Heaven| vauseman fan fic

By oitnbfeels

3.6K 78 17

This is a mixture of Orange is the new black characters and Wentworth characters But, Why ruin the story in t... More

Chapter 1โ€ขparking lot
Chapter 3โ€ขskipping work
Chapter 4โ€ข Game night
Chapter 5โ€ข The Hospital

Chapter 2โ€ขthe unexpected

599 15 0
By oitnbfeels


"L-Larry what're you doing... here." I was nervous, scared, sad, angry, depressed, frustrated. I didn't know what to feel at this moment. I just wanted it all to end..


Larry is the man that continuously raped me. Got me pregnant and hadn't found me up until now. Threatened me, beat me, bruised me, THE ONE WHO LEFT THAT BRUISE ON ME. Larry raped and abused me through my high school years and didn't give not one care.

" I told you I'd find you some day piper. You can run but you can't hide." He smirked and walked closer to me slowly but surely step my step. "I haven't gotten off in a while pipe. I see you have my daughter also." With the last sentence he said I held Nessa tightly on my chest with both of my arms wrapped around her. "I am drained. Please... don't hurt me. Larry we're in the store and I'm holding my child." I loudly whispered the last part emphasizing my. He just smirked. I eventually bumped into a wall backing from him. With him being awfully close to me I was up against the wall, with my eyes squinted.

His hands were out asking to hold Vanessa. I started to breathing heavily through my nose and squeezing my eyes to see if I was dreaming. I opened them and to my surprise I see Alex. His hands came closer to her small body. "Help me," I slowly mouthed to Alex. I looked back at him and shook my head. I turned my head to see if Alex was still there but there was only the basket she was pushing. I heard Larry choking so I sharply turned my head. "Aww are you choking buddy? Do you need a breathing treatment? PISS OFF! NOW!!" Alex had her forearm around the front of his throat choking him. When she let go she pushed him to the side and he started to walk like a wimp. "Fucking psycho." Larry mumbled walking off.

Vanessa's head was resting on the crook of my arm as I held her cradle style. She started to shift her body around as her eyes opened I knew she was about to start crying. I was quite surprised she slept through that. She made small cooing noises and Alex began to walk over to me. I looked up at Alex and she sighed. "I'm sorry Alex you shouldn't be involved in my personal drama it's my fault and I have to learn to de.." Alex put her index finger on my lips. "Shh it's okay. You defended me back there with Sylvia. I had to return the favor." I blushed and looked down at my feet and stopped. "Come on let's go. Oh and look what I found." Alex smiled and held up the baby bullet. I released a small chuckle at how corny she was being. She put it in the basket and grabbed my hand. "Does she have any bottles?" I rubbed my forehead with my thumb and middle finger and sighed. "God this is embarrassing. She has like 2 or 3." Alex looked at me and tilted her head to the side. "Embarrassing why?" She lowered her eyebrows. I shook my head.

"Okay we'll go to the mall or something tomorrow. And we can go eat at the mall and shopping maybe if you want we can even find you a job somewhere easy for you.. if you want though." Alex put her arm around my shoulders and kissed my forehead as I looked up and smiled at her. "That sounds great, except I currently can't have a job." Alex looked at me confused. "Why not." "Alex, my daughter is only 2 weeks." I laughed at the face Alex was making. "Okay well.. we can do the other stuff I named." She shrugged her shoulders. Alex made me feel so safe with this hour and 20 minutes of knowing her. I thought and laughed to myself.

"Okay say for instance you were having a baby shower or something, what color would you want if it was a girl." Alex was looking at the different bottles, pacifiers, and bibs. "Mmm I don't know maybe like purple or something."

