Days with Daddy: Through the...

Bởi ascudder9131

11.9K 204 12

A compilation of Chuck Bass' days with his son, Henry, when Blair isn't there. Xem Thêm

Fashion Week
Visiting Grandparents
I Love Her

Come Home

2.2K 52 2
Bởi ascudder9131

Henry is 7 as of this day


"Where is daddy!? You told me he'd be here on my birthday! You lied and so did he!" Henry cried in to his mother's nightgown at 9:00 in the morning. His father had been on a business trip all this week but he promised that he'd be home for his son's birthday on Friday.

"I know. Daddy is so sorry that he's not here but it started snowing and the Bass Jet couldn't take off. We'll call him as soon as you calm down." Blair spoke gently to Henry because she knew what it was like for a parent to miss your birthday and she knew Chuck did too. Henry sniffed a bit more and said he was calm now and he wanted to call his daddy.

The phone rang a few times and a very tired sounding Chuck answered.


"Daddy!" Henry yelled and broke down in sobs again. It hurt Chuck's heart to hear his son crying because it brought him back to his 7th birthday with his father;

"Daddy!" Chuck stumbled over to his father on the morning of his seventh birthday to find his father on the phone with a client. "Daddy!" Chuck tried again. Bart held the phone away from his ear a moment to say, "Chuck, can't you see I'm on the phone? When I am off the phone, you can say whatever it is you want to tell me." Chuck looked down as Bart finished his phone conversation and he slowly walked away. The nanny gave him a sympathetic look as he did.

"Now what did you want to tell me, Chuck?" His father walked in to his room a half hour later.

"It's my seventh birthday today but I guess you forgot again. It's okay, I guess." Chuck looked down at the ground after he said this. He was used to his father being distant today, most days really but his birthday was always the worst. Bart realized his mistake and quickly asked Chuck why he felt the need to tell him and what he wanted. Chuck just looked at him and then down to the ground. Quietly he mumbled, "For you to love me and for you to be home more..."

He looked up at his father as Bart said, "Stop being so childish, Charles." And he walked out leaving Chuck as a tear slid down his cheek. It was then that he realized Bart didn't love him because he killed his mother.

"Daddy is so sorry he can't be there for your birthday, Hen. You know I would be there if I could be. I love you so much, buddy." Chuck said through tears. He didn't show them to Henry though because he needed to be strong for his son. Blair could tell they were there, though. She knew her husband had a particularly hard time with this because his father never paid attention to him on his birthday. Chuck spoke again, "Henry I promise when I get back, we'll have a day all to ourselves. I love you and I'll see you when I get home. Can you give the phone to mommy, please?"

Henry handed the phone over to his mother while still shaking from his tears. "Hello, my love. I miss you." She said as she rubbed Henry's back to soothe him.

"God Blair, I'm an awful father. I'm just like him." He said in between sobs.

"You are not. You would be here celebrating with him if you could be. He still loves you but he's just upset that his daddy isn't here with him. He understands though. I love you Chuck and I'll see you later tonight."

"I love you too, Blair. Make sure the day is special for him." Chuck responded with a sigh. Then he hung up. He would not go back to that place for the sake of his son.


9 hours later:

"I'm home. Is anybody here?" Chuck spoke as he walked through the front door of his house. He was extremely tired from his flight and was really broken up about what had happened earlier. He just wanted to hear his son so he knew everything was okay.

Soon came the sound of Blair saying, "Daddy's home!" Henry cheered and ran in to jump into his father's arms. Blair came out carrying Rosie, his 4 month old little girl and he quickly kissed both of them while still holding Henry. Soon Henry started sobbing in to Chuck's suit jacket and he felt that pang of guilt in his heart. "Henry what's wrong, buddy? Are you still mad at me? I'm really-" Henry cut him off mid-sentence; "No I'm not mad. I'm just really glad you're home."

"I'm glad I'm home too." He looked up at Blair and she just smiled at him. He wasn't anything like Bart and he never would be.

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