By marmoodarlee

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Adam leaves Leena, his fiancee in the car for ten minutes but comes back to find her missing. It is just a fe... More



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By marmoodarlee

“I don’t understand what you are talking about. An eye witness saw it happen.” Adam said.
“I know what you are talking about. Firstly, I want you to forgive me. I really hurt you and I feel so chastened. You don’t deserve it Adam.”

“Leena you have done nothing wrong for all I know. I just want to know where you are and why you are there.”
Mufty stood up and went out. He wanted to give her room for privacy.
“I was not kidnapped. I met someone who needed help and I had to help him….”

“What do you mean? What kind of help?”
“It is a private issue. I just need a favour from you. Please do not tell my parents this. Just tell them I called you and told you that I have escaped….” She said this but remembered that she was not sure if they could make it out of this place alive. “But we are still finding our way out here.”
“This does not make sense to me. Are you saying you are out there with a man? A  man that is your non-muharam? You have left since yesterday.”

“What are you insinuating? That I am sleeping with a man?”
“No.” He detected the note of anger in her voice. Yes, he had that feeling but he was not going to tell her that. How could a responsible girl leave her house with the pretence of being kidnapped to go and save a ‘he’?
“Wallahi it not what you think.”

“Okay, now that you have saved him, are you coming back?”
“It is a long story. I did not tell you that I have saved  him. I don’t know if I can save him. I just need a favour from you. Please let us postpone the wedding…..”

“I am confused. I know what I am doing or saying would not make sense to anyone….”
“Thank God you admit it.”
“I don’t even what is driving me to do it. I would have insulted any girl doing what I am doing. I am being foolish and annoying but I can’t help it. Adam, please do not be angry with me…..”
“Just tell me in a single word. Are you breaking up with me? Have you fallen in love with ‘him’?”
Leena hesitated.

She was not sure if it would work out with Mufty. She did not know even he would be accepted. She hoped she was not making a mistake. The best thing for her to have done is tell Adam no and go on with the marriage plans.
This was the most difficult question she had ever being asked.

“No, Adam. I am not breaking up with you. You have been one of the nicest person I have met. I have no reason to hurt you intentionally. My heart just happens to be pulling me. I just want us to pray about it. may Allah chose what is best for us…..”
“Just a few weeks to our wedding?”

“Are you saying because it is just a few weeks left, we don’t need prayers?’
He took in a deep breath.
“No, we need prayers but……you have not answered me. are you breaking up with me?”
“Are we going on with the wedding?”

“I don’t know. May Allah chose what is best for us.”
“Hmmmm….Leena, I am not against your tauheed today and yes, that is a general prayer but let me tell you something as a man. When  a girl is not hyper or interested in marrying you, she becomes full of tauheed and you cannot challenge her because it is tauheed but deep down, you know she is no more interested. If you know you are no more interested, please tell me.”

“I did not say I am no more interested. I just need more time.”
“Hmmmm….more time? Leena. Do you love me?”
There was a pause.
“I don’t know. I don’t hate you. I like you. You are a nice person.”

“Hmmm…I do understand your answer. You are twenty-four, right and I am thirty-one. I think we do understand each other but let me give you time to think about it. I will give you three days. Meanwhile, I have been round many police stations, written statements and looked for you all over. The ATOF Captain have been all over me. What do you want me to tell them?”
She paused, confused. She had nothing against Adam. He was a nice guy, handsome, caring and had the qualities many girls would love. He had passed the test, and her parents accepted him. They knew his family, his job and character.

Mufty was an uncertainty. She barely knew him. In fact, he was a man with a murky lifestyle. How was she going to present him? What would she say? He had not proposed or said anything about getting married to her.

What was that thing about Mufty was holding her captive? What was that thing that made her stuck to him? Something so strong that she risked her life to come back to a death camp. Something so intense that made her forget her troubles immediately she saw him again.

He had that thing that made her feel fulfilled. And the fact that she made him smile, and chuckle before he admitted falling in love with her made her felt there was that chemistry between them.
Was he lying? Why should he lie? He had no reason to that. It was a fact that he was not after her body. If he wanted that, he would have gotten it. He meant it but there was also something holding him back. Something that may have made him develop a phobia for women. He was never comfortable around women.

“Just tell them I called and told you that I just escaped and the line went dead. That would be a form of relief. About us, we will talk more when I come back insha Allah.”
“When are you coming back?”
“I don’t know. We are trying to figure out our way.”

“are you with the ‘him?’”
“He is just a little boy.” She lied and felt guilty.
“Have you fallen in love with someone else?”
“I don’t know. Please I have to go now. Please just keep this to yourself and tell them what I told you to say. We will sort it out.”

“Have you thought of the fact that I have got a wedding plan? What do I do now that you told me this?”
“Were you planning the wedding when you thought I was kidnapped?”

