The Usual: A Jonathan Brandis...

By highflyingmadcap

10.6K 248 41

Absidee Davis. The daughter of 2 drug addicts. The girl who lives in *that* house. The girl who doesn't belon... More

Six (trigger warning).


764 19 3
By highflyingmadcap

The day before Jon's birthday

  "Ben! Stop!" Brittany squealed as her new boyfriend picked her up and threw her in the ocean. Ben laughed and gave an Eskimo kiss to her as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him down in the water with her.
  Jon shook his head and smiled, sipping a Sprite and laying back in his beach chair. "Young love birds," he sighed.
  "Oh come on! At least she's done flirting with Ryan," I laughed, eyeing down Ryan, who was playing a game of beach soccer with Rachael.
  "Why don't we join them?" Jon suggested.
  "Rachael was the star soccer player all through school. Can't you see she's beating Ryan's ass right now?"
  "Alright," he stood up and grabbed a volleyball. "How about this," he served the ball, nearly hitting Ryan.
  Ryan turned around fiercely, smiling. "Ah man, you have no idea what you got yourself into!" he jogged up to the volleyball net. "Let's do this!"
  "Boys!" Rachael called out, leaning her super toned-in shape body against the net. "This wouldn't be fair without a bet."
  "Rachael's right," I smiled. "When Jon and I win, what do we get?"
  "Oh! I think you mean when you guys lose, we, the winners, will get $20," Ryan wrapped his arm around Rachael,  showing off their super toned bodies nonchalantly.
  "Hear that, Abi? We get $20 tonight!" Jon grabbed my hand as he walked to his position.
  "We'll see about that," Brittany smirked as she strutted onto Rachael and Ryan's side and Ben joined ours.
  Jon served the ball and with a few back and forth turns, we ended up scoring.
  "So what? You made one point. Let's see you do it again!" Ryan jumped and served it.
  The game carried on for over an hour, and when it finally ended, our team won with a 10 point lead.
  "Pay up, Ry," Jon stepped up to Ryan, who reluctantly handed Jon three $20 bills.
  "It's pay day, my friends!" Jon handed Ben and I our fair share.
  "Hey, why don't we head inside and wash up before dinner?" Ryan suggested.
  "What? You don't want my stinky sweaty body all over you?" Rachael jumped at him.
  "I'll pass," he laughed, picking up his towel and the volleyball. Him and Rachael headed up to the gate to his backyard, followed by me, Jon, Ben, and Brittany. We all threw our stuff in the mud room and went up to the rooms we were staying in, which were all the same as our previous visit there. Jon showered first as I sat in the bathroom with him, keeping him company and talking to him.
  "Are you having a good birthday weekend?" I asked, sitting on the bathroom floor.
  "Hell yeah," he answered. "Especially that volleyball game. Honestly, it wouldn't have killed my pride losing to the athletes. They played a hard game," he laughed.
  "Ryan and Rachael are in shape, that's for sure. I've never seen a girl that toned. Or a guy that muscular."
  "I could probably use some muscle," Jon noted. "To say I'm lazy is a big understatement, though."
  "A huge understatement," I joked. I stood up and looked at my body in the mirror. Thanks to Jon, my bulimia was getting a little bit better. I don't eat a lot of foods, but I don't throw them up afterwards either. But the way my body looked in that damn mirror... gross. I had been eating way too much. I started to feel nauseous. I ran to the toilet and threw up every possible thing in my body.
  Suddenly, Jon's shower turned off and I heard him rushing over to comfort me. "What happened?" he demanded.
  "I just got sick. No big deal. Probably all the heat," I stood up to brush my teeth.
  "Drink some water," he grabbed a paper cup by the sink and filled it up for me. "Here."
  "Thanks," I smiled. "You still have shampoo in," I laughed, secretly in pain.
  "I wanted to make sure you were okay," he rubbed my arm. "I'll be out in a minute," he kissed my cheek.
