Warriors: The Prophecy (Book...

By Labeester

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The life of adventure: becoming a Warrior! But something dark is hiding in the shadows, haunting four cats wh... More

Prologue: The Howl
Chapter One: A First Glimpse
Chapter Three: Trust
Chapter Four: ShadowClan
Chapter Five: The Third Cat
Chapter Six: Betrayal
Chapter Seven: Grieving
Chapter Eight: The Barn
Chapter Nine: Hatred
Chapter Ten: Mothpaw
Chapter Eleven: My Destiny
Chapter Twelve: The Darkness
Chapter Thirteen: Whiteberry
Chapter Fourteen: DarkClan
Updated Allegiances
Chapter Fifteen: The Fourth Cat
Chapter Sixteen: The Beginning
Chapter Seventeen: ThunderClan
Chapter Eighteen: Morningkit and Graykit
Chapter Nineteen: Nine Lives
Chapter Twenty: My Deputy

Chapter Two: Training

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By Labeester


"No! No! No!" Silverhawk growled, baring his teeth in anger. "Claws sheathed! All you do is land a blow on their head and trip them!"

I sighed. "I'm sorry!" It was sort of a wail rather than a mew.

"Sorry?" Silverhawk repeated. "Sorry isn't good enough!" The tom lashed out, landing a blow on my shoulder.

I stumbled back at the hit, my shoulder stinging. StarClan cats can't really be like this! I thought my eyes wide.

"Do it again!" he growled, pacing the large clearing.

Sighing, I got up on my back paws and lashed out a plant, the tops of it coming off, then I lashed out at the bottom of it, cutting it out of the ground permanently.

"That's much better." Silverhawk's eyes shone with horror, like the praise was killing him inside.

"No! Stay away!" A light brown tabby bursted into the clearing, his eyes wild. He was a little smaller than me, he looked funny too, but I couldn't put my paw on how.

"Stop moving!" a sharp voice followed and a she-cat entered after.

My heart lurched. Mapleshade! "W-whats going on?" I asked, looking at Silverhawk.

"She's gonna kill me!" The younger tom stood behind me, terror in his green eyes.

I looked at Mapleshade, snarling. "Stay back, y-you rabbit-brain!"

Her tail lashed. "Move, Russetkit. I wouldn't want to hurt you." Her eyes glowed with pure hatred. She didn't move, giving me a second to get out of the way. But I stood where I was, teeth bared.

"Over my dead body." I rose to my hind paws, lashing out at her, I followed the motions Silverhawk taught me just a few moments before. I hit my paw on top of Mapleshade's head, where she froze up, surprised. Then I went down to four paws and easily tripped the she-cat and pinned her down, my eyes glaring down into hers.

"Y-you..." Her eyes were wide with surprise.

"Not such an apprentice anymore, am I?" I hissed in her ear and stood up, turning to the other tom. "Close your eyes," I commanded and he did. I turned to Silverhawk. "I'll see you tomorrow night, same time and always... Same place." I huffed and closed my eyes as well.


My heart beated slowed as I carefully placed my shoulder on the ground, letting Hawkheart look at it.

"So how did you get this again?" the medicine cat asked, not looking at me.

"I told you: A thorn. I already picked it out and buried it though. So no use looking." I rolled my eyes, as if he were dumb but I knew that wasn't the case. He suspected me and this didn't help.

"That must have been a pretty big thorn..." Hawkheart mumbled putting cobwebs on it.

"How's Russetkit's shoulder?" my father's deep voice was behind me, showing no emotion.

"He'll live," he replied. "He can do what he wants, just no chasing rabbits." He walked away.

"Heatherstar wants to see you," Redclaw mewed. "So follow me." He turned away and I followed him.

Redclaw pushed his way into the den, Heatherstar sat silently as she watched us.

"Look," I began, "if this is about the thorn I didn't know it was in my nest and I already got rid of it and-"

She cut me off with a simple flick of her tail. "I don't care about the thorn, Russetkit. I wanted to tell you that your apprentice ceremony will be tomorrow at dawn. So be ready." She was completely calm, a grin on her face.

