Love Bites & Bullet Holes

By NaughtyPlease

9.4K 664 789

It was supposed to be a simple hit. In and out, kill everything that moves, and leave no survivors. A quiet... More

The Beginning of The End
Drowning in Sorrow
21 Questions and Counting
One Step Forward...
...Two Steps Back
House Call
Midnight Snack
Feverish Memories
Plans In Motion
Runaway Mouse
Out of the Frying Pan
Authors Note
The Devil You Know...
Author's Note
The Devil You Don't
Dark Side of the Sun

Into the Fire

453 34 81
By NaughtyPlease

"...Are you planning to sulk all day?" I looked over at the dark haired male in the driver seat and barely held back a scoff. Of course, I was. I was just dragged out of school and then rushed off into a car without much in the ways of explanation. It was bad enough I was always escorted to and from school and had to decline most invites to hang out afterward, now I was also being excused because my dad, 'said so'? Shaking my head, I crossed my arms and looked away from my brother. My eyes stared out at the city blurring by, and I wondered if there would ever be a day when I could explore it uninhibited and even go beyond its boundaries with reckless freedom... "Stop." I jerked back to attention and turned to give my brother a confused look. "Stop what?" I asked in irritation. "Stop thinking like that." He pressed, taking a brief moment to turn green eyes, the same shade as mine, towards me. I instantly flushed angry and embarrassed that I apparently didn't even have privacy with my own thoughts.

"First of all, it's none of your damn business what I think about, and second, how could you claim to know what I was thinking?" I replied defensively, glaring at the older male. He tossed me a smirk before turning his eyes back to the road. "Because I know you. Plus, your expressions speak volumes," he explained, taking a turn and starting on a more quieter stretch of road. My eyes rounded in surprise and I blinked over at him, stunned. "...My expression? How the hell did you even see it? I was turned-" He cut me off before I could finish and pointed to the car door on my side. "Glass." My mouth made an 'o' shape as understanding dawned and he simply chuckled at me. "Listen, I get it, but you're only fourteen. The world is supposed to suck at that age, but you'll understand dad and me better when you're older," he reassured me. I knew he meant well, heart couldn't believe him. I don't think I would ever grow out of the feeling of wanting to be free...

~ ~ ~

I jolted awake with a gasp, my heart pounding and my body trembling. I didn't immediately understand my body's response until the memories of my current predicament came flooding back. Immediately after being pulled from the car, I remember the man lifting his gun and then a sharp pain in my head before I fell to the ground and everything went dark. Now, everything was still dark from the blindfold over my eyes and my hands were tied behind my back, creating a painful pressure in my shoulders. I started breathing hard, the urge to scream tickling my throat, but the thick material wedged between my lips and knotted at the base of my scalp made that impossible. A pathetic whimper escaped and my body jerked once more, courtesy of the moving vehicle I was in. I didn't exactly know what to do or think at this point. It was almost like my mind was ready to shut down and give in. Far too much happening much too fast. At first I had thought they were Gavriil's men, but something about the way they had been arguing and their voices free of a Russian accent...I just wasn't so sure anymore.

I tried shifting around as much as I could, but all I met was empty space. Was I maybe in a truck? But more importantly, where was I going and how was I going to get myself out of this one?

* * *

I had no idea how much time had past but I knew it had to be hours. The constant throbbing in my head made it hard to stay awake, sleep taking me every now and then. But I almost preferred the oblivion sleep offered. Awake, I was forced to deal with the knowledge that my freedom was once again taken from me and I was being brought to God knows where unable to do a thing about it. I'd pushed my injured body way past its limits escaping Gavriil, that I knew I couldn't run if given the chance. And with my mouth gagged as it was, I couldn't scream either, could barely fight back if the situation called for it...The hopeless feeling that wrapped arms around me like the embrace of a toxic lover was both devastating and humiliating. My mind wondered towards my earlier dream that I was sure had to have been a memory, and if that was the case...I had a brother. I would have chuckled if I could. What good did knowing that do for me now? As far as things seemed, I probably wouldn't be alive for much longer...

The jerking sensation of movement ceased and my heart along with it. Sweat beaded on my forehead as my breathing accelerated and I shifted restlessly. We were stopped far too long for it to be a red light. The distinct low murmur of multiple voices sounded outside the vehicle and I could almost feel them getting closer and closer. The sound of my heartbeat began to drown out the sound of my captives and I could tell I was on the verge of hyperventilating. I starting pulling and tugging at the coarse rope that bound my arms, wincing every time it bit harshly into the tender skin of my wrist. This was useless since I knew they'd probably have actual weapons, but I couldn't stand it. I didn't want to be this vulnerable when that door was pulled open.

I ran out of time. The grating squeak of the door opening was almost deafening in the quiet, causing me to flinch. My shoulders shooting upwards and my head ducking down on reflex. I knew now that I was definitely in a truck when I felt it sway from the sudden weight of someone jumping up into it. Another person joined and then they were stomping towards me.

* * *

Gavriil was beyond livid. Fire crackled through his veins and a storm brewed in his hard eyes. Fire and ice both blazing together for a common desire. Blood. He wanted the blood of that damn mole dripping from his hands like water when he was done. Throwing the front door of the mansion open, he stormed in and tossed his overcoat at a passing staff member. His purposeful strides took him to the main living room and before his gathered men. Only members of the Elite group were present, Ivan trailing in behind him and plopping down as far from Vitaly as possible. He didn't have time to acknowledge their childish antics as he let his gaze roll over the three men in charge of keeping his organization running seamlessly. The three men that had screwed up royally and allowed a mole to not only fuck him over once but twice now. Three men whose coffins he would happily frigging carve himself if they pushed him just an inch more to the edge. When he selected them for their positions -Vitaly, his bookmaker, and head of the Support group. Ivan, his councilor and head of the Security group. Mikhail, his top brigadier- he did so under the impression that they had more than a combined IQ of three.

