Tawdry Little Affair {boyxboy}

By FKNichols17

271K 16K 1.1K

It was gentle at first, tender little pecks, before Fionn embedded his fingers into Dante's hair. The vampire... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Three

7.6K 452 67
By FKNichols17

Fionn had spent the majority of the day reading through Dante's email, making little notes, and adding questions to a new document. He hadn't been sure whether to call Dante or email him back, in the end, he chose the latter, he didn't have time to have a three-hour long conversation with Dante that day. He had to hunt with his pack.

By the next morning, though, a reply from the vampire was awaiting him. It had been sent at 3:47 am, did Dante not sleep? Fionn made a mug of coffee before sitting down at his desk and clicking on the email. It didn't look all too long.

Dear Fionn,

I had been expecting a call from you earlier today but I assume you would prefer my answers written down either so you don't forget or so you may refer back to them at a later notice. I had, however, not expected such a myriad of questions, I thought what I had put into the document would have been enough for you. Nevertheless, I will answer each to the best of my ability. Enjoy.

More detail on finding the hunter camp - location, how many hunters, how many prisoners, etc.

The camp was around 30 miles north of my estate, I found it by tracking the scent of one of my progenies. There were 11 hunters there in total and only my 3 vampires and Eloise.

What caused Eloise's injuries? Specific detail for each one.

Broken arm: Spiral fracture, therefore, I assumed when the hunters took her they twisted her arm behind her back at some point.

Head injury (and probably a concussion): I imagine she was hit with something, knocked out when the hunters took her.

Multiple lacerations to body, electrocution marks, contusions, etc: Fucking torture.

These are all theory, I wasn't there and when I healed her I didn't ask the poor child. My progenies had been kept apart from her but received almost identical injuries, they had been tortured, no doubt Elois was too.

She was injured when you found her, how did you restrain yourself from draining her?

I am very old, Fionn, I have more self-control than you give me credit for.

How did you manage to bring back 3 injured vampires and an injured wolf cub to your estate by yourself?

I called my son once the hunters were dead, he brought more of my coven members to collect the injured progenies, I took Eloise before they got there.

How did you kill all the hunters in the camp by yourself?

Again, I am very old, Fionn, I have learnt many fighting techniques over my years.

Eloise said she met no other vampires in your estate, where were the injured ones from the hunter camp? Did you not treat them?

They were taken back to their homes and treated by others in my coven. I chose to stay with Eloise.

Treatment of 'Dante' is not specific, how did you treat her? What medicines were used?

Just take my word for it, 'Dante' is enough and is apt.

How did you calm Eloise when she awoke? Surely she would have been in distress from being kidnapped, waking up in with a vampire looking over her would have only added to this.

Kastor was the first to see her when she awoke, he didn't leave her side after I had treated her. He calmed her, I didn't bother to ask how, she trusted him and therefore learnt quickly to trust me also.

Why did you allow your son to form such a 'bond' with Eloise? She is a child, he isn't. Side note: How old is Kastor - vampire and physical if you will?

I trust my son, Eloise was comfortable around him, I allowed it. He did nothing wrong, merely saw her as a sibling.

SN: Though it's not really my place to say and not really your business to know, Kastor is 22 in his physicality and 2597 in human years - his birthday is also in the coming months if you yearn to know so much about my child.

Why did you have food in your house? You don't eat. Side note: Vegetables provide nutrients, cake does not.

Kastor has a human girlfriend, we keep food in the house for her. Sometimes I have humans over for business purposes and we have to seem normal.

SN: Understood.

Why didn't you contact me when you found her simply to tell me she was OK and you were treating her?

Like I mentioned earlier, you would have heard 'I have Eloise' and not listened to anything else after that. It was safer for us all to wait.

I still don't understand why you saved her. She's a wolf, you're a vampire. We're supposed to be natural enemies.

If you have yet to understand my explanations by this point I doubt you will ever. I saved her, she's fine, you owe me nothing, just keep that in mind rather than dwelling on the reasoning why.

I hope I could be of help through this.


Dante Isamar.

Fionn sighed, reading over the email twice more until the information was seared into his mind. Dante had answered the majority of the questions, yes, but ambiguity oozed from his words and clouded over any actual truths. He had clearly crafted the email that way, forcing Fionn to either press on to learn what he wanted or to simply give up and be satisfied with the details he was provided with.

Drinking the last dregs of his coffee, Fionn set the mug aside and typed out a brief email to Dante essentially outlining a final thank you. He had opted to just work with what little the vampire had given him in answering his questions rather than continue to pester. Dante was stubborn, if he hadn't told the whole truth yet Fionn doubted he ever would anytime soon.

Once the email was sent, Fionn rose to his feet and picked up his coffee mug. He walked into the kitchen, covering his mouth as he yawned. The caffeine had done little to hold back the fatigue threatening to drown Fionn's mind, he was so tired, though he didn't know why.

