Yandere X Reader ... dark |Co...

By n_a123456

49.9K 938 458

You're a young adult just starting your new exciting life at this collage , trying to pass with good grades a... More

Ch.1 The Meeting
Ch.2 a little get together
Ch.3 an extra hand ?
Ch.4 interaction
Ch.5 skipping a target
Ch.6 being alert
Ch.7 Getting things straight !
Ch.8 scars
Ch.9 shedding
Ch.10 becoming one
Ch.12 before the storm
Ch.13 Fate
Ch.14 Jun
Ch.15 Sora
Ch.16 the cops

Ch.11 Out and About

1.9K 34 23
By n_a123456

Walking towards the main building in the dim lit sky since it was too early for even the sun to fully wake up ,Exams start today ,anxiously walking towards your exam hall you met with Sana

"morning" yawning and stretching your body as the blond girl sighed "you didn't sleep too ?" Sana added drinking from her water bottle

"not really, Kaizaki wanted to go for another round" you mumbled low, cheeks turning pink

"WHAT !!" Sana yelled then started shocking on her water "that's it !!! After the exams we're going to something about Kaizaki !" She added as she ran towards the exam hall

"we ? What is she talking about?...Hey ! WAIT UP" you ran after her confused

"Finally ~ midterms break Staaaart" you smiled stretching when the professor collected your exam papers

"what are you planning to do ?" Sora approached your desk smiling

"hmm~ I didn't think of it yet I might go home" you mumbled laying your head on the desk

"ah ! Sana ! What is that you wanted to tell me about Kaizaki ?" Looking over at her

"it can wait" she smiled anxiously as she glanced at the raven haired boy who towered both of you ,sensing that something was off Sora sat down on the desk next to you

"Y/N ! Is it okay if I hang around with you today ?" He smiled

"sure ! That would be great" you nodded

"fuck me" Sana whispered mostly to herself rather than wanting to be heard

"Y-Y/N are you okay ? You're look tired !" Sana mumbled gently placing the back of her hand on your cheek

"you're warm" she frowned a little

"I bet it's nothing, I'm fine" you chuckled as you felt another hand on you cheek

"S-Sana's right ! You should go to the nurse's office" Sora mumbled as he got up

"come on, let's go" Holding your arm pulling you up

"I don't need tooo~ I'll just eat an orange or something" You whined Walking next to him

"Sana ! You're coming ?" You stopped walking as you turned back looking at her standing there emotionless

"Sana ! We don't have all day" Called out Sora with a strong tone

"u-uh, yeah...I'm coming" she nodded walking up to you two

"give me a sec" Sora mumbled when his phone rang taking it out of his bag but still walked next to you

"hello ....y-yeah...you did what ?....y-yeah...I'll keep an eye out for it....bye" he hanged up with a heavy sigh

"Sora ? Something wrong ?" You asked concerned

"n-no it's nothing" he smiled and continued walking.

"You have a slight fever starting, so for now just take this and get some sleep" the nurse handed you a couple of white pills

"okay, thank you" you smiled taking them from her and walking out of the white walled office

"so ?" Sana looked at your E/C eyes

"I'll just take this and go to sleep even though it's still daylight" you sighed

"well, just make sure to get some rest...we don't want you to go and do anything stupid you might regret" Sora tapped your head gently as you giggled "and YOU too, don't do anything stupid" his Protected blue orbs scanned Sana's terrified ones carefully

"I'll be leaving for now, so much for hanging out huh ?" He laughed walking away

"let's get you to bed" Sana held your hand tight as you two walked towards the dorms

"Sleep well, if you need anything just call" Sana smiled as you slipped under the cozy covers

"okayyyyyyyy ~" giving a thumbs up you smiled brightly

"bye" Sana stood outside of the wooden door looking at the knob in her hand

"shit shit shit ! Sora knows ! There's no way he wouldn't...what should I do !" Her vision blurred as tears accumulated in her blue eyes while her grip on the knob tightens

"I should find Mei" taking her keys out of her back pocket and locking the door on your sleeping form,she walked away to find her girlfriend.
Walking into the empty hall that smelled like plastic ,Sana and Mei sat on one of the benches of the gym hall

"that's why I told you to keep your mouth shut Sana !" Mei scolded her girlfriend

"now if Sora knows that you know Kaizaki will definitely know !! How are we going to act then ?" Mei sighed holding her temple

"but we'll tell Y/N for sure...right?" Sana mumbled lowly

"I'm not sure, if it is true that Kaizaki killed Max then we might be on the list ...the question is WHY did Kaizaki kill Max ?" Mei mumbled thinking deeply about the problem they got dragged into

