Twenty Questions Sequel

By LololovaX

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Since a lot of you guys asked for it, here's a small sequel to my previous one shot "Twenty Questions" where... More



476 19 1
By LololovaX

Since a lot of you asked for it, here's a three part sequel to my previous story "Twenty Questions". It jumps right into the story on the day after they first met (in the first TQ). The second chapter will be rated M, while the third will only be slightly M-rated. You have been warned.... lol. No, but enjoy!


Kate Beckett woke with a smile burning her cheeks, couldn't remember the last time she woke up with such ease in her whole body. Well, ok, maybe her back hurt a little bit but she figured that must've been thanks to the way she'd been seated the night before. Locked up in that damn wine cellar. With a hot guy. She bit her lip, trying to push down her smile again, her cheeks was hurting. Her mind kept replaying the night, adding the dream her mind had cooked up during the sleep. A dream of how she, instead of simply giving him her number, had invited him up to her apartment. That kiss on the sidewalk had most definitely sparked her imagination.

"Gosh," she sighed out, turning in her bed to put her arms over her head. She groaned into the pillow, her mind playing the way he'd touched her in her dream, how his lips had travelled... oh, stop it.

She shot up from the bed, rubbed her face as she walked over to her bathroom. Following up on her morning routine she was soon out of there again, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a long shirt. Her phone was suddenly buzzing on her night table and she felt her heart start beating faster as she walked closer. She couldn't help but feel slight disappointment when she saw the caller I.D.

"Lanie," she answered and threw a glance to the clock on the night table. Time's already ten?

"Kate! Where the hell did you go last night? I looked everywhere for you when Michael asked if I wanted to get out of there," her best friend had an accusing tone and Kate sighed.

"I got locked up in the wine cellar by mistake," she started and she could practically hear her best friend drop her jaw.


"With a guy," Kate added biting her lip and clenching one of her eyes shut, anticipating the scream she knew would come.

After that she told her best friend the whole story, about how he'd found her in the cellar while looking for wine and how they'd gotten trapped in there until the owner had shown up. How they had played twenty questions and she actually told how she'd been ready to answer his last question, the one about her hottest sexual fantasy, when they'd been interrupted and she'd decided to head for the door instead. Kate could hear the shock through Lanie's voice and couldn't stop the blush from entering her cheeks, could feel her whole body fluster when she suddenly remembered the steamy dream she'd woken from.

"Detective Kate Beckett, letting her guard down for once and see where it gets her? A freaking date with a hot and handsome guy she met in a wine cellar!" Lanie shrieked and Kate had to pull away the phone from her ear in order to not go deaf.

"You don't even know what he looks like," she defended herself, as if she was trying to justify her actions.

"Which is why you need to sneak a picture of him when he comes to take you out," her best friend reasoned and Kate groaned. "Hey! No groaning! You haven't gone out on any dates since I met you!"

"Sure I have!" Kate shot back but as she tried to think back the few years she'd known the Latina she wrinkled her nose as she came to the same conclusion. "Anyway, I should probably check in with the precinct before he calls, make sure there's no de..."

"No. Kate. Just no. You have the day off and you have a date. Just call him, or wait for him to call, I don't know, but don't run away." Her best friend's voice was way too determined for her liking but she knew Lanie just wanted what was best for her, and so she let it go.

"Fine," she just said, giving up.

"Promise you won't call the precinct."

Sighing she agreed, "Fine, I promise."

Apparently satisfied with her answer Lanie told her all about her evening with the mysterious Michael, painted her too vivid pictures for her liking but that was who her best friend was. Lanie had never been ashamed at sharing details with her and she sometimes wondered if it was because of her own lack of it. It had taken her a year to tell Lanie about her mother, like really tell her. Of course Lanie had known her mother had been dead almost immediately when they started working together, just like her partners Esposito and Ryan, but she hadn't truly talked about it until a year after Lanie's constant friendship.

