Warriors: The Prophecy (Book...

By Labeester

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The life of adventure: becoming a Warrior! But something dark is hiding in the shadows, haunting four cats wh... More

Prologue: The Howl
Chapter One: A First Glimpse
Chapter Two: Training
Chapter Three: Trust
Chapter Four: ShadowClan
Chapter Five: The Third Cat
Chapter Six: Betrayal
Chapter Seven: Grieving
Chapter Eight: The Barn
Chapter Nine: Hatred
Chapter Ten: Mothpaw
Chapter Twelve: The Darkness
Chapter Thirteen: Whiteberry
Chapter Fourteen: DarkClan
Updated Allegiances
Chapter Fifteen: The Fourth Cat
Chapter Sixteen: The Beginning
Chapter Seventeen: ThunderClan
Chapter Eighteen: Morningkit and Graykit
Chapter Nineteen: Nine Lives
Chapter Twenty: My Deputy

Chapter Eleven: My Destiny

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By Labeester


"Gather around everyone," Tigerstar yowled with a wide smile across his face.

"What's this meeting about again?" Ottersplash asked with a low voice. "I have to be on the dawn patrol in the morning."

Silverhawk snarled, "You'll go on whatever patrol we tell you to be on!" He slashed his claws across her muzzle.

Hollyflower looked terrified, her eyes glued on Ottersplash. "Are the representatives going to be all warriors?" She pushed herself closer to me, our pelts brushing gently.

"That's up to Russettail and Adderfang. They are true Dark Forest warriors and they will check out your skills to see if you're ready," Darkstripe mewed in a low voice.

"I'll be with Hollyflower," I said quickly and then pushed her away from the group and towards the green mucky water.

"Thanks Russettail," she muttered and looked over at me.

"You're assignment is to..." I thought quickly and looked at our surroundings. Trees, bushes, water. "Is to jump down from that tree in to that bush and then you must get in the water and show me a battle move. But it must be done perfectly."

She nodded and then climbed up the tree to the fourth branch and the looked at me for an okay to start.

"Begin!" I shouted and sat back to watch.

Hollyflower ran and jumped off the tree branch and landed in the nearest bush, then she lunged into the water from the bush with incredible speed and went underwater.

I looked in the water for her but it was too murky to see anything.

She jumped up out of the water and landed on my back with a grunt, managing to make me fall down.

"Very good!" I purred and smiled. "Now get off me."

Quickly she got off, shaking out her wet fur. "I won't have to take a beating from Ottersplash anymore," Hollyflower purred and walked off towards the meeting place and I followed close behind.

Tigerstar, Silverhawk, Antpelt, and Mapleshade were sitting there waiting for us quietly and Ottersplash and Adderfang entered after us.

"You all did very well," Antpelt commented with a grin. "But now I must give you an assignment." He paused, looking around at all of us.

Ottersplash's eyes narrowed. "Spit it out all ready!" she snapped.

"Find your own apprentices and you can be a warrior, you have until the Clans next Gathering," Silverhawk commanded quickly.

Hollyflower dipped her head. "It will be done." And she disappeared, Ottersplash following after.

"You two," Tigerstar said, "are doing just fine with apprentices and I'm promoting you both to deputies."

"Wait, what?" Adderfang asked. "I thought you said there were no deputies, medicine cats, or leaders here."

"I can change my ways!" Tigerstar snapped. "We are now a Clan. I am the leader and you two are my deputies."

"This is how it works: You two are Tigerstar's deputies and you will stand under the Dark Rock during the meetings. We are all warriors and some are apprentices. Dead cats are warriors, alive cats are apprentices. There are no elders nor queens nor medicine cats," Mapleshade explained with an evil smile.

"I like it," Adderfang purred with a grim look on his face.

My tail flicked and I swallowed. "I'm ready to leave now..." I closed my eyes.

I jumped up in my nest and looked around at the sleeping cats. Cherryheart's nest was empty and I tilted my head in confusion.

Jumping over Dawnstripe I exited the den and entered the clearing. The moon was almost full and as I left the camp, following her scent. It led toward the border with RiverClan and I knew what was happening as soon as I saw her scent was going towards RiverClan.

