Twisted Tales (A Mindless Beh...

De rossse_

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Rated PG 13 And Rated R If You love Drama And Love read On Mais

Twisted Tales Cast / Description
Wanting To know More
Playing Nice
Truth Or Dare
Meeting New People
Our Little Secret
Getting Real
2 Can Play That Game
This Means War
Operation Split Up To Make Up
Tables Turning
Well Played
Try Me
The Party
Phone Calls & Text Messages
Love Struck A Whole In The Game
Last Day Of School Reconnectings
A little Twist In The Game
A Little More Better
Making Changes

Playing Dirty

68 2 0
De rossse_

Princeton's P.O.V.

Doctor: Question  Have you been stressed out recently?

Makayla:Yes until last week...So I basically been stressed almost my entire preganacy...

Doctor:  Miss being stressed is bad for the baby and the baby can die

Makayla: Yeah I know ....i'm sorry

Doctor: Have you been eating your vegetables?


Me: Makayla!

Makayla: What?

Me: Have you been doing anything you are supposed to do

Makayla: I go to my check ups when I have to

Doctor: Lucky for you since it's mainly just stress I have something for you

The doctor left out the room to go get something for Makayla about 5 minutes later she came back

Doctor: Here drink this. Since it's maily just stress we give out patients this bubble gum medicine that works instantly it helps the babies heart rate and makes the beats more fluently then far apart which is why I couldn't here it but after this you can't be stressed out or your baby will die

Me: Yes mam I promise you she wont be stressed out anymore

Doctor: Good Now lets try this again

She reapplied the gel on Makaylas stomach and found my babies heart rate and I was so happy

Doctor: There she is

Makayla: Did you just say she?

Doctor: Yup you two are having a baby girl

Me: That's amazing

Doctor: You two are very lucky because had your oppointment been 2 weeks from now you two would have no baby

Me: Well i'm glad we came today

The Dr. gave us a copy of our fetus and we were on our way home I was thankful that me and Makayla are fine i'm also feeling guilty because it was because of me and my dumb ass mistakes that Makayla was under aot of stress so we got in the car and headed back home

EJ's P.O.V.

I was on my way to Ebonie's house and I was going to talk to her whether she likes it or not she was going to have to hear what I had to say so I can get it off my chest. I pulled up infront of her house and her dad let me in the door

Me: How is she

E.D: Good how are are you

Me: Good

E.D: She still not talking to you is she?

Me: Nope but I had to tell her the truth at some point

E.D: I know and I thankyou for that

Me: Of course......well is she here

E.D: Upstairs in her room.....goodluck

Me: Thanks

I slowly walked up to Ebonie's room and took a deep breathe before I knocked on the door I had to calm my neerves because when I get upset well lets just say nothing good comes out of it but I knew I had to have some patience with her I knocked on the door and she said come in

Ebonie: Get out

Me: No you just said a second ago to come in

Ebonie: And now i'm telling you to leave and get out!

Me: Just listen to me first

Ebonie: Get Out!

Me: No

Ebonie: Talk and make it quick

Me: Just hear me out put yourself in my shoes

Ebonie: Why so I could kill somebody

Me: Ha ha ha very funny but no I didn't try to

Ebonie: But you did 

Me: Ebonie if you would've heard what he said to me about telling you to have some fun when he healed I just couldn't take it anymore. I thought you would be happy after all those nightmares you had all those times he has harrast you sexualy touched you and I make one mistake for you so you wouldn't have to do deal with him anymore and i'm the bad guy

Ebonie: Yes you're the bad guy that I want to get out of  my life I don't need you anymore I have my father I'm talking to somebody else I thought you understood that when I got out of the car so technically we've been broken up for about like a month almost 2 so if you wouldn't mind leaving

Me: Are you serious right now everything i've done for you cared for you make sure that you wouldn't get hurt and we are just done

Ebonie: We been done about a month ago

Me:.....Find i'll leave......

Ebonie: Wait..

Me: What 

Ebonie came up to me and hugged me which felt like forever I didn't want her to let go but she did

Ebonie:I put your stuff that you had over here downstairs by the door in a black trash bag

Me: Oh ok i'll get it on my way out

Ebonie: We can still be friends though

Me: Yeah.........Friends.....

I walked out of her room got my things and left I put my clothes in the trunk and got into the car I started the car up put my seat belt on and I wiped the tear from my face. This is my fault this is what I get for caring too much. Leason Learned

Ray's P.O.V.

I'm at my house chillin watching this bad ass little boy (-_-) If I could get away with murder I would 

Me: Aye little boy sit yo ass down some where

L.B: Your not my daddy!

Me: I'm yo fake daddy so you better sit down before la belt meets el ass 

L.B: Thats not spanish!