Once Lanie had given her a full picture of the whole evening and a few bits of the night, much to Kate's displeasure, with Michael Lanie told her she needed to go get ready for the lunch date she'd planned with her parents. They said their goodbyes and Kate drank the coffee she'd somehow managed to brew and pour during their phone call. As she felt the black beverage glide down her throat she hummed into the emptiness of her apartment. Her thoughts were back to him in no time, wondering if he was still asleep, wondering if he'd dreamt about her, wondering if he really would call. And if so, then when? She glanced at her clock. Time was eleven thirty, the phone call had taken one and a half hour?! How was that even possible?! She never spoke that long, not even with Lanie.

Rolling her eyes she decided to go out for a run, she needed to clear her mind, needed to stop thinking about her dream. She finished her coffee and in the meantime changed her clothes again into her workout clothes. It didn't take her more than ten minutes before she was out her door and on her way down to the street. Putting in her headphones she started the music she usually listened to when running, making sure her phone wasn't on silent before putting it into her pocket and sprinted off.

Kate had run about three quarters of her usual run when her music suddenly stopped and her ringtone went through. Slowing down she looked around the park and took a few deep, calming breaths before answering.


There was a small silence and she tried to keep her breathing in control. "Kate? It's Rick, from last night," his voice flowed through the phone and she immediately felt an electricity shot down her body.

"Hey, Rick! Sorry, I thought it was dispatch," she half explained as she tried to stop breathing so hard. This was the guy behind the reason for her run.

"Oh! No worries, but-ah..." his voice died out and she found a tree to lean her back into. She would've run her fingers through her hair if it wasn't for the pigtail she'd pulled it back into before the run. "Did I call at a bad time?" he asked with a small discomfort in his tone and she furrowed her eyebrows. What was he talk... oh!

"No! No, not at all! Running, Rick, I'm running," she said with a small chuckle, feeling her breathing pick up in time with the blush forming on her cheeks.

Looking around she was praying the few people in the park wouldn't look her way, she had a feeling she was almost as red as a tomato.

"Oh," he chuckled too, his tone definitely showing relief, and she bit her lower lip. He'd thought she was with someone. "Anyway, I'm calling to see if-uh, if you're still in... on that-uh, date we talked about?"

Wow, he was nervous! So was she, she realized as her heart started to flutter.

"Yeah, definitely! I-ah, when did you have in mind?" She bit her lip, and pushed away from the tree, she needed to move. It would probably be inappropriate to sprint into a run, she'd breathe too hard again, so she simply decided to be content with walking, for now. Keeping her mind occupied with putting one foot in front of the other without stumbling. His voice rumbled through her headphones again and she had to duck down her eyes in order to make sure she didn't misstep on a bump in the ground somewhere.

"I was thinking five? I can come and pick you up," he suggested and she ran her hand over her opposite arm to try and control her goosebumps.

"Yeah, that would be great," she agreed, setting steps towards her apartment again.

"Do you have any particular craving today?" he asked and she tried to think about it.

After a few seconds of silence she opened her mouth again, "No, not really. But Rick?"


"Nothing fancy, please," she bit the inner of her cheeks, hoping he wouldn't judge her for it.

"Of course," he said with an understanding tone. "I already have a place in mind I think you're going to love if you don't already."

She narrowed her eyes at the traffic lights as she waited for the green to light up to cross the road. "Where?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out," he teased and she couldn't help but groan. He chuckled in her ears and she couldn't help but think it was the most wonderful thing she'd heard in a long time. "Pick you up at five, until then detective."

His voice was teasing and sending shudders down her back as she finally got to the other side of the road, almost at her building now. He'd hung up before she could say anything back and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. She so badly wanted to tease him back, but she had troubles thinking she would come up with anything good in the condition she was in. His voice had led her mind right back into that dream of hers, when his lips had kissed and nipped her skin in places she'd rather never say aloud. Gosh, she was getting herself hot again. Sprinting off she ran the last distance to her building, deciding she would take a cold shower the second she was back to her apartment. It would be an interesting evening.


