Enchanted By The Thought

By IWillNeverBeHer

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BOOK ONE OF THE ENCHANTED SERIES "The ones with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approach... born to thos... More

ONE: Must Be A Golden Trio Thing
TWO: Ten Points To Slytherin
THREE: Vanishing Cabinet
FOUR: Where's Harry
FIVE: Really? A Ravenclaw?
SIX: Promise A Promise That's Actually A Threat
SEVEN: Keep Your Friends Close But Kiss Your Enemies
EIGHT: He Can't Fight Alone
NINE: Hazelnut
TEN: Friends? What Are Those?
ELEVEN: A Snowball Fight Solves Everything
TWELVE: Friends Can Become Enemies
THIRTEEN: Can't Keep Secrets
FOURTEEN: Guess We Haven't Grown Up Yet
TWENTY EIGHT: Brothers Before The Others
FOURTY ONE: The Old Elizabeth Died


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By IWillNeverBeHer

He saw you. He met you. He wanted you. He liked you. He chased you. He got you. He had you. He loved you. He got bored. He left.

Beth sat beside the lake, looking out over the water. She was waiting for Draco to find her; as she knew he would. She hated that she knew him better than she knew herself. She was likely to know what he was thinking without having to ask. It wasn't like she wanted to see him; she just needed closure. She needed to hear his shitty explanation as to why everything she felt for him was all for a bet. She wanted to hear him attempt to explain as to why she was nothing to him but a game. Kat's confession was all she could hear.

Her heart hurt as memories swarmed up from the depths of her mind. She gave everything to him and he gave nothing in return. She'd jeopardized her own relationship with her brother and her friends for a boy who couldn't love her the way she loved him. She'd given up George, the one who had helped her forgive herself, for a boy who couldn't love. Maggie had been right; the snake may have been beautiful but its bite hurt. And it left poison in your veins, in her veins. She would forever be stuck with knowing that she'd given up her innocence to a Death Eater. She heard the footsteps approaching and stayed on the ground, not wanting to see his face. Because as much as she hated it, she knew that if she saw the pain in his eyes, she'd do whatever she could to end his suffering. But while she fixed him, his shattered heart tore her hands apart. "Beth?" She heard his soft voice and it felt like something had broken inside her.

"Why." She stated, watching as the waves lapped at the shore. She could see shadows darting beneath the surface and knew that many creatures lived in the lake. She felt his presence behind her, brooding and distant. What would he claim this time? His parents pressure on him? She knew what he put at stake for his parents, for his father, but she didn't need to be in the damage. He could've stayed far away from her.

Draco exhaled and she felt his hand on her shoulder. She jerked away from his touch as if she'd been stung and stood up, hugging herself. If he got too close, she'd lose what grip on her mind she'd acquired. She needed to keep him at a distance so she could think clearly. Bracing herself, she turned around to face him. His eyes were wary as they watched her and he looked sick. She patiently waited for whatever pathetic excuse he could come up with. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking away from her. "I don't know." He answered quietly, looking ashamed. "I don't know why. I know, I should've said no. I should've just focused on the task I need to fulfill. I was messed up in the head, girls were just objects to me. I didn't know I would fall in love with you." His eyes met hers and she felt as if a hot object had been shoved through her chest. She glanced away, not wanting the pain.

"I'm so sorry, Beth. I-" He fell silent. "There's no excuse for what I did except that I wanted to see you suffer. I was sick in the head. Your brother had embarrassed me so many times, I wanted revenge. And I couldn't go after him so I went after the thing he loved most; you." She could hear the emotion in his voice and she tried to feel something but there was nothing except numbness. Even Harry's presence in her own feelings had faded.

Her eyes closed and she sighed, shaking her head. "I can't, Draco. Not anymore. Not us." She told him, her eyes on the ground. "I was nothing to you. I am nothing to you. But you're everything to me." She lifted her gaze to his and he looked angry.

"Beth, don't say that. You're everything to me! You're my everything. I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you but I did. I love-"

His words broke through the numb barrier and rage exploded from her eyes. "No you don't. You wouldn't have taken my virginity for a fucking bet, Malfoy! You wouldn't have hid it from me as long as you did! You lied to me, Malfoy. You lied. I was ready to give up Harry for you because I thought you loved me! I thought, for once, someone actually loved me. For me, not because of my brother or my fame. But you turned out to be just like the rest of them." Tears were falling from her eyes and she angrily wiped them away. "God, I hate you. I hate you so much." She spat, her eyes burning.

