Hood Love 1

By NaeBbyXo

2.5M 56.4K 17.1K

Janiyah is young and wants to enjoy a carefree life. No worries at all. She's books, beauty, and brains. She... More

Hood Love 2


19.2K 465 70
By NaeBbyXo

Niyah P.O.V

"What I tell y'all about giving my baby all this milk? It's hot as hell outside." I rolled my eyes watching as my mom took Ayden's bottle and poured his milk out in the kitchen sink.

"He like milk mama he don't drink nothing else." I sighed picking Ayden up from the floor. He was currently trying to get into any and everything and wouldn't sit still. Basically, he was doing what he always did; being bad.

"What mommy stink doing? Huh?" I grinned in his face as he spit bubbles out from his mouth.

We were all currently at my mother's house for this barbecue she and Trevan's mom were hosting today. I swear they were always doing something wether it was a party, barbecue, game night, you name it. The enjoyed hosting parties and getting all of our family together. Since it was the both of our families, it always ended up being alot of people.

"Here let him drink some juice. It's 100% apple juice." I grabbed the sippy-cup from her and gave it to Ayden. He almost immediately threw the cup onto the ground but I caught it just before it could fall.

"I told your Nana you don't like this." I shook my head as he squirmed around in my arms trying to get down. My baby was so busy and couldn't even walk yet.

"C'mon let's go see what your big head dada doing." I held him up on my hip and walked towards the back of the house. Trevan had gotten stolen away like he always did as soon as we got here. Between his uncles and/or my dad they always had him and Trey setting up or helping out with something.

Walking out the back door I entered the backyard to see afew of my cousins, Tre's uncle Rick and my dad all doing different things. My dad was barbecuing while Tre and Uncle Rick put together tiki torches and tents for outside.

"Janiyah you're auntie is on her way with the balloons. You gotta show her where to put them when she get here." My mom spoke coming out of the door behind me.

"No mama y'all ain't about to trick me into setting up." I groaned. She was always trying to put me to work like it was my idea to have a barbecue.

"Don't nobody gotta trick you. You gone do it 'cuz I said so." My face fell into a frown.

"Ma this yo' party." I whined walking down the steps and into the yard.

"Daddy tell mama to leave me alone." I stood by him watching him flip the steaks that were on the grill. The smell of them made my mouth water instantly.

"I ain't getting in that." My daddy shook his head, not even looking up at me. I smacked my teeth and sighed.

"King! Hey King." I turned to the side seeing my little cousin Diamond running up to me and Ayden. He immediately begin smiling at her showing all of his gums.

"Hey Niyah you look pretty." She smiled looking up at me.

My hair was slicked into a neat low bun and my makeup was simple. I wore a fitted blue and white day dress that came to my knee. It showed all of my curves but still allowed me to look modest. Coach flip flops adorned my feet and I only wore a necklace for jewelry.

"Thanks Diamond you do too. Where's your mom?" I asked referring to my favorite auntie, Brielle.

"She in the house somewhere." She said making me laugh. Diamond was only 7 and she acted so much older than her age. My Auntie Brielle was only 24 which is more than likely the reason she is my favorite aunt.

She was my mother's little sister, and we got along so well because she was only 5 years older than me. My mom told me we used to do everything together until Brielle got too grown and began moving too fast paced for me. Which resulted in her having Diamond at the age of 17.

"Wassup King." Uncle Rick said tickling his tummy.

"Y'all keep calling him King like that's his name foreal." I laughed shaking my head. Trevan had our entire family calling Ayden King. You never heard anybody calling him Ayden except for me and my mom. Kiera was always calling him fat ass.

"My son a King that is his name." Trevan said as he struggled to stick the tiki torch into the grass.

"Where his shirt you took it off?" Trevan walked over to us.

"Yeah my mama said he was hot and she ain't want him to mess it up." I stood Ayden up in front of me while holding onto his hands.

