
Chapter 38. An enemy
Chapter 39. Losing a loved one
Chapter 40. Micah's Depression
Chapter 41. Micah's insanity Part 1
Chapter 42. Micah's insanity Part 2
Chapter 43. Andreas's dilemma Part 1
Chapter 44. Andreas's dilemma Part 2
Chapter 45. Andreas's dilemma Part 3
Chapter 46. Maynor's heart Part 1
Chapter 47. Maynor's heart Part 2
Chapter 48. Maynor's heart Part 3
Chapter 49. No surrender Part 1
Chapter 50. No surrender Part 2
Chapter 51. No surrender Part 3
Chapter 52. An unwanted surprise Part 1
Chapter 53. An unwanted surprise Part 2
Chapter 54. Trail and tribulation Part 1
Chapter 55. Trial and tribulation Part 2
Chapter 56. His true face
Chapter 57. My past, my present and my future. Part 1
Chapter 59. Trust and loyalty Part 1
Chapter 60. Trust and loyalty Part 2
Chapter 61. Trust and loyalty Part 3
Chapter 62. True love
Chapter 63. The true enemy
Chapter 64. Unexpected encounters 1
Chapter 65. unexpected encounters 2
Chapter 66. Lucifer's dilemma Part 1.
Chapter 67. Lucifer's dilemma Part 2
Chapter 68. Lucifer's dilemma Part 3
Chapter 69. The truth about Micah Part 1
Chapter 70. The truth about Micah Part 2
Chapter 71. The truth about Micah Part 3
Chapter 72. The start of a war
Chapter 73. The results of war
Chapter 74. A mother's heart and sorrow
Chapter 75. Maynor's fate
Chapter 76. Shock and awe Part 1
Chapter 77. Shock and awe Part 2
Chapter 78. Shock and awe Part 3
Chapter 79. Shock and awe Part 4
Chapter 80. Shock and awe Part 5
Chapter 81. Shock and awe Part 6
Chapter 82. Shock and awe Part 7
Chapter 83. Peace at last Part 1
Chapter 84. Peace at last Part 2
Chapter 85. Micah's birthday Part 1
Chapter 86. Micah's birthday Part 2
Chapter 87. Epilogue
Chapter 88. Micah's new life Part 1 (extra chapter)
Chapter 89. Micah's new life Part 2 (extra chapter)

Chapter 58. My past, my present and my future. Part 2

3.8K 246 54
By Miekehogeboom

Albert's P.O.V

I couldn't understand why Micah had ordered us to move to the Silverstone mansion. We didn't even know anyone there and Micah himself was banned from the mansion so how would he explain to the residents of the Silverstone mansion why we had moved to there. I knew that Liam had done him wrong but that wasn't a good enough reason for us to move. Liam and I had been best friends since we were in the kindergarten and he was the one who actually approached me first.

I was a grumpy kid back then because I was the eldest child of my parents and my other siblings had dominating natures. I didn't talk much and took care of my siblings when my parents weren't home so I was really happy when a popular kid like Liam talked to me. We became inseparable after that and Liam came to our house to play every day. Liam told me once when I asked him why he didn't invite me to his house to play in return, that it was because he was staying with his strict uncle and aunt. He told me that his own parents were dead and that his uncle and aunt didn't like company.

I never asked him anything about it again and was just happy that I had someone by my side. We even went on trips together and he was the first one who I told about Bianca. I never told him about us being mates obviously because Liam was just a normal human. Liam was so happy for me when he heard that Bianca had agreed to go out with me and he was actually the one who advised me to wait till Bianca was eighteen to take our relationship further.

He even encouraged me to start my own business after graduating when I told him that I wanted to make enough money to fulfil Bianca's every wish. We even went on double dates together and he didn't leave my side when Bianca so cruelly broke my heart. I was a total wreck back then and couldn't even function so Liam moved in with me to help me out. Liam had been an active participant in every aspect of my life so you can imagine why I didn't want to leave his side just because he said some cruel words to Micah. I wouldn't even know how to live without him and I knew that he would ask me questions if he ever heard where we were moving to.

