Worst Behavior

By tvpacshakvr

5.6M 168K 115K

Tavi Torres is a 16 year old girl living a care free life. She's known for her fiery attitude and beautiful f... More

Worst Behavior (Urban Book)
IV (cont)
A U T H O R S β€’ N O T E
Authors Note
Worst Behavior Ending/Authors Note
Doing It Wrong


123K 4K 2.9K
By tvpacshakvr

 I can't believe i uploaded that garbage earlier lol, so becasue of that here's a better chapter.


I woke up to the smell of sausage in the air and just knew that Tavi was cooking again.

After fully waking up I turned over to see Tavi still sleep.

A look of confusion spread across my face as to why it smelt like food when the only two people here are sleeping.

I quickly got up and threw on a t-shirt and walked into the kitchen to see Mariah.

What the fuck? I thought to myself.

“Yo what the fuck?” I yelled walking over to the stove and turning it off. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I thought that since Tavi isn’t staying here anymore that I could come over and cook breakfast for you.” She bit down on her bottom lip as we stood close together.  

I stood there looking at her like she was crazy.

I don’t understand what the fuck is going on in her light skin ass head but she seriously needs help at this point.

Her gaze switched to the door and so did mine.

Tavi stood there looking at us. “What’s going on?”

“Why is she still here?” Mariah looked at me.

I backed up from her. “Because she’s aloud to be”

“And you two are sleeping in the same bed together?” She yelled. “What are yall doing practicing for another baby?”

“If you gon’ be yelling you can get the fuck out” I pointed towards the door.

Even if I was fucking Tavi it’s none of her business, because she and I don’t have shit going on anymore.

“I don’t understand why you’re so fucking obsessed” Tavi finally spoke.

I sighed already knowing where this was about to go.

“Obsessed?” Mariah laughed. “Little girl you’re the obsessed one”

I grabbed Mariah’s arm as she tried to walk closer to Tavi.

“You see where’s he’s at bitch?” Mariah yelled pointing at me. “I’ll always be here and you could never begin to replace me”

Tavi shook her head and walked away.

I know that Mariah’s words hit her hard because of what Tavi asked me last night about us being together.

But Mariah is wrong; if I can find someone the total opposite from her that person would replace her quick.

“See what the fuck you’re doing?” I let go of Mariah.

“So you wanna be with her?” She asked with big eyes.

I shook my head. “No, but you don’t have to say hateful shit like that”

She laughed. “She’s said some hateful shit towards me before; that hurt my feelings”

“What could she possibly say that could hurt your little to no feelings?” I chuckled.

Mariah was a lot like me.

She’s a cutthroat person and hardly has any feelings which is why I fell for her because she opened up to me and I did the same.

“She told me that you only got back with me because you felt sorry that my mom has cancer” Her voice cracked with each word.

I ran my hands down my face. “That’s not true”

“Well why did you get back with me?” She asked.

“Because I thought you changed, but you didn’t.” I shook my head. “Look I don’t understand why you showed up here like this but it’s time for you to go”

She nodded and grabbed her purse from off the counter.

I walked her to the door and sighed when she left.

Being around her puts weight on my chest like I should have my guard up or something.

I shook off the event and went to the bedroom to find Tavi packing up all her belongings.

“Leaving?” I asked.

She looked at me and continued to do what she was doing.

I didn’t plan on stopping her because she’s aloud to do whatever she wants.

I watched as she aggressively packed her shit up.

Only a dumbass wouldn’t tell that she’s mad, but I don’t understand why.

I’m not gonna sugarcoat a damn thing and I’m not gonna lie.

If you want the truth that’s what you’ll get and it’s obvious that she wanted a different response then what I gave her.

She stood up when she was done and threw her hair into a ponytail and grabbed her duffel bags proceeding to leave.

I blocked the doorway and looked down at her.

“Don’t be mad over the truth” I said.

She rolled her eyes and tried to get pass me but I didn’t let her.

I tried to grab a bag from her to help her carry them but she snatched it away from me.

“I don’t need your help” She said through gritted teeth.

I chuckled. “You will in the long run”

“Why are you being such an asshole?” She looked at me confused. “I really hope Addison doesn’t grow up to act like you because she’ll get no where”

“And you want her to grow up and be like you?” I asked. “Pregnant at 17?”

“You got me pregnant” She yelled. “It takes two and you helped the fuck out so don’t you dare say that”

I shook my head. “Get out!”

