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A/N: Hey guys!! Long time no update. This chapter is somewhat a "flashback" chapter to fill in certain aspects of the story. Hope you guys enjoy!!


  "Babe! We need a picture," I called up the stairs to Jon, who was fixing his hair for the big day. We were graduating in just two hours, or as our principal made clear, "7:00 p.m. sharp! Do not wear anything casual, this is your big day. Dress to impress, students!" in his drunken haze. Poor guy, maybe he'd sober up for our big day.
  My mom fixed my hair for me as I stood and waited. My white sundress and wedges made me look as L.A. as possible. Mom drove over 45 minutes to get to our house as early as possible to make sure she could curl my hair and see me on my big day.
  "Mom, my hair looks great," I was shocked to see how cute she had made the curls look on my stick straight hair.
  "I've always wanted to do hair. That's what Dr. Nhembra told me to do in rehab, he told me to start a new career in something I enjoy. So, maybe I'll be a beautician."
  "You should," Mary chimed in. "In fact, I need mine done soon. Maybe I can pay you to give me a new look," she smiled at Mom.
  Mom smiled awkwardly at Mary. She looked beautiful. Her aunt and uncle had helped her a lot. She had put on some weight and looked great. Her usually stringy blonde hair was now voluminous and beautiful. Her new car helped her to get back and forth to her small job to pay for her nice apartment. My dad can no longer be near her or me and has several feds watching his every move.
  Finally, Jon stepped out of the bathroom and came downstairs in his dress shirt and khaki pants. I made a whistling noise at him and he chuckled.
  "Babe, you look great," I smiled and grabbed his hand.
  "Me? Look at you," he bounced a curl.
  Mary took a few pictures of Jon, a few of me, some of both of us, some of me and Mom, Greg and Mary with me, and finally with Jon.
  "Enough pictures," Jon rolled his eyes. "I just want my diploma."
  "Shut up," his mom smacked his arm. "I'll take a million more.
  We finally all left to go to graduation, and after what seemed like years of commotion, we finally graduated.
  "Jonathan Gregory Brandis," the loud speaker announced as Jon marched proudly across the stage, shaking our assistant principals hand and smiling at the crowd.
  "Ryan James Cameron," he announced next. Ryan swaggered across the stage, his huge muscle of an arm shaking Mrs. Reed's tiny arm.
  Finally, they called my name. "Absidee Marie Davis," they announced. I proudly strutted my hard working ass across that stage. When I shook Mrs. Reed's hand, it felt like a big "fuck you," to my past. Fuck you, Dad. Fuck you, depression. Fuck you, Brit. Fuck you.
  "I earned it," I said to Mrs. Reed as she handed me my diploma. She smiled at me, knowing the pain I had gone through in the past four years.
  As I made my way back to my seat, tears fell from my eyes. Jon hugged me as I walked towards the seats for us graduates.
  After the ceremony, our principal grabbed the microphone and shuffled to the middle of the stage. His forehead was drenched in sweat, shimmering like a lake towards the auditorium crowd. His buttons struggled to stay put as his beer gut poured over his tight, cheap leather belt.
  "Parents," he gruffed into the microphone, clearing his throat, "I present to you the class of 1994. You may turn your tassels now, students."
  Jon and I grinned to each other as we turned our tassels, snickering at our drunk principal.
  Finally, we were released into the world as high school graduates. Jon, Rachael, Ryan, Ryan's parents, my mom, Greg, Mary and I were all planning on having a huge party at Ryan's.
  The parties at Ryan's lately have been repetitive shit- someone upsets Jon or just starts unnecessary drama between the friend group. But this time, things were different. James and his wife had suggested the adults have their time together while us graduates had our time. Jon and I were leaving in 2 days for Orlando, while Rachael and Ryan had a flight to Hawaii the next evening. It was no big party, just one last good time.
  Greg, Mary, and my mother all rode to the Cameron's together while Jon and I rode together. I changed out of my dress and slipped into some denim shorts and Jon's t shirt, while Jon had on a t shirt and basketball shorts.
  "Did you see the look on the principal's face while you snickered loudly during the prayer?" Jon snorted as he laughed. His blue eyes sparkled as his maniacal laugh blasted over the music.
  "No! What was it?" I couldn't believe he actually heard me.
  "Oh my god, Abi, he looked like he needed a fucking shot or 6."
  "I wouldn't be surprised if I saw him at the bar tonight," Jon shook his head as we pulled into Ryan's long driveway, about an hour later than our parents.
  "Oh yeah! I forgot about the senior party at the bar."
  "It's gonna be fun, I guess, a good beer is always fine with me," Jon shrugged as he parked.
  "Remember when I was the one driving us everywhere and getting drunk and you were the adult?" I joked as we got out and walked in.
  "Yeah, wow. What a sad time."
  I giggled small as I kicked off my shoes and found Ryan and Rachael in the back living room. Truth is, Jon is happier now that he's drinking more. It's not to the point where I'm concerned, but I know the risk of him being an alcoholic is higher. I knew Jon was smarter than to let something like that control his life though, so I let him party all he wants.
  As we walked in, Ryan handed each of us a beer and we all sat down, looking through scrapbooks his mom made of all of us throughout high school.
  "Wow, that's right when we first became friends," I smiled. It was a photo of Jon, Brit, Ryan and I our ninth grade year in front of Ryan's house. "What was this for?"
  "It was my Halloween bonfire," Ryan guessed as he looked at it carefully. "Yeah, because I wanted to watch IT but we had to wait until late November, so instead we watched some dumb shit from the movie rental store," he smiled, handing it back to me.
  I remembered that day perfectly now. The crisp fall air, the cringy outfits, the edgy music. It all came back to me as I looked at young Absidee, wearing the stained red flannel, the barely holding it together t shirt, and the ripped jeans.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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