It seemed like Micah had noticed that I was at war with my emotions so said "Just do as I said Albert and I'll explain everything to you when you arrive at the Silverstone mansion with your family". I decided to agree with Micah and called a family meeting to talk about our move. I knew that my family would ask me questions about the reason behind our move and hated the fact that not even I knew the truth about it. I was only sure about one thing at that point and that was that my parents would support me no matter what. I asked my siblings to come to my parent's house at eight o'clock in the evening and saw that they were just about to arrive when I looked at my watch.

I heard a car pulling into the driveway suddenly and was just about to open the door when my phone rang. I saw that it was Liam who was calling me when I looked at the screen of my phone and decided to answer it while opening the door. Aiden walked into the house with Antonius in his arms and I could see that he was angry. I knew that Aiden was still bitter about Micah and Knightly still being together so I just ignored him and said "Liam" through the phone. I frowned when the first thing that Liam asked me was "Did Micah cry his pretty face off after I was gone Al?" I instantly starting massaging my forehead when I heard Liam's question and then asked him "If you already know the answer to that question then why are you asking me this Lee and why did you treat him like that?"

Liam burst out laughing suddenly and then answered my question with "It's just payback for something Al you'll understand it eventually". I was just about ask Liam what he meant by that when he replied to me with "I'll talk to you later Al, go enjoy the dinner with your whole family". Liam cut the phone off before I could even reply to him and I then asked myself how he actually knew that we were having dinner with the whole family because we only had dinner together during the weekends due to everyone's busy schedule.

I decided to push the whole incident to the back of my mind and picked up Antonius who was now clinging onto me. I could feel that Antonius was having a fever and felt bad that I had asked Aiden to come over in such a situation. Emily and Xander then walked in with Mia and Ajax and I led them to the dining room. It hit me then that I was the only one who didn't have anyone to call my own. My mother took Antonius out of my arms to feed him some soup and I heard Aiden then ask me angrily "What's the big crisis that you had to call an emergency meeting today Albert?"

I sighed while sitting at the head of the table and then uttered "Micah, our king told me to today that we should move to the Silverstone mansion". Aiden jumped out of his chair then shouted "He's no king of mine and who the hell is he to decide what we should do or not do. I'm telling you this beforehand Albert I'm not prepared to give up on anything by moving to that prison". My father shook his head at Aiden and then replied to him with "Don't disrespect our king, Aiden or you'll come to regret it". It seemed like Aiden was determined to soil Micah's name so said "King, what king dad, I can still remember how gloomy and lonely he was as a kid and your telling me to call him my king, no never".

Emily then uttered while chuckling at Aiden "And you were still smitten with this gloomy and lonely kid, dear brother". I chuckled when Aiden sat down again then said while crossing his arms on his chest "That was just a fools folly and I got over it". Xander then asked me "And why should we move to the Silverstone mansion where only rich people live Albert?" I didn't know how to answer Xander's question so said "Micah will explain it to us as soon as we reach the mansion". Everyone except for my parents started bickering as soon as I uttered those words and my parents tried to calm everyone down but no one listened.

Antonius then suddenly started crying in pain and everyone stopped talking to see what was wrong with him. I got startled when my mother yelled while unbuttoning Antonius's shirt "Get some ice Al, he's burning up". Aiden quickly took Antonius out of my mother's arms to calm him down and I then noticed a red rash on his back. "What's the cause of this rash, Aiden?" I asked Aiden while examining the rash and frowned when I heard Aiden reply to me with "I don't know Al, Antonius started feeling unwell after he came home from this event that the child care centre was having today".

"Let's take him to the hospital to be safe guys" said Emily suddenly and we all quickly got in our cars to take Antonius to the hospital. We had to wait in the waiting room when we arrived at the hospital and it took the doctor almost an hour to determine that something had bitten Antonius which caused him to fever up. He sent Antonius home after giving him an allergy shot and we were all happy when Antonius started sleeping peacefully. My mother asked all of us to stay over at her place to make sure that everyone was alright and we agreed to it to make her happy.