I stepped aside so that she can leave out of the room.

I was done arguing with everybody about dumb shit that doesn’t matter.

The only person I’m worried about is Addison, fuck everyone else!




I walked into my house and dropped my bags by the door.

I stood there taking in the scenery that I’ve been missing for awhile.

My mom walked towards the door and looked at me confused.

“What’s going on?” She asked surprised to see me.

“I wanna come back home” I cried.

She walked over to me and smiled and pulled me into a hug.

It’s been awhile since I’ve been shown affection so I embraced every moment of it.

“I was just about to call you” She said pulling away.

“Why?” I questioned.

Her face saddened and she looked down at her feet.

“Micheal died this morning” She mourned.

I stood there unable of how to feel.

I wasn’t expecting to hear that and I wasn’t ready to hear it.

I walked into the living room and sat down thinking about everything.

About how I should have went to go see Micheal more. About how none of this would have happened if he would have just stayed away.

At first I thought I wasn’t gonna cry when I found out but it’s so hard not to.

The tears came as I realized that I would never be able to talk to this man again.

Time doesn’t matter at this point because I could have just met him yesterday and still probably feel the same way.

“Are you okay?” My mom asked sitting down next to me.

I shook my head. “No. I should have visited him more”

“You were busy, I’m pretty sure he’d understand that” She rubbed my back.

I layed my head on her shoulders as I silently cried.

“His family is coming into town this week for the funeral on Saturday” She informed me.

The first night out with Micheal he told me that he has a really big family that lives in Pittsburgh and that he wanted me to go and visit them with him.

Now I’ll meet them for his funeral instead.

I wiped my tears and sat up and smiled.

“I’m just happy that I met him” I said.

The impact he made in my life within two days was incredible.

At one point I had a father that called and made plans with me and that made sure I was okay when I was down.

Even though it only happened once I was glad that it happened.

“I’m glad you can look at the brighter side of everything” She smiled.

“Me too” I replied standing up. “But I gotta get ready to go to work”

She nodded. “Alright, have a productive day”

I smiled and made my way upstairs to prepare myself for my long hour shift.


I sat in the daze waiting for a car to come through the drive-thru window.

My mind was everywhere and for some reason I kept thinking about the day I went to the hospital and the morning leading up to everything.

At first it was a blur but bits and pieces are starting to come back to me.

“Hey hot mama” Kim said sitting next to me. “Whatchu thinking about?”

“Nothing” I lied.

It was half the truth because I didn’t know what I was thinking.

Some of it seems like a dream and the other half of my thoughts seems real.

“So how’s Addison?” She asked.

I smiled at her name. “She’s fine”

“I can’t believe you had her so early” She said in amazement.

I smiled and went back to thinking about that night trying to piece everything together.

Waking up and deciding to cook Shayne breakfast came back to my memory.

But after Shayne left it’s as if everything is blank in that area.

I shook it off and spoke into the mic as I saw a customer pull up.

Once we got her order ready she came to the exchange window to grab her food.

“Tell him I said thanks” She said into her phone.

She hung up her phone and my mind went somewhere else.

“Tell Shayne said I said thanks!”

“Excuse me!” The woman yelled.

I snapped out of it and smiled at her. “I’m sorry”

She rolled her eyes and snatched her things from me and drove off.

“Bitch” I mumbled.

I thought back to the flashback I had and realized that Mariah was in the condo when Shayne left and she and I were arguing and she hit me.

The next thing I remember is the hard blow to the back that caused me to cry out in pain.

I got up from the stool and threw off the head set.

“I’m not feeling to good, ima run to the bathroom” I told Kim. “Can you cover for me?”

She nodded. “Of course”

I ran out the back and to the main entrance of McDonalds and went to the bathroom.

I lied when I said I was feeling sick I just needed to call Rasia.

My hands trembled as I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

“Marco shut up... Hello” Rasia said.

“Rasia, I finally remember!” I screamed into the phone.

“Damn bitch, remember what?” She asked.

“I remember what the fuck happened to me at Shayne’s place that made me go into labor” I shook my head.

“Well what happened?” She wondered.

“Mariah and I were fighting after Shayne left and she damn near kicked Addison out of me” I said.

The more I thought about it the madder I got.

I can’t believe because of her I almost lost my baby and now she has to stay in a hospital for a long time because of this.

“Are you sure?” She asked shocked.