  I stepped in the bedroom and sat on the floor so as to not get the bed wet. I felt so emotional and depressed, but to make sure Jon's birthday was okay, I pretended to be okay. After about 5 minutes, Jon was done showering and I hopped in. Once I was done, him and I got dressed and ready for dinner. I put on a casual sundress and Jon put on a big t-shirt with baggy jeans.
  Before we left our room, we took a minute to lay in our bed just to cuddle and be in each other's arms. To appreciate each other's existence.
  "Abi," Jon mumbled to me, stroking my hair with his hand.
  "You do promise, even if SeaQuest blows up and I get even more famous, you'll stay by my side?"
  "Of course," I looked into his eyes. "Why?"
  "I just don't want the fame to be too much for you," he sighed. "Sometimes it's too much for me."
  "I can see why. Especially with your mom being so picky about your roles. Then there's the whole teen idol thing. That's gotta be weird when you're 18 now."
  "It is. I couldn't be happier about where my career is. I just wish it didn't feel like the weight of the world."
  I rolled over Jon and stretched my legs on either side of him, sitting on him straddled. Then, I leaned down and kissed him long and passionately. "I love you," I whispered to him, kissing his neck. 
  "I love you," he felt up my dress, kissing me back. We messed around and had our fun until we heard loud music. After our fun, we cleaned up and headed downstairs to join everyone else. Jon, Ben, and Ryan went out to grill while us girls sat inside to chit chat. Eventually, I pulled out a ukulele and plucked a few chords until all of us girls were singing in harmony. Once the dinner was done on the grill, we all fixed a plate and sat at the wicker table on the deck.
  "Hey Ryan, what are the odds you'll jump from the deck to the pool?" Jon asked as he ate a fry.
  "1 in 20," he answered. "Halfsies."
  "Ooh," Jon inhaled. "Alright. Rachael, count us down."
  "FOUR!" they both shouted.
  "Damn!" Ryan threw his napkin on the table and stood up.
"Babe, be careful," Rachael pleaded.
  "No worries. I've done it a million times," Ryan noted as he pulled his tank top off. He climbed over the railing and jumped right into the pool.
  "I'm next!" Jon jumped over and joined him. Ben walked down the stairs and jumped in from the poolside. Rachael, Brit and I peeped over the railing to watch the boys, who were splashing around and  being dumb.
  "Ladies care to join?" Ben called out to us.
  "Let us clean up the mess you guys made," I joked. We threw out all the used paper plates and the red solo cups, put up all the food, condiments, and sides. We all changed into our swimsuits and joined the boys.
  Jon wrestled with Ryan and Ben while us girls started an aggressive game of basketball.
  "Abi!! You better slaughter them!" Jon hyped me up as I struggled to get the ball from Brit. Ryan started doing a crazy scream for Rachael and Ben hyped Brit up. Finally, we all ended the game and dipped in the hot tub, the guys sipping beer and us girls sipping Smirnoff Ices.
  "Jon, my man, you'll finally be an adult tomorrow," Ben raised his beer can.
  "Finally, old enough to buy alcohol and smoke a cigarette with us," Ryan announced, punching Jon in the arm jokingly.
  "That is true. As if I'm not already doing that shit," Jon smiled. He had his arm around my shoulder as we all chatted. Between Ben and Ryan's huge, muscular bodies and the tough guy talk about hiking, playing sports, and working out, I could sense Jon's discomfort in his skinny body. I looked at him and smiled, patting his knee. He sighed and started a new conversation, holding me even closer.
  "So, are you guys excited for graduation?" he asked Brit and Ry.
  "Yes, duh. I am so ready to be done with calculus. I hate Ms. Dunford," Brit rolled her eyes and sipped her Smirnoff.
  "I'm ready to travel," Ryan sighed. "Not ready to leave you guys behind but it's part of life."
  "You'll only be gone for two years, then you work from home. It won't be too long," I assured him.
  "I'm thinking of joining the Army," Ben stated quietly, making us all go silent and turn his direction, stunned in disbelief. Brittany choked her drink and turned to him.