A dark shape caught my eye and I caught scent of Cherryheart and Cedarpelt! My heart pounded and I looked at them.

They were sitting down talking and laughing, their eyes shining as if they were Clanmates.

I stifled a growl, making sure I wasn't caught. Cedarpelt would shred me if he knew I was watching them.

Turning around to leave I stepped on a leaf and I flinched as Cherryheart called out," Is someone there?"

Cedarpelt's paw steps were headed toward me and I closed my eyes, ready to be discovered.

"Who is that?!" he growled at me and I glanced at him. "Are you WindClan or RiverClan? Come into the light where I can see you!"

"You've been naughty," I hissed and lashed out at him, hitting his ear with a claw. "Cherryheart, what're you doing with him? "I jumped on a rock and looked at the she-cat who looked at me.

"I-I'm not sure myself..." She looked at the RiverClan tom. "I can't stay here. I'm sorry." She raced away.

"Now to deal with you." I glared down at him. "What were you thinking?"

He whipped around and raced towards the RiverClan border without responding, his tail trailing after.

My heart pounded in my chest and I jumped down from the rock and to the ground, trotting back to camp. At least I stopped that.


Redpaw got down low, his eyes focused on the small mouse nibbling on a pebble. He lunged and trapped it beneath his paws and bit its neck, killing it.

"Very good!" I purred and glanced around at the cats who were nodding to themselves.

"If that were a real rabbit it would've smelled you. You see the wind is coming from behind you. It most likely would've picked up your scent and ran away," Cherryheart mewed, shifted her paws when I gave her a glance.

"Russettail!" Mothpaw screamed, bursting into the clearing, taking long hard deep breaths. "Dawnpool needs you! Shrewclaw's kitting!"

Littlecloud looked at his sister, terrified but he raced away and I followed.

Mothpaw had caught up with me and was running beside me. "Shrewclaw doesn't look so good!" she called over to me.

"I don't know if Littlecloud can handle her dying. I don't think Dawnpool can handle her dying," I called back, my eyes focused on the camp entrance. I could hear Redpaw and Cherryheart's loud paws steps racing after us.

We slid into camp where Dawnpool rushed back into the nursery and Littlecloud was already pacing in front of it.

I entered the nursery where Dawnstripe and Dawnpool where sitting beside Shrewclaw. A long stick was in her mouth and a wet ball of moss beside her.

"What can I help with?" I asked frantically, trying to keep my cool for Shrewclaw's sake.

"N-nothing! I just needed you in here," Dawnpool breathed and Mothpaw entered the den, carrying a herb in her jaws.

Shrewclaw looked terrified, her face lit up in pure pain and her teeth breaking the stick. She let out a muffled wail.

"Shrewclaw, it's time for you to push. I need you to push right now," Dawnpool said in a low voice and she nodded and closed her eyes, pushing with all her might.

Mothpaw let out a squeal of excitement. "I can see the first one! A little farther, Shrewclaw!" The young she-cat was bouncing with excitement.

A light brown tom slid out and I was given him to nip at the sac. When it broke I licked his pelt quickly.

When I'd finished a white she-kit came out and she was handed to Dawnstripe who copied what I did and the two kits lay there quietly.

The last one came out slowly and I could see the tiredness in Shrewclaw's eyes.

"It'll be okay Shrewclaw! One more," I said encouragingly, trying to help anyway I could.

A light gray she-kit came out and I nipped at her sac till it opened and I carefully licked her pelt.

Shrewclaw dropped the stick and lay on her side, breathing heavily as the kits nuzzled against her stomach and suckled.

Littlecloud bursted in and looked at his mate and kits with pride. "Shrewclaw you did it! I knew you could!" he purred with relief and rushed forward, licking her.

"We have to name them," Shrewclaw said quickly, looking down at her first born. "Pinekit sound fine?"

He nodded and licked the tom's cheek. "Whitekit," he purred.

They both looked at the smallest and weakest she-kit. "I like Moonkit. What do you think?"