He couldn't remember the dream he had had the previous night but knew it was out of the ordinary. It had woken him earlier than usual and he was no fan of that. Rinsing the mug and placing it back into the coffee machine, Fionn opened his fridge in search of something to make for breakfast.

"Are you wearing my socks?" Fionn didn't even flinch at the voice, having heard his mom get up half an hour ago. He glanced down and wiggled his toes that were clad in pink fluffy fabric, a small smile on his lips.

"Apparently so, they're very warm. Coffee?"

"Tea, herbal if you're willing to make it, sweetheart," Fionn nodded, flicking the switch on the kettle.

"Sleep well?" Fionn asked, finally deciding on an omelette for breakfast, "omelette?"

"Yes, and yes, sweetheart," Fionn heard his mom sit at the dining table, knowing full well she was watching him cook. She had taught him centuries ago but never forgot the time he set a toaster on fire, he doubted he would live that down.

"Is dad awake?"

"Yes, he's reading the paper as usual. I don't know why he bothers, the news is terribly morbid nowadays," Fionn chuckled, pouring some boiling water into another mug and stirring in his mom's herbal tea whilst he cracked eggs with his other hand.

"Should I bother taking him a coffee up or wait until he comes down?"

"He was over halfway through when I came down, he shouldn't be too long," Fionn placed the mug in front of his mother, "thank you, sweetheart," she smiled, taking a sip whilst Fionn returned to the omelettes, "what are you doing today?"

"Answering some emails, going to meet a client around 4, why?" Fionn glanced toward his mother as he chopped the vegetables.

"I was wondering if you had time to go pick up a painting for me this morning. I would go but with your dad's leg-"

"It's fine, mom, I'll go after breakfast," Fionn knew his dad, despite still being filled with man pride, wouldn't be able to make long journeys yet. He had been hurt in a recent hunt and was still healing.

"Are you sure, sweetheart? If you don't have the time I can look into getting it delivered," Fionn shook his head, plating up the two omelettes.

"It won't take long, mom, I don't mind," Fionn put an omelette in front of his mom and one in the place next to her. He then busied himself making two coffees and a bowl of cereal. Just as he set them down on the table his dad limped into the room.

"Morning," he pressed a kiss to Fionn's mom's head and sat next to her, "waited upon hand and foot, I could get used to this," Fionn chuckled and the three fell into uninteresting conversation for the duration of breakfast. After arguing with his dad over who would wash the dishes, and losing, Fionn went to his room to get dressed. He collected his phone, keys and wallet, slipping them into his jean pocket and putting on some old, worn out boots.

"Here, it's under my name," Fionn glanced at the piece of paper and small stack of cash in his mom's hand, only lifting one.

"I'll treat you," Fionn smiled as his mom frowned.

"No, Fi, it's expensive, you already pay for everything else around here," Fionn shook his head, "Al, tell your son to take the money," she called over her shoulder.

"Marva, if he isn't going to take it then it won't matter what I say. He has your genetics, remember? Stubbornness runs in your family," Fionn flashed a more triumphant smile, pocketing the paper.

"I'll be back in about an hour."

The drive to the art gallery wasn't too long, though Fionn did get caught in a little work traffic. He parked outside the front of the building and walked inside. There was a reception desk with a skittish looking teenager who stood the second Fionn had entered.

"I'm here to pick up a painting, it's under the name Marva Harlow," Fionn rested one arm on the desk, noting how nervous the boy looked and trying to dampen his clearly scary nature.

"Um, do you know the name of the painting?" the boy asked quietly, glancing from the computer to Fionn then to his hands when he made eye contact with the wolf.

"No, sorry, I have this though, if it helps," Fionn passed the boy the piece of paper, which only seemed to add to his bemusement.

"I-I'm sorry, it's my first day, I don't even know what this number is," the boy laughed nervously, "do you mind if I go get my manager? She can probably help more."

"Of course, it's fine, I don't mind waiting," Fionn sat in one of the chairs near the desk whilst the boy scurried away. He glanced at the few paintings in the reception but saw nothing that seemed especially eye-catching to him.

"Hi, my name is Whit, I'm the manager here," Fionn stood as a red-headed woman approached him wearing a sickly sweet smile and holding out her hand, "Harper said you were needing some help finding a painting," Fionn shook the woman's hand, nodding gently.

"Yeah, I'm picking it up for my mom, it's under Marva Harlow but she didn't tell me anything else. Well, other than that number on the paper I gave the guy at the desk," Fionn felt a little unnerved by the woman staring at him and cleared his throat gently, snapping her out of whatever trance she had gone into.

"Oh, I'm sorry, your eyes. They're beautiful," ah, so she had noticed, unlike Harper.

"Yeah, runs in my family, anyway-"

"Fionn?" a familiar voice interrupted Fionn from behind and he instantly spun on his heel. He almost didn't recognise the man. His red cinnabar eyes were a deep blue and his fangs weren't present in his soft smile. But, of course, Fionn only knew one vampire that wore such expensive and well-tailored suits.

Dante Isamar. 

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