   "Are- are you serious?" she exclaimed, scooting away from him in disbelief.
  "I mean, babe, it's been my dream. I'm not going to school anytime soon, I'm 21, what else would I do?"
  "I didn't think you'd leave me!" she exclaimed.
  "It's serving my country," he raised his voice.
  "I know you guys aren't doing this on Jon's birthday," Rachael raised an eyebrow.
  Brit and Ben went silent. Finally, Ben sighed and stood up. "It's getting late. Why don't we turn on some music, or a movie, or anything?"
  "Jon, what do you want to do?" I asked.
  "It doesn't matter to me," he mumbled quietly as he stood up.
  "Jon," I grabbed his arm as he started to walk away.
  "I just need a minute," he sighed as he walked off. I sighed and sat down against the hot tub.
  "Why is he being so dramatic? It's not like you're ditching him to go to fucking war or anything. God, it's like we didn't throw an entire beach party for him," Brit rolled her eyes and stormed off. Ben chased after her, apologizing to us first. Ryan and Rachael looked astonished at everything that went down.
  I ran up to mine and Jon's room to grab Jon, or at least talk to him. So many thoughts ran through my mind as I ran through the mansion. One being, why was he so upset? I knocked on the door and opened it to see him just sitting on an arm chair by the window, staring out with a blank expression. He had changed from his swimming trunks to a dry t-shirt and shorts.
  "Jon," I walked over. He glumly turned to look at me. "What's wrong?"
  "Nothing," he said quietly, looking down. Even without seeing his eyes, I knew their sad, blue shimmer. The sparkle wasn't there.
"Oh," I said quietly. I felt defeated, I felt like the entire weekend had been ruined. "Do you wanna go downstairs with the rest?"
  "I'll be down in a few," he sighed and stood up, walking over to me.
  "Jon, I'm sorry for everything that's happened. I-"
  "Absidee, stop. Can you just get out? I need to be alone," he sounded choked up and sad.
  I nodded, grabbed a t-shirt and shorts, and walked out. Instead of going back to the basement, I walked to Rachael and Ryan's room to change. Tears fell out of my eyes slowly. I kept wiping them, sniffing, but nothing would stop them.
  As I stepped out and walked past mine and Jon's room, I peeped through the door and saw Jon sitting on the bed. Then, he thrust his fist against his leg, cursing quietly at himself. It was so hard that if I saw a bruise there later it wouldn't surprise me. It hurt to watch, but I was terrified of what he may do if he knew I saw. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but I was scared he would do to himself. Seeing Jon do this to himself made me think about his perspective. Did he hurt like this when I cut myself?
  I looked down at my wrist- all the scars and recent cuts. Did it anger him to see me hurt myself? It hurt really fucking bad to see him hurt himself.
  I ran downstairs and decided against confronting Jon. I slowly trudged to the basement to find Ryan and Rachael sitting on the couch close together while Ben and Brit were noticeably still angry, sitting on opposite sides of the room remaining quiet.
  "What's Jon doing?" Ryan asked, trying to hide his concern.
  "He's getting dressed in clean clothes. You know his pet peeves," I lied, sighing as I sat in a big arm chair. Ryan looked at Rachael, who shrugged, and grabbed the remote to turn the TV on. We were about five minutes into a re-run of some dumb show when Jon came downstairs, smiling as though nothing had happened.
  "Hey babe," he kissed my cheek as he sat with me in the huge armchair. I threw my legs across his lap, confused as to how all of a sudden he was in such a good mood.
  Ben stood up and broke the awkward silence. "Guys, it's almost midnight," he walked towards the chest freezer behind the bar. "You know what that means," he smirked as he grabbed the finest bottle of alcohol he could find. "Come on, Brando."
  "What do you want me to do? Take a shot?"
  Ben looked at Ryan, who laughed. "No Jonny boy. At midnight, you chug it for 18 seconds since you're turning 18," Ryan explained. "Remember when we made Brit do it?"
  Jon shrugged and glanced at his watch. "Five minutes 'til," he shrugged as he sat on a bar stool.