Ray: No but i'm Loco! 

L.B: Yeah for some tacos

Me: (-_-)  Kill me now

L.B: Trust me I would if I could

Me: I bet you wont eat

L.B: I bet you won't get paid!

Me: I bet that i'll -

L.B: You'll what? Go on and say it so I can tell my daddy

Me:.....You little Brat!

L.B: It's el brat to you 

Me: Your not funny

L.B: And you're a bad liar

Asia: Your Right About that

L.B: Mom!

Me: Oh I didn't here you come in

Asia: Son go get your things so we can go

L.B: Ok

The little Brat went upstairs to go get his things and came back Asia told him to go wait in the car he was mad but got over it quick when he got popped for talking back to her lol I get the last laugh

Asia: Thanks for watching him again me and his father was busy

Me: Yeah yall was busy alright

Asia: I'm forreal ray

Me: Yeah Yeah Yeah just give me my money

Asia: Alright 

She  gave me my money then ran to the trash can to throw up

Me: Awe hell naw why you didn't do that shit outside now I gotta clean that up

Asia: I'm sorry I can't control it

Me: What did your ass eat before you came here that shit already beginning to stink

Asia: Fresh fruit

Me: That shit don't smell like Fresh Fruit to me!

Asia: Well I guess the baby didn't like it

Me: What baby

Asia: The one that's in my stomach duh!

Me: Wait so now what you are telling me is that i'm going to be the pretend father of  two childen......Thats alot of fake ass child support

Asia: Yes but you better not tell anyone


Asia: No what

Me: I can tell who ever I want 

Asia: If you know what's good for you then you wont

Me: And if you know whats good for you you would leave i'm not getting dragged in to your little mess anymore i'm done i'm doing my part you do your part i'm putting things into my own hands

Asia: Since when did you grow some balls

Me: Since the last time they was in your mouth


Me: Betcha your baby daddy don't know that

Asia: And you wouldn't tell him either

Me: Yeah.....after all the bullshit I've been through meet the new ray I can tell him at any minute I want to. I've took some notes that Nolen gave me and I put them into work I know how to play this game better than  you think and I can thank Nolen for that. Now you can leave and I'll talk to you later or you can stay and listen to this not so good for you but good for me phone call?

She looked at me with hate and  left. All I could see was revenge I like the new me I've been in the gym got some muscles on me . Me and and Nolen are good and Now for my revenge. Yeah Karma's a Bitch ain't it

Myle's  P.O.V.

So me and Londyn are at the fire work show on the beach. the beach had the perfect view for fireworks. I brung our big blanket for two our picnic basket full of food a mini vase with a red rose in it and um just a little bit of pink miscoto we still have to go to school in the morning.

Londyn: This is nice

Me: Well thankyou

Londyn: I mean really babe you do so much for me and I just wanted to let you know how lucky I am to have you to be able to call you my boyfriend your minessss

Me: I know and I love it when you say it like that I love everything about you from your smile to your beautiful brown eyes and hair from the way you look at me when you say I love you from your personality I could go on and on but there's not enough words in the book to describe my feelings for you

Londyn: Stop it Myles you know I get emotional your gonna make me cry it's like you really understand me and i've never had that connection before with a boy and i'm glad to say that your mines im yours let the haters hate because we're not breaking up anytime soon

Me: Who said that we were breaking up at all?

Londyn: You know I really mean this when I say this

Me: Say what

Londyn: I love you

Me: Wait I almost forgot 

I went deep into the picnic basket and grabbed the black box I opened it and put the Gold customized bracelet around her wrist. She smiled and looked at me

Londyn: What is this for 

Me: A reminder

Londyn: A reminder of what?

Me: A reminder of us

Londyn: You even have L+M=5 ever on the back with a big heart and everything....This is so cute and its so special I promise you that I wont take it off

Me: A special bracelet for a special women in my life

Londyn: Awn......Baby?

Me: Yeah

Londyn: Why did you put 5 ever instead of 4 ever

Me: Because sometimes 4 ever doesn't last long 5 ever to infinity

Londyn: Awe

Me: Oh and baby

Londyn: Yeah

Me: I love you too

The moment was perfect I looked at  her and she kissed me as the fire works started to pop in the background.....yep life was good


Dario's P.O.V.

