Fashion Week

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" Blair we'll be fine. And I promise; if something goes wrong I will call you right away," he couldn't fathom why people thought he couldn't take care of his own son without help.

"Okay fine you know I just get worried with him being only two months old. I left some bottles in the refrigerator for when he gets hungry and then there's also formula for when you run out of the milk. I also set out the diaper rash cream and-" he cut her off with a kiss. "I can take care of my son."

"Alright well I'll see you in a week when I get back from Paris. Love you both so much!" She gave them both kisses before she followed Arthur out the door to the limo with her luggage.


"Well looks like it's just you and me bud." Henry started to coo and squirm a bit in his father's arms. "I know I miss mommy already too but she'll be home soon."

Chuck glanced at the clock and noticed it was already 7:30. He figured he should give Henry a bath, feed him, and then see how long he'll sleep. He brought Henry into his and Blair's bathroom and stripped him down so he was only in his diaper. "Okay my little man, time for a bath." Henry just stared up at him and smiled. After he had bathed Henry he went down to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle out of the fridge. At first he wouldn't take to a bottle but with the little coaxing from Chuck, he sucked happily. Finally Chuck got him to fall asleep in the bassinet next to his and Blair's bed.

Chuck awoke with a start at 3:00 to the sound of Henry's cries. He swiftly picked him up and started rocking him. "Are you hungry again? Or did you just want Daddy's attention?" He asked as if Henry would respond. He finally got Henry to calm down after another bottle and some walking around on the rooftop garden. He brought him back into the bedroom and set him back into the bassinet. "Sleep tight my little man."

He now woke up to the sound of his alarm at 8:00 signaling it was time for work. He decided he wouldn't call off the whole week and would just take Henry to work with him. I mean how hard could it be? Henry heard the alarm too which woke him up and caused him to start wailing. Oh jeez, Chuck thought, it was going to be a very long day.


He walked into Bass Industries with a Louis Vuitton diaper bag slung over his shoulder and Henry in his carrier on his arm. As he strolled through the entrance and toward the elevator he got many surprised looks from employees. Many people were aware that Chuck Bass did indeed have a young son who he loved very much but they had never seen him interact with his son until today. As soon as Chuck stepped in the elevator he was greeted by Mr. Brandise, the CFO of his company.

"Hello Mr. Bass. How are you doing on this fine morning? I see you brought your son to work with you today," he stated in a sympathetic way.

"I'm doing fine thank you. And yes my wife is away in Paris for Fashion Week and I've given our nanny the week off to spend with her children. Henry and I will be bonding these next few days," he chuckled.

"Oh that's great. Well this is my floor. It was nice chatting with you," he said brightly.

Chuck pressed the close button and groaned because he realized that would be the first of many conversations today. He rode until he reached the top floor and then stepped out. He was immediately greeted by his assistant who looked startled, "Mr. Bass I wasn't aware you were bringing Henry with you today! It's so nice to finally have him in the office! Would you like me to watch him while you are in your meetings?"

"Thank you. But no thank you. I'll just keep him with me in the meetings and then we'll leave right after I'm finished here," he stated blatantly.

"Well alright. You have a meeting with the mayor at 10:00 and then with some people from Sotheby's for lunch. I believe that's all," She said.

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