Blank Face (Ticci Toby x Read...

By SarahMKJ

133K 3.4K 2.4K

My emotions are trapped inside of me. I try to express them freely. I've tried for years, but I always fail... More

Ch.1 Borders
Ch3. "Home"
Ch.4 Run
Ch.5 Escape
Ch.6 Secrets from the Shadows
Ch.7 No going back
Ch.8 Why
Ch.9 Moment of Freedom
Ch.10 Horror in Dreams
Ch.11 Existence
Ch.12 Confession
Ch.13 Who I Am
Ch.14 Going Back
Ch.15 Faceing Death
Ch.16 Nightmares and Waffles
Ch.17 Hardest of Goodbyes
Ch.18 Choices
-Another note-

Ch.2 Moving on

10.9K 276 78
By SarahMKJ

-Your pov

Day 2. It's been a month since I've left the hospital and two weeks since I've stayed at this house. The goal is the same like the last time I was here: Move on and express myself freely.The physiatrists insist on having me watch videos on YouTube when I'm not writing. They say that my feelings seem more visible when I experience something strong enough to trigger an emotion. Mrs. Neeson wants me to experience more positive emotions. She always shows me funny, cute, and heartwarming videos or pictures hoping that she'll get a reaction out of me. I try and she knows it, but nothing happens. The other doctor however. She is more harsh. She thinks that showing me disturbing and scary images and videos will work better. In reality, I find myself remembering that awful night. Yes I am scared of it, but not enough.

I finished writing and looked out my window towards the forest. They don't believe me. The doctors think that I was just in shock. The only people that would believe me are dead.

Day 4. My dad came to visit me. He says that my mom will be coming home soon. It's been years since I last saw her. He said that my eyes have changed a little. There is a little more life in them. Not much, but some. Almost like a sliver. Maybe when I leave this weekend, it will be my last visit here. The only thing I regret is not getting life back in me while my friends where still around.

I finished writing and got ready for bed just to hear Mrs. Neeson and the other doctor downstairs fighting.

"Y/n lost her emotions, her friends! She is bullied in school! The last thing she needs is to be scared into feeling!" Mrs. Neeson yelled. I rolled over in my bed and tried to block it out.

"It is working Neeson! She is starting to get emotions in her eyes! Couldn't you see it in her eyes?! It is working." The other doctor replied. It was quiet for a second.

"Only fear. This is not right. It is only feeding her nightmares. It will drive her insane. Y/n is just a sixteen year old girl." Mrs. Neeson said as the sound of their steps approached my door. I quickly closed my eyes before the door slowly opened.

"Look at her face. She never asked for this hell. Why should we add more to it?" Neeson asked before I felt her move my hair to the side.

"She needs the right kind of help. If we don't do this right, then she won't be able to move on from the nightmares she's encountered." Mrs. Neeson finished as I hear them leave my room. I could only hope that her argument with the other doctor would stop all of the creepy videos and pictures. They are the stuff of my nightmares.

Day 6. I leave tomorrow morning. I finally get to go home. It doesn't matter to me that I still can't fully express my feelings. I just want out. I need to so that I can move on and escape all of those disturbing images the doctor insists on showing me.

I finished writing and started packing my bag. The sooner I'm ready, the better. All that was left was my pictures which were in Mrs. Neeson's office. I made my way towards the office rooms but stopped when I heard the two physiatrists talking in the living room.

"We can't hide this from her. She's expecting him to come and get her tomorrow. She'll get worried when he doesn't arrive." Neeson's voice said. The other doctor scoffed.

"How do you know what she'll feel? For all I know, she might not care that they've forgotten her." The other replied. I wanted to walk away and just get my pictures, but I had to know more.

"I know because I know her. I take time to know her. She doesn't want to be here forever." Neeson finished.

"Tell her father that." The other doctor replied. I wasn't sure weather or not to believe them. My dad would never forget about me. Right?

"Her father hasn't answered her calls or mine. He won't even send an email or a text. Where will she go if not home?" Neeson said between breaths. She started crying a little. I wanted to appear from the corner and comfort her, but I also wanted to prove them wrong. To prove that my father wouldn't leave me behind. Although, it is probably best that I keep my distance and just get my pictures. Eavesdropping isn't something people should get caught doing.

My mind was so clouded. My parents wouldn't move on and leave me behind. I paced back and forth in my room trying to think of another explanation. The only thing in my mind was that I needed to see for myself. I minus well leave tonight since I'm already packed. I did a blank sigh and grabbed a piece of paper. I wrote a quick letter and left it on the bed before grabbing my bag and climbing out of the window. I ran straight towards my home to see two cars. My mom was finally home. The lights were on. They were inside. My hopes rose for a moment as I ran up the steps but then my spirits sunk when I looked into the window. The doctors were right. They forgot about me. My things were packed into a bunch of boxes in the garage. The only sign of my existence in the house were pictures. I looked at my mother as she stood up from her chair to look at my dad. Her smile used to be so comforting. They moved on. I guess I should too. There's no point in stepping through that door. I'll have to find a home somewhere else. As I walked down the quiet streets, I thought about that figure as well as my friends. I could have moved in with them if they were still alive. That thing ruined my life as well as my friends. If I had a chance to bring them back or beat the shit out of their killer I would. But I knew that I couldn't, and that truth hurt.

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