So how was it that he was standing in front of them, a steady tick in his jaw and a restless twitch in his finger? "How?" The calmly uttered word broke through the silence like the crack of a whip and his men snapped to attention, all eyes on him and all frames tight with tension. No one answered and Gavriil's eyes fluttered closed as he rolled his shoulders back and gently rolled his head. A weak attempt at relieving the tightness in his neck. He could feel tension plucking at his muscles and creating little knots.

He didn't have time for this, Cecilia- a frown pulled at his lips as his brow furrowed. No, the mole, the mole was what was important right now. Getting Cecilia back was in no way his main priority. The tick in his jaw increased and his eyes flew open, rage flicking in their depths. Turning swiftly he bent towards the glass coffee table, with its trim of gold and crystal legs, and scooped up the crystal vase with its elaborate flower arrangement that served as the table's centrepiece. In one smooth motion, he sailed it across the room in their direction, watching it smash against the wall and shatter. Raining down over the white leather sectional like a million little stars. Vitaly and Mikhail remained seated but flinched as the shards fell over them, even though Ivan was the one who got the worst of it and didn't so much as blink.

"If you're waiting for me to repeat myself, gentlemen, my gun will be doing that for me," he stated, pulling one out of the holster and palming it casually. Mikhail, a muscular man standing at around six feet with cropped brunette locks and hard brown eyes, spoke up first. "I can't say this with certainty Boss, but someone definitely had to have turned him after he was already a *Vor. I vetted him myself. He was a part of my brigade before he moved up to security under Ivan." All this was rumbled out in thick English, his tone and mannerisms matching his rugged features. Ivan turned slight, raising a brow at him. "What the fuck Mika? Why does it sound like you're throwing me under the bus?" he grumbled, trying to keep his voice low so only him and the other male could hear. Mikhail made a sound resembling a grunt, narrowing his gaze slightly. "If you're under any bus, it's cause you crawled there on your own." He snapped back.

Ivan rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Gavriil. "I wasn't sure, but I had an idea he was the mole after our meeting earlier. His behavior has been off for a while now but I couldn't be sure so..." he cleared his throat, his gaze briefly falling away from Gavriil's. "I intentionally included him with four of my top guys tonight. I expected him to make a move and reveal himself, but I didn't anticipate him succeeding in letting her get away...So that's on me Boss." he explained. A condescending scoff sounded and he peered past Mikhail to shot a glare at Vitaly. The cocky little fuck had a smirk on his face and he could just see the judgment in his eyes. "Well as much is to be expected. You're just a boy running around with 'daddy's' gun. I'm only surprised you haven't gotten us all killed already." he spat, disgust layered is his snide tone. Springing out of his seat, Ivan was in front of Vitaly in seconds. His fist raised and ready to rain down on the male. "Po'shyol 'na hui, Mu'dak!(Fuck you, Asshole!) You fucking cock sucker!" he shouted, launching his fist forward. Vitaly blocked the hit and lifted his leg, planting his foot firmly in Ivan's stomach and kicking outward. Ivan went skidding back a few steps, his teeth gritted from the sudden blossom of pain.

Vitaly chuckled and popped to his feet. "Cock sucker? I think you have me mistaken for you, ulichnaya shlyukha. (street whore)."

"VITALY!" Gavriil barked, his expression resembling that of a storm cloud. The thin dark-haired Russian jerked at the voice of his Pakan and his gaze swung in that direction, briefly off Ivan. The blond didn't wait. He stepped forward and stroke out with his fist, catching Vitaly in the jaw. The bookmakers head whipped to the side as blood immediately filled his mouth. Not even a full second passed before he was sailing his own fist towards Ivan. Gavriil stared at the two as they traded blows, his eyes narrowing more and more until they were mere slits, his lashes obscuring his irises gone dark with rage. In one moment of insanity, he fully contemplated shooting the both of them down like rabid dogs. This was blatant disrespect, and it was also a waste of time. While they were scraping like starving mongrels, a goddamn mole was running about like free-range fucking chicken, spreading his business God knows where! And it didn't help that Cecilia was out there too and they didn't have eyes on her. It wasn't that he cared about her. Not a fucking bit He thought sharply. But if she went to the police that would be one more mess he'd have to clean up and the last time he checked, his occupation wasn't a janitor.

He shifted, intent on putting an end to this when the sound of something whistling through the air tugged him to a stop. It sailed past his face so closely that he felt the breeze it created stir a few strands of hair. A yell of pain sounded from Vitaly, whose hand was raised to slam down on Ivan's face. He doubled over, cradling the now bleeding hand to his chest. "Oops. It seems like my hand slipped." A smooth voice murmured, clear amusement in the words as everyone turned to eye the newcomer. Gavriil sighed and slipped his hands in the pocket of his slacks. "You're late."

* Vor : made-man, thief.

- - - - - -


Hello, lovelies~ ! This chapter was a bit slow/somber, but I'm just laying the foundation for the drama about to unfold *smirks* so bare with me!

Psst!  I may or may not do another upload soon, so keep a look out! <3

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