I excited the den, my heart warm at the sight of newborn kits. I glanced around, spotting Redpaw I bounced forward. "Have Cherryheart help you with your battle moves, okay?"

He nodded. "Yes Russettail." Then he raced off to the medicine cats den where Cherryheart and Dawnpool now sat talking.

"Russettail!" Reedstar called, racing up to me. "Be prepared to be attacked."

I blinked at him in surprise. "Attacked? By whom?"

The leader paused. "ThunderClan knows we've formed an alliance with ShadowClan. They're coming to our camp, I want you to lead a portal and fight them, no questions asked. Then I will lead one from behind and attack."

"Cherryheart, I want you on my patrol!" I called before her and my apprentice left camp. "Flowerwhisker, Whitefang, Cloudpool and Redpaw, come with me." I quickly raced out of camp.

Easily, I picked up the strong scent of ThunderClan and I could see them, more than a normal sized patrol in front of us and I kept running and reached the group of cats, jumping on the nearest one I ripped at their face and then bit something on their body.

"WindClan, attack!" I screeched through the cat's fur and I could hear the yowls of cats but they were from WindClan, not ThunderClan.

I shoved the cat away and looked around me. Bluestar, Adderfang, Whitestorm, Patchpelt, Thrushpelt, Tawnyspots, Fuzzypelt, and Honeypaw were tearing us apart.

Hurry Reedstar! I thought and shoved past Honeypaw and Redpaw, my eyes focused on Bluestar who watched them fight with amusement.

I stood in front of her, eyes narrowed. "You sick little bird-brain." I whipped my paw out of her face, hitting it easily, I tripped her and dug my claws into her stomach and watched her struggled underneath me.

I felt two cats tackle him off her and they ripped at my pelt and I felt the blood pour out of my wounds and then suddenly they were gone and Cloudpool stood beside me.

"Are you okay Russettail?" She looked at me with worried eyes. "Reedstar's patrol just arrived, we are pushing them back."

I nodded and jumped to my paws, watching Cloudpool get tackled by Adderfang and they rolled away in a fury of teeth and claws.

Patchpelt's tail stuck out of the group and I pulled it with my teeth and he screamed as I ripped at his back with my claws.

The tom kicked my face and turned around, hitting my in the muzzle with his claws as I managed to jump up and land on his back, biting his back he screeched and raced away, leaving me on the ground.

"ThunderClan, retreat!" Bluestar yowled and the ThunderClan cats began to flee WindClan territory.

I looked around for Redpaw or Cloudpool's familiar pelt. "Cloudpool? Redpaw?" I began walking around and heard a loud scream.

"Russettail, come quick!" It was Cinderleaf and I felt my heart drop when I approached her and the white shape of Cloudpool.

"S-she's dead, Russettail," came Cinderleaf's terrified dry voice.

"Cloudpool!" I yowled and stumbled around, bumping into Reedstar who mumbled something to me but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I was completely numb. I kept walking until I reached camp.

"Russettail?" Dawnpool looked up, head tilted and I stumbled over to her.

"It's Cloudpool, Dawnpool," I mewed, bowing my head. "She's dead." My eyes closed as she let out a long wail.

The rest of the Clan entered, Cloudpool being carried by Cherryheart and Cinderleaf.

The two she-cats set her in the middle of the clearing where Cinderleaf, Reedstar, and Dawnpool were laying down, bowing their heads for a vigil.

I trotted forward and bowed my head, closing my eyes I sat silently.


My eyes flickered open and I realized I'd fallen asleep during my vigil. My heart sunk in my chest.

Dawnpool and Reedstar were no longer doing their vigil but Cinderleaf lay in the same spot, her eyes wide open with shock.

StarClan, take my mother with pride, I thought as I stood and stretched, watching as Dawnstripe, Shrewclaw, and Talltail took our spots.

Reedstar trotted up to me. "How's Redpaw?"

I shrugged. "He seems fine." My eyes narrowed and I looked at him. "Why? Did something happen?"

He looked startled at my sudden worry. "No, of course not Russettail." He took a large breath. "I have to pick a deputy before moonrise. Any suggestions?"