  "How about we all chug something at midnight?" I suggested, grabbing a bottle off the shelf.
  "She's right. Let's all get fucked," Brit stood up. Ben eyed her down and rolled his eyes as he handed her a bottle. All of us had your average everyday brand, while Jon was straight chugging a bottle worth more than his life.
  We all waited until midnight, and when the clock finally struck 12, it was bottoms up. After only a few seconds, Brit had to put the bottle down and run to the bathroom to throw up. Rachael and I grabbed hands as we kept chugging, and Ryan and Jon downed it like men. Ryan grabbed mine and Rachael's bottle to tell us it was time to stop chugging.
  "That's my baby!" Jon grabbed my face and started to make out with me. While Jon and I made out, someone turned on the stereo while Ben poured shots for everyone. We drank and danced for a good hour or so until the alcohol really hit us.
  "Holy shit," Rachael laughed and sat down on the couch. "That shit hits fast." Ryan plopped sloppily beside her and they started to make out. Jon was standing behind me, holding my waist as I took another shot.
  I turned to face Jon, interrupting him as he kissed my neck. "I- I'm, I'm g-gonna give you birthdaaaay sexxxx," I slurred as Ryan and Rachael continued to make out. I saw Brit roll her eyes and storm upstairs as Ben rolled his eyes and grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels. He went to the other downstairs bedroom while Jon and I went to the basement master bedroom and had our fun. 

  "Happy birthday!"
  Jon opened his eyes groggily to see me straddled across his lap with a big tray full of his favorite breakfast foods.
  "Babe," he smiled as I crawled off him onto the floor. "You didn't have to do all this!"
  "Yes I did," I smiled at him. "I love you," I kissed his forehead and walked over to the drawers to pull out a t-shirt and workout shorts.
  "What are you changing into that for?" he inquired as he walked over to me, grabbing my waist as I changed out of my sleeping shorts.
  "I have to clean up for your birthday party, babe," I kissed him as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
  "Do we really have to have one?" he asked as we stood there, me being wrapped in his arms as he whined.
  "Yes," I turned around and kissed him. "Now let me put my clothes on," I giggled.
  Jon and the group mutually agreed to keep this party relatively small and not quite as crazy as we're used to, simply because clean up after wild parties was a lot of unnecessary hard work.
  Ben and Brit were still on bad terms. Being honest, I think they didn't even sleep  in the same bed last night. Brit was being overdramatic and ruining Jon's birthday weekend and I wasn't happy about it.
  We spent the day setting up the food, which was catering from a local restaurant, setting up a stage for the band playing at the party, cleaning and setting out drinks. By 7:00, the first few guests started to arrive.
  Ben was sipping a beer as he sat by the pool, enjoying the band covering an Oasis song. I walked over to him and sat across from him.
  "Let's talk," I sipped my cocktail.
  Ben laughed, unfolded his legs and sat forward. "What's up?"
  "What's up with you and Brit?"
  "Are you gonna just run back and tell her everything I tell you?" he looked skeptical to talk to me.
  "No. I'm just as mad at her for being this way. It's Jon's birthday and she's ruining it."
  Ben sighed and sat back. "You know, all I've ever wanted to do is fight for my country. I don't want to sit around and work an 8-5 job. I love her. I don't see why I can't do this without her crying about it."
  I nodded in understanding. I knew Ben had only the best intentions, but Brit had a hard time understanding that. Ben and I chit chatted for a while before Jon walked over and told me Brit wanted to see me.
  I found Brit in the upstairs bathroom attached to her room. "Brit?" I saw her packing her bags and crying. "Brit, what's wrong?"
  She had tears and mascara all over her face, her heels were in the floor beside the toilet and her tight party dress was a mess. She looked at me and opened the cabinet underneath the sink. It took me a minute to process what she was showing me, but then it registered. She was showing me three pregnancy tests, all saying positive.
  "Brit," I whispered, shocked.
  "I don't know what to do," she cried. I hugged her and told her it would be okay, but deep down I questioned it. She was so young, so unstable.
