Meeting the one

By Kthomas325

3.3K 83 2

A young woman finds herself changing her home and a group of friend to ad a bunch of new co-workers. what wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Untitled Part 5
want more?

Chapter 4

226 15 0
By Kthomas325

She spent the next few hours unpacking her things from her office that she had deemed completely necessary to be in her office at the new base. She was on her second to the last box when a slight knock on the door had her poke her head over a stack of boxes.

"Can I help you?", she asked as she didn't recognize the person standing there.

"I don't think so Princess.", He said. He seemed calm and collected, but something about him sent shivers down her spine. He took a step into the office, and she slid the box cutter open two more slots, quietly as she stayed behind the boxes. The floor was, and she knew that no one could come if she called out. The tingle on her spine and now the energy running through her veins took over.

"Then you should leave.", she said.

"I can't do that.", He stated as he took one step further into the office. She still had five boxes guarding her and in between him and her.

"Leave.", she said rather forcefully.

"So cute when scared. I knew this would be perfect.", he stated.

"Who the hell are you?", she asked.

"No one important, Princess.", He stated again taking one step further into the room. She looked at his hands and saw they were dry and cracked. His arms were well built as well. He had to be one of the movers as he was not one of the team members. She wondered what the hell was going on. He moved lighting fast as he rounded the boxes but he gave her just enough time to grab her id set and bolt around the other side of boxes. She felt his hand swipe the back of her shirt and knew he had been that close. She didn't know the building like the back of her hand yet, but she did know how to get around, at least to what she deemed certain safety. She bolted down the hallway only stopping to grab the heavy staircase doors to hear him swear and follow her. She was only down one flight of stairs when she heard him enter the stairwell. He was taking the stairs three or four at a time. Thinking the stairs was not the best idea she upped her pace. Trying to figure out which floor to get off of where there might be people, anyone who could help her she didn't want to use force but she would if need be. When that thought ran through her head, he grabbed her hair and pulled her back. She stopped as she was slammed into the wall nearly face first.

"Bitch, now you're going to pay for running from me.", He growled. She was disoriented but still able to think for the moment. She felt the tension in his arm start again as he slammed her again into the wall. She twisted and groaned again as she felt the wind get knocked out of her. She realized she still had the box cutter in her hand but one more blow into the wall she would be knocked out. As she felt the wind up again, she twisted and plunged the cutter into his side missing any vital organs but enough for him to let her go and grab his side. He stumbled backward and then she felt the slam of his fist above her eye. She kicked him in the chest and began her descent down the stairs once more but not at a fast pace. She could feel the place above her eye swell and then she heard him start to follow her again.

She reached the back of the first floor where two secured doors and she was never so happy. She scanned her card and pulled open the doors as she heard the stairwell door open behind her. She pulled the door shut behind her and then collapsed against the secured door. She was vaguely aware of people running toward her, but for her, it was too late to do anything, darkness took over.

She was barely awake when she heard the conversations going on around her. "What the hell happened?", she heard Nobunaga say.

"Why aren't the camera's on the third floor working?", she heard Mitsunari ask.

"The ones in the stairwell work and that was a hell of a fight. That girl has moves", she heard Masamune state.

"Light.", she mumbled.

"She is speaking.",Bettison stated.

"What is it Kit?", Sanchez asked closely.

"Light.", she repeated.

"What?", Sanchez asked.

"Turn off the light.", she said.

"Guys get the light.", Ieyasu said. "She may have a concussion."

"I do.", She stated. She knew that already. She felt it as the pounding in her head was growing. She started to sit up when she felt hands on her shoulders holding her down.

"Not so fast Mouse.", she heard Mitsuhide softly speak to her as he pressed her back into her spot.

"Have to get up.", she said.

"Not right now mouse.", He continued. The light was shut off, and her eyes started to flutter open. It was still too loud in the office she seemed to be in. She looked around but then as the blurry double vision made her shut her eyes.

"It's too loud.", she said.

"Guys let's give her some peace.", Masamune said as he started to usher everyone out. "We can figure everything out and then she can fill in the details later."

"Shouldn't we get another Doctor to look her over?", she heard Mitsunari say.

"Between herself and Ieyasu, I think she is covered.", Nobunaga stated.

The room got quiet, and she thought she was alone for a second as she sighed deeply. She then heard and felt a slight movement next to her, she took in a deep breath and held it.

"It's okay Mouse. It's just me.", Mitsuhide said softly.

"Good.", she said. "Can't see too well."

"What happened?", he asked.

"A guy. He looked like a mover. He cornered me in my office, so I ran. I took the stairs in the back of the building. On the stairs, he grabbed my hair and slammed me into the wall. A few times I think.", she started.

"Three times and he punched you as well.", he stated. "We have that on camera."

"Okay. I stabbed him with the box cutter I had in my hand.", she said.

"We have that too on film.", he said softly. " it was an impressive move on your part."

"Then it gets fuzzy. I know I went down the stairs, and there was a door.", she said searching in her mind.