"simple ...because Max was dating Y/N !" A husky voice appears from behind the two girls as they jolt turning their heads towards it

"J-Jun !! How did you find us ?" Sana asked holding her hand on her beating heart

"I saw you two walk into the gym, I called out but you didn't hear me" he shrugged sitting next to them "so....what are we talking about ?!" He added looking carefully at the two girls

"you said Kaizaki killed Max ...what makes you sure ?" Mei asked

"I didn't ...you did ! I just said a possibility as to why !...or maybe because he raped her ! either ways ,it got to do with Y/N" he sighed

"he WHAT ?? When did that happen ?" Sana stood up shocked

"why didn't she say anything!" Mei places her hand on her mouth

"of course she won't go around telling people she got raped" he sighed quietly

"what are you going to tell her anyways? I bet Y/N won't really care about Max after what he did to her" Jun added

"there must be something to get her away from Kaizaki !" Sana mumbled

"well ,he was the one responsible for her family's moving away...but I don't think this will do anything!" The redhead stretched cracking his back

"we'll figure something out, for the meantime...we'll keep quiet..." Mei got up

"Mei ,you know how to keep quiet...on the other hand Sana ! You suck at it" Jun laughed tapping Sana's back

"eeh ? How's that !!" She pouted as he just laughed loudly at her reaction

"Sana let's go check on Y/N" Mei walked away

"she's okay ?" Jun asked concerned "she got a slight fever, but she'll be fine ...we'll see you later Jun" giving the redhead a high five before leaving him alone in the empty gym hall.

"We could have brought more soup" Sana looked at the bag she was holding

"it's fine ,we can get more later" turning the knob...it clicked

"but I locked it ! I'm sure" Sana's eyed widened as they both stepped into the room

"w-what are you doing here ?" Mei's purple eyes scanned the room before falling again on the brown haired,green eyed male sitting on the floor next to your bed

"what are you talking about Mei ? I came to see my sick girlfriend" brushing your hair behind your ear creasing your cheek gently with his hand while you slept soundly

"the door was locked !" Sana clutched her fists tight

"the door ? ...Y/N opened the door" he answered quietly trying not to wake you up

"is that so ?" Mei seemed convinced while Sana's brows tilted and a mix of anger and fear for her friend

"bullshit ! Y/N lost her key weeks ago and she never got a spare for it !! She couldn't possibly open the door If she had no key" she spat stepping closer to the young male

"what's going on" your eyebrows flickers ,quietly opening your eyes watching Kaizaki sitting next to you facing Sana and Mei

"what would you plan to do with that information Sana !!" His cold tone striped down from any kind of humanity

"just what are you trying to do ?!" Glaring at him not breaking eye contact

"as long as you stay out of my way...I don't plan to do anything that might cause her any kind of grief" his green gaze shot daggers at Sana

"Sana stop it" Mei wrapped her arms around Sana's fearing for the worst

"guys ? What's wrong?" You sat up on your bed

"Y/N ! It's nothing really, just lay down again...get some rest" Kaizaki turns to face you with a gentle smile while holding your hand

"we got you some soup if you're hungry!" Mei smiled brightly holding the plastic bag in her hand

"thank you" you smiled softly, Kaizaki sat next to you on the bed as you consumed the warm nutritions Sana and Mei bought you

"everyone is here ? And I wasn't invited ?! You guys are so mean!" The redhead walked into the room with a plastic bag in hand

"hello Jun" you chuckled softly

"don't tell me you brought soup too !" Sana laughed looking into the bag he got

"soup ? I knew someone would bring something good so I bought junk food" he laughed sitting on the floor ,even though the atmosphere felt a little tense , everyone seemed to display their best calm and energetic faces

"..I'll see you later sweetheart" kissing your lips softly Kaizaki smiled softly before getting up

"eh? Where are you going ?!" Holding on the hem of his shirt

"I'll be right back..." he softly chuckles kissing you again and leaving , Mei and Sana laid next to each other watching a movie on Mei's laptop, while you sat quietly on your bed glancing at your phone, Jun sat closer to you

"so who are you talking to ?" He leaned in glancing over your shoulder

"hm ? it's my younger sister" you smiled softly

"you have a sister ? That's cool how old is she ?" he mumbled grabbing your phone

"she's 9 turning 10 in a couple of months, this is her" scrolling through your photo albums

"eeeh~ she's cute ! But you still win Y/N" he laughed

"you pedo ! Leave my sister alone !!" Hitting his head laughing "what about you Jun ? You don't usually talk huh ?" You added ruffling his soft red hair

