Roxanne & Jax

By Zomb1eMummy

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Never a story of more woe, than that of Jax and his Roxanne. Rival MCs? Check. Defiant Daddy's Girl? Check... More



212 7 0
By Zomb1eMummy


"Get the fucking guns from the locker! Tanner, get the women into the basement! Dennis, on the roof now!" I bellow out orders left and right. The Red Devils are here for revenge. About fucking time, I was beginning to think they had gone soft. 

A window shatters and I duck down. Pulling my gun from my waistband, a run over to the newly created opening and crouch low. Peaking over the edge, I count our intruders. 

Twenty-six. Normally that wouldn't be terrible, but of course, it's a fucking Sunday morning. Nobody is around. I got maybe seven guys, that's it. 

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I dial Jaxon and rest it between my ear and shoulder while simultaneously sticking my gun out the window and aimlessly pulling the trigger. 


"Where the fuck are you, Jaxon?" I scream into my phone while reloading. 

"Axel? It's Rox-"

"The Red Devils are here. They got the big guns! You need to get here now!" I yell at the girl, my eyes catch movement to my right and I see Ryder standing up behind the bar. The idiot's gonna get himself shot. "Slade, get  Ryder out from behind that bar before he gets fucking shot!"

"Jaxon!" I hear her yell. "Axel, I'm getting-"

"Get here now before everyone's fucking dead man!" I yell before hanging up on her. I hear an explosion outside and duck down as the debris flies through the broken window. "Fuck!"

I fire off a few more shots until my gun is empty. I have nothing more on me. 

"I need more ammo!" I yell, looking around me. Tanner is lying dead on the floor with another man and a woman - regulars to the bar, but not members of the club. The door chime dings and I see the Myers kid step inside, his gun drawn. "Fuck!"

"I got some here, Axel!" Adalyn yells as she runs a gun and a few clips over to me. She catches the attention of Myers and he aims his gun at her. 

"Addie, get down!" I scream, but it's too fucking late. 

I shot echoes through the bar, stopping her in her tracks. Her eyes widen and her mouth opens in a soft 'o'. A single tear rolls down her cheek as she falls to her knees.

"No!" I roar, scrambling to get to her before she falls, but again, I'm too late.

She tumbles to the ground in a heap. Blood pools around her and the life slowly leave her eyes as she releases her last breath. 

"Adalyn?" I say, picking her up in my arms. "Adalyn!"

"Man, she's gone," Ryder says as he places a hand on my shoulder. The gunshots have stopped, but the sounds still echo in my head. 

"She can't be."

"I'm sorry, man. She-"

I interrupt him with my fist to his face and he stumbles back. "Don't!" I growl. 

Ryder touches his jaw with his fingers, opening and closing it a few times as if to check it was broken. Then he glares at me angrily. "Don't take this shit out on me," He warns. "I won't be your punching bag." 

I growl and run at him. Raising my fist, I send it right for his face but he ducks it and pushes me away from him. I'm seeing red. Again, I throw another fist at him - this one hits his side. Before he can recover, I send another one into his stomach and back, followed by his nose. Blood runs down his face, but I don't stop. 

"Axel!" I hear Slade yell from behind me, but I continue attacking Ryder. 

A few moments later, I feel Slade and Dennis pulling me away from Ryder - who looks like death. 

"You need to calm the fuck down," Slade orders as he holds me up against a wall. I struggle against him - my chest heaving and my fists clenched together - but he holds me still. "Look at me, Axel. He didn't do this. Don't attack him for what they've done."

"I'm gonna fucking kill him! Where is he?"

"They left as soon as they shot her. They got away." 

"Not for fucking long. Dennis, I want you to follow them. Tell me where to find him. Lars, call Van Haven. He's got some work to do. Ryder, get to Helen. Make sure she's safe and get her to clean you up. Slade..." I trail off. "Do whatever the fuck it is you do. I need a fucking drink."

I'm onto my third rye and ginger when I hear the rumble of Jaxon's bike. I slam my hands on the counter, pushing the stool back. It falls with a bang and I stomp out the bar - pushing the door open with enough force that it hits the wall with a loud bang. 

When I see him, I fucking run towards him. Full fucking speed. Fist raised. 

"Where the fuck were you?" I roar, pushing my fist forward with all my strength. Unfortunately, he ducks just in time. 

"You know where I was," He says through gritted teeth. I throw another fist at him, this time hitting him square in the jaw. "You better have a damn good reason for doing that."

"She's fucking dead! They fucking killed her!"

"Who's dead?"He asks stupidly and I have to take a second to stop myself from punching him again. 



