What She Hides

By daniireadssx

2.3K 169 3

Hey guys I hope you like the story and please comment and vote Anyways the story is about a girl who has had... More

chapter #1
chapter # 2
chapter # 3
chapter #4
chapter #5
chapter # 6
chapter # 7
chapter #8
chapter # 9
chapter # 10
chapter #11
chapter #12
chapter #13
chapter #14
chapter #15
chapter #16
chapter #17
chapter #18
chapter #20
chapter #21
chapter #22
chapter #23
chapter #24
chapter #25
chapter # 26
chapter # 27
chapter # 28
chapter #29
chapter #30
chapter #31
chapter #32
chapter #33
writer's note
chapter #34
chapter #35
chapter #36
new book

chapter #19

60 4 0
By daniireadssx

Seth's pov

I woke up hugging with nikki I remember what happened last night with nikki. My heart kind of stung while thinking about that. I looked over at her and saw that she was still sleeping. God she looks so pretty while sleeping.  I decided to go and d get a coffee since I was bored . I put on some pants and a sweatshirt . When I arrived at the coffee shop I saw someone familiar . But it couldn't be her right . She would never do that . When I entered the coffee shop I saw it . My girlfriend kissing with....... with nick . I went over to them and I was so furious but I had to stay calm . " so this is what you do when I'm busy working my ass of for us . You're out here kissing others . You know I thought better of you "." Well what else do you want me to do your never home and I get bored when alone "." You know what we are over we are threw you can stay with this idiot. But don't come back to me because I never want to see you again in my life "I said . After that I headed back to the hotel . I had to tell nikki what happened.  When I opened the door is heard she was in the shower but she probably thought I wasn't back yet because she was singing and she never sings when people are around but dammm she could sing . After that I heard the water stop and she was in the in there another 15 minutes . When she finally came out she greeted me I greeted back and said she could sing beautiful.  I could see she was starting to blush a little and she became a little shy it was so cute and in her little shy voice she said thank you.  After that I got a text it was from ambrose he asked if we wanted to go get breakfast together . Asked nikki of she wanted to come and she said yes.

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