"O-oh..." My eyes were wide. "What about Cinderkit and Dawnkit?" I asked.

"I already spoke with them. Shrewpaw is going to be made a warrior and you three will be made apprentices. Redclaw talked to me a few moments ago about it." She nodded at my father.

I squealed with delight and then frozen when Redclaw was glaring down at me. "I mean: Yes, Heatherstar." I dipped my head respectfully at her and exited the den.

"So you're becoming an apprentice?" Littlekit spat, glaring at me.

"Yes I am," I replied. "So you'd better start respecting me." I flicked my tail and walked away happily.

"Let all those who can chase a rabbit join here beneath the Tallrock for a Clan meeting!" Heatherstar yowled.

I paced the nursery, my fur groomed from Cloudpool's excellent licking skills.

"It's time." Redclaw appeared at the entrance of the nursery, leading Cloudpool out leaving Dawnkit, Cinderkit and I to follow behind.

"Shrewpaw, step forward!" Heatherstar said, watching Shrewpaw step forward, her eyes shining.

"I, Heatherstar, leader of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn," Heatherstar mewed, a smile on her face. "Shrewpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do," Shrewpaw purred loudly.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Shrewpaw, from this moment you will be known as Shrewclaw. StarClan honors your strength and fighting skills, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan." Heatherstar rested her muzzle on Shrewclaw's head.

She licked the leader's shoulder and then stepped back, facing the Clan with her new name.

I stood there and watched, realizing everyone was cheering now, I joined in too. "Shrewclaw! Shrewclaw!" I called.

Shrewclaw sat beside me and everyone fell silent when Heatherstar began to speak. "She will hold vigil tonight and watch the camp while we sleep... Russetkit, Dawnkit, Cinderkit, step forward."

I walked forward, my sisters following with the same excitement I had.

"Cinderkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Cinderpaw. Your mentor will be Shrewclaw. I hope Shrewclaw will pass down all she knows on to you." She nodded at Shrewclaw who stepped forward.

"Shrewclaw, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Redclaw, and you have shown yourself to be strong and well skilled. You will be the mentor of Cinderpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her."

Cinderpaw touched noses with her mentor and then the padded away.

"Russetkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Russetpaw. Your mentor will be Reedfeather. I hope Reedfeather will pass down all he knows on to you," Heatherstar announced, flicking her tail at Reedfeather who bounced forward.

"Reedfeather, you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have received excellent training from Whiteberry, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and honest. You will be the mentor of Russetpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him."

I reached forward, touching my nose to the deputy's. Then we sat down next to Cinderpaw and Shrewclaw.

Hawkheart walked to the front of the Clan, his eyes focusing on Dawnkit. "Cats of WindClan, as you know, I will not be around forever. So it's time I took an apprentice. I have chosen a cat that has shown spirit and wisdom. Your next medicine cat will be Dawnkit!"

"Dawnkit, do you accept the post of apprentice to be a medicine cat?" Heatherstar asked.

"I do!" Dawnkit squealed, her voice full of happiness.

"Then at the half-moon, you must travel to the Moonstone to be accepted by StarClan before the other medicine cats," Hawkheart purred. "And here before StarClan I name you Dawnpaw. A medicine cat apprentice!"

"The good wishes of all WindClan will go with you," Heatherstar mewed.

Dawnpaw touched her nose to Hawkheart's and they walked into the crowd.

"Dawnpaw! Russetpaw! Cinderpaw!" the Clan called.

I held my head high, proud of myself. But something made me uneasy. What would Silverhawk say?

"Take a deep breath and make sure you know where your prey is."


It had been a whole moon since I got my apprentice name. Not one visit from Silverhawk or any StarClan cat. I was training with Reedfeather, my shoulder all healed up. Tonight was a Gathering, and I might get to go as long as I was good.