He had on no shirt and the chain his daddy got him when he turned 5 months. He sported a pair of khaki pants, navy blue and black Jordan 13's, and navy blue and white polo shirt that said "Mommy's Sidekick" in gold letters. His shirt and pants were from my boutique. I made a mental note to take his pictures today.

"C'mere King. Come to Dada." Trevan bent down and extended his arms. I had to hold on to Ayden's hands tighter because of the way he was breaking his neck to get to his father. He was damn near running.

"Ahhhhh." Trevan exclaimed once Ayden came to him. He picked him up and threw him in the air while Ayden laughed uncontrollably. I smiled watching my two boys play together. Their bond was so unbelievable sometimes, Ayden loved his daddy.

Feeling my phone ringing in my bra, I took it out seeing Kiera was calling me.

"Hello?" I answered walking towards the back gate.

"I just pulled up can you help me with these bags?"

"Yeah here I come." I hung up the phone and walked around towards the front of the house, seeing Kiera's car parked right in the front.

"Bitch all this ass and hair." I laughed, raking my fingers through her blonde hair that was blow dried and all over her head. It came down to the middle of her back. She wore a similar body con midi dress like I did. Only difference is hers is orange while mine is a blue and white tye-dye print. My bestie was thick as fuck in hers making my ass look nonexistent compared to her.

"Girl, I had to bring the shit to do my hair 'cuz me and your dumbass cousin got into it. I damn near ran out the house he was getting on my nerves." She rolled her eyes and opened the back seat.

"Y'all always into it." I laughed going to the other side of the car to get some bags.

"He got me soo fucked up G and its not even funny. Some bitch called his phone this morning." My eyes widened and I gasped.

"Yup. Some bitch name Brittany saying she appreciate the flowers and she look forward to seeing him next week. I said bitch look forward to seeing who because as of now his ass is dead." I held in my laugh knowing that now was not the time to be laughing.

I grabbed the three bags she had filled with plastic eating utensils and paper products while she grabbed Karma who was in her car seat.

"So you think he cheating? What the girl say?" I asked her, closing the car door with my hip. We walked through the back gate I left from and entered the backyard.

"Obviously, and she hung up after I said that. I snapped on Tre ass so bad and just got me and Karma ready then left. This the last fucking straw with his ass I'm done." I shook my head in disappointment. Ive never known my cousin to be a cheater but I wouldn't put it passed him either.

Trey has always been a ladies man since we were kids. He's always charmed women with his looks, smile, and hilarious personality. I didn't think him cheating on Kiera was cute or funny, but I was hoping there was more to the story.

"It's gonna be okay. I'ma talk to his dumb ass as soon as he gets here." She shook her head looking as if she could care less. I knew that she was upset and that was one thing you didn't want Kiera to be. When she got mad, it was WW3. She didn't back down and only certain people could calm her down. Not only that but she hit like a damn man.

"Let me see my niece why you trying to hide her from me." I bent over and begin unstrapping Karma from her carseat.

"Hey niecey pooh. Aww look at your little outfit." I smiled seeing that her and Kiera were matching. She wore a orange onesie with ruffles, and black sandals.

"I swear you make me think about trying for a girl." I groaned kissing Karma on ger forehead.

"Girl you might as well. Trevan ass ain't going nowhere." Kiera laughed fixing the little bow on Karma's head. Before I could reply her phone began ringing.

"Here go this cheating ass nigga now." She shook her head and answered her phone.

"Hello? Where else Ima be at? Bye." Rolling her eyes she took her phone and stuck it back into her purse.

"Let me go do my hair. Watch your niece for me." She sighed.

"Do you even have to ask?" I watched as she made her way inside the house. Kiera had ass for days and I don't even think she realized it.


"The old people be having more fun than us." I pointed in the direction of my mom and dad dancing with cups of alcohol in their hands.

As always when it hit a certain time the steppers music came on. It was 8pm and all of the older people were out on the grass dancing. My mom was always the first one to get up and step.