We all went to bed after arriving home because we were all exhausted and I regretted the fact that we didn't get the chance to discuss our move. I was busy getting ready for work when I heard Aiden yell "Mom!" and I ran to his room. My eyes widened in shock when I saw that Antonius's whole body was now red. Antonius wasn't even responsive and Aiden was crying because he didn't know what to do. Emily then ran into the room with Xander in tow and I heard my father then say from behind me "This isn't normal son".

Aiden looked in fear at my father and then asked him "What do you mean dad?" My heart skipped a beat when I heard my father reply to Aiden with "I can sense a curse Aiden and we don't even have the power to remove it. The only thing that I can do at this point is, put him to sleep with some medicine to ease his pain and nothing else". "What?" asked Aiden while looking in shock at my father and then continued with "I knew that I shouldn't have sent him to that godforsaken child care centre but he was looking forward to it so I let him go. Nothing good ever happens when the Silverstone's are involved". Emily then yelled while my father gave the medicine to Antonius "Shut up Aiden, Mia, Ajax and many other kids like Micah's own kids were there yesterday and nothing happened to them so I don't think that this is related to the child care centre".

I couldn't take it anymore so yelled in an authoritative tone "Get ready everyone, we're going to the Silverstone mansion to seek help". I sighed in relief when everyone started preparing to leave immediately and we were all sitting in my parent's SUV van within fifteen minutes. I decided to drive the van by myself with Emily sitting next to me and I asked myself while driving "What will I say to them if they ask me at the gate why we were visiting the Mansion?" I smiled when I felt Emily's hand on my hand and she then said to me "You have never even once disappointed us until now big brother so I know that you'll come up with something when we get there ".

"Emily is right" I thought to myself because I always put my family first. I even gave Xander the money to start his own bakery and made sure that Aiden had the money to fulfill his dream of becoming an attorney. My parents had enough money to spend because of me and I was happy as long as my family was happy so this was nothing for me. Emily uttered "Wow" as soon as we reached the gate of the mansion I knew exactly why. The gate was huge and was decorated with beautiful golden flowers. Even the mansion's gate looked powerful with two huge golden wolves bearing their teeth at us on each side. The symbol of Knightly Silverstone was on top of the gate noting that it belonged to no other than the most richest and most powerful man in the world.

Two men wearing suits instantly walked towards the van as soon as I parked it and I only noticed that these two men were warriors because of how much power they were emitting. Emily looked in fear at me when one of the warriors knocked on my window and I smiled at her to calm her down. I thought that the warrior would lash out at us but sighed in relief when he greeted us with "Good morning everyone" and then asked us "Can you please state your name and your purpose of visiting the mansion today?"

I decided to play it safe and replied to the warrior with "Good morning, I'm Albert Rivera and my family and I came here to see mister Knightly Silverstone". The warrior frowned at me and the other warrior then replied to me with "I'm sorry to say this sir but we can't let you through without an appointment". I was just about to ask the warrior if he couldn't help us without an appointment when I heard Emily say "Can't you let us through just this once sir because this is an emergency".

"What kind of emergency sir?" asked one of the warriors me and I was just about to reply to him when I heard a man ask the warrior "What's going on Josh?" I looked quickly into the direction where this voice came from and my heart started beating faster when I saw a man standing in front of the gate. The man's clothes were covered in mud and the only thing that you could see clearly was his handsome face. "Is he the gardener?" asked Emily me while looking at the man and I just replied to her with "I really don't know Em". One of the warriors then walked quickly up to this man while saying "Looking good Mason" and the man named Mason smiled at him.