  "It's Ben's?"
  "I don't know," she cried. "We've been together for a month, do you think it could be someone else's?"
  "I don't know," I shrugged, shocked that she even questioned it.
  "That's why I've been so rude. I wanted to tell you what I've been nervous about, but I didn't wanna ruin Jon's weekend."
  "Well, you kinda did already by acting that way."
  "Can you take me home?" she cried to me, leaning against the wall holding her head in her hand.
  I bit my lip and held back tears. "Yeah," I stood up from my kneel. Reaching for my lanyard, I told her to meet me at the car in five minutes.
  I scoured the party looking for Jon to tell
him where I was going. I found him taking a shot by the bar with Ryan as they talked to a girl sitting by the stool.
  "Hey babe," I approached him.
  "Hey sweetheart!" he wrapped his arm around me.
  "Who's this?" the girl in the slutty pink dress asked, sipping whatever was in her cup.
  "This is Absidee," Ryan introduced me.
  "My girlfriend," Jon smiled shyly.
  The girl nodded and excused herself. Jon made a "wow," face and turned his full attention back to me.
  "She was hitting on you," I smiled at him. He blushed and shrugged.
  "What's up?" he asked, kissing my forehead.
  "Slight mishap, I need to take Brit home."
  "Are you good to drive?" he asked, concerned.
  "Yeah, I haven't had a chance to drink yet. I just need to get out of these heels," I complained. The sparkly six inch heels may have accented the skin tight black dress nicely, but my feet were burning.
  Jon laughed and patted my back. "Okay babe. I'm going to ride with you."
  "You really don't have to. Enjoy your party. It'll be an hour at most."
  Jon's reassuring smile faded and I could have almost swore I saw a tear fall from his eye. "Please don't go without me," he sounded choked up.
  I quickly looked over at Ryan, who seemed to be pushing me to say okay and drop it.
  "Alright, alright," I smiled as if that wasn't weird. He was just drunk. "Meet me in the car in a few. I'm going to change shoes."
  Jon kissed my forehead and walked towards the garage as I walked towards the steps. I threw on some checkered vans and ran down the steps, not caring how ridiculous I looked. Brit was in the passenger seat with her bag in the trunk, while Jon waited outside the car to open my door.
  "You guys ready?" I asked. They both nodded and I started the car. I looked over at Brit, who looked like she could break down at any second. Jon was drunk at this point, and I felt so awkward. The ride took about 45 minutes, and when I dropped Brit off, we hugged and I told her everything was going to be okay. She said to call her when Jon and I went home the next day so we could talk.
  Jon moved up to the front seat and started fumbling with the radio.
  "Babe can you turn that down? My mind isn't in the right place," I asked over the loud rock music.
  Jon's hand turned the radio completely off and then onto my thigh.
  "Jon, not right now. Let's just get back to Ryan's," I complained as he tried to play around. Jon was acting weird, almost retarded, and I just wasn't in the mood for a drunk teenage boy.
  Jon laid his head against the window and closed his eyes, seemingly sad. I didn't care. I was too mad.
  We finally got back to Ryan's party, where I threw my Vans off and began drinking heavier than usual. Jon was doing his own thing, probably drinking and dancing to music, while I sat on the wicker furniture on the downstairs patio.
  "I really appreciate you being there for me," I heard the familiar voice mumble. I looked up and saw Ben towering over me , holding a beer and clearly drunk.
  "Anytime," I smiled. Depressed wasn't enough to describe how low I felt. It was a new low. Alcohol probably made it worse, but fuck it.
  "What's wrong?" he sat beside me, closer than comfortable.
  "Nothing," I scooted over, getting uncomfortable flashbacks from Andrew.
  "What's wrong?"
  "Nothing," his pushiness was about to send me into a fit of anxiety. "Where's J-"
  Before I could finish my question, Ben was kissing me. When I processed what was happening, I pushed him off and stood up, disgusted and disturbed.
  "Ah fuck," he muttered. I looked over and saw Jon standing there, stunned.