I nodded and smelled the air, catching a scent, but it wasn't prey, it was ThunderClan!

"ThunderClan, incoming," I growled, bristling.

Reedfeather scented the air and walked up to the border as a sandy-gray tom leading a gray she-cat, bright ginger tom, and a mottled brown tabby tom.

"Greetings, Sunfall," Reedfeather called, his voice calm.

Sunfall's head turned and looked at Reedfeather with surprise. "Hello Reedfeather. Everything alright in WindClan?"

"Couldn't be better," my mentor replied, leaning down to me ear he mewed, "Sunfall is ThunderClan's deputy. Then sandy-gray one is Thrushpelt, the blueish-gray one is Bluefur and the scary looking one is Adderfang."

"Thank you for introducing us to your apprentice, Reedfeather," Thrushpelt said, his tail flicking.

Adderfang's eyes rolled. "Why're you on the border?" he asked, eyes narrowing.

"The same reason you are, Adderfang." Reedfeather's voice turned cold.

"No you're not!" Bluefur spoke up, her teeth bared. "You're planning an attack!"

I glanced at Sunfall. He was ThunderClan's deputy, why wasn't he doing anything!?

"What? With two cats? Are you mouse-brained?" Reedfeather growled.

"Well, they could try to attack us," Sunfall commented his voice calm and his eyes lit up with anger. "But ThunderClan will be victorious."

Reedfeather chuckled. "We would succeed. ThunderClan is weak, it's obvious from how skinny you are," Reedfeather mewed back in a hostile voice.

"If we're so weak, why don't you come over here and prove it to us!" Adderfang hissed.

"Yes, please do," Bluefur agreed with a nod from Thrushpelt.

Sunfall stayed silent, but his tail lashed.

Reedfeather glanced at me, but I was too focused on the ThunderClan cats. "Let's go!" he hissed and he took a few steps back, turning around with me following after.

"WindClan cats are weak! They can't take a threat or attack us!" I heard Adderfang shout.

I snarled and whipped around, racing for the border that separated ThunderClan's territory from WindClan's. I jumped off the edge and landed on top of Adderfang, ripping at his ears, ignoring Reedfeather's panicked shouts.

Adderfang screamed and I felt teeth on my tail. I kicked out, hitting someone's face. I held my breath and flipped backwards, landing in front of the ThunderClan cats. I lashed out at their eyes, hitting Sunfall's muzzle while I tripped Bluefur and bit deep into her side. She screamed and raced away and I was tackled by Adderfang, who pinned me to the ground.

I froze and then went limp, Adderfang's grip loosened just a little and then I shoved him backwards into a large pool of water. Thrushpelt darted towards me while Sunfall jumped in after him.

I slipped to the side and Thrushpelt ran into a tree. I lashed out at his head and felt blood, then Thrushpelt was running for ThunderClan camp.

Sunfall was climbing out of the large pool of water, Adderfang following.

The ThunderClan deputy turned to me. "I will remember you. And next time I see you, I will rip your throat out," he growled and then walked away, Adderfang limping after him.

"That was amazing, Russetpaw." Reedfeather had crossed the border and was standing in front of me.

I shifted my paws. "But...?"

"But it was wrong and you out of all cats know that." He sighed. "I'll have to tell Heatherstar about this..." he mumbled. "Come on; let's get out of here before they bring more warriors." He jumped across the border again and I followed him, walking back to camp.

Reedfeather and I entered camp, everyone turning and looking at us, probably because I was covered in blood.

"We heard screams, is everyone alright?" Heatherstar was standing in the clearing, eyeing me.

"ThunderClan threatened us, and so Russetpaw taught them a lesson. Although it was brave, he broke the warrior code. I've brought him to you for punishment." The WindClan deputy looked at Heatherstar calmly.

"Doesn't look like he has a scratch on him..." she mumbled.

"Russetpaw! My poor kit!" Cloudpool darted forward, licking me.

"Stop it!" I growled, shaking her off.