"what are you talking about! I'm the talkative person in this group" he laughed looking through your photos

"but let's see...umm~ I have two older brothers, though they both live abroad, so I live alone" scratching his cheek

"What about your parents?" You rest your head on his toned shoulder

"abroad... they were always busy with work ,I didn't see them much...my older brother is the one who took care of me" he smiled brightly

"aah~ I guess your brother did a good job then" you chuckled

"what does that supposed to mean !" Pulling on your cheeks Jun laughed

"aw aw aw ! I mean you grew up to be a nice guy" you held his hands pulling them away

"I'm always nice though" he pouted

"true !! you're a sunshine of joy" you smiled kindly patting his back

"I wonder where did Kaizaki go" you sighed stretching your body

"and you care why ? Aren't you being too attached ?!" Jun mumbled crossing his legs taking a snack from the plastic bag

"last time I checked he is my boyfriend !" You laughed

"then ...want to know a secret ?!" Jun smirked

"huh ? What secret ?" Turning your head as you got curious, Mei an Sana's head turned as well eagerly waiting for what Jun had to say

"you promise not to be mad at me ?" He places his hands on your shoulders

"aah~ Juuun just say it already!!" You whined

"promise !! I'm doing this for you" shaking you by the shoulders jun said

"I allowed Kai to take the last pack of gummy bears" he laughed brightly

"aaaaah~ and here I thought it was gonna be something important" you jumped on him hitting him with a pillow while he kept on laughing loudly

"what an idiot" Mei sighed turning back to watch her movie

"Y/N your phone is ringing" Jun tried pushing the suffocating pillow off his face

"Mom ? Why is she calling ?" You mumbled softly picking up

"Hey mom" You smiled sitting straight leaning on the wall behind you

"how was your exams ?" Hearing her soothing voice on the other side of the line

"it was good, I'll be coming over in a couple of days ,would you send me the location of the house ?" You said ,Jun came closer trying to eavesdrop on the call

"Jun~ move away~" You chuckled pushing him away

"sorry honey ! We're having problems with the Internet connections these days ! I don't think we'll have it until later" she sighs obviously tired

"it's okay ,can you send the directions in a text ? I'll try following it" thinking of other ways you mumbled

"i wanted to call and talk about that ! Your uncle is having a family dinner at his house...but he kind of forgot about you and invited me and your sister only....so~ we won't be here for this break !" She nervously giggles

"HUH ? He forgot about me !! I'm his sister's daughter for crying out loud!! How can he forget about me !! Is he that uncle that lives two states away that no one likes ?" Yelling into the phone and throwing the pillow on the floor

"yes that's him...so we'll be leaving tomorrow morning but I have to go pack, I'll call you when we get there" she hang up on you

"everything's fine ?" Sana picked up the pillow and handed to you

"mom and sis are going to visit my uncle, so I'll be stuck here for 3 weeks !" Laying on Jun's lap while he ran his fingers through your H/C hair braiding it messily

"we'll have sleepovers like this one" Jun laughed tying a knot in your hair

"guess you'll be stuck with us then" Mei smiled softly

"you're not going home ?" Sana looked at the smaller girl next to her

"I'm not a family person, I prefer to stay here and watch over my friends" Mei shrugged with smile forming on her ruby lips

"then I'm staying with you" Sana hugged Mei tightly kissing her cheek

"love you" Mei smiled gently holding Sana's cheek ,lips slightly touching before Sana slides her hand under Mei's hoodie touching her bare back pulling her closer,

Mei chuckles softly leaning in for a kiss, her tongue brushed against Sana's red lips that gained their color from the cherry popsicle she ate ,partnering her lips welcoming Mei's tongue as they swirl around passionately

Sana leaned in even more causing Mei to lay on the floor ,holding Sana's nape making sure not to break the kiss, Mei's hands reach under Sana's shirt grabbing her breast,squeezing them roughly caused Sana to gasp and laugh into the kiss

"g-guy !! w-w-we're right here !" You awkwardly laughed pointing at yourself

"l-let's just leave" Jun whispered pulling you with him towards the hallway, closing the door behind him.

"Ah ! They left !" Sana laughed looking at the wooden closed door

"then you can take these off" Mei pulled Sana's shirt over her head and undid her light gray jeans

"aren't you impatient today?" Sana laughed pinning her girl to the floor sucking on her neck leaving a hickey as she parted from her tender light skin

"it's because you just been teasing me for the past two days" a simple pout came from the small girl

"sorry ~ but you needed a little motivation for finish your exams" Sana smiles brightly taking off her shirt as well as Mei's hoodie revealing her C-cups and Mei's A-cup breasts

"why don't be get a little more comfortable" she added with a smile while pulling Mei to the bed.