  "Babe, you know I didn't kiss him. He kissed me," I said quickly in a panic. Jon stormed off and I cried.
  "Do you have to be such a shmuck?" I screamed, punching him in the eye. Then, I stormed off, only to find Jon in the car speeding away. "Jon!" I screamed. He was too drunk to drive. I feared for his life. "Rachael!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, running around like a maniac.
  "What baby?" she asked, running up to me.
  "We have to find Jon! He's drunk driving!" I cried to her. Rachael's eyes grew wide as ever as she ran to get her keys and bolted for the garage with me.
  "Where could he be?" she asked as we turned down every road we could think of.
  "I don't know!" I cried, throwing my head against the back seat. "God, I hate myself."
  "What happened?" Rachael demanded as I cried.
  "Ben kissed me!"
  Rachael looked over in disbelief, looking angry.
  "That's not the worst part. The worst part is Brit is pregnant."
  "What?!" Rachael screamed, slamming the brakes.
  "I know," I cried.
  Rachael and I searched everywhere for Jon. We drove through every road, every neighborhood, we even drove by his house, but to no avail.
  "What if he wrecked and died?" I cried out.
  "We'll find him," Rachael consoled me.
  To make me feel better, Rachael drove around some more and told Ryan to cancel the party when we got there. Most of the people had gone home anyways since it was so late, and Ryan told us that Jon called him from Ryan's house.
  "I'll go get him here, but you guys have to work your own shit out. When we get back, I'm smoking a fat one and going to bed."
  "Jon might kill you for that," Rachael eyed him down.
  "It's my fucking house," Ryan threw a jean jacket on and grabbed his L&Ms.
  "Bring these for him," I handed Ryan a pack of Marlboro reds.
  "I'll call you guys when so get there and when I leave," Ryan told us.
  "Where's Ben?" I asked Ryan before he left.
  "He went to Brit's, she called him and said they need to talk," he informed me.
  "I need to talk to her," I sighed. Rachael hugged me and comforted me through my anxiety as I cried. Ryan left to find Jon and Rachael got me a beer.
  About 20 minutes later, the phone rang. Rachael finally picked up, and she looked somewhat relieved. "Jon told Ryan that he left because he was pissed at Ben. You're in the clear."
  I sighed and relaxed, puffing my Marlboro. I could see Rachael's slight relief, however, that was short lived. "I wonder what Ben is telling Brit," she pondered.
  "Fuck it. He knows better than to say we kissed."
  Rachael shrugged and laid beside me. We laid there, snuggling like the two drunk girls we were, waiting.
  "Girls! Come down. Brit and Ben are here," Ryan hollered up the stairs. Rachael and I slowly got up to go down to meet them, and my anxiety slowly started to overcome me. Jon ran and hugged me, making me feel better, but before he could get a word in, I heard Brit's shrill voice piercing everyone's ears.
  I threw Jon off of me and looked her in the eye. Her makeup was off at this point and her hair was a mess. She looked so depressed that she didn't even look sober. Her stare was menacing, but she looked heartbroken. I guess she saw the confusion in my eyes, so she came at me again.
  "HE KISSED ME!" I screamed back, choking back tears. How could she think I would do that to her?
  "Oh I'm so sure! You were so anxious to get home to my boyfriend to make out with him!"
  I looked at Ben in anger and confusion, and then at Brit with just anger. "Your boyfriend kissed me," I told her, confused.
  She rolled her eyes and began to say something before Rachael interjected.
  "Do you really think that Abi would do something like that?"
  "This isn't your battle to fight and honestly, if I were you, I'd stay out of it. No one except Abi wanted you to hang out with us anyways, but we let you. Because of your sloppy slutty personality, you got Ryan, who was supposed to be my boyfriend. So fuck off and let Abi explain why she just had to steal my boyfriend."
  "Excuse me? First of all, you're the easiest girl in Los Angeles. I'm sure a prostitute is a way better position for you than an actress. And Jon and Abi both wanted me to start hanging out with them, I'm pretty sure if Ryan wanted you, he would've dated you way before I was in the picture," Rachael argued back, surprisingly calm. Ryan stood back and nodded in agreement.