When Rick came to pick her up she'd been running around her apartment trying to stop the nerves from jumping everywhere. She'd put on makeup and had early decided to let her hair fall down over her shoulders, she'd picked out a dress and then regretted her decision only to pick out jeans and then glance back at the dress. She had said nothing fancy... and she really didn't like having dresses... so, after an inner fight with herself she'd gone with the jeans and a black three-quarter-arm shirt that hugged her upper body. The shirt's neck was one of those low ones that showed off her bare shoulders and collarbone, the only thing interrupting the naked skin was the black bra bands. There was no way she went without a bra. Even if a small part of her mind kept yelling she would've loved to see the reaction in his blues when he'd realize she didn't wear any. Another time, she told herself on a breath. Maybe.

"Wow, you look... gorgeous," he'd breathed out the second she'd opened the door and she'd immediately flustered, hadn't been prepared to hear him compliment her.

"We should go," she'd mumbled shyly and he'd offered his arm the second she was done locking the door.

The second they'd gotten to the hamburger place she'd laid widened eyes on him and seen him squirm, his free hand had gone into his hair and, god, she'd wished she could run her fingers through it. Before he could say something about them going someplace else she'd told him that Remy's was her favorite place, and his eyes had turned as wide as hers. Because even he had a hard time believing he'd been able to pick the right place just like that. He'd made a small declaration how it must be fate pulling them closer together and she'd rolled her eyes. She didn't believe in fate.

"So, what do you think?" Rick interrupted her thoughts as she bit into her double cheeseburger. Yes, she was hungry, deal with it.

"What do I think about what?" she asked as soon as she'd swallowed, holding her hand in front of her mouth to keep his eyes away from her chewing.

"About the burger," he said with an innocent look and she shook her head, amused.

He was trying to act like she'd never been to the place before. "It's okay I guess," she played along and looked at the burger with uncertainty. That was until she heard him chuckle and her lips pulled up in a big smile. "It's amazing, like always," she grinned and so did he.

She had no idea why but it felt so easy with him. There were no strings pulling her back, no walls leaving him on the other side of her, it was as if he'd found a door without even trying. They continued to eat their burgers while they chatted a bit. Kate almost dropped her burger when it occurred to her who he really was, and Rick looked afraid she'd up and leave. But she didn't, wouldn't. He was her mother's favorite author. Or, had been. Kate had read a few of his books, all of them, and he teased her for not recognizing him. Actually teased her for being a fan. Well, until she told him, then his mocking grin turned down with a sorrow.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

She shook her head. He hadn't known. "It's okay. You've met her, you know." He looked up at her with an interest out of this world. It's the same look he'd given her the whole evening.

"I have?"

She hummed as she nodded her head, putting another fry in her milkshake before eating it. "She went to one of your book signings. But I don't expect you to remember her," she said and she could see him bite his lip.

"I don't remember half of the faces asking for my autograph," he said and she tried to smile reassuringly to him. "Don't remember many of the breasts either," he added and she laughed. She didn't know why, but it made her laugh.

"I'm sure you don't," she teased and she could see the relief in his blues, wondered if he'd hoped for her to smile again.

They changed topic again, this time it was his turn to ask her a bunch of cop-related questions. Apparently he found crime very fascinating, said he loved figuring out the story. When she'd given him a questioning gaze he'd explained.

"Why kill those people? Why kill at all? What drives someone to kill? What's the story behind the kill? Stuff like that."

She wrinkled her forehead in thought. She hadn't thought of it that way, at least not really. Without any warning he reached out and snatched a fry from her plate and she yelled out. "Hey! Don't touch my fries!"

He chuckled while putting the fry in his mouth and she shot daggers through her eyes. She wasn't really mad but she did not appreciate getting her fries stolen by anyone. Not even his sexy ass.

"You wanna know what drives someone to kill?" she questioned with the glare stuck on him and he started laughing.

"Okay, bad idea," he gave in, holding up his hands in retreat.

She gave him a nod before she ate the last on her plate. When she was done she looked up at him and noticed his blues stuck on her. Suddenly very self conscious she felt her cheeks blush as she asked him, "What?"