"Whoa~ that was something!" You laughed walking down the hallway with Jun next to you

"we could've joined you know" his mischievous grin planted on his face

"JUN ! What the fuck man" you chuckled as you pushed him forcefully making him take a few steps to the side

"hahah ~ man ! You are easy to tease !" He laughed skipping back to you "so you're gonna sleep at the dorms ?" He added resting his arm on your shoulder

"yeah where else would I sleep ?!" You shrugged

As Jun's eyes widened for a split of a second "never mind then" he mumbled softly

"let's go for a walk" he smiled pulling your hand gently walking outside of building B

"Y/N ? What are you doing sitting outside in the cold ?!" Kaizaki approaches you and Jun who sat on a bench on the campus's courtyard

"Kaizaki...Jun and I were just.." you were cut off with a pull on you arm bumping your face into Kaizaki's chest ,he held you tightly in his arms

"WHAT did I tell you about talking to other guys...why are you not listening to what I say ?" He groans in your ear low enough for only you to hear as grabes the back of your head

"huh?! K-Kaizaki a-are you okay ?!!" Placing your hands on his shoulder pushing him away but your weak strength did nothing

"I told you didn't I ? only talk to me ,only look at me ...then why are you cheating on me ?" His green eyes darkens looking down on you

"ch-cheating ?!!!" Your frowned lightly

"dude what are you talking about ? We were just talking !" Jun stood up tapping his shoulder

"I don't want to see you close to her again ! I'll kill you" grabbing the redhead's collar tightly pulling him close

"K-Kaizaki!! Why are you acting like this again ! Let go of Jun" you pulled on his arm as he let go of Jun dropping him onto the green grass

"this is exactly what you did before you got raped !! I'm just looking out for you! I don't want you to get hurt" Kaizaki held your hands in his pulling them to his beating chest

"not everyone is Max ! And I can take care of myself" your anger grew inside you as the name Max was said

"believe me ,everyone is after your body ! I'm the only one who loves you...no one loves you like I do" his grip tightens

"Is this why you kil..." Jun almost yelled, biting his lips the moment those insanity filled eyes threw daggers at him making him choke on his own words

"Kaizaki !! I can't believe you right now, are you hearing yourself ?" You raised your voice taking a step back,earning a squeeze on your wrist

"since when did you talk back ?" He mumbles as anger grew bigger inside of him, causing him to act the way he's acting

"let go of my wrist senpai" breathing in trying your best to keep calm, every nerve in your body wanted to you slap him ,but looking at those eyes that sent shivers down your spine convinced you not to go there, you were sure as hell that you might not like the end result

"let go ? I told you ! I will never let you go...you are mine" pulling you into his embrace brushing your hair behind your ear gently

"Kaizaki ! c-calm down man... what's up with you ?!" Jun tensely questioned the young male

"you stay out of this" growling at the redhead

"h-hey, Kaizaki! Look at me" slowly placing your hands on his cheek directing his green gaze back to your E/C ones

"breath in~" resting your forehead on his trying your best to calm him down

"s-sorry...I'm really am...I didn't mean to lash out like this, it's just I can't take it ,it hurts ...I don't want to see you paying attention to anyone but me" closing his eyes as tears slides down his cheek staining your gentle hands

"forgive me" softly kissing you

"just go to sleep okay ?" Giving him a smile you whispered softly before walking away

"don't leave me!" Kaizaki whispers softly glancing at your back

"huh~ I'll go to sleep then!" Jun sighed

"Jun ! Just what are you trying to do ?" Kaizaki walked towards the tall male

"I'm just being a friend man ! You're the one who's acting weird" Jun brows tilted deeply contrasting with his usual upbeat face

"you stay away from her or you'll be the one sent in a box to your house" Kaizaki groans as he walks away

"huh~ why is this unsettling feeling coming back now ?! Is it because of the fever ?" Mentally whispering to yourself touching your forehead as you walked towards the dorms

"I'm back ~" Walking into the dark room lit by the moonlight seeping through the window

"uh! Welcome ...you okay ? Where did you go ?" Sana got out of the bathroom dripping wet with a towel around her neck ,she must have showered just now!