I wasn't really caring for materials I was just focused on how amazing Alex was and how hot she was. "Okay would you stop admiring my beauty and help me over here I don't know what your child likes or what you like." She laughed looking over her shoulder at me. I kind of felt slightly upset when she said 'your child' my face sank. "Did I say something wrong. I'm sorry." She turned around so that she was completely facing me. I put on a fake smile as she walked towards me. "Oh no... you didn't... say anything wrong I was thinking about something." She could tell I was lying which I didn't know how she didn't even know me all that well. She Tilted her head to the side and raised her eyebrow, "Come on piper, spit it out." She was walking slowly towards me with her arms out. "Nothing, Nothing. Can we talk about this later. I want to be happy right now. Look, what about the funny shaped bottle? Huh? It looks.... healthy." I put on a soft smile this time it was maybe a little real. She smirked, and laughed "whatever piper. Which one are you looking at? The Nivea bottle or the Tommee Tippee?" She picked up both of the packages. "Actually I don't know, which ever one I can put breast milk into." We both started to laugh together. "Piper you can put breast milk into any bottle. Then you have baby formula that you can also give her preferably the infant kind and not the soy kind. Really unhealthy and not good on the stomach. So we can get both of these, the baby bullet, those 2 packets of pacifiers, bottle warmer and a few cans of the baby powdered milk. That good with you?" I was in shock that she was buying all of this for a stranger she met on the street. My eyes widened. "Uh yea sure. But I do have 2 more request." "Shoot." She said putting the things in the basket. "Okay stop waisting your money please. Because if you buy everything that I need you'll be broke." She looked up and laughed. "Piper, I'm a producer worth $12 million. And I'm also a college professor, I teach theater. I can't go broke." I was in shock when those words came out of her mouth. Can't go broke. Producer. College professor. 12 million. Wow. My jaws were on the floor.

"Okay come on let's go pay for these things and get out of here." She laughed and started walking away.

"Uh Alex did you look at the price of these bottles? Holy shit." I had raised the package up   and was looking at the bottom of it. "What's $20?" Alex started laughing as he scanned the items. I just chuckled and shook my head. The total had came out to $136.45 including all of the other fruits and vegetables she picked up.
"Wow did you really just spend all of that money?" I asked walking out of the store. "I've spent worse." She raised both of her eyebrows winking at me. I laughed through my nose at her.

Time skip

"Wow. Alex. This is.... Gorgeous" I smiled stepping into her home. "Well welcome to your new home." Alex stood outside of the penthouse but held the door open. I stopped in my tracks and looked at her as if she was crazy.

"What are you talking about?" She looked at me, closed the door, put the bags from the store in the kitchen and laughed. "Piper you live here now, this is for you and..... Nessa?" She raises her eyebrow in question. I chuckled a little and nodded my head. "Yea so tomorrow whenever I come from work, WHATEVER is in your car is going to be in this penthouse."

She sat her keys on the counter and put both of her hands down and leaned against it. I blushed a little at the fact that she was allowing me to live with her. "Aww you look like a cute tomato." I laughed at that. "Alright come on."

She grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs to a room that had white baby stuff all over it. I looked at her confused. "Umm do you have kids or something?" She popped open the door and flicked the light on. "No, I have a niece that used to occasionally come over here and spend the night when her parents were out or at work or something. She doesn't anymore because she's enrolled in daycare and they have enough money for a nanny now." I raised my eyebrows in muse.

"Wow this is nice." I looked around and touched a few things. "And why do you have me in here?" I chuckled and look at her as her eyes wondered up and down my body. "Is it really that hard to stay away from her. She needs her space every once in a while. And you my dear need your beauty rest. So how about you put her in the crib and come with me?"

She tilted her head and wiggles her eyebrows as she picked up the baby monitor. I sighed and softly smiled. I placed nessa in the crib and stared at her for a few seconds before Alex walked over to me grabbing my hand. "let her breathe." I slowly walked away still looking back at her. Alex turned the light off and led me out of the room. She reached past me and closed the door then looked at me. She grabbed my hand once more and led me down the stairs. "Sit here." I sat down in the bar stool as Alex let my hand go. Alex walked into the kitchen and stood in front of the sink which was in front of me and began to wash dishes.

"Thirsty? Want a snack?" Alex asked washing a glass. "Water is fine." Alex chuckled and got the jug of water from the bottom of the pantry and poured it into the glass with ice. She sat it on the bar in front of Piper and went to the refrigerator and got out a container of fruits. "You can eat from this I don't mind." Piper exhaled deeply and began to eat slowly.

"So, any family out here?" Alex grabbed the dawn dish soap and spread it across her dishes.

"Um yes but none of them really care for me besides my sisters Daya and Nicky and my bestfriend Polly, her fiancé and her baby. Pretty much only them. Sometimes my mom can be tolerable but she kicked me out when she found out I was pregnant. But Daya FaceTimes me everyday and tells me how much she misses and loves me and catches me up on this show she loves so much called Command or something like that. It sounds very interesting but I never really got the around to watching it." I started twisting in the bar chair side to side and messing with things. Alex started laughing at me.

"One destructive woman I tell you." She chuckled to herself and I shrugged and laughed along with her. "Can I ask you a personal question though. Please don't take offense to it though."