He took a step back from her, his eyes filled with agony. "No, no you don't. You can't." He told her frantically. "You love me and I love you."

She smiled sadly and shook her head. "Draco, I don't even know what love is. I thought I did but I was wrong." She answered softly and walked past him, heading back for the castle. So, it wasn't the closure she needed but it was good enough.

"Beth!" She heard Draco shout and she felt his grip on her arm, spinning her around to him. His lips were on hers and she felt the desperation in his kiss. She struggled against him, trying to push him off. She needed to get away from him and his games; she needed someone stable, someone who wouldn't hurt her. Someone like Seamus or George. But her thoughts began to scramble with every second his lips were on hers until her hands stopped fighting and she was kissing him back.

His touch seemed to heal the broken part in her and she knew how wrong it was; oh how wrong it was to feel safe in his kiss when he had been the one to break her.


June slunk up after May and Beth knew how pissed off Seamus was at her. She knew that he had a crush on her but she knew that she would never end up with him. Her being with him wasn't ever going to happen. She was so grateful for his friendship but she'd lost that because of her love for Draco. He plainly ignored her everywhere; even in their classes. Dean seemed more accepting but he stayed with his friend. She wished that she had never gotten tangled up in all the drama she'd managed to find. Even worse; her friend group had split down the middle once again.

Harry had accepted the fact that his twin loved his enemy but he seemed to be trying to close his emotions off towards her. Dumbledore's words echoed in her mind. The bond will get stronger as you both mature and until one of you dies.

Goosebumps erupted on her flesh at the thought and she closed her eyes, calming herself down. That was how it was going to end; she would die and her brother would survive. That was her destiny.


"Seriously? What's his-" Ron was speaking but the portrait door suddenly swung open, cutting him off. Everyone turned to look, surprised.

Harry rushed in, looking panicked. Beth felt the anxiety in him and grew worried. She stood up and the people around her followed suit. "What does he want? Harry, are you okay?" Hermione asked, standing beside Beth.

"I'm fine." He replied quickly, racing past them and up to the boys dormitory. There was shuffling and he flew back down, his socks in his hands. "I've got to be quick," he panted, "Dumbledore thinks I'm getting my invisibility cloak. Listen..." Harry explained to the group around him what was going on. "... so you see what this means?" he finished, meeting all of their gazes. "Dumbledore won't be here tonight, so Malfoy has a clear shot at whatever he's planning."

Beth opened her mouth to protest, her eyebrows drawing together. Hermione looked as though she were going to argue as well. But he cut them off, shaking his head. "No. I know it was Malfoy celebrating in the Room of Requirement. Here-" he handed Hermione the Marauders map, "keep an eye on him. Round up some old D.A members. You've still got those contact Galleons. Dumbledore says he put up extra protection but if Snape's involved he'll know how to get past."

Beth was in denial; complete and utter denial. She knew Draco was a death eater but he wouldn't do this. He wouldn't. She knew him better than she knew herself. "Harry-" She began, her eyes wide in disagreement.

"Don't argue with me. Take this-" he answered curtly, thrusting the socks into Ron's hands. Beth wanted to tell him that Draco couldn't possibly be doing what her twin was accusing but... a nagging feeling grew in the pit of her stomach. If Draco's family were threatened, he would do anything to help them. Was this the result? Was this why he was so desperate for her to forgive him when he had done nothing wrong? And then she remembered his words; I'm supposed to kill Dumbledore.

"Thanks... why do I need this?" Ron looked up at his friend in confusion. Everyone else shared a look and she knew they thought her brother had lost his screw somewhere. Beth's stomach was churning and she closed her eyes, wishing that Draco wasn't going to do what she was certain he was about to do.

"You need what's wrapped in them, its the felix felicis. Share it between yourselves and Ginny. Tell her goodbye for me. I'd better go, Dumbledore's waiting-"

Beth threw her arms around Harry and held him close. "Please stay safe. If you die I'm going to kill you." She grumbled threateningly. Then she wondered; if her brother had died, would she feel it? Would she die along beside him? She banished the dark thoughts and only focused on the good.

She felt her brother smile against her shoulder. "I promise." he replied.