"She's fucking dead. The Myers kid got her. I couldn't get to her before he put a bullet in her," I say, watching him as I say the words. 

"I'm sorry man."

"I'm gonna kill him, Jax. He's fucking mine." I say, pointing to my chest. "I wanted to tell you first. I am going to beat the living shit out of him until he's begging me to end his fucking life."

I turn around and storm off to my truck. Climbing inside, I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Dennis's number as I speed out of the driveway. 

"Where the fuck is he?" I say, not waiting for him to say anything when the call connects.

"Well hello to you too-"

"Don't fuck with me right now!" I growl. "Where is he?"

"The Taphouse. On St Paul."

"I'll be there in twenty. Don't let him out of your sight."

Hanging the phone up, I press the gas pedal right to the floor and head to the bar. I can see nothing but red. I can feel absolutely nothing. I don't even know if my heart is beating. My head is pounding as that single gunshot repeats in my head over and over and the image of her face is burned into my eyes. 

She's dead.


Our relationship was always complicated. She was a whore and, frankly, so am I. There was no monogamy. There was no dating and there certainly was no love. 

Just fucking - hardcore, blow your mind sex that no one could give me but her. 

And I suppose our relationship did go deeper than that. I did care for her. I was there for her when she needed me - whether it was a handsy guy or her fucking drunk of a father, I was there. Vice versa was also true. Sometimes she was just there for me. Sure, Jaxon is my best friend but sometimes you just need someone on the outside to listen to shit. She was that person on the outside. 

"Fuck!" I scream, slamming my hand on the steering wheel. I think deep down, there was something there for her. I wouldn't say it was love. Just a strong fondness. And maybe that's why this hurts so much. 

As I pull in front of the Taphouse, I don't even have to bother Dennis. The Myers kid is in front hanging off of a pretty little redhead, a huge grin on his lips. 

Maybe I will put a bullet in her head like he did Addie. I think before shaking the thought away. 

I may be a killer, but I'm not a cold-blooded murderer. 

Stepping out of the truck, I don't even bother hiding as I walk up to the man. He's too engrossed in the girl that he doesn't notice me. Shame. I was looking forward to seeing his fear when his eyes land on me. 

The redhead sees me as I walk up behind him and I smile at the fear she displays. I'm sure Myers is furrowing his brows in confusion right now. I snicker. She points at me and Myers turns slowly in confusion before it dawns on him. 

He's dying tonight. 

Grabbing him by the neck, I smash his face into the table and he falls in a heap on the ground. Too fucking easy. Picking him up, I ignore the crying girl and throw him into the truck as Dennis walks up beside me. 

"Get back to the bar," I order. "I'll be at the shed."

He nods his understanding and turns towards his bike as I jump into my truck. I cuff the Myers kid before starting my truck and heading towards the shed. 

The shed is a place where we do the shit that no one wants to do but needs to be done - whether it be torturing or killing. Doesn't matter. It holds any tools we need and a single pole in the centre to tie our prey too. I smile in excitement as I begin to think of the things I'm going to do to his kid. 

Groaning beside me interrupts my thoughts and I see the Myers kid is coming to. His dark, brown hair lightly covers his familiar grey eyes, making me frown as I try to think of where I've seen them before. 

"What the fuck," He mumbles. "Where are you taking me?"

"To your deathbed," I reply with a deadly smirk on my face. A mixture of fear and anger dances in his eyes as he purses his lips together. "Hope your last day alive was a good one because you are dying tonight, buddy!" I laugh darkly. 

"Then why aren't you killing me?" He says. "You need me for information."

"Nah, I know you won't be saying much," I say with a shrug. "I just want to have fun first." 

He looks away - probably not wanting me to see his horror. A devious grin forms on my lips as I see the bar. "Ah, we're almost here," I say and I swear he trembles. Fucking pussy.

Pulling into the driveway, I pull in behind the bar and park beside the shed. Exiting the truck, I walk around to the passenger door in two seconds flat. Flashing the kid a devilish smile, I open his door and grab his arm. 

"Let go of me!" He yells as he tries and fails to kick me away from him. His pathetic gesture makes me laugh. I almost feel bad. 

"Oh, come on buddy. Don't you want to have some fun?" I ask, smirking. "Oh wait, I guess this won't be too much fun for you, will it?"

"You are fucking sick."

"No," I sneer. "You are fucking sick. Who shoots a fucking woman like that?"

"It happens-"

"It shouldn't have fucking happened!" I roar, pulling him out of the truck and throwing him inside the shed. He groans when he hits the concrete floor and I laugh again before pointing at him. "You fucked up. Now you have to face the consequences. Welcome to this fucking world, buddy!"

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