"I know, that it's somebody's birthday tonight. Somewhere." I sang along to R Kelly's voice that blared from the speakers, watching as everyone danced.

All of the children that were here were just happy to be out past their bedtimes. They were running around, playing, chasing each-other, and more than likely doing stuff they probably weren't supposed to be doing. I remember being one of them and always getting in trouble. Kiera, Trey, & I were always the first ones to get a spanking and told to go lay down in my auntie's room.

Looking around it felt bitter sweet. I was a mom now myself. It felt so weird because we were all just kids and now we are the adults, moving up into my mom and aunts shoes. Soon me and Kiera will probably be the ones throwing the parties everybody would attend.

"Niyah, we bout to go get some more drinks. Yo' mom said it ain't one pop or juice left." Trevan walked up to me with Trey behind him and Ayden in his hands. He handed him to me and I placed him on my lap.

"What store y'all going to?"

"Walmart up the street." I nodded my head and watched as they turned to leave.

"Trey so ugly." I looked over at Kiera who was mugging the back of his head. She had brushed all of her hair into a neat ponytail and laid her baby hairs. She looked pretty but of course my bestie is a baddie.

"Bitch, now you just salty." I laughed.

"I am. I thought he was cheating."

Come to find out, Trey was not cheating on Kiera. I interrogated him as soon as I seen him and he explained the entire situation. The woman named Brittany was a connect he and Trevan had been working with for a couple months now. When she said she appreciated the flowers she was speaking in code, referring to the money they gave to her in exchange for drugs. She looked forward to meeting them next week to give them more product so that they could continue doing business.

The funny thing is, its so fucked up now because Kiera told the woman that Trey was dead. So now she thought that someone killed him and she didn't feel comfortable continuing to do business with them. Now Trevan and Trey had to prove he was very much alive and that they didn't want to lose her as a connect.

"Just talk to him Kiera, y'all got some making up to do. And I know you cannot stand saying sorry but you're going to have to."

"I know. Ugh." She frowned picking at her plate of food. I had just got done eating my third plate today, please don't judge me.

Ayden laid his head against my chest and rubbed his eyes. I knew that he would get sleepy around this time so I had already prepared not to stay long. Trey had taken Karma to his grandma's house a couple of hours ago being that she was way too small to stay outside long.

"You sleepy stink?" I cradled him in my arms as I stood up. I was going to lay him in his crib my mom had for times he spent the night here.

Passing by countless cousins, uncles, and aunties I got stopped three times before I could make it to put him down. Once I finally made it to his room, I laid him down in his crib. Ayden played no games when it came to going to sleep. He immediately rolled over on his side and closed his eyes.

After pulling the door up a little bit I made my way outside again to let my mom know I had laid him down. As soon as I reached the sliding door to get to outside, Kiera was rushing up to me.

"C'mon Janiyah we gotta go. Go get Ayden." She grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of where I just came from. Her facial expression was serious and there were tears swimming in her eyes.

My heart began beating rapidly as I grew concerned. What just happened that fast? I was gone all of 15 minutes.

"Kiera what? What's wrong?" I noticed she had my purse and car keys in her hand as well as her own.

"They got into a accident. Car accident. Trevan and Trey."


Hey boo's😘

I hope you all are enjoying this much needed updated version of the story. As you can see I am switching things around and changing up the story a little bit.

More than likely, if you've read Hood Love before, it will have a similar outcome as it did and next I will be moving on with updating Hood Love 2.

I will be setting goals again since these are going to start being posted as new chapters. I was going to just update previous chapters I already wrote but the comments that are on there don't match up with this updated version of the story.

I am so excited for the ending of this book and moving forward with updating the next ones!

Goal : 1K views , 1K votes

The next chapter will be posted once the goal is complete which I know can happen in little to know time.

Y'all are everything ❤️😭

Peace & Love 💕-Nae

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