“Then let the plans stop until I arrive safely. I am not totally safe now.”
“But you were safe. You chose this upon yourself. It means our relationship was not important to you.”
“You are wrong. There was somebody’s life at stake. I could not take him off my mind and I knew no one would let me go. I risked my life for what I believed in.”

“Leena….I am broken.”
“I have not said I am no more getting married to you. I said we should pray for the best. If God says I am your wife, then nothing will stop it.”
“Hmmmm….that tauheed again.”
“What tauheed?”

“The tauheed girls use when they are not interested.”
“Do not misconceive me. You are special to me . Just pray I return safely.”
“I miss you.”
“Hmmm…I miss you too.”
She ended the call before taking a deep breath.
Leena, she called herself, I hope you are not making a big goof.


Jahl rested his big hands on a table inside his palace. He had been thinking for a while. He raised his face and then used his hand to pull his beard slowly.
“I think the video should have gone viral now.” He said. “And the name Sadiq Jahl is now a household name. I am not scared of anything, or anyone when it comes to the work of God. But I have been thinking seriously about Mufty.”

“What about him, Sir?”
“I am very uncomfortable with him. A moment ago, as he struck that boy, I saw the fire in his eyes and I was glad, but since he saw that girl, it became more of love for her. I think she has to die now…..”

“Yes, Sir.”
“And with a heart deep in sorrow, I regret to order the execution of Mufty. He should go with her. We will give him a befitting burial with twenty three gunshot salute. Mufty is a force to reckon with but a girl destroyed him in the end. May his souls rest in peace.”

“May Allah forgive him his sins.”
“Forgive him for failing in the end to serve God. May Allah punish the girl for diverting his attention from serving God. May she rot in hellfire.”

“She should be beheaded but Mufty should just be shot. Please just five bullets but make sure he is dead.”
“Yes, Sir.”

Three of the armed insurgents went out.
“The day I have been waiting for has finally come.” The leader said. “ He just stuck Barde this evening. Barde passed out. So full of himself.”
“I hope you will become the next Mufty.” Another man said.
“No! I want to become myself and not him. Never say that again!”

Adam stood in a katzenjammer, subconsciously squeezing the phone he held, trying to convince himself he was not hallucinating. The phone call he just received was one of the most shocking and annihilating conversation he had ever had.

He could feel every word spoken resonating with him, padded with sputtering sounds and magnified echoes that threatened his ear drum. He knew this was not in a nightmare. He should have seen it coming. The quiddity was not so esoteric but he was blinded. Now, he began to add things up. He had been a fool not have detected the quirks and subliminals.

Now everything made sense to him. He felt niggling, and a part of his head ached.
He stood still, trying to calm his nerves, and tumultuous brain.
He walked groggily to the bed, dropped his balk and closed his eyes. He had to talk to someone. The police needed to know this, and that should extend to her family members. This was a secret too hot to handle.

What was the use? There was no evidence, or clue to exact location.
He hesitated. He could not make a decision now. He was flummoxed, dejected and mentally lassitude. He switched off the light, and closed his eyes again but he knew he was not going to sleep. He remembered the first time he met Leena three years ago but the shocking phone call would not let him think straight.

He picked his phone, checked the time and hesitated. It was a few minutes after 11:00 PM. He scrolled down the call log then dialled a number.
“ Hello, Adam.” A ladies voice emerged.
“ Haneefa.”

“ I am surprised you are calling me this late.”
“ I am sorry about that. I could not wait till morning.”
“ What is it?’

“ I just received a phone call. It is about Leena. I got a very bad news.”
“ Oh my God! I hope she is not dead? I was told there has not been any demand for a ransom.”
Adam took in a deep breath.

“No. It is not what we think.”
“What are you talking about?”

He hesitated.
“I don’t think Leena still loves me.”
“What are you talking about?
“She called me to tell me that she has escaped.”
“That is a good news. What is the bad news? You should think about her safety first.”

“She is safe now. She told me something else. It seems she has fallen in love with another person.”
“Adam just relax and sleep. We will talk about this tomorrow.”
“Do you think I am worked up?

“You have gone through a lot. Leena has always being for you….”
“Before now.”
“Are you sure she called you? Because I would have expected you guys to talk about her safety and arrival and not this. It is strange Adam. Is there something you are hiding from me?”
“Everything is hidden from me.” He said. “I am confused but I promise myself to get to the root of it all.”

“Now I feel there is something more to it. Can you come and see me tomorrow?”
“Please do. Just take it easy. I know everything will be alright.”
“I hope so.”
“Good night dear.”
“Goodnight Haneefa.”

Leena heard the door get opened. She thought it was Mufty but the three brutal looking men she saw got her trembling.
The man in front split his wide face into a devilish grin.
“Daughter of the devil.” He said. “The time has come.”


Thank you very much.

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