"Yeah, the back door for our section. We heard the door open and then slam shut. We all were in our offices at that time. We got out just in time to see you collapse."

"I don't remember much else. Who was he?", she asked.

"We were hoping you knew.", he said. "He wasn't one of the movers, and he didn't belong to any team. We hoped you knew who he was and how he got to the third floor of a secured building without anyone seeing him or him being caught on tape."

"Never seen him before.", she said.

"Did he say anything to you?", he asked. "Anything that was odd."

"The whole thing was odd. He seemed intent on me though. I can't say more on it, but I had that feeling immediately he was focused on me.", She said. Her head was pounding at that point that the sound of her own voice was painful.

"Rest Mouse. I am going to tell the others. If you move I will tie you up to the couch.", He said as he rose gently not to jostle her any more than necessary. Somehow she knew the words were not empty and he would if she moved. She tried to get comfortable, but everything hurt. She must have drifted off to sleep for a second when she felt him moving her shoulder. "No sleep for you."

"Huh?", she asked still dazed.

"No sleep, Mouse. Come on we need to have your head looked at. I'm taking you to the hospital. The swelling isn't going down, and I need to make sure you're okay. The last thing we all want is you to have a brain bleed or something.", Mitsuhide pulled her to her feet to which she started to sway side to side. "Well, I guess you leave me no choice."

"Wha—," she started as she was lifted into the air now being pressed into his chest with his arms wrapped securely around her.

"You can't walk.", he said.

"I didn't even try too.", She said as he started out of the room. She felt the light from the hallway seep through her tightly shut eyes.

"Take my sunglasses they are on my head.", He said feeling her tension. She reached up and started feeling for them. After she found them and placed them on her eyes, she felt a tiny bit of relief.

"You have soft hair.", she stated.

"Really?", he asked.

"What?", she asked.

"Your head really must have been hit hard.", he said as he started to chuckle.

"Why is that?", she asked.

"My hair is soft?", he asked.

"Yes. It is.", she said smiling.

"Well, it made you smile at least.", he said as he jiggled her around for a second and she had to assume they were at his car. "Let's hope we aren't there too long."

"I hate hospitals.", she stated.

"You ARE a doctor.", he replied.

"Doesn't mean I can't hate hospitals. So many germs.", she said.

"Why did you become a doctor if you act like that around germs?", he asked.

"Pathologist.", she said pointing to herself.

"Well, that makes sense.", He said as he put her down and shut the door. The drive over was rather quick, and she was taken back quickly.

"How did this happen?", the doctor asked Mitsuhide with a hint of accusation.

"I was attacked at work.", she replied.

"Do you know who did this?", the doctor asked now looking at him.

"They have them in custody on base where it happened.", She replied. She had heard that on her way out. "I just need a cat scan. I already know I have a second-degree concussion."

"And are you the doctor here?", the doctor replied.

"Actually I am a doctor.", she said.

"Oh.", the doctor replied.

"Yeah.", she said.

"Alright let's get you scanned.", he said as he walked out of the room.

"Did he accuse you of doing this to me?", she asked.

"I think it was implied.", he answered.

"Asshat.", she said under her breath.

"I agree, Mouse.", he said.

"How did you get roped into being the one who brought me?", she asked.

"No roping involved. I didn't give anyone else a chance.", he said softly.

"Hmmm.", She said as she stood for them to wheel her away. The tech who wheeled her away whistled to themselves. "Your husband?"

"Hmmm?", she asked, but the tech took it as her answer.

"You did good there hun.", she said as they helped her on to the machine.

"Lay still.", The tech said, and she heard the machine startup and the sound pounding in her head. It was almost unbearable by the end. She was almost in tears when she got back to the room.

"What?", he asked as he saw the pain.

"The sound. It hurts.", She said. The doctor walked in with the results.

"No brain bleed or major bruises. You need two weeks of no work and rest in a quiet, dark place.", the doctor stated.

"Okay doc.," he said as he took the papers and shoved them in his pocket.

"She shouldn't be left alone for the next three days as well. If the pain continues past then, she should be seen again. Everything points to a bad concussion however it could be masked by the swelling. She can take a normal pain reliever, and she should rest, she is cleared to sleep if she needs to.", the doctor continued. "Who will be taking care of her?"

"Me.", He said as he stood right next to her. She placed her hand on his arm right before he swooped in again and lifted her.

"Mitsuhide why are you doing this?", she asked.

"A few days off. Sounds good to me.", he said, and she could hear the smile in his voice. "Not often someone relies on me."

"A test then?", she asked.

"No test Mouse.", he said as he touched her face.

"Can I sleep now?", she asked.

"Wait till we get home then you can lay down.", he said.

"Okay.", she said. "My house or yours?"

"Mine. Looks like your stuck with me for a few days Mouse.", he stated. "You don't even have a bed. You can have mine, and I'll sleep in the other room."

"You sure?", she asked.

"It would be my pleasure to host a beautiful woman in my bed.", He stated. She could hear the tone of his voice and knew he meant every word. She wondered to herself if she would survive the next few days with his kindness or if she would be smothered instead.

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