Then, he was gone, disappearing out the portrait door. Beth ran up the stairs and searched for her own bottle of liquid luck. It was still full, untouched, and she scurried back down, her wand in her hand. Ginny, Kat, Maggie, Ron, Hermione, Neville and a few others were waiting. Seamus and Dean were among them. She handed out her bottle and allowed the others to take a sip. She didn't need any casualties, if any. Hermione, Ron and Ginny finish off the rest of Harry's bottle. Beth put the half empty bottle in her pocket, bracing herself. Once they left the safety of their dorm, Neville contacted the rest of the DA. Hermione ordered the group around, planning a simple defense barrier. Beth is told to patrol near the Hogwarts main entrance with Maggie and Seamus. Dean, Kat and Lavender are told to watch the secret tunnels. Hermione paired herself with Ginny to watch Snape's office. Ron, Neville, Luna and the twins are sent off to watch the Room of Requirement. But before they leave, Beth let Luna and the twins finish her liquid luck.

"This is scary. What are we up against? Do you think you-know-who will appear?" Maggie asked softly.

Beth shook her head and watched the doors, her wand ready. A long time had passed and Seamus was starting to get bored. He was plainly ignored Beth and it stung but she'd brought it on herself. Maggie shifted from foot to foot, looking a bit anxious. "Come on. Let's go check on the others." Maggie whispered. But just as she spoke, pain erupted inside Beth's chest and she fell to her knees, gasping as she bent forward. A wailing sound ripped from her lips and she knew something bad had happened. The pain she felt was from her twin. What had happened? She was desperate to reach him and she grew aware of Seamus yelling at her, sounding panicked. Her friend's hands were on her shoulders and Maggie was on her knees in front of her, gripping her face. "Beth! Beth, what happened?" Seamus was asking and then a wave of anger and fear fell over her.

"Harry." Beth gasped and shot to her feet, startling her friends. She took off in a sprint, headed for the Astronomy Tower. She heard her friends racing after her but she didn't care. Her main focus was to get to her twin, who's raw pain and anger almost made her knees give out. She turned a corner and was met with the other DA members, who looked confused. "Where's Harry-" She began but then the door of the RoR burst open and darkness fell upon the hall. She heard the other's casting their lumos spells but they weren't working. Beth was blind, feeling everything her brother felt, and unable to reach him. She felt her own anger surged and she raised her wand. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" She shouted and her doe erupted from her wand, prancing around the dark area.

The hall was illuminated and she saw the cloaks of the death eaters as they swept past them. Once they realized they were no longer blind, the DA members began to cast their spells and the fight began. Beth had never actually dueled anyone and she knew that the cloaked figures knew spells she could only imagine. Then her eyes landed on that black haired woman, the one who killed her godfather, the one who rubbed it into their faces. Bellatrix Lestrange. Her fury exploded and she practically launched herself at the woman. "Stupify!" She cried, sending Bellatrix off her feet as her spell hit her full on the chest. Too bad there was no veil to pull her away. The woman let out a loud shriek of anger and a yellow light robbed the girl of her senses. She stumbled back, desperately trying to know where Bellatrix was. Beth grew aware to Hermione's voice and her senses were returned to her.

The teens were joined by members of the Order of the Phoenix, trained aurors. The death eaters managed to push the group back towards the Astronomy Tower and there, they created a barricade. Bellatrix let out a gleeful cry and waved at Beth, taunting her. Enraged, Beth attempted to follow them up but was thrown back into Ron and Hermione, who fell back in surprise. A few of the death eaters stayed behind to fight and one glance told Beth that Greyback was amongst them. Shudders rippled up her spine as she remembered the story Lupin had told her. Snape appeared in her line of sight and she watched as he walked through the barricade with ease, disappearing up the staircase. Beth's moment of distraction costed her as a spell hit her in the back. She was slammed into the wall, her oxygen cut off. She clawed at her throat, desperation pooling in her mind. The world began to grow faint. Levicorpus! She shrieked mentally.

Her attacker was lifted into the air by his ankle and she collapsed against the ground, inhaling air by the gulps. As the death eater's cloak fell away, she was shocked to see the Drumstrang boy she'd dated; Xander. His face lacked emotion and his lips were curled into a sneer. Her chest felt cold and she hesitated, her hand dropping slightly. He met her gaze and recognition flickered in them but before he could speak, she sent him flying back with a wide sweep of her wand. "Expelliarmus!" Someone shouted, catching her off guard.