"Nothing," he cleared his throat but she could see the small pinkish color flow onto his cheeks. "So, how come you did end up in that wine cellar last night?" he asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I told you, I was ready for a night in, didn't even want to go to the party," she told him, taking a sip from her milkshake. "I was looking for a quiet place, and the wine cellar was the only spot I found."

He drank the last of his milkshake and nodded at her explanation, he could see that. "It is the only place in that damn house that's quiet during parties," he said and she gave him a questioning look. "I-ah, tend to seek out the quiet whenever someone starts to recognize me," he explained and she 'oh'ed.

"You don't like the fame?" she asked and he narrowed his blues in thought.

"It's..." he sighed, deep in thought. "It's not the fame per say, it's more the 'everyone thinks they know me'-attitude I often get. As if... just because they've read everything said about me in the papers they think they know me." He explained and she nodded. She could see that.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence she found him looking at her again, a twinkle in those deep blues that she couldn't really grasp the meaning of. She tilted her head in question and he shook his head, trying to downplay his eyes being glued to her but she wouldn't give this time. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

She observed as his cheeks turned a bit more red than earlier, feeling her own heat at the thought of finding it adorable when he blushed, and he met her eyes before he opened his mouth. Her breath hitched when his blues looked so deeply into hers, as if he could see right into her.

"You're beautiful," he said, as if that explained everything, and she felt her cheeks turn hotter. "And you're adorable when you blush," he added and she couldn't help but hide her face in her hands at that. What was going on? How could he make her flush like this?

"Stop," she groaned and he chuckled. She spread her fingers in order to peek at him, his lips pulled up in a smile and suddenly she was having flashbacks to the night before. When his lips had claimed hers and she hadn't hesitated to kiss him back.

"You checking me out, detective?" he repeated the same words from yesterday, only this time he got her title correct, and his voice was a teasing one.

This time she decided to be teasing back, dropping her hands from her face she looked him up and down in a very obvious matter, clicking her tongue. "Maybe."

She saw his body tense as he straightened in his seat and she couldn't stop the laugh from escaping her lips.

"You want desert?" the topic change had her raising one of her eyebrows but he smirked at her with a flicker of his eyes looking down at her body. She immediately bit her lip to keep in the moan his heated gaze sent down her body. Fuck him. It was supposed to be meant as a curse, but once the thought was out in her mind she couldn't help but think more at the poor choice of the curse-word. Her dream came back to her in a flash, this wasn't helping!

"I don't think I have anything at home," she choked out, clearing her throat to try and gather her thoughts.

"We could always stop at a store on the way," he shrugged his shoulders and she wondered if he really was as calm as he appeared to be or if it was all a charade.

After biting through her lip, feeling the small taste of iron in her mouth, she let go of a breath and agreed. They stood up simultaneously and before she could refuse he put money on the table and grabbed her hand to pull her with him out of the restaurant. His hand sent a heat to her core she wasn't prepared for, and she wondered if he could feel it too or if it was just her. She noticed a constant battle in him though, one second he was as close to her as he could while they strode down the street, the next he was pulling away as if he couldn't stand to be close to her. Every step they took she could feel her excitement increasing, her heart beating in anticipation, and her mind kept racing back to that dream.

"You never did answer my question," he suddenly said and she looked at him to see his blues darken when they met with her hazels.

"Which question?" she asked, biting her lip again, the small sting telling her she shouldn't keep this up if she wanted to keep her lip from bleeding more.

His thumb started thoughtlessly trail the back of her hand and she wondered if he was doing it on purpose or if it was as mindless as it felt. However innocent, it was sending strange, arousing, strings of static through her skin and into her veins. "The one about your hottest, sexual fantasy," his voice was low and sultry and, god, his eyebrow was lifting in a very suggestive move at the same time as his eyes flickered down to her lips. She swallowed hard, tried not to choke on her own arousal filling her body. How was she supposed to survive this? How was he able to turn her on so furiously with so few words? Kate knew she had never felt like this before, so why now? Why him?



Like I said in the beginning, there will be three parts whereof the second part is M-rated while the third is just slightly M. You decide yourself if you want to keep going or not. And I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to leave a comment/review, I thank you all beforehand. Until next time, xxxx

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