"Talltail would be the obvious choice," I mewed, "she's very brave and strong. Courageous." I stopped myself. "Why don't you just pick someone who's loyal, brave, but kind to all of the cats and can pick a tail off when needed. And of course, someone you trust." I dipped my head respectfully. "I must go train my apprentice now." Then I trotted away to the apprentice's den.

"Redpaw, rise and shine!" I called into the den and he raised his head, parting his jaws in a yawn. "We're going to finish your hunting training today!"

The apprentice jumped to his paws with joy. "Coming!" Then he bounced out of the den.

We quickly trotted out of the busy camp and I padded a little forward and then froze when I saw a rabbit.

Redpaw saw it too and quickly got down into a hunter's crouch: his tail hovering the ground, belly fur brushing the ground, ears pricked in case it decided to move, and his jaws parted. The wind was upwind so this was a pretty easy catch.

He stalked forward quickly, focused on the rabbit's fat juicy body he lunged, clutching the rabbit in his paws he bit it's throat and it went limp, not even able to put up a fight.

"Redpaw," I growled and he turned around, fear in his eyes.

"D-did I do something wrong Russettail? I can redo it if you like?" he suggested. He seemed actually terrified.

"That won't be necessary, because you just completed your hunting training!" I purred and smiled at him.

Whitefang padded towards me and stopped in front of me. "I'll teach him some battle moves while you go back to camp. Reedstar needs you."

I nodded at the warrior. "Thank you, Whitefang. Listen to Whitefang, Redpaw," I called as I raced away, feeling the cold snow on my paws.

I slid into camp, snow flying up everywhere I instantly picked up the scent of ShadowClan.

Reedstar was in the middle of the clearing, teeth bared and eyes narrowed at Pikestar who was talking calmly, "ShadowClan deserves some kits too. Give us your newborns, Reedstar. This is what allies do."

"You deserve nothing!" hissed Littlecloud as he exited the nursery, the smell of kits and milk on his light brown tabby pelt.

Pikestar flicked his tail at Cloudpelt and Hollyflower who darted past Littlecloud, entering the nursery while Crowtail stood in front of it, guarding it with her claws unsheathed.

"My kits!" Littlecloud screeched darting forward to Pikestar, jumping on his back and ripping out fur, almost instantly smelling and seeing the blood.

The leader began to scream and fell on his side. He stopped struggling against Littlecloud and Littlecloud held him down as Reedstar glared down at him.

"Did you really think you could come in my camp and take my Clan's kits?" Reedstar growled as Talltail and Flowerwhisker pulled Cloudpelt and Hollyflower out of the nursery, pushing Crowtail out of the way.

Mothpaw stood in shock at the edge of camp, Cinderleaf's tail wrapped around her kit.

"I knew I could try," Pikestar growled letting out a loud high-pitched yowl, all of the ShadowClan cats quickly got out of the WindClan cats grips and raced out of the camp, leaving everyone staring after.

Reedstar glanced at me and then he trotted over to me, leaning in towards my ear he muttered, "Would you like to be WindClan's new deputy?"

My heart pounded and I could feel someone staring at me and I turned my head, catching sight of a shady gray shape. Tigerstar!

"I-I would love to serve as WindClan's new deputy. But I have not trained an apprentice fully..." He disappeared and I looked back at my leader.

The old tom blinked slowly. "When you're done with your apprentice then StarClan will truly accept you, but until then your Clan will accept you."

I dipped my head. "Then I'd be honored." This isn't for you, Tigerstar. This is for me! I thought silently, looking up at the sky.

The WindClan leader let out a yowl and raced toward the Tallrock, making the leap onto it. "All those old enough to chase rabbits join here beneath the Tallrock for a Clan meeting!"

Cats emerged from their dens, looking up at him with surprised eyes. Littlecloud and Flowerwhisker entered camp, running to join the Clan meeting.

Reedstar cleared his throat and began to speak, "As you all know Cloudpool died in the fight with ThunderClan and I must appoint a new deputy. I say these words before StarClan that the spirit of Cloudpool may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of WindClan is Russettail."