"Russetpaw, I have your punishment," Heatherstar mewed. "You are going to the Gathering tonight."

"How is that a punishment? "Redclaw growled, weaving his way in-between warriors.

"It is because it's going to be freezing tonight. And Russetpaw isn't what you'd call fluffy. He'll freeze, just like the rest of us." Heatherstar glanced at me with her blue eyes. "And that is what I call a punishment."

"So, the other cats that goto the Gathering are being punished as well?" Redclaw asked.

"No. For them it is an honor. But for this 'paw, it's a privilege he's lucky to have. Speaking of the Gathering, Reedfeather, you choose who you want to go." She turned to my father. "I want to see you in my den, now." The two walked to the leaders den.

"Shrewclaw, Whiteberry, Tallpaw, Russetpaw, Hawkheart, Dawnpaw, and Cinderpaw will be going to the Gathering tonight." Reedfeather's eyes landed on Dawnstripe. "We have to keep the camp guarded, just in case ThunderClan decide to attack." The deputy walked away, entering the warriors den.

"Congratulations," Dawnpaw's soft and sweet voice was coming from behind me. "You get to goto the Gathering." I turned around as she continued, "I'm happy for you, I really am..." She walked away quickly.

My tail flicking I stood alone in the clearing, feeling guilty.


The moon was high in the sky, shining down brightly on the WindClan cats as they raced across the moorlands, hoping to make the Gathering in time.

"I'm so excited!" I heard Cinderpaw squeal to Shrewclaw.

Reedfeather fell in step beside me. "I know Heatherstar said this was a punishment, but try to get along with the ThunderClan cats, okay?"

I nodded. "And what about the ShadowClan cats?" I asked, looking at him.

"What do you mean?" Reedfeather's eyes showed confusion as well as hope.

"I hear they're really mean and hostile... Can I talk to them?" We slowed down to a walk as we came near Fourtrees.

"You can talk to whoever you want. But don't forget about the truce," Reedfeather replied, racing forward to stand next to Heatherstar.

I pushed my way to the front. RiverClan and ShadowClan were the only ones there. I looked down into the clearing; it was swarming with cats from different Clans.

"Let's go!" I heard Heatherstar hiss then plunge into the clearing, followed by Reedfeather and I and the rest of WindClan.

My eyes searched the clearing for the familiar gray tom.

"Hi!" A she-cat's voice made me turn around, heart pumping.

A dark-gray-and-white she-cat stood in front of me. "Hello..." I said uneasily. She was definitely ShadowClan.

"I'm Hollypaw," she mewed, poofing out her fur. "Who're you?"

"I'm Russetpaw. Are you a newly made apprentice?" I asked, not remembering her face from any of the ShadowClan patrols.

She laughed. "No. I should be made a warrior anytime now. You've been apprenticed for.." She thought for a moment. "At least a moon."

"How did you know?" I asked in surprise.

"I've been doing that for like five or six moons, I know how old every cat here is," she purred with a smirk.

I nodded. "Have you seen a gray tom, possibly ThunderClan?" I asked, looking around, noticing ThunderClan arriving.

"Who?" Hollypaw blinked at me. "Is he kind of scary looking, messy pelt too?"

My eyes flicked to her. "Yes. How'd you know?"

"I train with him in-I mean I see him... A lot. On patrols and stuff. We're pretty close..." She shifted her paws.

"Were you going to say you train with him?" I was quite puzzled at that.

"In StarClan.." she mumbled.

I turned around, my mind spinning as I stumbled through the cats of all the Clans. Hollypaw was being trained by StarClan, too?

"Russetpaw?" A familiar voice was near me, and I looked around, spotting the source.

"You're that gray tom I saw!" I said. "I found you! I knew you were a real cat!" I smirked at myself.

"I'm Thistleclaw, yes." His voice came out as a whisper.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked, my head tilted.

His tail lashed. "I don't want cats to hear us talking!" he growled and his head snapped up. "And that's why you never make noises when you're hunting."