I heard the warrior then say "Mister Albert Rivera came with his family to the mansion without a proper appointment, Mason and when we told them that we couldn't let them through because of that, they told us that this was an emergency". It seemed like the man named Mason was contemplating about something and he then said to the warrior "Let them through Jay because I can sense that they need help. We can't send people away when they are in need so go lead them to mister Silverstone's office while I take over your post". I couldn't take my eyes of Mason and me who had been pining after Bianca for years fell instantly in love with him. I couldn't believe what was going on with me and felt troubled by my feelings. It then hit me then that Mason might be my second chance mate because I had never been interested in men.

The gate then suddenly opened and the warrior who was talking to Mason then motioned me to drive through the gate. Emily asked me then when she saw the sullen look on my face "What's wrong big brother?" and I then answered her question with "I think that man named Mason is my second chance mate". Emily's eyes widened in shock and she asked me then "Who, the gardener slash gate keeper?" and I nodded with my head at her. Emily then turned around to look at Mason who was now standing guard at the gate and said "I wonder why he, as a werewolf didn't sense that you were his mate Al and it seems like he's either a normal gardener or a gatekeeper here". I didn't even have the strength to reply to Emily so just smiled when I heard her say "Don't worry big brother you have enough money to support you both".

I shook my head at Emily and got startled when I suddenly saw a black SUV jeep driving behind us but calmed down when I noticed that the warrior named Jay was driving the car. Jay parked his jeep next to our van and then said "Follow me" when we were all out of the car. I then saw Jay looking intently at Antonius and knew that it was because he had sensed the curse too. He quickly led us to the lobby of the mansion and then said "Please step in when the elevator door opens".

We all stepped into the elevator when it arrived and Jay then pushed the button of the top floor. The mansion was beautiful, well equipped and well guarded but I still couldn't see why Micah wanted us to move there. The elevator suddenly stopped and Jay then said while motioning us to step out of the elevator "Welcome to mister Silverstone's office Rivera family". Everyone looked in awe at the elegant office with expensive furniture and beautiful decorations. A man then walked over to us in a tight expensive suit and Jay then said while motioning at the man "This is Nicholas, mister Silverstone's personal assistant and he'll be the one guiding you from here".

Jay then turned around to leave and we all yelled "Thank you Jay". Jay chuckled at us then uttered "Good luck Rivera family" before leaving. The man named Nicholas smiled at us and then said "It looks like mister Silverstone was already expecting all of you so please follow me". We all followed Nicholas to Knightly Silverstone's office and I looked in surprise at him when I saw him sitting behind his expensive desk in a tan three piece suit. I groaned when I realized how good and powerful he looked in the suit. "Cancel all my appointments for the next hour Nicholas" said Knightly while smiling at us and Nicholas then replied to him with "As you wish sir". Micah appeared next to Knightly just as Nicholas walked out of the room wearing a light silver color three piece suit and I couldn't help but notice how gorgeous of a couple they together made .

My mother ran to Micah and then said to him while grabbing his hand "Please save my grandson Antonius, my king". Micah smiled broadly at my mother and then replied to her with "I really wish that we could have all met each other under better circumstances today Martha, like you all coming to live here with us but don't worry I will do everything in my power to save Antonius". Micah then looked at me and said "I know why you failed to convince your family that it was better to stay under our care Albert but don't worry too much about it because that will change when I get rid of all the doubts that your family has about us".

Antonius then suddenly woke up and started instantly screaming in pain. Aiden tried to calm him down but failed. I could sense how lost and helpless Aiden felt because he couldn't help his son and I quickly put my hand on his shoulder to give him some strength. "Please help my son, Micah" said Aiden while hugging Antonius tightly and I couldn't believe my ears when I heard Micah say "I'm sorry to say this but I'm not the one who's going to help him Aiden". It seemed like Aiden hadn't heard Micah correctly and said when Antonius started squirming in pain "I take every bad thing that I ever said about you two back Micah and acknowledge you both as my kings so please do something before I lose my son".

Knightly then walked up to Aiden and said "We feel honored Aiden Rivera and we'll gladly help you". He then yelled "Elyon!" and a man appeared in front of him while kneeling down on his knees. "Yes, my king" uttered the man while looking at Knightly and Knightly then replied to him with "Cure Aiden Rivera's son, Elyon". The man slowly turned around to see who Aiden Rivera was and I could see the shock on his face. He then quickly got up and asked Aiden "What happened to your child, my mate?"