Mummers of approval rung out but Scratchtail and Whiteberry were whispering to each other and eyeing him.

"I promise to help my Clan in any way I can. To protect them and keep them going, and when Reedstar joins StarClan I will take his place and be a wonderful leader," I mewed loudly and dipped my head.

"Russettail! Russettail!" the Clan shouted, but Whiteberry didn't look convinced.

"There is a Gathering tonight and, as you all know, WindClan will be attending. Russettail, Dawnstripe, Cinderleaf, Redpaw, Mothpaw, Dawnpool, and Whitefang will be accompanying me to the Gathering," Reedstar announced.

"Will you say anything about ShadowClan's failed attempt to steal our kits?" Talltail shouted out.

"No, I will mention our kits being born and ThunderClan's attack but I will not make them angry. Russettail will make a hunting patrol and then we will head out." Reedstar jumped down from the Tallrock and grabbed some fresh-kill and then settle underneath the rock were Dawnstripe was waiting.

He was soon crowded around but everyone, begging to go hunting he blinked in confusion. There were so many cats and it was hard to think.

"Okay! Okay! Don't crowd our new deputy!" Talltail said, pushing his way to the front he sat beside me. "Congratulations by the way." He smiled down gently at me.

"Russettail, I want to be on the patrol!" Cherryheart pleaded and Scratchtail growled.

Talltail leaned towards me, whispering in my ear, "Cherryheart's a good hunter and she can manage all the gossip about you, make her the leader of the patrol."

I nodded. "Cherryheart, you will lead the hunting patrol with..." Scratchtail's probably upset that I became deputy so I'll put him on there too with Cinderleaf who probably isn't very happy with me either, I decided. "With Scratchtail and Cinderleaf."

The older tom nodded his approval and padded towards Cinderleaf, giving her a lick on the cheek he walked away to Reedstar.

Reedstar flicked his tail at Cinderleaf to stay and she sat down and nodded at Cherryheart to go without her.

"Alright, let's move out!" Reedstar yowled and raced out of camp.

As I reached the entrance of camp I glanced back at Moonkit who stared back at me with unblinking light blue eyes. A shiver ran down my spine.

I raced away, my heart pounding in excitement. My first Gathering as deputy! I thought as I caught up to Redpaw who was running beside Whitefang.

We passed the Steppe and slid down a hill. And as we neared Fourtrees I knew that this was going to be an interesting Gathering.

Reedstar stopped and I stood next to him. "Are you ready for this, Russettail?" he asked as he examined ThunderClan and RiverClan in the clearing.

"Very much ready. Yes," I replied with excitement and confidence and then he raced into the clearing and the rest of WindClan followed.

When we'd reached the bottom I could see the deputies underneath the Greatrock and I trotted over to join them.

"Mudfur, Adderfang, how do you do?" I asked with a dip of my head to the older deputies.

"Very well, thank you," Mudfur purred. "Where is Cloudpool?"

I flinched at the mention of my mother. "She is wandering StarClan now. Reedstar chose me as deputy, so, here I am!" I smiled at him.

Pikestar raced into the clearing, Crowtail and the rest of his Clan following.

The leader jumped onto the Greatrock and yowled, "Let the Gathering begin now!"

Bluestar dipped her head and stepped forward. "Greetings WindClan, ShadowClan, and RiverClan. ThunderClan is thriving! The forest is filled with prey this Leaf-bare. No one would dare to touch us." She smiled as ThunderClan nodded. "Also we have a new warrior: Honeystorm!" She nodded at Pikestar.

"Honeystorm! Honeystorm!" the Clans shouted and the she-cat raised her head high.

"ShadowClan is also doing well. The twolegs have not bothered us since Greenleaf. We have plenty of prey and two new warriors: Fangshadow and Goldentooth!"

"Fangshadow! Goldentooth! Fangshadow! Goldentooth!" the Clan echoed and the two she-cats purred loudly.

"Reedstar, you may go," Pikestar growled and stepped back, obviously still hostile towards us, as Reedstar stepped forward.