"Teaching a WindClan apprentice about hunting?" Reedfeather's calm and deep voice was behind me. I suddenly understood Thistleclaw's random topic change.

"Yes sir." He dipped his head to the WindClan deputy in respect.

"You do know of the current war between WindClan and ThunderClan, right?" Reedfeather's ear twitched.

"This is a time of peace, Reedfeather," the gray tom replied. "Let's not start a fight."

"Of course.. Follow me, Russetpaw," my mentor ordered and turned around, walked over to where Whiteberry, a gray tabby tom, a pale orange tom, and a small ginger tabby she-cat sat talking.

"Oh, look what Reedfeather brought us!" the ginger she-cat purred.

Reedfeather smiled. "Whiteberry, will you watch Russetpaw?"

"Of course! We all will!" She smiled at me.

"Hello Russetpaw," mewed the gray tabby.

I flicked my tail. "Hi, um.." I smelled the air. RiverClan cat. "What's your name?"

"Troutclaw," he replied, flicking his tail toward the pale orange tom. "That's Weedwhisker and that's Littlebird."

"Nice to meet you all," I mewed with a nod towards the other elders.

"This Gathering will begin now!" Heatherstar yowled, jumping up onto the Greatrock.

Hailstar stepped forward, nodding to Heatherstar. "Greetings cats of all Clans!" he yowled. "RiverClan is healthy and strong. We've noticed some twolegs on our territory, but they haven't been affecting us at all. There are plenty of fish. With the arrival of Leaf-bare RiverClan will be ready." He cleared his throat. "Anyways, we have a new apprentice, Crookedpaw!"

"Crookedpaw! Crookedpaw!" the Clans called.

The RiverClan leader stepped back and Cedarstar stepped forward. "ShadowClan's deputy, Stonetooth, has decided to move to the elders den. So Raggedpelt will take his place. Also, ShadowClan is strong and ready to fight any battle." The leader's eyes flickered in the RiverClan direction. "Though we've spotted a few rats on our territory, and a few fish-brains, we-"

A loud yowl cut the leader off and a black-and-silver tabby tom stepped forward with challenging eyes. "Don't think names are going to solve anything at this Gathering, Cedarstar!"

"Rippleclaw," Hailstar's warning mew came from the Greatrock; the leader's eyes were narrow.

"The other Clans deserve to know what happened!" he called. "Even though it was devastating for RiverClan." The tom leaped up on the rock, facing the Clans. "RiverClan went to ShadowClan's camp, all the warriors, queens, and elders with us. We asked Cedarstar for help because the river had flooded the camp, and he said no. Then one of our kits supposedly attacked one of his warriors and they attacked us in return, killing one of our kits."

"Your kit died by being squashed by one of your warriors! We don't murder innocent kits," Cedarstar replied calmly.

Rippleclaw growled and faced the ShadowClan leader. "Stop lying to the Clans! Raggedpelt murdered our kit!"

"What?!" The ShadowClan deputy jumped to his paws. "I did nothing to your kit! ShadowClan only attacked your warriors. And then you stole some of our land!"

"Liar!" Shellheart jumped to his paws and hissed. "You killed our kit and you're too afraid to admit it!"

"Hailstar." Cedarstar's loud voice made the clearing fall silent. "Control your warriors or I will," he mewed.

"Now you're threatening us at a Gathering?" Owlfur hissed.

"Shut your mouths!" Hailstar snapped, his eyes full of anger. "This is a time of sharing and there's a truce."

Silence entered the clearing as Heatherstar said, "Everyone needs to calm down. Hailstar, Cedarstar." She turned to the two leaders. "This is between your Clans, not everyone. Get your warriors under control or don't bring them."

Cedarstar nodded. "You heard her Hailstar. Don't bring your warriors if they're going to have outbursts."

Hailstar growled. "Don't push your luck."

"Heatherstar, please give your report," Pinestar mewed quickly.