Aiden looked in fear at this man called Elyon while we all looked puzzled at him. I then realized that Aiden had found his true mate because his first wife was just his high school sweetheart when they married. I was again the only one with no one by my side and got startled when Elyon suddenly pulled out a small demon out of Antonius. Mia and Ajax quickly hid behind Emily when they saw the demon and Elyon then said while casting a spell to burn the demon "Someone deliberately put the demon in the boy, my kings". Micah sighed and then replied to him with "And that's the reason why I had asked them to move in with us Elyon but they didn't. They're truly in danger right now and we can't protect them all if they stay at their own places".

Aiden frowned when he heard Elyon then say "I will protect my mate with my life my king but you are right, it would be better if they stayed within your protection barrier". I sighed when Xander then said "We will move to the mansion my kings but you have to promise us that we can go on with our daily lives like nothing happened from here". Knightly replied to Xander then with "Of course Xander, but we will obviously take some measures to keep you all safe and to make sure that you don't carry any evil spirits with you past the gate". Xander looked in fear at Knightly when he heard him mention "Evil spirits" while I knew that he had meant that he was going to make sure that we wouldn't betray him.

I heard Aiden then say to Elyon while stroking Antonius's head "I'm not ready to except you yet Elyon, I hope you understand that". Elyon smiled broadly at Aiden and then said to him "The fact that I have found you is already enough for me my mate but I do hope that you'll allow my son and me to spend some time with you two". Elyon chuckled when Aiden then replied to him with "We'll see about that Elyon and I take that you already know where to find me".

I was lost in my thoughts because Micah still hadn't told us the truth about our move and I then thought to myself "They surely don't want us to move here just because it's dangerous, there must be something more behind it". I got startled when I heard Micah then say "You're right Albert, it's dangerous for all of you to live outside my protection barrier but that's not all. I think it's time for you all to know the truth about Liam Portagal who you all see as a brother, a best friend and a son". I frowned at Micah and then replied to him with "I don't see what Liam has anything to do with the situation we're in right now my king. He has been nothing than good to us so I don't understand why he has to be dragged into all this".

Knightly then uttered "You should know that people have different faces Albert and nothing is truly as it seems". I was just about to retort back to Knightly when Micah suddenly appeared in front of me and put his hand on my forehead. My whole body started trembling as soon as Micah touched me and I fell on my knees. It was like I was going crazy when I saw how Liam had befriended me with the intention to use me. My father had a connection with everyone in town so he used me as an excuse to spy on people when they came to my father for help. Liam had even caused the deaths of a few supernatural creatures that came to my father for shelter.

My heart broke when I saw how he had asked a witch to cast a spell on me so I would think that Bianca was my true mate. Bianca had been working with Liam for years and she happily took money from him for making me fall in love with her. My heart ached when I realized how Mason, my true mate was in the same class with me when we turned eighteen but I didn't even spare him a glance due to the strong spell that was casted on me. I started crying when I realized how much I had made Mason suffer throughout the years and how I could have been happy with him all along if Liam hadn't meddled with my life.

I couldn't believe it when Micah started showing me how Liam had plotted our demise by delivering that letter full of threats to us and he would have succeeded if Micah, Knightly and their kids didn't come to our aid. His plan was to get rid of us because we had helped Micah and because he knew that Micah would protect us if things ever went sour between us. He thought that Micah had become weak due to his rejection so he wanted to finish us before he got his strength back. I felt a cold shiver down my spine when I saw how Liam had put the curse on Antonius with the intention to kill him and how he was now plotting to burry us alive with the help of some demons.