Beth's wand was ripped from her grasp and she scrambled after it, searching the grounds. When she glanced back up, she spotted Draco following Snape away from the school. Her stomach sank to her feet and Harry appeared from the flashing lights, his eyes wild with grief. He was pale and shaken up. In her desperation to reach her brother, she didn't notice the Dark Mark hanging in the sky like dark omen. But the one she loved was closer to her so she screamed his name; he didn't react. Draco only turned as her hand clamped down on his shoulder, practically forcing him to spin around. Her emotions were a jumbled mess of hers and Harry's. "Don't leave me, not like this." She whispered, staring up at him. She was on the verge of tears and she knew how vulnerable she appeared.

Draco looked panicked, opening his mouth to speak. But Bellatrix emitted a high-pitched laugh, her eyes wide with glee. "Filth! Trash!" she shrieked, raising her wand in Beth's direction. But Draco stepped forward, meeting his aunt's eyes. His back turned to Beth so she couldn't see his expression but Bellatrix slowly lowered her wand, a sinister smile on her face. She dipped into a mocking bow before she stepped back, her eyes on Beth.

At Draco's actions, Beth felt confusion sweep over her. What was going on? Draco slowly turned around. Her eyes sought the one she'd found happiness in but as she met his grey eyes, she flinched back. They were full of hatred. His face was a cold, blank mask. The warmth in his features were gone and in his place, she could see the boy who was a death eater. "I never loved you." He whispered, his eyes full of promise. "You were a game, you see. Could I take Beth's virginity? Zabini didn't think I could but I proved him wrong. Everyone thought it would be difficult seeing how stuck up you are but I just kissed you once and you spread your legs like whore." His words were toxic and Beth felt her blood run cold. No. "You made it so easy, Elizabeth. I almost feel sorry for you. You were so blinded, so willing. It was so easy to turn you against your friends." His tone was mocking and heartless. "You never meant a single thing to me and you never will. Oh, thanks for the lucky potion. It helped me fix the cabinet. I guess, you could say, you also are to thank for what happened tonight. You meant nothing."

Beth's heart snapped, the world seeming to cave in around her, and she felt the hot burn of unshed tears. Her breathing became staggered and she felt as if he'd just hit her in the stomach. No air. She'd known about the bet and the game but hearing him say it so cruelly, so heartlessly, it made her blood run cold. Draco's wand flicked once as he muttered under his breath and Beth was lifted off her feet before being thrown back, landing on the ground with a thud. "Stupid Potter." She heard Draco hiss at her and she closed her eyes, her mind swamped with denial. No. He was not evil. He couldn't be. He hadn't used her. He loves me.

The Potter heard the faint sounds of footsteps that were fading and she knew he had left; he'd gone to join his fellow death eaters. She felt as if time had stopped and she wished that none of this had happened. She felt arms pulling her up and opened her eyes, staring at her twin brother. She could feel his hatred and pain and knew that for once, their thoughts were in sync.

But all Beth could about was Draco's words to her. Was it true? Had Draco never loved her? Had it all been an act? She'd been a tool to him, something to help him accomplish a bigger task. How blind had she been to not see it? She loved Draco, even if he didn't love her. And every word, every fight, it had meant nothing to him."Come on!" Her twin mumbled urgently, pulling his twin along after him.

That was when Beth saw the Dark Mark, hanging in the sky. Who had died? She ran after Harry, feeling his growing pain. Why was he hurt? They ran back to the school, towards the large group of students who had massed together. The twins pushed through the crowd of gathered students, desperate to reach the middle. There in the center of the bodies, laid Dumbledore. His blue eyes were open and unseeing. He looked peaceful in death. Beth felt her own hope take a hit, breaking free of the group. Her brother was already at Dumbledore's side, kneeling. Beth fell to her knees beside him, wishing that this was all some horrid dream. But it wasn't and their leader was fallen. Harry's pain was evident on his face, his eyes haunted. Beth's agony was amplified as her brother's grief washed over her and she sensed a hint of guilt. His hands reached out, trembling, and he closed the headmaster's eyes so he looked as if he were sleeping. Beth felt jealous of death; she wished she were asleep instead of having to deal with the constant danger. But who would protect Hogwarts now? Slowly, one by one, the crowd raised their wands for the loss of their headmaster. A sea of stars, shining to remember the loss of a fellow star.

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