She pushed Rippleclaw off the rock and he sat down by a RiverClan cat. Heatherstar looked at the Clans. "WindClan is strong and ready to fight, also. In addition, we have three new apprentices: Russetpaw, Cinderpaw and Dawnpaw!"

"Russetpaw! Dawnpaw! Cinderpaw!" the Clans cheered.

I held my head up high, heart pounding but excitement and pride pulsing through me.

She stepped back and Pinestar stepped forward, his eyes gleamed in sadness. "Hello cats of RiverClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and ThunderClan. As you know I am ThunderClan's leader, which is ending tonight."

When he paused, gasps broke through the clearing.

"I'm leaving ThunderClan.. And I'm going to find my mother." He was shaking in fear. "This will be my last Gathering and my deputy, Sunfall, will take my place as leader."

Sunfall sat still, his body all tensed up, his eyes fixed on his bright ginger paws. He seemed embarrassed.

"Well, everyone have a great night and StarClan be with you," Heatherstar mewed as she jumped off the Greatrock, gathering her Clan with a flick of her tail.

I walked over, amazed at her calmness. Shrewclaw stood beside me, her eyes fixed on the ground.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm just..." She paused. "Lovely." We began to move forward and she walked quickly, letting me follow behind slowly.


As we entered camp, Littlekit and Cherrykit were passed out in the clearing, Dawnstripe and Redclaw whispering a few tail-lengths away.

Heatherstar walked to her den, Reedfeather following behind her. Dawnpaw and Hawkheart walked to the medicine den, talking in low voices. Whiteberry snatched a mouse up and walked to the elders den.

I bounced to the apprentices den and settled down, closing my eyes happily.

"You've done well." Silverhawk appeared in front of me, a smirk on his face.

"No!" I shouted, shaking my head.

"What? You didn't think I would go away that easily, did you?" The tom snickered. "I've been watching you, Russetpaw. And you're doing fine on your own. That battle with ThunderClan, wow, didn't see that coming."

I sat down, my ears pricked with the praise.

"But you need work. I could've made you be able to take out Reedfeather too."

"Why would I want to take out Reedfeather?"

"Think about it. If he's gone Redclaw gets the deputy spot and when that weak Heatherstar dies he'll be made leader and you'll be made deputy. But before that, I have to tell you something very-"

"Enough!" A large dark gray tom entered the clearing, his eyes flashing. "Russetpaw, that is not a StarClan cat! I am the only StarClan cat!"

I blinked, confused. Silverhawk isn't a StarClan cat?

"No! You can't do this Swiftstar! Please, no!" Silverhawk pleaded, looking at the tom.

"He has a better destiny than with you," the leader replied, grabbing me by the scruff and carrying me away.

A few moments later we were in a quiet clearing with cats smiling and running all around us, prey in their jaws. The tom set me down and I looked around.

"This is StarClan?" It was bright and colorful and pretty. Cats were hunting and talking and laughing. It wasn't dark and creepy and scary, it wasn't empty or silent either.

"Yes, it is. I am Swiftstar, leader before Heatherstar. You don't know me, but I've been watching you with Silverhawk. That training isn't real. Neither is he. Silverhawk is pure evil; he was tricking you so you could do bad things. If you want to become leader, do it your way."

"Okay, Swiftstar!" I purred. "I promise I will!"

"I have something to tell you, Russetpaw." Swiftstar was now whispering. "There are three, powerful enough to destroy the upcoming darkness." He suddenly disappeared.

I opened my eyes, now in my nest. My heart pounded. The den was empty; they must have gone out hunting or training.

Exiting the den I looked around, my tail twitching when I realized that Dawnpaw must have been waiting for me.

"What did you do?" she asked, shaking her head at me.

"What do you mean?" My eyes flickered to her and she sighed.

"You aren't the only one with a connection to StarClan, or the Dark Forest. I've known, for a while. And everything that you're doing needs to stop, before someone gets hurt." She turned around and walked away.

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