I nodded as if she could see me. “Yes, I’m sure”

“Well shit whatchu wanna do?”

“I get off at six, I’ll come to your house cause we got a mission” I replied.

I knew that it would be a little childish of me to fight her but I’m not about to let this bitch get away with it.

“Alright, I’ll be here” She said.

I hung up the phone and sighed and the anticipation started to grow in my stomach.



I watched as the nurses took off Addison’s eye patches to expose her eyes for the first time.

It’s gonna be the first time that I’ll get to see her full face.

Coming here without Tavi was a little weird but I know I should get used to it.

“She’s all yours” The nurse smiled at me once she was done.

I walked over to the incubator and reached in to grab her.

I’ve always been cautious when holding her because she seems so fragile and I feel like I’ll break her.

I looked at her in amazement as she layed in the palm of my hand.

Her grey eyes were glossy because she was just crying.

Now that I could see her full face she most definitely looked a lot like Tavi.

I chuckled. “You look like your mom”

It feels weird knowing that I have a child in this world now, but from now on she is my world and everything I do it’s for her.

I grabbed my phone off the top of the incubator as it rang.

I picked it up. “Wassup?”

“Yo, what’s good? Where you at?” Chris asked.

I placed Addison back into the incubator so I could talk on the phone.

“I’m at the hospital, why what’s up?” I replied.

“Naw it’s all good if you busy you can hit my line later” He said understanding what I was doing.

“You good, what’s up?” I asked.

“The detectives just came by asking me questions and shit” He sighed.

I shook my head. “They still on this shit?”

“Yeah bruh, we gon’ have to find out some information soon cause they ain’t about to be digging around in my background looking for shit” He stressed.

He was right.

It was time to find out who the fuck was setting me up and who the fuck really shot at Tavi.

The cops obviously weren’t doing they job right if two months later they still can’t find a good suspect.

“You right. So meet me at Mariah’s house in two hours so we can get to bottom of this shit” I said.

I was gonna get the truth out of her today even if I had to shake it out of her like last time.

She was gonna tell me exactly where to find Calvin.

Once we find out where this nigga lay his head at we can find out some shit from him.

“A’ight, bet” He said and hung up the phone.

I placed my phone back into my jeans and got back to spending time with Addison before I got down to business later.


Chris and I pulled up in front of Mariah’s house and there was a bunch of people on her porch.

“Fuck is this a party?” Chris asked.

I chuckled. “I don’t give a fuck what this is. I’m here for answers”

Chris and I hopped out the car and walked up the gravel to the porch.

“What are you doing here?” Mariah asked as she met us halfway.

“Where the fuck this nigga Calvin stay at?” I asked getting straight to it.

“And what’s in it for me?” She gave me an evil smile.

I sighed. “I won’t put my hands on you”

She stepped closer to me. “I wouldn’t mind that at all”

“Man light skin girls crazy as fuck” Chris mumbled.

She most definitely was playing games and I didn’t have time for it.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side.

“You really need to stop playing games” I said through gritted teeth.

She shook her head. “Shayne I don’t understand what he did?”

“It’s what you did!” I yelled.

She has to be a dumbass to not understand the shit she started by giving him my shit in the first place.

“If I tell you, can you give me another chance?” She gave me a puppy dog look.

I started laughing hysterically.

After ever chance I gave her all she did was fuck me over.

She stood there with a straight face and then I finally stopped laughing.

“You gotta be fucking with me right?” I asked.

“No, I’m serious” She said.

I ran my hands down my face contemplating on what to say.

“Fine” I lied. “I’ll give you another chance”




I sat in Rasia’s living room waiting for her to come downstairs so we could leave.

I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long and it was finally here.

The feeling in my stomach made waiting even worse.

I looked at Addison’s pictures in my phone to calm me down.

Marco walked into the living room and sat down next to me.

“So you’re not fat anymore?” He laughed.

I looked over at him and smiled. “Boy I was never fat”

“All fat pregnant girls say that” He smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes. “You’re going to be the worse boyfriend ever”

“Fuck no I ain’t” He shook his head. “My lady gon’ be treated like a real woman. Out in the streets and in the bed”

I started laughing. “I can’t take you seriously”

Marco was almost like a brother to me but brothers don’t necessarily flirt with their sisters so I wouldn’t call him that.

It’s just weird hearing him talk about being someone’s boyfriend.

“Why not?” He questioned.

