Monster Marks

נכתב על ידי inspired2fly

536K 19K 2K

I was taken away from the only place I called home. I was used as a blood-bag to those filthy creatures with... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 11

14.3K 610 31
נכתב על ידי inspired2fly

"I don't understand how we can't find that girl!" Trent banged his fist on the desk causing papers to fall off the sides. 

It has been two weeks since Jen has been hiding out. I would sneak food to her every night, telling Trent that I needed to go to the bathroom. There was a bathroom connected to the bedroom but it wasn't working. Trent thought one of his bodyguards used it, because he would never expect it was his beloved trying to have an excuse to leave the bedroom, to go see his escaped maid, by shoving things down a toilet to make it clog up.  

"We have looked everywhere sir," one man spoke. "Are you sure she didn't leave already?" 

Trent decided that he needed to have a meeting about how the search was going. So he got some of his guards together to meet up early in the morning, dragging me out of bed with them. He might not need the sleep, but I sure did. 

"I have guards surrounding this place in every direction. There is no way some human girl could get through all of them unnoticed. She is still here, and we will find her!" His voice started to rise, and I was preparing myself for another bang from the table, but instead he laced his hand threw mine and gave a squeeze. 

"This has been going on for quite some time now; maybe we just need a little bit more help. Maybe, someone who hasn't been searching this house every day. We have been looking for so long that everything always looks the same." In a way the man seemed to be complaining, but by the way his face looked paler then usual you could tell he hadn't had blood for a while and just wanted to leave. 

Trent looked to be thinking deeply about something before he spoke. "You make a good point, Luke. I will call in a good friend of mine to come down and check the place out. You are all dismissed." 

Luke was the first one out and everyone else left right after to go back to their duties, leaving me and the prince alone. 

"So..." I drawled out, trying to get his attention back in my direction. "Who is this friend you are talking about?" 

"You will find out soon, he usually arrives fast." 

With him still holding my hand he pulled me out of my seat and escorted me out of the room.  

Trent had been acting really nice for these past weeks. He let me sleep in a different bedroom then him the first night, only if I had guards outside my door. So I agreed, and that was probably the worst decision I made. Because throughout the night Trent would barge into my room with a scared expression and mumble, "I thought you tried to leave." And after the fourth time he just dragged me out of the bed and went to his room, but he kept his space by sleeping on the floor and gave me the bed. So I got absolutely no sleep that first night. 

When I woke up he would always leave a note on the bedside table explaining where he was and what he would be doing that day then say when he would be back. When he was gone it gave me the perfect opportunity to see Jen. 

The guards didn't need to follow me around the house to make sure I was protected because as long as the windows and doors were locked it cave them reassurance that I couldn't run away. So that gave me tons of time to do whatever I wanted, except leave. 

Jen would always ask how close I was getting with Trent and if I found a way to unlock the windows. And every time I would say I was just a little bit closer and no. 

The truth was that every time he did something small like grab my hand, or kiss my wrist. I wouldn't be disgusted like I was supposed to, and that scared me. Luckily he hasn't tried to kiss me on the lips, because I am truly scared of how I would react. 

"So are you thinking eggs and bacon this morning?" 

I nodded my head and quickly sat down at the kitchen table before he could pull the seat out for me. 

A couple seconds later the breakfast was placed in front of me. And I gobbled it down so fast that Trent gave me a strange look.  

"I can't believe you were so hungry." 

"Well, I'm usually hungrier if I wake up earlier." 

He laughed and sat on the chair opposite of me slurping a glass of blood as if it was a milkshake. It made my stomach queasy just watching him, so I tried to not look up. 

"So what are you planning on doing today?" I asked, starting up a conversation. 

"Once my friend gets here I am hoping to find Jen and get some information out of her. What about you?" 

I took a big gulp of air. Everytime he brought up her name my throat would go dry. "I don't know yet, but for now I'm going to go take a quick shower." 

He looked me up and down then responded. "Don't take long." 

"Okay." I got up and grabbed a muffin before racing to go see Jen. But not before making a stop at the laundry room and grabbing some undergarments that looked her size and a t-shirt and shirt. I doubt the vampires would even know they were gone. They had so many clothes anyways. How could you not? You have tons of years to collect then, and you never grow out of them. 

I opened up the door quietly and walked to the closet and knocked on it three times before it swung open. 

"Thank the lord." Jen quickly reached for the muffin and starting biting large chunks from it before it was devoured fully.  

"I'm sorry, I should have brought more, but I didn't know how hungry you were or if Trent would think it was strange to take so much food upstairs after I ate a big breakfast," I apologized. 

"This is good, honestly." She gave me a smile before looking down at the pile of clothes in my hands. "Are those for me?" I nodded my head. "Thank you so much! I really needed a shower." 

I cringed when she yelled and looked quickly at the door expecting someone to hear her and come running. I always forgot all the rooms in this house were soundproof, because something's that go on in rooms we just don't want to hear. 

I felt some weight lift off of me hands as Jen was already stripping holding the clean pair of clothes in her arms, heading to the bathroom. 

"By the way, how is the plan going so far?" She asked as she had only her head sticking out of the bathroom door." 

"Good, now take your shower quickly before Trent yells at me for taking too long of a shower and barges in here." 

I let out a sigh when she closed the door behind her. I really didn't want to talk about "the plan" at the moment. 

When I started to hear the shower I also heard the doorbell ring, and after some hesitation I decided to see who it was, because rarely anyone came to visit. 

I quickly found a piece of paper and pencil in a dresser drawer and wrote a note to Jen saying I was going down stairs to check on something. I would probably tell Trent that I decided to not take a shower if he saw me. 

"It's so nice to see you again." 

"As to you, it feels like forever since I last saw you. How is your sister doing?" 

"Actually last week she left with her husband to have their 10th anniversary." 

"Wow she finally got married." 

The man behind Trent I could barely notice, but just by the way he talked I could tell that he came from a high up class too. 

"So you called me saying that you needed me to come here right away, that it is urgent?" 

"Yes, do you remember that girl that started posting posters everywhere saying how horrible and nasty of creatures we are?" 

"I don't remember seeing the girl, but I do remember hearing about her. She almost had a war between the humans and us." 

I stood still frozen on the first step. 

"Yes. And we through her in jail, but then she escaped, and we got her back and made her a maid to make sure she was never out of our site, but now she is missing." 

So that's why they wanted her so bad. She wasn't part of the rebellion, she was the rebellion. She wasn't helping the rebellion get more people. She was helping to build her army. 

"And you are positive she is still in this house?" 


"Then let's start looking." 

I quickly ran back to the bathroom where Jen was, the whole time feeling as if someone was watching me.


No, this is not a trick! Even if I am posting this on Halloween (I like to update on Holidays) Anyways, It has been so long since I have posted something! And I am so sorry for not updating. I can make up all the excuses I want. But point blank is I was too lazy over the summer, and now that school started up again things are crazy!!

This chapter is short. I know. Its hard getting back into the writing mode after not writing in a long time. (which is why it probably sucks). Hopefully with time my chapter will progressively get longer. Is short chapter good for now?

There will also be no updates in november because I'm going to try to do NANOWRIMO. Im aiming for 25,000words (Starting out small) Add me if you want: inspired2fly :)

Thank You to everyone that has supported me, and all my new followers!! And the beautiful cover on the side made by @DarkPandaLover1328



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