"WindClan is doing wonderfully. We have three new kits in favor of Littlecloud and Shrewclaw." He sent a glance at Pikestar. "ThunderClan," Reedstar looked at Bluesta,. "attacked us and one of their warriors murdered Cloudpool. So I named Russettail as our new deputy!"

"Russettail! Russettail!" the Clans shouted but ThunderClan just glared up at him.

Reedstar mewed, "Crookedstar, you may go."

"Thank you, Reedstar," Crookedstar mewed and stepped forward. "RiverClan is having fun ice fishing this Leaf-bare! Troutclaw has passed on to StarClan and my Clan is doing well." He stood up. "This Gathering is over." He jumped off the Greatrock and raced out of the clearing, his Clan following.

The rest of the leaders jumped off and gathered their Clans.

"Congratulations Russettail," Adderfang mewed and smiled, and raced off to his Clan. Fear clawed my heart.

It began to snow as we raced home, the snow already higher than my paw I knew that this was going to be a very hard Leaf-bare, for the next few moons it would be here.

"Russettail!" Redpaw fell in step with me as we slowed down, reaching the Steppe.

"Yes?" I glanced over at him as we raced past Mothpaw, Dawnpool, and Whitefang who talked quietly about the Gathering.

"Why was Bluestar startled that Reedstar mentioned Cloudpool's death?" The 'paw looked at me thoughtfully.

Bluestar was startled? I asked myself as they continued to walk, now nearing camp.I He must've been paying attention to the ThunderClan cats' expressions, not their leaders. "I'm not sure," I admitted.

They'd reached camp and Reedstar went to his den quickly and everyone else went to their dens as well.

I curled up in my nest and drifted to sleep.

"Russettail!" came the angry old voice.

"Silverhawk." I dipped my head. "I got the deputy spot in WindClan. Aren't you proud of me?"

"I'm not proud of you until you reach leader! And besides, we still have a lot of work with RiverClan. We've got Crookedstar on our side. Then that annoying little Mudfur has to die, same with Bluestar and Reedstar and then it is completed," Silverhawk growled with a snicker. "Don't expect praise every time you do something."

My eyes rolled and I looked into the forest as Pikestar and Fangshadow entered and then Crookedstar, Volepaw, Adderfang, Patchpelt, then finally Scratchtail.

"Welcome Clanmates! The time draws near. Tigerstar wishes to see all deputies and leaders by the Darkrock immediately! The rest of you get me and Mapleshade." His eyes flashed in excitement and then he led the others away.

I followed Crookedstar to the Darkrock where Tigerstar sat, waiting.

"Greetings! All of you remember the Gathering last night I hope. Crookedstar that was very polite behavior, Pikestar that was perfect, no weakness given away, only strengths. Adderfang." The large tabby tom looked at him. "Your leader needs to get herself under control. That was a disaster, but luckily you kept your mouth shut so you did just fine," Tigerstar mewed and looked at me. "Your leader is weak and he will die soon. His performance was quiet all right. You passed as well."

"Tigerstar, stop this madness!" Wind yowled as she walked towards us, Gorsestar and Swiftstar following behind her.

"What madness, Wind? I'm gathering cats that wish to take over all the Clans and rule the forest, this is their destiny, you have already lived your purpose," Tigerstar growled.

"This can be everyone's destiny but Russettail's. He is here for a greater purpose than to take over the Clans and rule the forest," Swiftstar mewed and looked at me. "Come young kit, we will lead you to the path of good."

"Russettail, you must go with them." Mothflight was suddenly behind me, her pelt sparkling like Silverpelt.

I nodded at her. "Yes, I know." I padded forward and they turned around and walked slowly through the forest.

"Russettail!" Tigerstar's loud angry voice boomed through the forest, "If you go with those StarClan cats you can never come back!"

His words meant nothing to me as I walked beside the StarClan cats. This felt right. I never wanted to go back there again.

Mothflight walked up beside me. "I hope you haven't forgotten your destiny Russettail. It has been a long time since you've talk with Mothpaw and your sister about it."

I blinked and looked up at the black sky with hope. "No, Mothflight, I haven't forgotten about my destiny."

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