“Because I basically grew up with you and I can’t imagine you with a girlfriend” I shook my head.

“I grew up with you and I can’t imagine you with a child but you got one” He flipped it.

I sighed at how true his statement was.

I couldn’t imagine me being someone’s mom and now I have a daughter.

Right now I don’t feel like a mom because I’m not taking care of her at the moment but I’m sure when she comes home it’s gonna feel like a brick wall hitting me.

Rasia walked into the living room ready to go. “You ready?”

I nodded my head and stood up.

I had on a pair of Rasia’s black volleyball shorts a white tank top, and the Taxi 12’s with my hair in a messy ponytail.

“Bye Marco” I smiled walking out of the living room.

“I can not wait to see the look on this bitches face” Rasia cheered as we got into my car and drove off.

“Just don’t get pregnant so you can avoid all this extra drama and bullshit” I shook my head.

I know for a fact my life wouldn’t be like this but I take every situation as a lesson.

And this situation has taught me to always whoop a bitch’s ass.

I looked over at Rasia as she got silent.

“What?” I asked turning back to the road.

“Too late” She mumbled.

I looked back at her again making sure I heard her right. “What bitch?”

“I’m pregnant” She replied.

I sighed. “Jesus take the wheel” I threw my hands in the air.

I just knew this was gonna happen.

I should have warned her and got on her case about this but soon she’ll learn from her mishaps like I did.

“Does Chris know and when did you find out?” I asked.

“He doesn’t know and I found out yesterday” She said.

“When are you going to tell your mom?” I asked turning down Mariah’s street.

“I’m too scared Tavi, she told me if I ever got pregnant she would kick me out” She stressed.

Rasia most definitely got it worse then me.

“You know if that happens you can always stay with me” I assured her.

“I know” She smiled. “Wait… Wait stop the car this is her house”

I stopped and looked towards the middle class home.

There were so many people on the porch that I couldn’t see where Mariah was at.

That’s when I spotted her to the side with Shayne.

“What the fuck is Chris doing here” Rasia said getting out of the car.

I got out too and I was ready for war.

I walked up the gravel and made my way towards Mariah and Shayne.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Mariah asked as I approached them.

“I’m bouta mop yo’ ass with the floor” I pointed my finger in her face.

She shook her head. “No boo”

“Tavi what the fuck?” Shayne asked.

I looked him up and down and turned my attention back to Mariah.

The image of her kicking me when I was down came to my mind and I got angry.

I drew my hand back and hit her right in-between her nose and mouth.

Before Shayne could try and grab me I jumped on her making us both fall to the ground.

I grabbed her face and repeatedly hit her over and over again causing blood to come from her mouth.

Every hit I sent to her face was for Addison and how much pain she’s going through right now because of her.

Mariah pulled me by my hair and flipped me over causing her to be on top of me, but it didn’t stop me from sending blows to her face.

I heard everyone around us but no one seemed to have stopped the fight.

We started rolling and that’s when I ended up back on top but the minute I got on top I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and pick me up.

“Let me the fuck go” I screamed.

Shayne put me down in the middle of the street and held on to me so that I couldn’t charge at Mariah.

“Bitch is you that mad that I got Shayne and you don’t?” She laughed.

“I don’t give a damn about him! I’m just here to let you know that every fucking time I see you ima beat yo’ ass bitch and that’s on god!” I yelled.

“Tavi, man chill out!” Shayne said holding onto my waist.

“Let me the fuck go” I snatched myself away from him.

“What the fuck is your problem?” He asked.

“Not you” I said. “At least not no more”

I started to walk towards my car and he grabbed my arm.

“The fuck is that suppose to mean?” He wondered.

“Just how it sounds” I shook my head. “I’m taking your name off the visitors list, don’t fucking show up at the hospital, or I’ll make sure your ass is right back in jail”

I don’t want shit to do with Shayne anymore.

The petty drama is done and over with today.

I opened up my car door and Rasia and I both got in.

Without hesitation I sped off.

I knew I was gonna feel it sooner or later but I regret giving Addison Shayne’s last name.

Be prepared for Tavi's second family... it's about to get crazy (; 

& I'm gonna try and update as much as i can because i'm gonna be out of the country for a month and won't be able to. So i wanna upload a lot to hold yall down until i get back ... But ya'll know i love yall for the comments and votes <3 it really makes me happy to see people enjoy my work. 

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