  Brit scoffed. "Me? Easy? Get real. You're the one who showed up to Ryan's party in a skin tight party dress, making out with him five minutes into meeting him!"
  "It wasn't five minutes! It was way into the party. I don't even know why we're arguing about this! Your baby daddy kissed Abi!"
  "Baby daddy?" all the guys questioned in unison.
  I stopped and stared at all of them while Brit looked at me in disbelief. "You told her?"
  "Told her what?" Ben demanded. "Is there something I need to know?"
  Brit looked uneasy, but told him the news of his soon-to-be fathership. Ben sighed and reluctantly looked at all of us. "Let's talk in private," he sighed, taking her hand. I rolled my eyes and looked at Jon, who looked pissed off.
  "If I could take him, I would," Jon mumbled. His blonde hair, which had been gelled out of his face, was now flopped in front of his eyes. His stress habit was to run his fingers through his hair, which he had been doing throughout the night. There were more bruises on his knees now, from his other stress habit I assumed. He looked at me and smiled, pulling me into a tight hug.
  "Why don't we all smoke a fatty when they leave?" Ryan suggested, scratching the back of his head.
  "No," Jon answered immediately.
  "Come on, Jonno, you're 18. Stop being such a little bitch," Ryan complained. Jon sighed and ran a hand through his hair, nervously.
  "Jon, seriously. Let us just chill out," Rachael complained. I sighed and looked at Jon, whose birthday at this point was ruined.
  Jon sighed and sat on the arm chair in the fourier. "Whatever, it's not my house."
  Brit and Ben stormed in the room before anyone could say anything, and Jon stood back up, ready to defend me.
  "When my child is born, I don't want any of you bitches around it. Especially you, Abi and Rachael. I don't want my baby to risk getting on drugs like Abi or catching chlamydia from the easiest bitch in town. Fuck you guys," she screamed. Ben didn't follow her, instead he stuck around.
  "I'm so sorry," he apologized, throwing his arms up. "I didn't tell Brit you kissed me. I told her I'd been drinking, not as if it's an excuse, but I just don't know. I'm a fuck up," he sounded defeated.
  Jon sighed, looking hurt. He grabbed my hand and smiled a fake, small smile. "So, what's gonna happen?"
  Ben sighed. "I have to leave her," he had tears in his eyes. He looked sobered up from the situation, but depressed. "I told her I can't do this."
  "What about your kid?" Ryan demanded, his thick, Italian brows furrowed.
  "I'll do what I can, I want to raise it as much as her, I just can't be with her. I hope you guys don't resent me," he was crying at this point.
  "Fuck Brit," Rachael was pissed. She was shaking. I could see the anger in her blue eyes. "Just fuck her. I hate her. I've done nothing but help her. Be her friend. Fuck her."
  I was sobbing into Jon's chest. He was choking back tears, I could tell. Ben apologized to Jon and hugged him. I told Jon I want to go upstairs by ourselves. The rest informed us of their plans to call it a night, Ben asking to stay and drink some more.
  When Jon and I entered our room, he broke down.
  "Babe, I'm so sorry," I cried to him. I couldn't stop sobbing. "I ruined your birthday."
  Jon was sobbing with me. "No one can ever be happy around me!"
  "Jon, babe, they are. We can't control Brit. She ruined it."
  "I just wanna go to Orlando, fuck this stupid city." I sunk to the floor, against the wall, hating myself for making Jon upset. "Babe, come here," he croaked. I stood up and sat on the bed beside him. "I just think Orlando will be good for us," he help me close and kissed my head. "I need a drink. I need something. I'm miserable."
  "Let's just go home tomorrow and relax. Stay in bed all day and do nothing. That's what this spring break should be, relaxing."
  "Yeah," he whispered. "I guess we should go to sleep now," he laid back, still holding me close.
  Jon held me close and within minutes, we were knocked out.

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