"Why didn't you live with your baby's father or your sister.... daya? Dayna? Danay?"
"Well for the first one..... you've seen the way my child's father is...." I started pointing to all of the bruises on my body as Alex looked up at me in shock. "And daya doesn't have her own place or job and she would always be busy looking for one or something but the 3 people I asked turned me down. Either too busy, I'm an adult, or I have a baby and should ACT like an adult. Or I need to grow up and get a job. I was just kicked out of my old apartment last week. Just a small studio apartment. Small kitchen small bathroom small everything just basic. That was because i got fired for being late to work constantly and also I had to take a maternity leave so I didn't get my bills paid on time and got kicked out and ended up living in my car with my 2 week old baby. There's my story." I started to look down playing with my nails. Alex wiped her wet hands on the towel sitting on the stove. She walked over to me smiling, and lifted my Chin up with her index finger.

"Who in their right mind would turn down a beautiful, blue eyed angel?" I rolled my eyes at the complement.

'Beautiful angel' I scoffed to myself.
"Piper.. don't be that way. You are very beautiful you are like an angel on earth. Your daughter is the luckiest person ever. She feels your touch 24/7 and your beautiful singing all day." Alex had a soft smile on her face. With everything she was saying I started tearing up then out of no where just burst. I started laying my head on the kitchen bar when Alex wrapped her arms around me. At first I tensed up at her touch then slowly started to melt into her arms. "You tired?" I nodded my head and she helped me off of the bar stool. We went upstairs to find her HUMONGOUS bedroom awfully cold. "I'll go get an extra blanket." Alex helped piper into bed and put the covers over her shoulders. Alex walked out of the room to wherever she had more blankets.

About 7 minutes later Alex came back with a red blanket. I sat up in the bed and looked at her. "What took you so long?" "Well I was on the way down there and Nessa started making noise not crying but noise, so I checked on her. Then after I came back up I passed the room and she was crying so I went in there and saved the day." Alex laughed as she put the other blanket on the bed. I started to quickly get out of the bed until she grabbed me and begin to lay me back down. "Alex why didn't you tell me anything." "Don't worry she's fine. Now you need to not worry about her and get some rest. I'll be back in here in a few." Alex rubbed my shoulders through the covers before standing up. I smiled at her and she went into the bathroom. I slowly started to drift away. But that was only for 30 minutes when Alex came out of the bathroom bringing the shower steam along with her. When she came out of the bathroom she was completely naked with nothing on her body her hair in a ponytail and her glasses at the top of her head. I looked at her as she walked out and went into her closet without realizing me. When she came back she had on only a tight short t-shirt and underwear. She put her lotion on dried her hair and turned the light off then finally got into bed. She took her glasses off and probably grabbed a book.

My head still turned her opposite way with my eyes closed I winced In pain. The pain from my chest and my leg lasted a good minute before it became unbearable and caused me to immediately shoot up. Alex hurried close to my side and grabbed me. "You okay pipes?" She had her arm wrapped around my waist and the other one holding my hand. Considering I was in so much pain I managed to give her a weak smile. She smiled back and looked down at my leg. "Piper what did you do why are your legs red?" She said to me in a weak voice. I sighed and touched the mark on my leg. "Well.. a mixture.. of abuse & beaten... and self harm.. it was a long time ago. Sometimes the pain comes back." I finally let out a long breath after trying to talk in between breathing heavily. "God pipes. To yourself. Why?"

I turned my head so that I wasn't facing her as tears rolled down my face. Alex cupped my chin and turned me facing her and looked into my eyes. "Stop it piper." She pulled me towards her by my shoulders and held me tight as I cried into her chest. "It'll all be okay. We will get through this together as a team and be okay." She spoke while lifting both of my legs onto her lap. I looked up at her with a cheesy grin. She laughed and wiped my tears off of my face.

We sat there for a few minutes cuddled talking and laughing until I got hungry. I looked at Alex and spoke. "I'm hungry." I started to turn my lips. Alex laughed and rotated my legs so that they were hanging off of the bed. I gave her a fake offended look and she laughed a little harder. She grabbed my hand and we went downstairs to the kitchen/living area.

"Want a smoothie? I have pasta, and garlic bread from last night." She asked taking the blender from the black cupboard and a few cups and fruits. "Sounds good. You seem like a good cook." Alex laughed and began to heat up the food.