I started shaking in fear while imagining our painful deaths and Micah then said while putting a hand on my shoulder "I will never let anyone touch either your family or you again Albert but you have to solve the problem regarding your mate by yourself". I nodded with my head at Micah and sighed in relief when my mother pulled me into her arms to hug me. I only realized that everyone had seen the same images when my mother uttered while placing a kiss on my forehead "Forget about the past and work on your present to have a bright future with your mate Albert. And don't worry about anything because I know that you'll manage to win his heart, my kind and caring son".

I smiled at my mother and then replied to her with "I won't rest until he's mine mother". Knightly then gave me a pat on my back and said "That's the spirit Albert now go home with your family and pack only the bare essential things that you all need then gather at your parent's house. My men will pick you all up after two hours and you don't have to be afraid of anyone finding out about your move because Micah will cast a spell to mask your presence".

"My men will make sure that you are all settled at the mansion when you all get back and this will be a gift from us to you for helping us out in our time of need". My father then quickly knelt down in front of Knightly and Micah and said "Thank you so much for protecting us my kings, I don't know how we'll ever manage to repay you". Micah smiled while helping my father up and then uttered "Haven't you heard that this was a gift to all of you Ruben and you all will be only living here until the war is over so enjoy your stay".

My father then said while smiling at Micah "Then we will happily accept this gift from you my kings". My family and I then said our goodbyes to the kings and went to catch the elevator. My eyes started looking for Mason as soon as we reached the ground floor and I was disappointed when I didn't see him. We then stepped into the van and went home to pack. We all managed to pack what we needed within two hours and we were all waiting for Knightly's men at my parent's house when the doorbell rang. My father walked to the front door to open it and I heard him then greet someone with "Good afternoon sir, please come inside to wait while we gather our stuff".

Everyone was eager to see who my father was talking to and my heart melted when I saw Mason walking behind my father. He was wearing a navy blue expensive three piece suit with brown leather shoes and smelled heavenly. Emily then said while giving me a nudge with her elbow "He can't be a gatekeeper or a gardener with clothes like those Al". I ignored Emily and concentrated instead on what Mason was about to say. Mason smiled at all of us and then uttered "Hello everyone, I'm Mason Dawn king Knightly Silverstone's theta, that means the fifth in command if you didn't know and I'm in charge of your move today". Aiden then asked Mason "Are you the same Mason Dawn who's the owner of the "Dawn shipping enterprises?"

Mason chuckled and then replied to Aiden with "So you have heard of me Aiden Rivera". Aiden smiled at Mason and then said "Of course I have heard of you because who can ignore the man who's called the pirate of the seas". I became jealous of Aiden when I saw how casually he was talking to Mason and got startled when Mason asked me "Is your family ready to go Albert Rivera?" I quickly stood up when I heard Mason ask me the question and then replied to him with "Yes, they are Mason".

Mason then uttered while motioning to the door "Let's leave now then because the kings have asked you all to dinner tonight to welcome you all to the mansion". I could sense how happy everyone was when they heard what Mason had said while I felt broken inside because my mate couldn't even sense me. Mason then lead us to a awaiting limousine and the kids became all excited when they saw how huge the limousine was. We all stepped into the limousine with Mason and my eyes widened in shock when I saw that the limousine was even equipped with games for kids.

The kids immediately ran to play games while we took a seat next to each other. Mason started typing away on his phone as soon as he was settled and I wondered who he was talking to. Everyone was nervous so no one talked and I then started contemplating about how to ask Mason out because I had to start somewhere right. The limousine came to a screeching halt suddenly and Mason then asked in an authoritative tone while pushing the button of the intercom "What happened Clint?" The man named Clint then replied to him through the intercom with "It seems like two cars have collided with each other not far from us theta, the cars have blocked the whole road so we have no other choice than to wait now".

We all then heard a screeching sound suddenly and Mason then uttered while taking off his suit jacket "Make sure that your family stays in the limousine Albert Rivera". I looked in shock at Mason when a demon suddenly pulled the limousine's door open. Mason kicked the demon in full force to the ground then uttered while jumping out of the limousine "How dare you damage my king's property, demon". We all huddled up together when suddenly more demons started appearing and I smiled when I saw that the fact that there were more demons now didn't faze Mason.