"I'm fine...a-actually..." thinking deeply about it ,you weren't fine ! Your mind was a mess

"what's wrong ?" Sana whispered looking at Mei who was sound asleep

"remember when I told you how Kaizaki acted around Sora when we first started hanging out ?" You whispered as she nodded for a response

"Yeah, I was just talking to Jun and he flipped for some reason! He fucking accused me of cheating!" You sighed sitting on your bed

"what did you and Jun talk about? Did he tell you anything?" Sana asked sitting next to you towel drying her hair

"what do you mean ? We just talked about random stuff, nothing important" you laid on your back and covering your eyes with your forearms

"i ...i kinda need to tell you something" Sana mumbles looking at you ,her eyes shining under the moonlight

"what is it !" Sitting straight you gave her your full attention

"well... Mei told me to keep quiet but I don't know how that might affect you and I don't want to see you get hurt just because I remained quiet" she held your hands tightly as her tone became more serious

"I don't know if I got enough information or if they are 100% correct ...but.." she mumbled softly while glancing at Mei making sure she's not awake !

"Where do I start ?!...From what I was told ...Kaizaki and Sora work together" she started off

"they both said they work for a car wash" you mumbled softly

"car wash ! No ...they're in some kind of gang or something that usually clean up people ,but they work for people who can pay a large sum of money, mostly high class people" She shook her head lightly as you remained silent

"a-anyways! Sora approached you after Kaizaki told him to gather some information about you, learning where you live, your financial status ,your family members and stuff like that ,and Kaizaki was the one who got the landlord of your house to raise the rent so you can stay here all the time, Kaizaki also was the one who stole your keys ,you didn't misplaced them...." Sana paused a little before continuing

"....and regarding Max, he did like you a lot ! He always talked about you when we were in basketball practice, but he also sent a message saying that on his first date with you Sora was sent to 'convince' him of ditching you" she air quoted the word convince

"wait ! Is that why his face was lightly bruised and he had no wallet on him ?" You mumbled

"I know this is too much to handle but hear me out...Kaizaki got rumors about Max's father who's a well known lawyer that he was a pedofile and took advantage of the children he had cases with, after these rumors went public his father got fired and couldn't get any other job, Sora's work included causing bankrupt on Max's family ,that's why...I think Max did what he did to you as a revenge for Kaizaki...that's why he ended up getting killed" lowering her head she whispered still holding on your hands

"you know about the rape part!...w-wait !! Killed ?!! Max's dead ?!" Biting your lips embarrassed that she even knew about this

"I'll always be here for you, I'll support you through anything! Kaizaki killed him ...Just please stay away from Kaizaki ! I heard him talking to his mother that other day ,he's totally crazy Y/N ! I think he's the reason his mother is on a wheelchair" her voice cracked with her efforts of holding back her tears as they slowly rolled on her cheeks

"that explains a lot to be honest...but I-I don't know how will I deal with this" Biting your thumb you mumbled worried

"If anything happens from now on just tell us ! Okay ? Don't hide anything" sadly smiling as she got up and climbed up to her bed on the bunk beds

"okay...thank you" you smiled softly,that smile fades as your phone beeped indicating a message

And now you know ! And you'd think I'd be carful enough to stop this From happening ...well, I guess with this we have no other choice! We'll be together forever my love ! I'll talk to you soon

"Sana !!!" You shook the tanned girl who was on the edge of falling asleep

"what ? She leaned down holding on the metal frame of the bunk bed

"is this room wired ?!!" You asked looking around

"I don't think so ! I didn't see anything weird!" She shook her head

"....w-wait a minute!! On that day that asshole raped me, I heard someone says that this is the location!! ...then It must be the phone" You whispered loud enough for her to hear, you phone beeped in your hand


Turning off your phone immediately as Fear slowly crept into your body weighting you down

"Sana ~ what am I suppose to do !! Is it Kaizaki or Sora ?!" You looked at her under the moonlight

"I don't know ! Just try to keep a distance from both of them for now !! Get any excuse to hang out with me and Mei ...or if it's too suspicious then make sure we're a group ,don't be alone with any of them" she sighed and ruffled her hair

"just try to get some sleep and we'll tell Mei everything and see if she has anything!" Sana added before placing her head on the pillow and you crawled back under the comfortable sheets.
"What were you thinking ! Do you have any idea what you just did ?" The blue eyed male sighed from behind the laptop screen

"things are going exactly how they're supposed to be" a deep chuckle escapes the lips of the young male as he laid down on the library's couch

"she'll fear for the life of her friends, she'll have no other choice"

Hello and welcome back everyone 😊
hope you're enjoying this until now ...

Okay ! I'll go now bye ✌🏻❤️

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