The two women sat on the couch eating in peace. Which lasted until piper asked Alex questions. "So.. you never told me how old you were." Piper scooted closer to Alex and turned her body. Alex scoffed and answered her question. "Sad to say.. I'm 23. My birthday is in a few months. No time soon though." Piper just slightly laughed and sat her now empty dishes on the glass coffee table That sat in front of them. "Siblings" Piper asked. Alex sighed and spoke. "2 sisters, Lorna and Dominga. Mother Diane all raised us on her own with 2 jobs and a 2 bedroom apartment." Piper turned to face her even more with a confused look on her face. "Wait 3 kids plus Mom and a 2 bedroom apartment? Where did everyone sleep?" Alex laughed at the look on her face. "I slept in the basement by choice so the room debate was really with Lorna and Dom. Lorna was REALLY spoiled so she of course got the room. Since i was in the basement by choice I got all the nice things. Like a nice sized TV, mini fridge that no one but my mom knew about, queen sized bed, and a sofa. Dom slept In the living room on the couch. Pretty amazing life I lived." Alex laughed and stood up grabbing each other their dishes. "So basically you were a considerate person? You seemed so nice I wish I would've known you back then. So I could sit in your basement with you and watch command." Piper started laughing at her joke and Alex chimed in with her. "Command is actually my show. I'm the producer of it." Piper jumped and turned around on the couch with her widened eyes. "Wait what? Your kidding? Dayanara would freak if I told her I lived with the producer of her favorite show." Piper started to lower her voice. Alex sat the dishes in the sink and walked back to Piper. "So.. wanna head back up and.... watch command." "As long as you're not tired." Piper stood up and ran up the stairs.


"Oh come on he didn't have to steal her necklace. God, it's not even that cute." Piper laughed throwing a piece of popcorn at the tv. "Hey go pick that up before we have roaches." Alex said playfully pushing her shoulder. Piper laughed and walked over to the tv and picked it up and threw it away. She was about to lay back down when the baby monitor made a crying noise. Piper sighed heavily and flipped the cover back over and started to walk out of the room. Alex jumped up and grabbed pipers arm and threw her on the bed. "Wait there." Piper sat up and got under the covers laying there facing the side Alex slept on.

2 minutes later Alex came back with Nessa and a few diapers. Alex started chuckling and sat on the bed. "She won't go back to sleep." Piper sat up and looked at Nessa's small face and laughed. "She has a schedule. At 12 she takes 3 hours and 30 minutes of a nap which I think is insane but you know whatever. Then once she wakes up she's up for 2 hours doing anything to entertain herself. After those 2 hours she goes back to sleep for good. For maybe about 8 hours. She wakes up around 9:30 ish 10 ish in the morning which gives me a little bit of me time. Her schedule is all kinds of crazy." Piper leaned closer to Nessa and smiled.

"So she's not going back to sleep for another 2 hours?" Alex asked laying Nessa down in between them. "Nope. But she will be out like a light.. in 2 hours." Piper laughed and laid back on her pillow and faced Nessa's small face. "Hi little princess." Piper softly tickled her and got small kicks out of her. Alex sat there smiling at piper as she played with her small child. A few seconds later Piper and Alex resumed to their show.

About 10 minutes into the show, Nessa began to cry. Piper then realized what was wrong with her. "God, baby I'm sorry I haven't fed you in hours." Alex looked at piper in shock before pausing the show once more. "Why haven't you fed your child pipes?" Alex chuckled a little. There was the 'your child' again. Piper shifted uncomfortably and bit the inside of her lip. She sighed and picked up Nessa, turned the other way laying back down on her side with Nessa against her chest with her boob in her mouth being fed. "Piper, what's wrong? It seems like every time I say a sentence with 'your child' in it you get upset. What is wrong?" Alex scoffed with a small smirk. She scooted closer to piper and rubbed her shoulder. "Nothing Al, don't worry, it's nothing." Piper laid there and began to close her eyes. She sighed softly and went to sleep. Alex sat there sitting straight up and decided to drift off herself. She grabbed the popcorn bowl and jogged down the spiral stairs. She put the bowl on the counter and turned all of the lights off before going back up to her room. She adjusted the air and got into the bed she turned her lamp off and the tv off and got under her covers. She kissed pipers head and whispered to her softly, "someday you will be mine." Piper heard her but she didn't know that. Piper slightly smiled to herself and turned to lay on her other side facing Alex. She lifted the covers onto her shoulders and put her boob back into her shirt. Alex turned to see her pink face. She chuckled and went to sleep.

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