Antonius uttered "He's so cool" when he saw Mason conjure a huge scythe while I thought to myself "I'm not worthy enough to approach him now". Emily then said while looking in awe at Mason "You received an golden goose as a mate big brother, he's rich, handsome and powerful" and I shook my head at her. All the demons looked in fear at Mason when he started cutting them down left and right with his scythe. Mason had won the fight before we could even blink and he then said while looking at all the dead demons around him "You should have thought twice before you crossed my path demons". A warrior then walked up to Mason and said "It looks like we weren't their target theta but the people in the red car over there but all the passengers of that car are dead now so it will be difficult to find out the reason behind this attack".

Mason sighed while looking at the red car and then uttered "Contact the police about the accident and ask them to seal this area then get rid of the demons dead bodies. I will come back after the Rivera's are settled at the mansion and we'll handle the situation then". The warrior replied to Mason with "As you wish theta" and then took out his phone to call the police. Mason stepped into the limousine after that then pulled the door shut and said "Take another route to the mansion Clint". The warrior named Clint immediately started the car and we then drove straight to the mansion. More warriors were waiting for us when we arrived there and we were all then led to our respective apartments.

I was glad when Mason decided to show me the way to my apartment himself because I thought that I would get a chance to talk to him but it looked like Mason was too busy mind linking someone to even notice me. Mason led me to an apartment's door and then said while opening it "You'll be staying here for the time being Albert Rivera, the apartment has everything that you need and the kitchen is also fully stacked. I'll be leaving now because I have to go back to the scene of the accident to handle everything before people around there get suspicious". My whole body screamed "Don't let him leave" as soon as I heard what Mason had said and I quickly walked up to him when I saw him turn around to leave.

A fear of never seeing him again came over me and I pulled Mason closer to me. "Do you need something Albert Rivera?" asked Mason me startled and I then replied to him while cupping his face "Yes, you Mason". I then locked my lips with Mason's before he could say anything and Mason tried to break free. I bit Mason on his lip so he could open his mouth and immediately started sucking on his tongue when he opened it. Mason kept on struggling but instantly calmed down when he started feeling the same kind of sparks that I was feeling throughout my body.

I let Mason go when we were out of breath and I was preparing myself for a kick or a punch but then heard Mason say "My mate". I quickly pulled Mason in for a hug and then said to him while crying "I'm so sorry Mason, it's my fault that we were apart for so many years". Mason quickly cupped my face and then replied to me with "No my mate, it wasn't your fault. King Micah has just shown me what truly happened so don't blame yourself. And I don't even mind that we found each other so late in our lives because I'm now powerful and worthy enough to face anyone. I have also gone through so much in life but I have now put all my demons behind me and I'm now where I always wanted to be. I'm so happy that you broke the spell that they had casted on me by kissing me, my salvation".

"But what will happen when Liam finds out about us Mason?'' I asked Mason while kissing him softly on the lips and heard him chuckle as response. Mason then said to me while running his fingers through my hair and caressing my cheek "You obviously don't know how our kings work yet, my mate. King Micah is never kind to the ones who hurt his family and he has shown you all today by bringing you here that he sees you all as his own family so he will never let anything happen to you again". I smiled broadly while looking at Mason and then said to him "I'm so glad that I have finally found someone who I can call my own, my pillar". Mason hugged me tightly suddenly and then replied to me with "Me too my mate".

Thanks for reading guys. This chapter became longer than I expected it to be and hope that you all enjoyed the action, drama and romance :) Please leave a comment and share my story if you can. Knightly will have to face some humans in the next chapter so keep an eye out for it :)

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(Book 1) The 12 year old Knightly Silverstone who had been adored by his parents throughout his whole life feels lost after a tragedy. He doesn't kno...
965K 39.4K 31
[Book #1 in the Blackwood Pack series] Currently in the process of rewriting (it'll be uploaded as a separate book) ________________ ...