I was walking in the hallway with Dorian when she seen the girls and left I walked in the other direction and saw Ray he had a big smirk on his face I was curious to know so I went to go bother him and find out

Me: And what's so funny

Ray: None of your business and why are you talking to me we are not at Nolen's house get this in your Head I don't like you

Me: I don't like you either

Ray: If you would excuse me I have to go meet up with Dorian

Me: Didn't I tell you to stay away from her

Ray: And now i''m telling you I dont care

Me: Listen Ray

Ray: No I talk you listen


Ray: I'm Done being a piece of your game . Now ....Now your a piece in mines I've let you have your fun....but now now its my turn to play. I got into it with roc because of you I lost Dorian because of you But will always be a better Man then you because unlike you I know how to treat a lady when needed which is a quality that you lack in. If you didn't know this already me and Nolen are friends again why we weren't because of you everything is because of You and now everythings about to happen because of me.....Starting with Dorian she was mines before YOU came in the picture why because of My dumb mistakes I'm done making mistakes

Me: If you get back with her

Ray: What your going to hit me? Your funny 

Me: I'll tell Dorian about your new baby on the way

Ray: Go ahead tell her so I can tell her that both of those babies are Yours I wonder if you told her that


Ray: Is that a No I hear?...Pathetic


Ray: Mad or nah?

I guess he was mad because he pushed me into the lockers and I dropped my books and pushed him right back he swung at me but he missed which gave me the oppertunity to kick him into the lockers making his so called pretty face hit first he turned around and punched me in the stomach I'm not go lie that shit hurt like a Bitch but I wasn't going to stop I got up and gave Him that 3 piece combo that roc taught me Hit him with that left I hit him with that Right then gave him one good ass upper cut.he feel back and slid his leg under mines which caused me to fall back hitting head first yeah I think I started bleading that gave him the oppertunity to get on top of me and punch me in my jaw about 5 good times I chocked him and reversed it I punched him in the eye twice then one good time in the mouth. which i regret because I don't want his blood on my damn hand and I got up and kicked him in the side by then The teachers had pulled us apart and took us to the office I didn't care I was just glad I got all my anger out that I had against him and boy was I happy as hell

Dorian's P.O.V.

I was in the hallway with Rosemary I wonder what all the commotion was about you leave for one second and its like beyonce came to the school and did a  5 minutes performace then left.

Rosemary: So are you good

Me: No not really it still feels like He's hiding something from me I asked him and he said nothing  it was nothing and that ray was lying because he wanted me wich was true he makes everything so true which is why I think he's hiding something

Rosemary: Who knows maybe he is

Me: Yeah maybe....but are you going to Nolen's big party tomorrow

Rosemary: I don't know

Me: You have to go everybody's going to be there

Rosemary: And

Me: And you know Nolen wants you to come

Rosemary: And

Me: And you know you wnat to come

Rosemary; And I can miss a party

Me: Come on its going to be a saturday night and you're going to be at home by yourself

Rosemary: I'll call roc

Me: We both no we wont and he wont answer

Rosemary: And what makes you think he wont answer

Me: Like I said Everybody's going to be at the party

Rosemary: Who invited him

Me: Nolen


Me: I know that shocked everybody but can you atleast just think about


Me: Well I'll talk to you later

Rosemary: Ok

Nolen's P.O.V.

Ok after I heard the news about ray and dario fighting I had to take care of some business I talked to the boys and they were ready for tomorrow I'm throwing the End of the school year were about to be Seniors party and everybody is invited But I still had one more thing to do I was by the Janitors closet and seen Rosemary coming pass so I pulled her in there

Rosemary: Why does everybody keep trapping me in here

Me: Fiesty much


Me: So you're still not going to talk to me


Me: Come on Rose


Me: Look I want you to come to my party tomorrow

Rosemary: And I want to get out of here but you dont see me getting out any time soon 

Me: Look it's going to be in my cousins Manchion if you come you come an if you dont you dont either way I would want you to come i'm sorry for what ive done to you i'm sorry that I broke your heart I wasn't trying to but my jelousy got in the way and now i'm trying to get my baby back before sh'e gone for good.

Rosemary: I'll think about it

I got out the way and let her leave. Reality really did hit this last month and the couple of weeks me and Rosemary have been apart. I really did miss her It's not about roc anymore it wasn't even about roc anymore heck i'm trying to be his friend for her and I just want her to see that I wnated her back I left all my sidelines alone for her I dont mes with anybody for her because she's all I want and I want her to know that......I just hope she comes to my party


Roc's P.O.V.

I'm In the Alley meeting up with ??? I was so pissed off I Could kill somebody

???: Wassup

Me: Your late

???: I'm here Now

Me: Do you think this is a Joke

???: Ug what is the problem

Me: You're the problem you did this

???: Dont Blame me 

Me: Really You really wanna play the blame game right now

???: Um Sorry

Me: Sorry the fuck is sorry going to do

???: ......

Me: I can't Believe you

???: Roc Calm down It's not that serious

Me: I'm Dying because of you! This Is serious You Stupid Bitch!.......................

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